The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1637 Grand invitation from the opponent

Chapter 1637 Grand invitation from the opponent

For the first time, Jiuding, who was originally extremely proud, felt sad and frustrated, is he not good enough?Is it really not possible... He was walking on the street, looking very embarrassed like a dog.

As Jiuding walked, he kept recalling all the fragments of his research on "Magic Crystal Pill" these days, and tried to analyze the reasons for his failure. He really didn't understand. Originally, these pill testers have been performing well for a month. They all seemed normal, why did they suddenly go crazy one after another after a month?

"Is there any key problem with this pill that I haven't discovered yet..."

Jiuding thought hard, and recalled in his mind that when he was researching the semi-finished "Magic Crystal Pill", he used monsters to test the pill, and the violent medicinal power of the magic crystal pill made the third-level monster giant toothed pig go crazy.

Originally, Jiuding made several improvements to this semi-finished "Magic Crystal Pill", thinking that the side effects had been reduced to a controllable level, but now it seems that this is completely a false appearance, the side effects of this kind of pill have always existed, he It's just that this side effect was delayed for more than a month before it broke out.

what to do?how to solve this problem?

The Dongfang family is in a mess now, and Jiu Ding doesn't know how to solve this mess. He thought about it, but finally thought of his uncle, so he murmured: "Uncle, I hope you can help me This time, otherwise, my nephew would really be notorious in West Desert."

Jiu Ding is a person who attaches great importance to fame and wealth. If things are really so bad in the end and become an unmanageable situation, he can't even imagine whether he can withstand the mental pressure.

Reporting the idea of ​​using a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Jiuding had no choice but to go to Wushuang City to seek help from the residence of his uncle, the alchemy king Yu Decheng.

When he came to Yu Decheng's residence, when Jiuding told his uncle the whole process of his research on "Magic Crystal Pill", Yu Decheng, the old alchemy king, immediately cursed: "Bastard! This guy is too eager for quick success. The more hidden dangers need to be dealt with more carefully? Which kind of Danfang innovation in the history of our Dandingmen didn't go through trial and error before it was taken by people,"

"But... Uncle, now that a big mistake has been made, the key is how to find a way to remedy it... What should I do now, so that I can rescue those crazy pill testers from the Dongfang family again."

Jiu Ding looked very distressed. If this problem is not resolved, it will become a heart problem for him.

"Well, come with me to the Loose Cultivation Alliance...Uncle, I am affiliated with the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and I have a separate research room where I can continue my research."

Yu Decheng said with a sigh at this time.

"Thank you uncle." Jiuding cupped his hands, this time he was really grateful.

The old alchemy king Yu Decheng thought of something at this time, patted his head and said: "Oh, yes, before going to my research room. You also invite another person to join our research this time."

"There is one more person to invite, who, is it stronger than us?"

Jiuding was puzzled.

"It's the young Dan King who won you in the Pill King Conference, Qin Lang."

Yu Decheng looked at Jiudingdao.

Goatee-bearded Jiuding pulled his beard, a little unhappy: "Ah... invite that kid, why don't you go? I think it's enough for the two of you and me to study together! Besides, that kid may not be better than you. We are strong!"

"Why, why don't you go? If you don't go, you can solve this problem by yourself." Yu Decheng looked at Jiuding and said lightly: "Speaking of which, that kid's talent in innovation and calculation combination in Danfang is unmatched. Jiuding, you are much worse than him in this point, although you deny it, this is the fact... So whether we can solve this trouble this time, you really have to rely on that kid."

"Ah..." Jiuding pulled his beard in distress, what is the point of this, that kid robbed him of this year's alchemy king, and now his uncle asked him to invite others, it was too embarrassing.

However, if you don't ask that kid, it seems that the "Magic Crystal Pill" incident that you caused this time will not end well in the end.

Alas, there is no other way, it seems that I can only bite the bullet and try, doing what I don't want to do... This is really a painful thing.

At this moment, Goatee Jiuding wished to knock himself out with a punch, so he didn't have to think about it anymore.


When Qin Lang was studying the alchemy experience notes given to him by the old alchemy king Yu Decheng in the room, the door of the room knocked three times, and the voice of the servant Shi Dakai appeared: "Master, there is a visitor !"

"Who is it?" Qin Lang asked.

"It's Senior Yu Decheng."

"Senior Yu Decheng? Hey, please invite him in."

"Uh, there's another guy next to him who wants to see the master, so... I'm not sure if the master will meet or not."

"Oh? Who is it?" Qin Lang was curious.

Shi Dakai replied: "Number 2 of the Alchemy King Conference, Alchemy Master Jiuding."

"That guy is missing. If Senior Yu Decheng wants to see him, please invite him in." Qin Lang is also a person with personality, and he made his own decision.

After a while, Yu Decheng entered Qin Lang's room under the introduction of Qin Lang's servant Shi Dakai.

"The shabby room is small, senior, please don't worry about it!" Qin Lang said with a smile to Yu Deshi, and then turned his head: "The old senior is also a good tea person, so hurry up and make a pot of good tea, don't neglect the guests."

"Okay, master."

Shi Dakai left in a hurry, and brought up a pot of tea after a while, Qin Lang said: "This is beast tea, I just got some from a caravan that came from afar, it is a specialty of the Southern Region, unexpected Ximo also has a chance to meet this kind of tea. You are used to drinking the beast blood tea from Ximo, and if you drink this kind of beast tea, even though it is all spiritual tea, it will feel really different."

"Oh." Yu Decheng suppressed what he wanted to say, first took a sip curiously, and then closed his eyes to reflect on the taste: "It's so fragrant, fragrant and clear, clear and sweet, like mountain spring water flowing through the throat... compared to animal blood tea , it really has a different flavor. Really good tea!"

"Hehe!" Qin Lang's favorite is like-minded people who love tea, and he laughed happily when he heard Yu Decheng's deep praise.

However, this time, Yu Decheng didn't have the heart to drink tea. He put the tea gu on the table and cut straight to the point: "This time, I'm here to ask you for a favor on behalf of my nephew. I didn't want to come, but this matter But it is related to the reputation of Dandingmen, so this old man has no choice but to come."

"Oh, what should I say?" Qin Lang put down the tea gu and waited for the next text.

"It's like this, my incompetent nephew made a mistake in Wushuang City... He probably wasn't convinced after the alchemy conference, so he has been researching new alchemy formulas for more than a month, and the alchemy formulas are Innovation came out, but it is a problematic prescription..." Yu Decheng told the whole story, and then said: "Little friend, I know that I can't understand my nephew, and he is also a little bit like the Dongfang family. I'm free, but this time I'm right about the matter and wrong about the person... It's the old man asking for your help, and I brought my nephew here, in fact, I also want him to bow his head and admit his mistake to you."

"En!" Qin Lang nodded, and said, "Actually, there is nothing serious between me and your nephew. Since the old man said so, I accept your sincerity. Shi Dakai, you go and get the other guest outside as well." please come in!"

"Okay, master." Shi Dakai obeyed his orders and left.

And Yu Decheng smiled and said: "Thank you, there are not many young people who are as open-minded as Xiaoyou. My nephew should take you as an example."

"Hehe, thank you." Qin Lang laughed.

At this time, Jiuding with a goatee was also brought in by Shi Dakai. This originally proud guy looked very restrained now, facing Qin Lang very embarrassedly, and said in a low voice with some blood vomiting: "I'm sorry, fellow daoist! I admit it My ability is not as good as that of fellow daoist, so this time I made a special trip to apologize and ask fellow daoist to do me a big favor."

"Yeah!" Qin Lang nodded. He had no direct conflict with Jiuding before, so he didn't have any bad feelings. It was just that he couldn't blame this guy's character before.At this time, he turned his head and asked Yu Decheng: "Senior, you asked me to help, how can I help you? Tell me, if I can help you, I will try my best to help you."

Qin Lang is actually a very talkative person. After all, Yu Decheng, a highly respected alchemy senior, still attaches great importance to his begging.I received advice from the other party before and got a book of alchemy notebooks. These were all given to me by Yu Decheng for free. Now it is normal for me to give back to others.

Before, Yu Decheng spoke up and said: "It's like this, my master has researched the Magic Crystal Pill, and as a result, there was a big trouble in the Dongfang family, and now it's not going to end... The magic crystal pill has a lot of ingredients Big problem, which requires us to continue to research and improve, I would like to invite you to join our research this time, and the three of us will work together to complete it. I don’t know how you like it?"

"Well, is it to perfect your problematic prescription? No problem."

Qin Lang nodded, he has super system abilities, and what he is least afraid of is calculating prescriptions. He is better at this than any alchemist, and it can almost be said to be a unique talent.

"That's good! On behalf of my nephew, I would like to express my gratitude! Now I invite you to join us in the Casual Cultivation Alliance. Hehe, I have an independent research room there for research... In addition, regarding this recipe, If the research is successful, the practicability of the Magic Crystal Pill is estimated to trigger a revolution in the cultivation world. This is a very profitable recipe, so we can sign an agreement at that time, and the profit distribution of this pill recipe that is finally put into the market can be written. This agreement..."

Yu Decheng was very thoughtful, and said carefully at this time.

After all, if he wants to win over Qin Lang, he has to show full sincerity, and it is definitely not possible to be false.

(End of this chapter)

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