The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1638 Improved Magic Crystal Pill

Chapter 1638 Improved Magic Crystal Pill


Qin Lang also just heard Yu Decheng talk about the magic crystal pill, he didn't know the specific formula, but now Yu Decheng pointed out the words to this point, which also shows the old man's virtue and doesn't like to take advantage.

Afterwards, Qin Lang cleaned up briefly, and followed Yu Decheng to the location of the Loose Cultivator Alliance in Wushuang City. The Loose Cultivator Alliance in Wushuang City is in the DC area, covering an area of ​​about 3000 acres, with more than [-] casual cultivators.

It is worth mentioning here that the Loose Cultivator Alliance in Qinghe Continent is a purely commercial organization, distributed in various domains, and has its own alliance branch and headquarters. Two different things, the Loose Cultivation Alliance is a completely organized and disciplined group.

Such a business alliance, if ordinary casual cultivators want to join, it is not impossible. In fact, even family and sect monks can join. The casual cultivator alliance welcomes anyone to join, but if you want to join, you need to go through a very strict review , and it also requires people within the alliance to provide guarantees, and the guarantees cannot be less than two, which is commonly known as joint guarantees.

When a monk joins the casual repair alliance, he can enjoy the benefits and benefits provided by the alliance, but he must also abide by the various disciplinary requirements of the alliance, and must complete some quota tasks issued by the alliance every year, usually commercial tasks , after completing any task, you can exchange for contribution points for maintaining your status.

The contribution points of the Wushuang City Loose Cultivation Alliance are the same as those of the families in Wushuang City. They can also be directly exchanged for spirit stones and supplies, and these contribution points are slightly more expensive than spirit stones and supplies. Contribution points are also needed to exchange materials. If a monk's contribution points fail to meet the requirements in the annual review, he may even be cleared by the alliance.

The Casual Cultivator Alliance adopts a management model that is tight on the outside and loose on the inside. Generally speaking, monks only need to complete quota tasks every time to maintain their status, and will not be cleared by the alliance. In normal times, monks can do whatever they want, and the alliance does not interfere at all. Freedom for monks.

And Yu Decheng, the great elder of Dandingmen, is also an alchemist attached to the Loose Cultivation Alliance, so the old man can have an independent research room in the Loose Cultivation Alliance in Wushuang City.

At this time, the three of them had come to the research room inside the Loose Cultivation Alliance. Although the research room was not big, only about [-] square meters, the equipment placed inside was very high-end, with a special ground fire pit and a high-level alchemy furnace , as well as internal and external testers for testing elixir data, etc.

After the three of them entered the research room, Yu Decheng closed the whole research room, and then, Jiuding took out the pill formula of "Magic Crystal Pill" and the data of several previous tests, and provided them to Qin Lang, so that Qin Lang could tell Jiuding I have a specific understanding of the alchemy experiment in the past.

After understanding the previous situation, the three of them started a new round of testing and improvement of the magic crystal formula. The biggest side effect of the magic crystal formula is that there is a violent attribute hidden in the medicine, even if the purification of the medicine is no higher. Even if it is high, this special attribute cannot be changed.

Therefore, the biggest problem facing the three of them now is that if they do not find a way to neutralize this violent attribute, this violent attribute will slowly accumulate in the monk's body. Can't help it, and once this violent attribute erupts, it will make the monk go crazy directly.

"To neutralize this violent attribute, we have to start with the monarch, minister, assistant, and genus of the pill, and then go through a lot of repeated calculations and experiments... The testing equipment in this laboratory of this old man is professionally customized and expensive. , if the improvement of the pill is successful, it can be tested directly through the testing equipment. However, the test of the pill still needs to be cautious, and follow-up tracking and fixed-point testing should be done well, and any problems should be dealt with in time."

Yu Decheng introduced the equipment in the laboratory, and then started their own busy work.

The three showed their strengths, and Qin Lang also began to use his calculation and reasoning ability to process a large amount of data calculation and speed up the theoretical data reasoning process of the experiment, which is also his strength.

And Yu Decheng and Jiuding are responsible for the actual operation process, and put the previous data of Dan Fang and Qin Lang's calculation data into the collation record, and record it in the record. The whole research process ensures that all the data are from the beginning to the end, and there is no deviation.

This also uses the method of filing files. This method is very common in modern times on Earth, and the Cultivation Continent has also begun to take shape. It can be seen that some practical skills encountered in the process of human development are actually universal.

Since Qin Lang joined the research of "Magic Crystal Pill", the whole research process has suddenly been accelerated dozens of times. Qin Lang is assisted by a super system, and the amount of calculations per second reaches more than one billion times. This is the human brain. incomparable.

Therefore, Qin Lang's work progress in a day is almost comparable to the combined work progress of Yu Decheng and Jiuding alchemy masters for more than a year. This is also Qin Lang's unique talent. Unmatched.

Therefore, after being shocked by Qin Lang's amazing calculation and reasoning ability again, the two completely handed over the calculation and reasoning of Dan Fang's data to Qin Lang, and then they just started to record some of Qin Lang's whereabouts and reasoning at any time New data, recording the progress of the entire study.

Of course, the two alchemy masters also have rich experience in alchemy. Qin Lang also benefited a lot from the help and reminder of the two, which not only enriched his knowledge base, but also accelerated the further reasoning process.

After Qin Lang joined the third person in the research room, with the joint efforts of the three... the new formula of Magic Crystal Pill was finally improved.

The new elixir corrected the violent nature of the original elixir, and made the elixir more peaceful, so there was basically no worries about driving the monks crazy.Of course, whether there are any such side effects after the new drug is developed requires a lot of experiments to prove it. After all, what Qin Lang calculates is only a theoretical data, and sometimes the actual result will deviate from the theory. For the alchemist, it is absolutely not allowed to appear.

Afterwards, the "Magic Crystal Pill" was developed again. This newly formulated medicine has now completely turned into green, just like pure emerald. It doesn't look like medicine, but looks like Beautiful work of art.

"The new elixir formula has been improved successfully, and now it's finally ready for testing. Let's start with the monster beast... This time we have at least twenty kinds of monster beasts to test, and the test data of each monster beast after using the elixir We must record in detail, and we must not miss any unusual data!"

Yu Decheng said very cautiously that this old alchemist who is close to the level of a master is much more stable than Jiuding, and he always thinks carefully before acting, so that it is not easy to make mistakes.

In the Dongfang family before, if the person who refined the "Magic Crystal Pill" was not Jiuding, but Yu Decheng, the accidents of those who tried the pill would not have happened at all. After all, there are already clues to the problem of the pill. , but Jiuding, who was greedy for merit, directly ignored these seemingly insignificant small problems in order to end the research earlier and rely on the new alchemy formula to defeat Qin Lang earlier. This caused the inevitable troubles later.

However, sometimes the reality is so cruel, and the development of things is completely inconsistent with what I imagined. It is a complete failure to compete with Qin Lang's previous ability. a way out.

If the matter of Mojing Pill is not able to be resolved well, Jiuding will be ruined in the future, and his face will be lost, which means that he will completely lose his way of life, which he cannot bear.

And not only Jiuding can't bear it, even the sects behind Jiuding will be affected, this is why Yu Decheng has to put down his old face, and come to help his nephew to plead with Qin Lang, a young man, begging Qin Lang cooperation, to provide some technical support in alchemy.

After the new elixir was refined, a new round of testing began. This time, there were [-] kinds of monsters tested, including water arrows and giant toothed pigs that Jiuding had tested, as well as tiger horses and dragon pythons. , Shuangtouxi and other newly added research objects.

When all the more than 20 kinds of experimental subjects were tested and all the experimental data were recorded in detail, Yu Decheng, who grasped the overall idea of ​​alchemy this time, nodded and said: "The test data of the monsters has been completed, now we Finally, we can use this pill for human testing, but before conducting human testing, we may have to find a way to rescue the ten pill testers from the Dongfang family. Use these ten pill testers from the Dongfang family."

"En!" Qin Lang nodded. After repeated calculations, the three people in the research room have now grasped the main reason for the berserk properties of the pills before, and found an effective way to restrain this berserk properties, so now they are also sure Rescue all the pill testers who went crazy from the six Dongfang families, and let these pill testers' minds return to normal again.

In fact, all three of them know that the dust has settled after the improvement of the elixir this time, the side effects of the previous elixir have been perfectly eliminated, what is needed now is a new testing process, trying the elixir... this is also an innovative elixir The researchers should be rigorous, otherwise, this elixir can be put into use.

However, when Jiuding went to the Dongfang family to make a request this time, he encountered a lot of resistance. The members of the Dongfang family did not give Jiuding a chance to come back at all. Harmful pills, after monks take it, those who are not crazy will go crazy, and the crazy will only become more and more crazy.

After all, after one and a half months passed, the ten pill testers who participated in the pill test at the beginning, without exception, all went crazy.

Now the entire Dongfang family has almost become the laughing stock of the entire Wushuang City, almost synonymous with the madhouse. This is also the most depressing thing for the management of the entire Dongfang family.If the ten pill testers died directly, the family management house would not be so depressed, because the family can afford the loss, but now the blow to the family's reputation is too great, and everyone in the family feels that it is unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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