The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1639 Exploring the tide of monsters

Chapter 1639 Exploring the tide of monsters
"No, no, absolutely not..."

The Dongfang family refused to agree to Jiuding's request. In the end, Jiuding had to call his uncle Yu Decheng to find a way to persuade the management of the Dongfang family.

In the end, it was Yu Decheng, the respected and respected old alchemy king, who said harshly, "The ten pill testers of your Dongfang family are already crazy anyway, and now accepting our trial pill treatment... the worst thing is that they are crazy and crazy. You have to think, If they can be cured of their insanity this time, this turmoil will be over! Of course, if the Dongfang family is still not happy, then it's as if the old man didn't say this!"

After finishing speaking, the old alchemy king Yu Decheng was ready to walk away, ignoring these guys again, and this Dongfang family seemed to be persuaded, so he quickly stopped Yu Decheng and the two, and sent people to lock up ten crazy people All the clansmen were sent to Yu Decheng's laboratory.

In fact, just like what the old alchemy king Yu Dewang said, the people of the Dongfang family think the same way now...Since the ten members of the family are already lunatics, it doesn’t matter even if they believe in Jiuding three more times. If it recovers, then the family's reputation can also recover somewhat.

After ten crazy members of the Dongfang family were sent to three alchemy masters, Qin Lang, Yu Decheng, and Jiuding, the three began to treat these Dongfang family members who had lost their sanity due to the conflicting properties of the magic crystal pill as planned.

Because it is a special treatment for specific diseases, the treatment plan designed by the three alchemy masters is very symptomatic, so after only one treatment, ten crazy alchemists began to become conscious. This treatment process lasted for two or three times. , the violent drug power in these pill testers' bodies has been completely eliminated, and these guys have recovered one after another.

And after seeing these insane Eastern family pill testers regain their sanity, Goatee Jiuding also heaved a sigh of relief at this time. This treatment plan was actually calculated by Qin Lang. If it was replaced by himself to solve this problem, it is estimated that It can't be completed without half a year's time.

And now that these pill testers have recovered their normal sanity, the next improved version of the magic crystal pill test pills began to be implemented on these families one after another, entering further pharmacological tests of the pills.

But this time, the improved version of the pill formula did not disappoint the expectations of the three people, and there were no mistakes again. The trial pill of ten people went very successfully. Not only all of them have been promoted from the late stage of alchemy to above the Nascent Soul stage, and even two with particularly excellent aptitudes have been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage.

However, the breakthrough effect of the Magic Crystal Pill can only last until the middle stage of the Nascent Soul at most. After the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, this kind of pill can only be used as an ordinary supplementary pill, and the effect is not even as good as that of the Nascent Soul. Blood Yuan Pill.

Even so, the power of this elixir is enough to shake the entire cultivation world.

And the ability of Magic Crystal Pill to allow monks to greatly improve their cultivation level without hindrance, also surprised Qin Lang, who saw the powerful effect of the pill for the first time. I have to say that this pill recipe is really wonderful. Conceiving the first version of the magic crystal pill is half luck, and the other half is indeed some ability.

After seeing the power of this elixir, Qin Lang also understood the deeper meaning of Yu Decheng's solemnity at the beginning.The magic crystal elixir, this is not just a simple elixir of an ancient elixir, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire cultivation world after it is researched, so this elixir... This is a cornucopia of money.

And Qin Lang contributed a lot in the process of improving the alchemy formula of the magic crystal formula this time. Based on the previous distribution of the old alchemy king Yu Decheng, Qin Lang must be able to make a lot of money.

The improved version of Magic Crystal Pill was successfully tested unilaterally. Yu Decheng approached Qin Lang with a non-disclosure agreement and asked Qin Lang to sign the non-disclosure agreement.In the agreement, the old alchemy king Yu Decheng proposed that in the next step he will mobilize the manpower and material resources of the Dandingmen to promote this kind of magic crystal pill, and the three people who created the magic crystal pill, Qin Lang, Yu Decheng, and Jiuding, can each obtain from the magic crystal pill. In the promotion and sales process, [-]% of the profit is obtained from the funds returned from sales, that is to say, the three people account for [-]% of the profit, and the remaining [-]% is used for material costs, personnel expenses, scene distribution and promotion.

This is definitely a big plan. The Danding Fang in Ximo is definitely a sect bigger than the Tianyi Sect. Yu Decheng and Jiuding are actually the first and second generation elders of the Danding Sect. There are thousands of elite disciples and ordinary disciples. If mobilized, the power of Dandingmen is still very strong.

In this plan, according to the market prospect of Mojing Pill, Yu Decheng first adopted the method of credit in the early stage to spread the supply of goods. At present, he mainly contacts the major stores in Wushuang City, and is going to start word-of-mouth in the entire Wushuang City first. .

Then, after the word-of-mouth has been established, Dandingmen will continue to develop the first-, second-, and third-tier distributors in the way of exclusive exclusive sales and general distribution, and sell the supply of goods to places farther than Wushuang City in layers, and even spread the supply of goods throughout the entire city. Qinghe Continent.

In this commercial promotion plan, Qin Lang actually provided a lot of ideas. Otherwise, no matter how perfect Yu Decheng's previous plan was, it would not be able to compare with the advanced sales ideas and concepts that have developed for thousands of years on the earth. .

As soon as this non-disclosure agreement is signed, the three of them are equivalent to a joint venture to open a special sales company of Magic Crystal Pill. Qin Lang is one of the major shareholders of this company and owns [-]% of the shares. The backbone of the company's production and sales, when the company's manpower enters the market and the production and sales of Magic Crystal Pills are truly in operation, Qin Lang will be able to continuously obtain benefits.

Qin Lang has no objection to the distribution mode of the benefits of the magic crystal pill. In fact, because this top-grade pill uses the underground monster crystal core, it has reached the level of mass production. This kind of pill has a strong medicinal effect. It can be said that it is the cultivation pill of monks in the late stage of forming alchemy and monks in the early stage of Yuanying. With this special pill, monks in the early stage and even the middle stage of Yuanying can be mass-produced in the future. This is definitely a shocking event in the cultivation world. revolution.

At present, Yu Decheng is fully responsible for the operation of the pill formula. He has priced the developed Magic Crystal Pill at [-] spirit stones each, which is nearly a hundred times higher than the cost of the pill. It can be ignored. If the magic crystal pill is officially released in the future, every single one sold will be a huge profit.

And then, Yu Decheng registered a shop-style workshop in Wushuang City, which is a one-stop shop-style workshop for the production and sales of elixirs. a member.

Then, he officially started the promotion plan of the elixir. The old alchemy king is indeed an old monk who has lived for more than 2000 years. His business operation ability is no worse than that of Qin Lang, a traveler. In the late stage of infant and late stage of Yuanying, Dzogchen Xiu signed a contract for trial pills. In the early stage, Dandingfang provided a batch of pills to improve the cultivation of these contracted monks, and these monks entered the cracks of the Wushuang ruins to suppress the tide of monsters and collect magic crystals from underground monsters. Return the arrears of this elixir.

The reason why Dandingfang did this is also to expand its reputation and influence. Only through the trial and publicity of these first batch of monks in front of it, can Magic Crystal Pill be able to quickly spread outwards focusing on Wushuang City, expand its influence, and become It has become the most popular medicinal product in Qinghe Continent.


After signing the non-disclosure agreement, Qin Lang joined an underground expedition organized by Dandingfang. This time, the underground expedition was on a large scale. Go back and see what happened in the deepest part of the ground, and see where the endless monsters emerge from.

In this underground expedition organized by Dandingfang, there were at least a thousand monks above the Nascent Soul stage who participated. They were all newly promoted monks with the help of the magic crystal pill. Most of them were casual cultivators, and there were also a small number of family monks. .

In addition, there are also [-] to [-] monks above the alchemy stage. These are all cannon fodder roles, so I won't mention them much.

And the leader of this underground expedition is Yu Decheng, the great elder of Dandingmen. Also very convinced.

This time the organized event will start three days later. Before the start, all the monks will naturally collect equipment and elixirs to arm themselves and improve their combat effectiveness, so as to contribute to the next action.

Qin Lang seized the time to make a large number of pills in these three days. Except for his own use, most of them were used to complete alchemy tasks. He signed at least three or four alchemy contracts with the Ma family and the Dongfang family. Months to complete it!

However, although there is a contract, the two contracts do not limit Qin Lang to complete it within a certain period of time, so Qin Lang can also sneak in to engage in other activities now.

As for why he joined the underground exploration activities this time, it was actually purely out of curiosity. The purpose of the activities organized by Dandingfang this time is very clear, that is to find the source of the underground monsters and find out the source of the monsters.

After all, since the advent of the magic crystal pill in the Dandingfang of Wushuang City, the value of underground monsters has also increased greatly. You must know that the magic crystal on the monster is the main material for refining the magic crystal pill. If Dandingfang can grasp the material Production, and there will be no need to worry about alchemy materials in the future.

Three days later, a huge exploration team gathered in an underground crack outside the Wushuang ruins. This is also the breakthrough point for the underground monsters to emerge from the surface. It was originally stationed by the official forces of Wushuang City. Then came up with this large-scale event, leading a large number of monks to plan to sneak into the ground from the surface, and sneak into the source of this tide of monsters to see.

(End of this chapter)

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