The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1640 The Origin of Monster Tide

Chapter 1640 The Origin of Monster Tide

Under the organization of the old alchemy king Yu Decheng, this long dragon-like team began to march underground. Naturally, there were many underground monsters encountered along the way, but now there are more monks pouring into the cracks in the ground, and these monks are one by one. The cultivation base is very good, so everyone's progress along the way is as smooth as a broken bamboo, without encountering any obstacles at all.

After entering the rift channel, everyone found that although the rift channel extended from the Wushuang ruins, it did not belong to any area in the ruins. It seemed that the rift channel in front of us was completely parallel to the Wushuang ruins.

There is a completely independent passage in front of you, which can allow about six or seven people to go side by side. The depth of the passage is so dark that you can't see it to your heart's content. The cave-like passage gets darker as you go inside. Don't worry about not being able to see the way.

Along the way, there are many green light spots coming towards the monks. Those are actually the bright eyes of underground monsters. The vision of these monsters in the dark is much better than that of human monks. The human monks naturally surrounded them. .

"Kill!" The accompanying human monks had an encounter with the underground monsters. Naturally, the human monks had the upper hand in the face of these beast-like monsters, and slaughtered all the underground monsters they encountered along the way.

It is worth mentioning that with the development of the magic crystal pill, the crystal nucleus of the underground monsters has gradually become more valuable. Now a magic crystal is worth at least [-] spirit stones, which is almost equivalent to the value of middle-grade spirit stones.

As the value of magic crystals is gradually revealed, magic crystals in the underground market of Wushuang City are gradually replacing middle-grade spirit stones as a hard currency, which circulates in a small range among monks. Now all monks in the Wushuang City area basically recognize the underground market. The monetary value of the magic crystal.

Along the way, all the monks in the underground expedition team are very passionate about fighting. After all, these underground monsters are very valuable to them. Every time you kill one, you can earn a magic crystal, which is almost the same as A middle-grade spirit stone is quite enough, and a middle-grade spirit stone can be directly exchanged for more than 1 low-grade spirit stones. If it were replaced by the past, many monks would only earn 10,000+ low-grade spirit stones if they worked hard for a month.

More than 2 monks marched all the way, and all the underground monsters they encountered were wiped out, but the casualty rate of the monk team was very small, accounting for less than one percent.

One reason for this situation is that the large number of monks who are now exploring the underground are of high quality. The second reason is that although there are many underground monsters encountered along the way, it is not enough to meet the nearly [-] monks in front of us. look.

Along the way, it went deep for dozens of miles, all of which were narrow and long passages. The monks' army cleared at least [-] underground monsters along the way, but they still haven't found the source of the underground monsters.

It wasn't until the next day, when the whole team went deep underground for more than 300 miles, that they saw a large square-like field in front of them. Inside, Mimi Momo was all underground monsters, and there were at least 1 of them.

Seeing so many underground monsters gathered in the square, the monks of the exploration team became a sensation again, one by one hurriedly mobilized their hatred and cleaned up the underground monsters in the square in front of them. After the monks cleared the square, they discovered that there was a monster in the middle of the square. A big space crack, and some underground monsters are continuously appearing in the square through this space crack.

It seems that this should be the source of the underground monsters. Those underground monsters in different spaces are transmitted through the space crack in the center of the square. Now as long as this transmission point is controlled, the main task of the exploration team is basically completed this time. half.

After arriving at this square, a large number of monks from the exploration team began to camp and rest in the square to replenish their energy and strength. Although the space cracks are sending underground monsters to the square all the time, the average time is only thirty or forty per minute. Well, this amount is really not enough to kill these monks in the square.

After coming to the square, Qin Lang observed the surroundings for a while. Except for some injured people, the monks in the square were all normal. After fighting with the underground monsters for so long, none of them died, and the most serious ones were only seriously injured.

Of the nearly [-] monks, none of them died in battle. This situation is undoubtedly reassuring.

At this time, Yu Decheng squeezed over from the crowd and found Qin Lang: "The old man is planning to pull a team into the space crack and go to the other side to have a look. The requirements are all elites above the middle stage of Nascent Soul. I wonder if you are interested in joining me." This trailblazer?"

"Hehe, since I've come here, I've already realized this." Qin Lang chuckled. He has many magic weapons in his body now, so he has enough confidence.

"Okay, this team is initially scheduled to be 100 people... Although there are more than [-] monks above the middle stage of the babyless in this square, most of them are showy, and they were temporarily promoted by using the magic crystal pill recently. These monks have a lot of water in their cultivation base. Therefore, if you want higher combat effectiveness, you have to screen out those old Nascent Soul mid-stage monks. If the old Nascent Soul mid-stage monks are not enough, then consider those newcomers." Yu Decheng said .

"Well, it really should be."

Qin Lang nodded. Most of the newly-promoted middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivators lack tempering, and are temporarily unsuitable for the cultivation base that relies on the skyrocketing magic crystal pill, so it is normal that their cultivation base is not as good as that of the old mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators.

Moreover, basically every veteran mid-stage Nascent Soul monk is richer than the new mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. The combat power that the old Nascent Soul mid-stage monks can exert is equivalent to two to three new Nascent Soul mid-stage monks.

After about an hour or so, the old alchemy king Yu Decheng finally pulled up an elite team of 100 people, all of whom were mid-Yuanying monks, including twenty veteran mid-Yuanying monks and eighty newly promoted mid-Yuanying monks.

After the team assembled, the old alchemy king Yu Decheng led the team to squeeze into the space crack in the middle of the square, exploring the different space where the underground monsters are located.

Qin Lang is also very experienced in walking through space cracks. The large space crack in front of him should have been formed for no more than three months. The space crack is relatively stable, so if everyone passes through it, there should be no special state.

If you travel through unstable space cracks, there are unknown dangers. Unstable space cracks are affected by antimatter forces and may shrink or expand at any time. If a monk accidentally touches a corner, the body parts will also There will be inexplicable missing, missing arms and broken legs are normal.

This space crack is not very long. In the space crack, both monks and monsters will undergo energy transformation, so they cannot attack each other. Only when everyone leaves the space channel and their bodies materialize can they fight again.

Moreover, the interior of the space channel is affected by the energyized body, and monks cannot communicate with each other. They see each other as foggy shadows, and the field of vision is very poor. In this environment, everyone can barely stay together. , When everyone leaves the passage together, they can quickly enter the fighting state.

It took a short time to pass through the entire space channel. The next moment, Qin Lang and some monks had already left the channel, and in an instant a burst of energy fluctuations, the body once again condensed into materialization.

And during this process, all the monks activated the maximum defense of their bodies, and at the same time launched indiscriminate attacks to the surroundings. Now the surroundings are densely packed with monsters. These hundred of them entered from the other end of the space channel, and then escaped from this end. The middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator who came out seemed to have fallen into an ant's nest, and was surrounded by an unknown number of monsters. The surrounding area was surrounded by a large area of ​​darkness, which looked particularly terrifying.

As soon as the monks left the tunnel and their bodies materialized, they fired at full power, and the monsters around them also suffered a lot during the process of concentrating the fire. However, there are a lot of underground monsters in this different space, and the monsters in front of them Just after being killed, the nearby monsters squeezed in again.

There are too many monsters. At this time, all the monks have no time to care about other things, and they are fighting desperately. If this kind of fighting intensity is counted as a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, it will definitely not be able to bear it, even if it is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Most of them are also struggling now.

The current wave of uninterrupted high-intensity battles consumes too much real energy, and the pills are replenished while fighting. My nerves were tensed, but I couldn't bear it anymore!


At this time, a monk screamed, and was swallowed up by the surging tide of monsters!

This should be a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator who has just been promoted, a parallel importer who was promoted by relying on the magic crystal stage. Naturally, in terms of cultivation base and willpower, he is not as good as a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator who was promoted through hard work.

And following this sentence, the newly promoted mid-stage Nascent Soul monk died, and then there were several screams, and several newly promoted mid-stage Nascent Soul monks died.

"The situation is not good!"

At this time, Yu Decheng, the old alchemy king in the late Yuanying period, hit a cloud-dispelling palm with all his strength to clear away the monsters on one side, and then expanded his body shield to protect the new monks who seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

But Qin Lang had plenty of energy at this time, seeing that the current situation was not optimistic, he directly sacrificed his high-level Gu formation at this time, and expanded the range to cover the surrounding area of ​​more than 30 feet.

"Everyone stay in the Gu formation first, rest and recuperate as soon as possible, and let's talk about recovering some physical strength!"

Qin Lang yelled, and at this time activated the Gu formation with all his strength, trying to fight against the tide-like monster group outside.

And the Gu array blocked the tide of monsters like a wall, and all the monks protected by the Gu array had the space to recover themselves, and all of them were sweating profusely now, almost to the point of losing their strength.

(End of this chapter)

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