The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1641 Different space resource point

Chapter 1641 Different space resource point
Although the monks have room to breathe, it is very hard for Qin Lang to maintain the operation of the Gu formation at this time. Although the strength of a single monster is not very strong, there are too many monsters outside the Gu formation, and they are densely packed together. Every second, the entire Gu formation does not know how many hits it will take.

In this case, Qin Lang's true energy consumption speed will suddenly increase dozens of times.

Even if he has the strength of the mid-stage Nascent Soul, it is estimated that if he persists for about 10 minutes, all the real energy in his body will be consumed, and he will not be able to make up for it in a short time.

After the monks had time to breathe, they were all speeding up the process of recovering themselves. While Qin Lang was working hard to maintain the operation of the Gu formation, standing at the eye of the formation, he also released the two-headed transfiguration clone, using his spiritual consciousness to manipulate With the two-headed transfiguration clones, a large-scale prohibition formation is drawn around.

After all, Qin Lang consumes his own real energy to maintain the Gu formation, while the large-scale prohibition formation drawn on the ground consumes not real energy, but spirit stones. Restriction formations of about the same size were arranged, and three spirit stones were placed in the eyes of each formation formation, and these were not ordinary spirit stones, but high-grade spirit stones.

After all, there are too many monsters around. If ordinary spirit stones are used to arrange the formation, he is afraid that the formation will not be able to support the energy consumption and collapse as soon as it starts to work. The operation should be able to last a little longer.

When Qin Lang manipulated the two transformed human clones to arrange a large-scale prohibition formation, and after activating the protection ability of the formation, he directly removed his Gu formation. At this time, he was already exhausted. It took nearly 10 minutes. The uninterrupted transmission of true energy is very intense, and it is actually no easier than fighting a war of attrition.

And his Gu formation almost collapsed in the last few tens of seconds due to lack of true energy. Fortunately, Qin Lang used Shenxue Dan and top-grade spirit stones to restore himself during the process, so he persisted.

After removing the Gu formation, the large-scale prohibition formation arranged by Qin Lang officially began to operate. The entire formation formed a light yellow arc with a diameter of about [-] feet. This is a medium formation of earth attribute, and the formation of earth attribute is relatively thick , it is suitable to fight against the wave of monsters in front of you.

After seeing the defensive restraint formation display its due power, Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer cared about the battle in front of him, but calmed down to speed up the recovery of the spirit stone and the elixir.

And at this time, the monks around have almost recovered, so they launched a second round of attacks on the surrounding monsters. Under the protection of the defensive restraint formation, they are now safe and secure, so this round can also be done without worrying about themselves Defensively use powerful moves to your heart's content.

Bobo, bobo, bobo...

All of a sudden, with the group of monks in the large-scale prohibition defense formation as the center, the distance of tens of feet around became the attack surface of the outbreak of the battle. All kinds of strange moves were displayed by the monks. The demon tide monster was suppressed.

The first round of the second wave of attacks was very effective. There were at least [-] dead or injured monsters around at this time. There was a gap in the small area for a few seconds, and then the monsters from farther away rushed to fill their positions, and then repeated. Watching the process of being killed by these one hundred monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

When Qin Lang regained his true energy, this wave of monks' attacks had killed at least five thousand monsters. Now the monsters in the periphery are not as dense as before, but the number base is still very large, and there are many monsters in the distance. There are still a steady stream of new monsters joining this battlefield area.

Qin Lang estimates that there are still at least 5 monsters in this battlefield area. Since recruits from monsters are constantly being transported in the distance, this battle is definitely a protracted one.

At this time, he found that the khaki defense mask of the large defensive formation that he had arranged had dimmed a lot, and it seemed that it could not last long. This was because the energy of the spirit stones in each formation eye in the formation was about to be exhausted. appearance.

Seeing this situation, Qin Lang frowned. Not long ago, he had consumed at least a hundred high-grade spirit stones from the operation of the formation. Although he could afford this kind of consumption, it was still a bit painful. You must know that the 100 yuan Top-grade spirit stones are equivalent to more than 100 million!

Perhaps because he saw Qin Lang's pain, Yu Decheng who was beside him patted him on the shoulder and said with a laugh: "Unexpectedly, my little friend is not only proficient in alchemy, but also knows the way of formation... Unexpectedly, the number of monsters in this different space is so dense. It was a bit of a miscalculation! This time it was thanks to my little friend that the hundred monks in front of me were able to remain unscathed, rest assured, the old man will ask Dan Ding Fang to compensate you for the efforts of my little friend afterwards."

"Oh, thank you then."

Qin Lang laughed, since the cost of this trip was reimbursed by the public, he no longer had to worry about the consumption of spirit stones. After all, a batch is consumed every 10 minutes, and a batch is 100 yuan high-grade spirit stones. It takes a long time If not, even he feels that he can't afford such a loss.

With Yu Decheng's promise, Qin Lang was relieved that he didn't need to pay for the spirit stones consumed by the supplementary formation, so he replaced the new spirit stones for the defensive formation again.

The number of monsters killed by the monks outside the big formation is increasing, gradually reaching more than [-]. However, due to the large number of monsters surrounded outside, it is very unsafe, and now the monks cannot go out to collect combat power items.

At this time, Yu Decheng saw that these 100 people had taken root in the different space relying on the prohibition formation, so he was relieved. Now he is going to return to the other side of the crack channel, and once again mobilize people from the square to come here to reinforce the battle on this side. strength.

After all, Dandingfang organized this exploration activity in a different space, which is equivalent to opening up wasteland. Dandingfang also invested a lot this time. Establish new strongholds to better collect materials from different spaces.

Of course, now the most important material in the different space is the magic crystal, and apart from the monsters, there seems to be no valuable materials on the monsters similar to goblin goblins. The monsters actually have a special kind of material. The smell is terrible, and the existence of this special smell also makes it impossible for the monster's flesh and blood to be used as food.

After all, it takes a lot of courage to eat the flesh and blood of monsters. The smell is not much better than fermented excrement and urine.

However, people in this world are full of strange things, maybe there are people who have the courage to eat this kind of food, and maybe even develop a quirk.After all, Qin Lang had seen monks collecting this kind of monster flesh and blood that most monks saw as having no value at all.

"Okay, fellow daoists, stick to it, the old man will go back and dispatch troops now!"

At this time, Yu Decheng explained to these elite monks, then returned to the crack passage, and disappeared in a flash.

The departure of Yu Deren, the leader of the late Nascent Soul, did not cause the panic of the hundred elite monks in front of him. Now that Qin Lang, the formation master, is in the forbidden defense formation, the safety of the big guys is absolutely insecure No problem, so everyone spares no effort in fighting monsters, and releases their fighting power to the fullest.

And once the true energy is insufficient, everyone will stop and swallow the elixir and use the spirit stone to restore themselves.

Speaking of which, such high-intensity battles are beneficial to a monk. After all, the best way for a monk to improve himself is to fight continuously. Opportunities like exploring the tide of underground monsters are really rare. After all, it is a large-scale organization event. There are many, so the safety aspect is much more reliable than the adventure activities organized by a small group of monks.

When Yu Decheng went back to organize manpower to enter the battle reinforcements, Qin Lang began to continuously strengthen the prohibition and defense formation in front of him, and expanded the scope of the prohibition defense formation. After all, the Dandingmen will lead a large number of monks to take root in different spaces. The range of motion is clearly not enough.

With the expansion of the defensive formation, Qin Lang consumed more high-grade spirit stones, and the high-grade spirit stones consumed every 10 minutes expanded from 100 yuan to 200 yuan.

However, since the concentration of monsters is not as high as before, although the consumption of the entire expanded defense formation doubles, the defense area is four times the original.In this case, the covering area of ​​the large formation has reached a width of 240 feet.

Now that Yu Decheng has brought a new group of people over, it is enough to set up a small resident immediately. The Dandingfang plan here should be to open up a resource point, and then to be stationed for a long time, so Qin Lang is now setting up a large formation. One of the previous works.

The reason why Qin Lang is working so hard now, besides Yu Decheng's promise to make up for Qin Lang's efforts afterwards, is also related to his own holding of [-]% of Dandingfang's shares. Speaking of which, he is also one of the shareholders of Dandingfang, Danding If the workshop develops well in the future, his own benefits will increase accordingly.

In about half an hour, Yu Decheng organized the monks at the other end of the tunnel square, and joined the reinforcement plan for the station in another space. Although the strength of the newly arrived nearly [-] monks varies, the population base is still quite large. Yes, so the combat power of monsters is very superior, and soon this area where almost [-] monsters gathered was swept away. Although there were only three or two kittens left, there were still a steady stream of monsters in the distance Enter this area, but will soon be wiped out by a large number of monks.

And now, this large-scale underground monster exploration team has finally taken root in a different space. Before, Yu Decheng organized the establishment of a temporary resource point. He planned to establish a supply point and a resource recovery point for Dandingfang at this resource point. According to the degree of contribution, the crystal core resources collected by these monks who explored in different spaces are collected, and then exchanged for corresponding elixirs, spirit stones, and even magic tools, magic weapons and exercises to these monks.

(End of this chapter)

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