The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1642 Lord Level Monster

Chapter 1642 Lord Level Monster

For the pills, the Dandingfang itself can provide them. After all, the Dandingmen behind it is the largest alchemy sect in the western desert, and it can be said that there are all kinds of pills.

As for spirit stones, magic tools, magic weapons, and exercises, Dandingfang can cooperate with the official forces of Wushuang City, adjust them from the stores of various families and casual repair alliances, and supplement them with resources in different spaces that are planned to be opened into grocery stores in the future. In the recycling point.

Next, the old alchemy king Yu Decheng began to lead people to start the pre-construction work on the resource points that have now stabilized, such as foundation piling, arrangement of various deep-level spirit gathering formations, defensive formations, and teleportation formations. There are also quite a few formation masters among the monks brought over, so there is no need for Qin Lang to make another move now.

And after Qin Lang strengthened the defensive array he had set up before the resource point, he was about to leave the resource point, leave this relatively safe area, and take a look at other areas in the different space.

This new stronghold is surrounded by misty thorn forests. In fact, after nearly [-] people came, it already seemed a bit crowded.At this time, I feel that the wave of monsters around the stronghold has receded, and most of the stronger monks have the idea of ​​leaving the resource point and exploring the depths of the different space.However, there are dangers and murderous intentions everywhere in this different space where the channel has just been opened. Although there are greater opportunities waiting for everyone in the depths of the different space, you must have this strength and luck. Dare to take this risk to try your luck.

After all, if everyone left this stronghold now, it would be a small gang activity, and if they left the big team to carry out such small gang activities, the guarantee for their own safety would be much smaller.

After coming out of the prohibition formation, Qin Lang looked into the distance, and could see faint mountain peaks and forests in the distance. I don’t know how big this different space is. The concentration of aura in the surrounding environment is not comparable to that of Qinghe Continent. It’s just that It is three to five times stronger than the earth.

It is really amazing that such a huge number of monsters can be produced in such an environment, but on second thought, perhaps it is precisely because of the large number of monsters in the different space that the aura of the entire space is swallowed like this. Monsters are a species that feed on aura.

After Qin Lang left the stronghold, he fled directly in one direction and accelerated his pace to leave. Now, like Qin Lang, those who left this stronghold are all guys who are somewhat confident in their own strength. Most of these monks formed a small team with the stronghold as the center. Start a small-scale search around the different space, and kill the small group of monsters encountered on the way.

And there are also monks who have penetrated into other places in the different space like Qin Lang. These are the monks of the old Nascent Soul mid-stage monks. In fact, except for these old Nascent Soul mid-stage monks, other monks, including the new Nascent Soul mid-stage monks, do not have the courage to go deep. Deep in a different space.

During the stronghold battle just now, most of these veteran Nascent Soul mid-stage monks still had a lot of means to use. Otherwise, it would not be so difficult to deal with the tide of monsters. In the end, it was all done by Qin Lang's own strength. The Gu formation took root in the different space.

In fact, we can’t blame these veteran Nascent Soul mid-stage monks for not working hard. After all, individuals have certain selfishness. These veteran Nascent Soul mid-stage monks are different from Qin Lang. It is already very good to work hard, if they want them to work harder, it will only be done when they really feel the crisis.

He chose one direction and ran for about an hour or two. Qin Lang didn't care about the ordinary monsters he encountered along the way. In fact, these ordinary monsters couldn't break his defense at all. The top-level magic costume in the mid-term, its own strength has also reached the point of breakthrough, and its defense factor and safety factor are naturally not Japanese compared to when it first came to West Desert.

At this time, his breakthrough stopped, and he looked up at the sky. It seemed that the originally gray sky had become darker, and the surrounding mist had also become deeper.I don't know if there is day and night in this different space. After entering the different space for a few hours, it seems that the sky has always been dim and unreal.

At this time, Qin Lang felt the aura of a mountain peak in the distance. It seemed that there were powerful monsters or monsters moving. This aura was much stronger than ordinary monsters. He planned to take a closer look. If he could beat it, he I don't mind killing this powerful monster or monster to get some more valuable materials.

Now after entering the different space, ordinary monsters can hardly attract Qin Lang's interest. To him, every ordinary monster is only equivalent to a middle-grade spirit stone, and he has no shortage of spirit stones on him now. After the business of Dan Ding Fang starts, his wealth will continue to flow and he will bulge his pockets.

Therefore, now Qin Lang's pursuit of goals has become higher, and some more valuable things will come into his eyes, such as the powerful monster or monster material in front of him.

Inspired by the power of true energy, Qin Lang started to escape and came to the mountain peak. This area may be because of the existence of this powerful monster and monster. There are no other creatures in the area. Those miscellaneous monsters dare not enter this area at all. The territory, and this powerful monster or monster is the king of this mountain, like a lord.

At this time, Qin Lang swept through his consciousness and found that the concentration of aura in this mountain was very strong, and there was actually a condensed ground vein. There must be treasures of heaven and earth growing inside such a spiritual vein mountain, such as elixir. of search interests.

However, Qin Lang couldn't help frowning when his consciousness swept across this powerful monster or monster. This creature, who didn't know whether it was a monster or a monster, was indeed very strong, and its strength was infinitely close to that of an eighth-order monster. The late Nascent Soul, which is equivalent to a human monk, is about to break through.

Moreover, the monster's physical body is extremely powerful, and this monster should be similar. In terms of physical body, it should be stronger than ordinary human Nascent Soul Late Dzogchen monks.

To deal with such a monster correctly, Qin Lang's current strength is really a bit embarrassing, so he changed his mind now, no longer directly contacting this monster, but turned to search for the natural treasures that exist on this mountain.

It is worth mentioning that although this monster is at the peak of the seventh level, its spiritual intelligence and spiritual consciousness seem to be a little slow in responding. Otherwise, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness should have sensed it long ago. , Qin Lang is not as leisurely as he is now, and should have fled long ago.

In the end, Qin Lang quickly came to a cliff with his back facing the monster, and climbed up directly from the cliff. He had some scruples about the pair of powerful monsters, so he didn't use his true energy.Otherwise, with the monster's ability to sense aura, no matter how late the powerful monster reacts, it may find that its territory has entered the intruder.

Qin Lang's climbing ability is very strong. Before he became a cultivator, he had a hobby in this area, and he was physically strong.Now that he has become a cultivator, his physical strength is hundreds or even thousands of times stronger than that of ordinary people. With such physical fitness, he can climb up even a smooth mirror-like cliff with bare hands. cliff top.


There was a loud thunder, and suddenly a long and thick lightning appeared in the sky at this time, directly blasting towards the mountain, startling Qin Lang who was climbing up the cliff, what's going on!However, he later found out that this extremely thick lightning was not coming towards him, but was splitting towards the mountain in front of him, so he felt a little relieved.

etc!The mountain in front...isn't that the one that is equivalent to the place where the Dzogchen monster in the late Yuanying period is entrenched?This extremely thick lightning is coming towards this monster, what's the situation?Is it crossing robbery?Monster beast crossing the catastrophe?
The more Qin Lang thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible. After all, when a normal monk is promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, and when he is promoted to the Transformation Stage, these big realms will encounter internal and external catastrophes in the process of passing through. The internal catastrophe is the demon The outer catastrophe is the catastrophe that descended from heaven and earth.

Now that the monster on the mountain where Qin Lang is located encountered this long and thick lightning, it must be one of the catastrophes that fell from heaven and earth. This monster should be on the eighth-level checkpoint.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang couldn't help turning pale. Before, he guessed that this monster's intelligence was not good enough, and his spiritual consciousness was slow to react. On the catastrophe above, how can it pay attention to the movements of the mountain peaks? For it, crossing the catastrophe is the first priority, and other situations can be ignored.

After all, if this catastrophe is not dealt with properly, it may endanger the life of this monster. For all creatures, no matter human beings or this monster, their own lives are the first, so they must be taken seriously.

After this extremely thick lightning arc fell, it turned into countless smaller grid wires and fell directly on the top of the monster in front of the mountain, but this monster tried to avoid the center of the lightning board. In front of the lightning arc, it was unavoidable at all, and it was directly scorched inside and outside by the lightning, and black smoke rose from the whole body after the lightning.

However, the vitality of this monster, which was already close to the eighth level, was indeed extremely strong. Even if it was struck by an unknown number of tens of thousands of volts of lightning, there seemed to be no other problems except that its body surface was scorched black, and it could still move normally.

And in the sky above the head, a second thunder arc is brewing. This kind of catastrophe is similar to the heaven and earth catastrophe that the Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period hit the stage of transforming gods. It is impossible to say anything simple, and I don’t know if this monster can survive. past.

etc!Wouldn't it be better if you couldn't get over it?

Qin Lang's eyes lit up. If he went to pick up some bargains when the monster was injured during the robbery, he might be able to kill the monster in one fell swoop. If so, he would have taken a big deal.

You know, this is a monster close to the eighth level!In terms of physical defense ability, it is almost the same as that of a cultivator at the transformation stage. This guy's body can be said to be a treasure all over his body, unlike those ordinary monsters that are garbage. The body of a monster of this level is used for alchemy. , but it must be an excellent material for refining equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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