The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1643 The Big Devil Appears

Chapter 1643 The Big Devil Appears

There was another bang in the sky, and what surprised Qin Lang was that when the monster was avoiding the thick lightning arc above its head, it had already started rushing towards the cliff where Qin Lang was. No matter whether the monster found him or not, Now he couldn't stay on this cliff for longer, even if the monster didn't have the time to deal with him, the lightning arc that was constantly falling above its head might affect him.

"Boom...beep, beep, beep..."

One after another thick lightning kept falling, and this time the lightning above the monster's head fell much faster. It seemed that the tribulation thunder above the monster's head seemed to have a sense of wisdom, and now the speed of the battle is definitely not to kill this powerful monster.

And after the monster was hit by two lightning arcs, a huge wound finally appeared on the scorched skin covered in sauce purple, which was obviously made of the monster's blood and mud. Light!


At this time, the monster raised its head and roared wildly, a gray circle of light appeared on its body, and then it charged up its power, and opened its mouth to spit out a huge turquoise shock wave, which directly greeted the rough electricity that hit again, and the two Brilliant light burst out from the colliding sky, shooting the entire mountain top white.

And Qin Lang was dumbfounded, the monster exported a huge turquoise shock wave, which actually canceled out a tribulation thunder.

At this time, how dare Qin Lang hesitate a little bit, staying here is definitely looking for death, so he started to escape here before the monsters rushed towards the cliff.

He jumped directly from the cliff of nearly several hundred meters, and then propped up his true energy to protect himself, regardless of whether the monster would notice the fluctuation of his spiritual power, and directly reached the bottom of the cliff, when he was about to leave However, he was a little unwilling. The aura of the mountains and the ground should be full of precious treasures, but now the monsters are doing their best to deal with the catastrophe, and they don't care about other things. Search around the mountain, maybe you can get some benefits.

You must know that this is a mountain guarded by monsters close to the eighth level, and the natural materials and earthly treasures growing on this mountain must be extraordinary.Moreover, although the monsters in the catastrophe are powerful, they are constantly getting injured during the catastrophe, and the injuries are getting worse. After the catastrophe, they will definitely lose their vitality.

And at this time, Qin Lang quietly turned to another hilltop, which is where the monster stayed, and now the monster has rushed to the other side of the cliff in order to cross the catastrophe, so now that Qin Lang is on the hillside, the monster should not have noticed When it comes to him, perhaps it should be said that he has no time to pay attention to these chores.

There was a big water pool on the top of the mountain where the monster stayed. At this time, a strange fragrance came from the water pool. After Qin Lang smelled it, he felt that the fragrance cheered up his whole body, as if he was thirsty. A few days later, the body was as smooth as if it had been poured with nectar.

At this time, he also saw a few plants growing in the water pool, which were several extremely beautiful pink lotus flowers. The aura also made Qin Lang feel comfortable.

"Green Treasure Lotus!"

Qin Lang's heart moved, and then he was ecstatic, this is a top-notch treasure!

The lotus flower makes me feel refreshed just by its fragrance. It can be said that the whole body is full of treasures. The lotus flower, lotus leaf, lotus stem, and lotus root are all very useful. Among them, the lotus flower can be used to refine cleansing pills. A very important elixir to avoid demons.

Lotus leaves and lotus stems can be used to refine a healing medicine that is not inferior to Good Fortune Pill. Xumai Pill can continue the severely injured and broken heart vessels in the monk's body and the meridians and tendons of the whole body, while the Biqing Pill refined from lotus root can It is a kind of elixir that is very important for monks in the late Yuanying period to hit the stage of transformation. With it, the difficulty of monks breaking through the level will be reduced by at least half.

However, it's a pity that the few blue green lotuses in front of me failed to grow lotus seeds. If lotus seeds did grow, it would be more valuable. If Qin Lang got lotus seeds, he could take them back and directly plant this top-level natural treasure. Cultivate a new Biqing Baolian.

But now it is not easy to transplant this kind of adult plant. Once the Biqing Baolian adult plant is out of the growth environment, it is basically impossible to survive again, and the chance of re-cultivation and maturity is less than one in a thousand.

Now that Qin Lang has seen these green treasure lotuses, he has already made up his mind to pick these green treasure lotuses, including lotus flowers, lotus leaves and lotus roots. , If you let it go, it would be absolutely stupid.

But now, in order to overcome the catastrophe, the seventh-level peak monster guarding the lotus pond of the green treasure lotus had to avoid the water pool and go to the other side of the cliff, so now Qin Lang is also given a good opportunity to pick the green treasure lotus.

After coming to the seventh-level peak monster lair, Qin Lang jumped off the emerald green pool without even thinking about it. As soon as he jumped into the pool, he found that the water in the pool was extremely cold, and his skin became ice-stained after contacting the pool. If it was an ordinary person, he would have been frozen or even froze to death the moment he entered the water, but after Qin Lang circulated his true energy around his body, a wave of warmth flowed through his body, instantly dispelling the coldness. Can move freely again.

After all, his body's true energy is mainly of the fire attribute, so dispelling the coldness of this cold pool of water is a matter of minutes.

At this time, Qin Lang began to sink to the bottom of the cold pool, and began to dig these green treasure lotus. After all, the lotus root of this treasure lotus grows at the bottom of the pool.As soon as Qin Lang sank, he found that the pool was at least five or six meters deep, which meant that the stems and leaves of the Biqing Baolian were very long. This is probably the largest natural treasure that Qin Lang has encountered so far.

At the bottom of the cold pool, Qin Lang found traces of flowing water and some silver fish with great spirituality. There should be a cold spring at the bottom of the pool, otherwise there would be no traces of swimming fish and flowing water.

Qin Lang's greatest focus now is on picking the jade green lotus, so he has no intention of paying attention to the issue of Hanquan. He directly used the most rude method to scrape away the mud, and after a few minutes, he directly waved away sixteen or seven pieces of green jade lotus. Green Treasure Lotus Roots, each piece of these Treasure Lotus Roots is one meter long, Qin Lang is currently having a bumper harvest.

After picking a few whole plants of Biqing Baolian, one of Qin Lang's storage buddhas piled up nearly a hundred catties of this kind of natural and earthly treasure. Biqing Baolian is too precious, and it will be of great help to his future cultivation , so Qin Lang directly put them into the storage ring instead of putting them in the storage bag.

After harvesting these green lotus plants, the water at the bottom of the cold pool suddenly fluctuated and accelerated. It turned out that the place where the green lotus root grew was the spring of the cold pool. The speed of the spring water rushing out suddenly increased a lot.

And some silver fishes are constantly rushing out from the bottom of the pool through the destroyed springs. Seeing these spiritual silver fishes, Qin Lang's heart moved. The fish that can appear in this cold spring must not be ordinary fish. Usually it is also a treasure of heaven and earth, so he also has the idea of ​​grabbing some back.

Each of these whitebait is not big, like a willow knife for peeling fruit, thin and long, the whole body is shiny silver but without fish scales, it is very spiritual, even if ordinary people want to catch it, it is not easy to catch it.

And Qin Lang directly caught fifty or sixty whitebait in the water with restraint hands. At this time, he had basically caught all the whitebait in the pool, and although there were still whitebait rushing out of the spring, the speed was very slow, and it might not be enough in a few minutes. Get one out.

So after catching these silver fishes, Qin Lang left the cold pool directly, ready to leave here, and the Biqing Baolian is probably the most precious treasure of heaven and earth in the whole mountain. Now that Qin Lang got these treasures, it can be regarded as a big profit .

When Qin Lang rushed out of the pool, he found that the green pool was rising little by little. Although the speed was very slow, it was visible to the naked eye. This should be because he destroyed the spring at the bottom of the pool. Whether Hantan can still exist, if Hantan disappears because of himself, it is really a crime.

At this time, Qin Lang paid attention to the monster that was going through the catastrophe, but found that the catastrophe that the monster was going through had changed from a thunder catastrophe to an ice catastrophe, and a large number of white ice cubes the size of a door panel were constantly falling from the sky, falling on the top of the monster's head .

And the body injury of this monster has also aggravated a lot after passing through the thunder calamity, and he has already seen the bones in his body, but now even though the ice calamity, his movements have become more sluggish, and he is constantly being hit by ice cubes. It looked like half of his body was frozen stiff.

"Good opportunity!" Qin Lang saw that the monster was moving more and more slowly in the ice catastrophe, and knew that this was also a good opportunity for him to make a move, so he rushed directly to the monster, but this ice catastrophe didn't seem to be an ordinary ice catastrophe. The Ice Tribulation Qin Lang encountered when this kind of monster hit the eighth level also seemed very cautious, directly separated the envelope of the Ice Tribulation, and used the magic weapon Thunder God Ruler to bombard the monster.

And when this powerful monster found that Qin Lang, a small human monk, took advantage of others and wanted to take advantage of himself, he also screamed angrily. Jie, this is not good for it.

At this time, this powerful seventh-level top-level monster dragged its stiff body, once again tried its best to avoid a piece of ice the size of a door, and directly closed its eyes and bent down on the ground to make a buzzing sound wave. Even Qin Lang couldn't figure out what was going on. What is the guy doing.

And just when Qin Lang felt strange, the whole mountain began to vibrate, and after a while, there was a wave of spiritual energy fluctuations from the side of the cliff, and other monsters appeared on the mountain led by this monster, and there were at least 23 monsters in number. head.

This guy... This guy was actually summoning his subordinates just now, which is really unbelievable!It was also the first time Qin Lang encountered such a situation.

Moreover, the appearance of these summoned monsters is different from ordinary monsters. Although their strength is not as good as that of the seventh-level peak monsters, they all have the strength of sixth-level monsters. They are all monsters of the elite small boss level.

These elite small boss monsters are a circle larger than ordinary goblin-looking monsters. Although they are not as exaggerated as the monsters at the peak of the seventh step, which are more than three feet long, they are also taller than ordinary humans.

And they are covered with needle-like green long thorns, like a hedgehog, and after the seventh-level big boss summoned this subordinate from the ground, he suddenly screamed, the meaning is obviously to let his subordinates entangle Qin Lang, And get rid of Qin Lang, and it will continue to devote all its attention to crossing the catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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