Chapter 1644 Spine Monster (Thank you Scorpio for the monthly pass)
These elite little bosses seem to be very loyal to the seventh-level monsters. After the seventh-level monsters gave orders, they immediately locked on to Qin Lang, an obvious target.

Then there were violent fluctuations of spiritual energy on them, and then, hissing, a row of arrows began to shoot at Qin Lang.

This row of arrows is the result of the needle-like long green thorns on the bodies of these elite little bosses.

The rain of arrows from 23 elite mini-bosses densely covered Qin Lang, with hundreds of arrows raining all at once, Qin Lang couldn't avoid it.

The power of the arrow rain seemed to be very strong, and it was too late to react. Qin Lang activated his own defense ability.

At this time, the defensive light of one after another magic weapon shrouded the whole body. Several defensive magic weapons were activated by Qin Lang at the same time. In the case of using all kinds of methods, this wave was still blocked.

"Phantom Wind Walk!"

After fending off a wave, Qin Lang immediately cast his body skills without any hesitation.

After using the agility, his body disappeared in an instant. This is the result of his high-speed operation after turning on the agility. If he stays in place, Qin Lang can't guarantee that he can block the large group of sixth-order long-range system in front of him. The monster rained several waves of arrows. After all, he had consumed a lot of real energy just now to resist this wave of attack. The consumed real energy accounted for at least [-]% of his body.

Fortunately, this rain of arrows is only a talent method of the long-range thorn spine monster of the sixth level, not a conventional method...Let’s call these sixth-level monsters spine thorn monsters for now. The lethality of these green spike volleys Still very respectable.

If Qin Lang hadn't now possessed the peak strength of the Nascent Soul in the mid-stage, coupled with the top-grade defensive magic weapon Thunder God Ruler and other magic weapon protection, it really couldn't stop the true energy penetration of these green long thorns.

Although he used the defensive shield to block the wave of arrow rain just now, he was very reluctant to block it. The nine-layer shield on his body directly penetrated the seventh layer. If he hadn't been so cautious just now, it might really make these green The long thorn pierced through the magic weapon's protective shield of true energy.

And the rain of arrows that erupted from these thorn spine monsters... these long thorns like rain of arrows also have the ability to self-explode.

After the arrow rain erupted, many green long thorns directly penetrated the seven layers of magic weapon defense when they touched Qin Lang's body, and then blew up again when the penetrating power was exhausted, almost destroying all Qin Lang's defenses. Exploded directly.

It looks... the situation just now seems to be very dangerous.

Therefore, Qin Lang does not dare to take any more risks, and can only use fast movement to make these spine monsters unable to aim. In this way, he can gradually approach the effective attack range, and use his own attack methods to attack these spine monsters in a large area. killing.

This is also a way he came up with temporarily to deal with long-range attacking monsters, but it is actually impossible.

After all, there are a lot of spine-spine monsters in front of us, and they are all sixth-order monsters. The green thorns on the monsters are very difficult to mess with. The self-destruct of each long thorn is similar to that of an ordinary magic weapon. The attack power is almost the same as that of the Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivators.

And the green long thorns issued by the 23 monsters are almost equivalent to hundreds of magic weapons smashing at Qin Lang at the same time. I am afraid that even the monks in the late Yuanying period dare not take it lightly.

And Qin Lang was able to easily survive a wave of arrow rain attacks just now, in fact, it was mainly due to the fact that he had enough defensive magic weapons, and the top-rank magic weapon, the Thor God Ruler, which was the base, had a very good defense ability, even among the top-grade magic weapons. A top-level piece, its defense ability is infinitely close to the best magic weapon.

Because of Qin Lang's high-speed movement, it is not easy for the spine-spine monster to aim at Qin Lang again and shoot a wave of arrows. After all, Qin Lang pays attention to his position when he uses the phantom wind walk to move at high speed. In this case, these spine-spine monsters It was also impossible to lock Qin Lang very well.

After Qin Lang shortened the limited attack distance, he began to use the improved Sansheng Sword Art of precision-level swordsmanship, and named the spine-spine monsters in front of him one by one. Later, he found these spine-spine monsters Although the long-range attack power is very good, its own defense ability is not very good. It can be said that it is a weak-skinned class with strong offense and weak defense among monsters.

Basically, Qin Lang's sword energy only needs one or two hits to cut a thorny monster into two pieces. This kind of fragile defense is not even comparable to the physical defense ability of some fourth-order monsters.

After the two sword qi cut off a spine monster, Qin Lang was also refreshed. At this time, he increased the output process and directly killed all the spine monsters in front of him within 5 minutes.

"It turns out that these long-range monsters are just a group of paper tigers. They look powerful in attack, but they are actually vulnerable..." Seeing the results of the battle so quickly, Qin Lang also felt a little incredible that he could kill 5 spine-spine monsters within 23 minutes. You must know that these are all sixth-order monsters, and the attack power of each of them is already comparable to that of a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

After killing these crispy monsters, Qin Lang didn't care to check the results of the battle, and directly turned his head to lock on the seventh-order peak boss who had crossed the catastrophe.

Now the second round of the Ice Tribulation of this monster that has crossed the catastrophe seems to be almost over. Qin Lang has to hurry up. After all, the ice catastrophe has affected the mobility of this monster, and now the monster’s body is injured and its combat power has also dropped significantly. It happens to be the most suitable opportunity to make a move.

After that, Qin Lang didn't hesitate, and directly approached the monster whose strength had dropped due to the catastrophe, and waved his sword energy again.

However, despite being injured, this seventh-order peak monster with limited mobility still showed terrifying defensive capabilities. Qin Lang's sword qi swept across it several times, only able to draw a few not very serious scars on its body.

And if this monster was not affected by Du Jie, I am afraid that it would not be easy for Qin Lang to leave scars on it, because Du Jie was seriously injured, and his body was frozen and it was inconvenient to move. It is estimated that only [-]% of the strength can be exerted.

Originally, with the strong body of this monster, the best thing to do is launch a charge to deal with Qin Lang, but it is a pity that it is unable to exert its own specialties now that its body is frozen.

This is simply intolerable for this monster. It screamed angrily, and then launched the Pot Calling Technique again, and this time, Qin Lang didn't give it a chance, and it was definitely not an option to cast the Three Lives Sword directly. The seventh move, "Sword Qi Folding", first crippled its two eyes, and then used the dense sword energy to break the monster's body through a big hole, directly hurting the internal organs.

And at this time, with the cooperation of some large ice blocks, Qin Lang directly KO'd this infinitely close to the eighth-order commander-level monster, and made it die before it even fully used its summoning skills.I'm afraid that the leading monster would never have thought of it until it died. It would die so uselessly that it would have no power to fight back under a tiny human monk.

This battle was also a fluke for Qin Lang, who took advantage of this command-level monster to cross the catastrophe, and then used a clever trick to kill this extremely powerful monster.If it weren't for this peak seventh-order monster to cross the catastrophe, I am afraid that even three more Qin Lang might not be able to join forces to take down the opponent. In terms of defense ability, I am afraid that it is stronger than monks of the same level.

And Qin Lang killed this powerful monster, and also made it a complete failure in crossing the catastrophe. Otherwise, if this monster is successfully promoted to the eighth level, then Qin Lang may have to run away quickly, even if the monster is severely injured after crossing the catastrophe , He also has no possibility of defeating the eighth-level monster.

After all, the difference between eighth-level monsters and seventh-level monsters is the same as the difference between human monks in the middle stage of transformation and monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul. It seems that there is only a thin line of difference, but there is a huge gap between the two sides. It is thousands of miles away.

In this case, even if the monster is not good at that time, it will not take much effort to deal with a Qin Lang in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. You must know that the monster after the promotion is at least six or seven times stronger than before the promotion.

"Huh...huh... finally killed this big guy!" Qin Lang was panting heavily at this time, and it was not easy for him to fight this round. Fortunately, he finally turned the tide of the battle and killed this big guy and its summoner A large number of men came out.

At this time, Qin Lang began to clean up the battlefield, dismembering and separating the materials of this monster. Of course, the most valuable thing on the monster is the magic crystal. The magic crystal on this leader-level monster is different from ordinary magic crystals. Its color It's not black, but golden, and it's three to five times larger than ordinary magic crystals. It looks like a golden baby's fist.

"If this magic crystal is used for alchemy, it is estimated that I can refine a higher-level pill than ordinary magic crystal pills. Maybe this newly refined pill is more powerful... If this is the case, it will also help my cultivation. .”

Qin Lang murmured, in fact, the magic crystal pill refined by Dandingfang is not much better than the blood pill for cultivation for a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator like him. The greater effect of this kind of pill is Help the monks in the early Yuanying stage and the alchemy stage to practice, so as to quickly improve the cultivation level of these monks.

In the mid-stage of Yuanying, using this kind of pill for cultivation seems a bit unsatisfactory. The effect is not without, but the help to improve the realm of cultivation has been completely weakened, just like ordinary pills that purely improve cultivation. Like medicine, no side effects.

(End of this chapter)

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