The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1645 High Level Magic Crystal

Chapter 1645 High Level Magic Crystal

After taking away the most core piece of magic crystal of the monster commander, Qin Lang began to clean up the skin, bones and cloud tendons of the monster leader's body.

After all, this is a monster that is infinitely close to the eighth level, so the materials on this monster should be good refining materials, and of course Qin Lang will not let it go.

However, the monster is a new species discovered by the monks in Qinghe mainland. Its flesh and blood are not worth it. It is definitely not good for food. The flesh and blood of this commander-level monster is also very smelly. After thinking about it, Qin Lang still did not waste it. He stuffed the leader's remnant body into the storage bag, planning to use the flesh and blood to cultivate his own blood-eating worms in the future.

After all, spirit insects like blood-eating worms are not picky eaters. Although the flesh and blood of monsters are stinky, the spiritual factor in the flesh and blood is no worse than that of high-level monsters, so there should be no problem in cultivating these blood-eating worms. In this case, Qin Lang also saved some money to buy monster flesh and blood materials for the blood-eating worms.

After packing up the materials on the commander-level monsters, Qin Lang started to collect the materials on the 23 spine-spine monsters that he had killed.

But this time he only picked out the magic crystals in the spine-spine monsters, took them off one by one, and hid them in his storage bag.

It is worth mentioning that although these spine monsters are a bit crispy, they are solid sixth-order monsters, so the magic crystals in their bodies are also good, although they are not as good as the golden baby fist big magic crystals in the commander-level monsters, but these The magic crystal is also the size of a ping pong ball, and all of them are silvery white in color.

The silver-white magic crystals seem to be a grade lower than the golden magic crystals. Qin Lang has collected a total of 23 of them, basically not letting go of every spine-stinging monster's corpse.

At this time, when Qin Lang was about to pack his bags for the return trip, his ears moved suddenly. He heard some small movements not far away. When his consciousness swept away, he was stunned, and another wave of elite-level monsters came out in front of him. , is rushing towards this cliff.

This large wave of elite-level monsters are all thorn-spine monsters, at least 30 in number, which is larger than the first batch summoned by the command-level big boss before. Qin Lang was killed.

Facing the more than 30 thorn spine monsters in front of him, Qin Lang still adopted the old method of roll call, and the result went smoothly. Qin Lang took down all the thorn spine monsters in about 8 minutes, and harvested more than 30 silver-white monsters. crystal.

And after killing the second wave of more than 30 spine-spine monsters, Qin Lang became more curious about this mountain at this time.


Because the two consecutive waves of underground monsters came from one direction, his spiritual sense also followed the path of these monsters to detect, and finally found something unusual in the place a hundred feet ahead.

There is a cave or cave on the top of the mountain exposed from the inside of the mountain. The cave is very deep. It seems that these spine monsters did not appear for nothing. They should have crawled from the cave or cave on the top of the mountain after responding to the call of monsters at the commanding level. from.

In other words, this cave should be the home of the spine monster!
Qin Lang thought for a while, and decided to enter the lair of the thorn spine monster first to investigate. After all, the silver-white magic crystals and golden magic crystals he harvested are high-end goods, which are much better than ordinary magic crystals. This kind of high-grade magic crystal may be used to refine the more powerful magic crystal pill.

Qin Lang can be indifferent to ordinary magic crystals, but he is still very interested in these high-end goods. Basically, as long as there is a slight possibility of improving his cultivation, he will not give up. The magic crystals of these high-end goods are likely to help Of course, he will not give up on his next practice, so now he decided to collect as many silver-white magic crystals as possible.

With a flash of Qin Lang's body, he flashed directly into the cave at the top of the mountain. The cave at the top of the mountain is very deep, and it is likely to directly communicate with the depths of the ground. Since the entire mountain stands above the ridge, the cave The depth of aura in the middle is very high, and the air becomes viscous like jelly. Even the concentration of aura in some secret places in Qinghe Continent is probably not as good as here.

After taking a deep breath of the real aura, Qin Lang began to explore the depths of the cave. The cave is very narrow, and it is also the base camp of the spine-spine monster, so Qin Lang actually walked very carefully along the way.

However, Qin Lang didn't meet a single monster after walking for three or four miles, so he couldn't help being surprised; could it be that the monsters in this cave are only the two batches summoned by the boss just now?

When he just had this idea, his divine sense sensed the movement in front of him... There are monsters again!
Qin Lang hurriedly approached, and finally found that the target was not the two waves of long-range spike monsters that he encountered before. This time, it was replaced by a goblin enlarged version of monsters. The green body looked four times larger than ordinary monsters. Five times, this size is actually not much different from that of humans.

This is a monster that can spit acid at the mouth, and its strength is also at the sixth level, but its defense thickness is much stronger than that of the spine-stinging monster. Even if Qin Lang used all his skills to stab five or six swords, he could not kill this monster. The guts turned the monster from a minor injury to a serious injury.

Fortunately, this acid-spitting monster does not have the habit of living in groups in the mountain crypt, and each of them acts almost alone, so Qin Lang finally killed the acid monster with ease.

It took Qin Lang about 5 minutes to kill the acid monster. He felt that this was about the same intensity as he had fought with more than 20 spine monsters at the same time. The acid monster had thick skin and flesh, but it was not as crispy as the spine monster The color is easy to deal with, and the acid splashing ability of this acid monster is six or seven meters, which can be regarded as a medium-range attack method. Compared with the spine monster, its attack power is not lower than that of the spine monster.

And the crystal nuclei in the acid monster's body are also silver-white, which indirectly proves that this special monster is at the same level as the spine-spine monster that Qin Lang discovered before, and all the output is silver-white magic crystals.

Before, Qin Lang had never encountered the thorn spine monster, but the acid monster killed more than 20 of them one after another on the way to find it. In this way, he harvested more than 20 silver-white magic crystals.

During this process, Qin Lang discovered that in addition to spine monsters and acid monsters, there was also a "Voldemort" lying on the ground in the mountain crypt. This slow-moving disabled was actually a sixth-order monster. In addition to being good, it is much harder to kill than the spine monster.

After all, this kind of Voldemort has no long-range attack ability at all, and even at close range, its slow moving speed is like a snail, and its body is worse than ordinary monsters. It was included in the disabled list by Qin Lang early.

However, even though they are monsters on the disabled list, these Voldemort monsters are still sixth-order, and the crystal nucleus in their bodies is also a sixth-order crystal nucleus.

Speaking of it, killing Voldemort is easy and profitable, so Qin Lang really hopes to meet a few more weak chickens like this.

But this is impossible, Qin Lang only encountered a total of ten such Voldemort monsters along the way, and finally killed them all.

In addition, when passing through a ground vein like a connecting channel, Qin Lang encountered a group of lightning monsters. The faces of these lightning monsters were pale. If it weren't for the valgus fangs, they would look no different from ordinary humans.

The Lightning Demon is also a long-range attacking monster. The voltage of each lightning bolt is not as terrifying as the Heavenly Tribulation, but it is estimated that the voltage emitted is at least a few hundred volts. If Qin Lang is not careful, he may be injured.

The speed of monsters like the Lightning Demon is also slow, but the number of times it strikes lightning has greatly exceeded Qin Lang's expectations. The Lightning Demon that Qin Lang is facing now can emit at least two lightning bolts per second. The lightning almost blocked all of Qin Lang's escape routes.

But now Qin Lang can only do some simple movement in this narrow connection channel of the leyline cave. He actually has no better way to deal with the lightning in front of him. He can only do his best to deal with these lightning monsters.

hold head high……

After Qin Lang brushed out more than 20 sword qi, a lightning demon finally couldn't support his body, and disappeared directly into a layer of black smoke.The body of this lightning monster seems to be composed of this black smoke-like gas, and there is no obvious weakness in the body at all.

Therefore, if Qin Lang wants to kill a large number of lightning monsters, the last way is to use the sharpness of the sword to melt the opponent repeatedly until the fierce arrogance on the monster is completely suppressed, and then there is a target to kill the opponent.

There are not many lightning monsters in the underground passages. Qin Lang only encountered three heads in total. After killing these three heads, Qin Lang got three half-gold and half silver-white crystal nuclei. The liquid monster is advanced, but it is much weaker than the big boss like the monster leader.

After Qin Lang opened up this connection channel, he finally sneaked into the ground from the mountain. The number of monsters in the ground seemed to have increased a lot. Qin Lang finally saw the spine monster here again. It seemed that there was an army of spine monsters hidden in the ground. Qin Lang looked around and saw a large square-like space in front of him, with at least 300 spine-spine monsters densely packed.

These thorn spine monsters are walking back and forth in the square, and the square in front of them is full of their wandering shadows...

After seeing this scene, Qin Lang also frowned. At the same time, facing the more than 300 thorn spine monsters, he was not sure of victory. The defense is pierced, this strength is too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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