The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1646 Fengxue body training (thank you for enjoying happiness and Scorpio's reward

Chapter 1646 Fengxue body training (thank you for enjoying happiness and Scorpio's reward
At this time, Qin Lang had an idea and summoned the S-level mutant clone. The S-level mutant clone is almost immortal and has a strong self-healing ability. It is the best to deal with the situation in front of him.

Under Qin Lang's manipulation, the S-rank mutants rushed into the square and fought with these spine-spine monsters.

Although the S-level mutant avatar has a soft fighting style, it still has the strength of the late Nascent Soul, so it is no problem for it to use its natural metal ability to deal with these spine-thorn monsters.

Use the S-level mutants to attract hatred, and then Qin Lang lures the monsters one by one, and leads these spine monsters out of the square to deal with them one by one. In this way, the efficiency of the battle will be much faster.

One, two, three...

When Qin Lang killed all the more than 300 spine monsters in the square, five or six hours had passed. After killing these more than 300 spine monsters, he had harvested more than 300 silver-white magic crystals in the storage bag. A small pile was made.

After cleaning up the monsters in the entire square, Qin Lang found another small hole-shaped passage on the opposite side of the square, so he walked over curiously, and found that this passage was connected to a stone room, which was separated by an extremely thick stone door.

Qin Lang pushed the stone door hard, good guy, he didn't push it with a force of 200 tons, so he had to increase the force again, and when he added more than [-] tons, the stone door finally opened slowly up.

And as the stone gate was opened, a wave of air was pushed out. Qin Lang was pushed by this powerful wave of air and unexpectedly couldn't stabilize his figure. He was blown directly several tens of feet away. A whirlwind blew up in the square, with a wind force of at least level fourteen.

This kind of wind can be much more severe than the typhoon on the earth, and Qin Lang realized at this time that there should be a huge wind cave closed deep in the stone gate. At this time, as the stone gate opened, the wind force from the wind cave continued to blow out. The wind on the ground is also getting stronger and stronger, and Qin Lang gradually feels unable to stabilize his body.

"The here...let's go..."

Qin Lang now feels that the wind blowing from the entire wind hole is not an ordinary wind at all, but an extremely strong wind. This wind can actually penetrate the defense layer of true energy and directly act on the human body. Now his face is covered His hair was wrinkled, his hair stood on end, and his eyes could hardly be opened.

However, fortunately, the strong wind blowing from this wind hole does not have much damage, otherwise, Qin Lang will suffer.At this time, he had already blown the strong wind and got close to the corner of the square, and when he was about to move back to the original place bit by bit, his spiritual sense suddenly sensed a strong spiritual power fluctuation at the other end of the wind cave!
"Fixed Wind there a Fixed Wind Orb in the wind hole?"

With a sweeping sweep of Qin Lang's spirit, he found a small bead with intense spiritual energy fluctuations in the wind cave. It felt like the legendary wind-fixing bead.

However, the Dingfeng Orb is a legendary thing. No one has seen it in the Qinghe Continent for tens of thousands of years. It is said that in the ancient cultivation world, there are four strange orbs: Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind. , Cracking Earth Orb, and Dry Fire Orb are rare natural treasures in the cultivation world.

Take Fen-Shui Orb as an example. It is said that the holder of Fen-Shui Orb can turn rivers and seas and display great supernatural powers. Although its function is similar to that of water-avoiding beads in the cultivation world today, it is definitely a thousand times more powerful than water-avoiding beads. After all, water-avoiding beads Beads only have the ability to avoid water, but they cannot display great supernatural powers that can overwhelm rivers and seas.

And the water droplet can fix 36 kinds of winds from the sky and 72 kinds of winds from the earth in the great world. The effect is also very magical, and it is also a thing of great supernatural powers.

Such treasures can be said to be more powerful than some top-grade magic weapons, and even cultivators in ancient times directly used the four four strange beads to refine weapons and refine ancient innate treasures. In words, the power is even more powerful than the current magic house in the realm of comprehension.

However, refining innate ancient treasures is the ability of ancient cultivators, and belongs to the stream of gods. Nowadays, the refining method of innate ancient treasures has long been lost, so even if Qin Lang got the wind-fixing bead in the wind cave, he would not be able to do so at all. Innate ancient treasures cannot be refined.

However, even if Qin Lang can't refine the innate ancient treasure, if he can take down this legendary Wind-fixing Orb now, he will still make a lot of money. This kind of treasure can be said to be far more than anything on Qin Lang, let alone Qin Lang In this way, the monks in the mid-Yuanying stage, I am afraid that even the monks in the transformation stage will be moved when they see it, so when Qin Lang judged that there was a fixed wind bead in the wind point, he immediately widened his eyes and remained silent for a long time.

After a long while, Qin Lang finally made up his mind, no matter what the price was, he would get this Wind-fixing Orb.

It's just that the Dingfeng Pearl is hidden in the wind cave, and now even the whirlwinds in the square are above level [-], let alone inside the wind cave. Going in now is no different from courting death. It is estimated that the wind force in the wind cave is at least After reaching the seventeenth level, whether Qin Lang can get the fixed wind orb after entering the wind cave, under the action of such a strong wind force, it is certain that he will fall half to death in it.

How to do it?

Qin Lang, leaning on the mountain wall, looked at the wind cave tens of feet away in front of him, and frowned. The strong wind was raging in the square, whistling in his ears. Now Qin Lang, except for the sound of the wind, almost No other sounds could be heard around the square.

Qin Lang frowned for a while, then gritted his teeth and used the metal ability of the mutant avatar to transform into a slender alloy rope, fixed one side of the alloy rope to this mountain wall, and then crawled forward on the ground bit by bit, while walking forward Okay, while drilling deep holes in the ground, use metal stakes to fix slender alloy ropes in each hole.

Qin Lang approached the wind cave little by little, and it was very difficult to climb. It took him at least three hours to get to the wind cave. When he returned to the place where the stone gate of the wind cave was originally opened, Qin Lang felt the powerful force The wind blows out from the wind hole, almost blowing into the bone, almost blowing away his soul.

Under such a strong wind, the eyes have become the Achilles' heel, and they will be injured almost at any time.

In order to protect his eyes, Qin Lang had to close his eyes tightly, relying on his spiritual sense to try his best to continue crawling into the wind cave. His body was almost crawling against the ground, moving little by little, even though he did not let the knife-like Gangfeng hurt himself.

After entering the wind hole, Qin Lang's crawling movement is undoubtedly three points more difficult than in the square. Qin Lang often fails to move forward a foot with half a stick of incense. Under the action of the strong wind, some tiny capillaries on his body surface even appear. When it exploded, the skin on the surface of the body flushed like blood, which looked like a patient with a high fever and a serious illness.

However, although Qin Lang's true energy cannot protect the capillaries on the body surface, he has been firmly guarding his five internal organs and internal organs, preventing these key parts from being injured by the wind. Entering this wind cave is still dangerous. If the true energy cannot protect oneself, the strong wind in the wind cave will even tear the monk's whole body.

Inside the Wind Cave, it is very difficult for Qin Lang to advance every foot, and it is also extremely difficult to do every movement. However, he is not in a hurry, moving himself slowly bit by bit, bit by bit A point is drilled to secure the metal cord.

The ground of the crypt and the square is made of stone, and it is comparable to diamond rock, with a very high hardness. It takes a lot of effort for Qin Lang to drill a hole. This is done with magic tools. If he uses ordinary If the drill bit is used to deal with this surface rock formation, it is estimated that it will not be possible to drill a hole for a day and a night.

Finally, Qin Lang struggled with Gangfeng for almost two hours in the wind cave, and finally approached the Wind-fixing Orb in the center of the wind cave.At this time, he stretched out his hand to touch the bead, and now the whistling sound of the wind hole was even louder, and the sudden strong wind actually blew one of Qin Lang's arms into a slight fracture.

Then he wanted to take out the healing medicine to speed up his recovery, but as soon as he took out the healing medicine, he was blown away by the strong wind, and he couldn't control it at all.Big trouble now!
Qin Lang didn't dare to make any moves anymore, but stuck firmly to the ground to run the spiral type of true energy, using the true energy to stimulate and resonate the fractured parts.

Although this method is primitive, the effect is still there. Under the stimulation of the true energy and the resonance repair, it took Qin Lang about half an hour to barely adhere the fracture site, and then it took another hour to completely repair the fracture. .

After being repaired, Qin Lang felt that his fractured area became stronger and stronger after healed, and he recovered better than before he was not injured. He knew that the repair of the body with true energy resonance had a certain healing effect, but this fragmentation It was the first time he discovered that the bone was further strengthened during the repair process.

After the fracture healed itself this time, Qin Lang felt that the strengthening effect he got was not much worse than absorbing a python tendon pill. This was something Qin Lang had never encountered in the process of using true energy to heal his injuries before.

In fact, it is not that he has not used the resonance of true energy to stimulate the body, muscles, bones, skin, and flesh before, but he has never obtained such a good strengthening effect. The best effect of resonance of true energy is to strengthen the tendons and Flesh and blood, but if you want to go deep into the bone marrow for strengthening, the effect will be much worse.

At this time, Qin Lang lay quietly on the ground and thought about it, but he couldn't think of a reason.

Since he couldn't think of the reason, Qin Lang simply didn't want to think about it anymore, but continued to try to contact the Dingfeng Bead, but the moment he touched the Dingfeng Bead, the wind force of the entire wind cave suddenly became stronger again. times, his hand was blown to a bone again.

There is no way, Qin Lang can only use the spiral type of true energy to repair the fractured parts again, and it took about an hour and a half to fix it. Before putting a Good Fortune Pill in his mouth, he continued to touch the Wind-fixing Bead with his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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