The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1650 Failed to Obtain Dan Fang

Chapter 1650 Failed to Obtain Dan Fang
In fact, as long as the alchemist can supply the true energy during the alchemy process, the consciousness and operation will never be flawed, no matter how many ingredients are used for alchemy at the same time, it will be fine.

It's also about familiarity and competence.

Basically, there are very few alchemists who have such courage. Even if they have the ability, these alchemists do not have the courage to do so. After all, every ingredient in the refining of high-grade elixirs is extremely precious. It is possible that they were all in vain.

Under such circumstances, these alchemists are not allowed to carelessly consider the alchemy process in the usual process, and each of them strives to make the entire alchemy process more secure.

From their point of view, compared to spending several times more effort on alchemy than one operation with several materials, it only consumes a little more time and energy, and there is no loss at all.

Of course, this is also a manifestation of the lack of ability of other alchemists. Now Qin Lang doesn't need to worry about this at all. A majestic alchemy master can't solve the problem of a hundred continuation pills with all the plug-ins. For refining materials, it is really better to find a piece of tofu and crash it to death, so as not to be embarrassing again.

In fact, one hundred percent material refining not only requires the alchemist's ability, but also tests the attributes of the alchemy furnace. Like Qin Lang's Bagua pill furnace before, it is absolutely impossible to combine one hundred parts of materials. Why?Because although the Eight Diagrams Pill Furnace is large in size, the internal space is actually not that big, and it is okay to refine sixty or seventy copies, but it is very reluctant to combine the materials of one hundred parts of "Duanmai Pill". In the process, the entire alchemy furnace will explode.

But now that it is replaced by a top-grade Dan Furnace Yin-Yang Chaos Furnace, there is no such concern. The Yin-Yang Chaos Furnace can be changed in size at will. Qin Lang now wants to make it bigger or bigger, or as small as he wants. This Pill Furnace is completely retractable. Freedom, it can accommodate as many materials as you want.

In this case, Qin Lang slightly enlarged the entire alchemy furnace again, which fully met the needs of alchemy, and then Qin Lang began to prepare the base liquid of "Continuing Pulse Pill", which is not cold pool water , but the blood of monsters above the fifth rank.

The whole process of alchemy is not very different from refining clean pills except for the different materials. In the process of alchemy, Qin Lang poured some Wannian stone milk into the alchemy furnace when the pill liquid was formed, so that the whole alchemy process More smoothly, you must know that the stone milk of the stone year is a precious material that can improve the quality of the elixir.

And Qin Lang's storage bag of ten thousand years of stone milk is worth one or two thousand catties, so this kind of treasure of heaven and earth, which is very precious in the cultivation world, is rare in Qin Lang's hands, otherwise he would not dare to pour so much at all. It’s almost a small bowl. If it’s an alchemy master like Yu Decheng, he will be furious if he knows it. It's not that you can have as much Chinese cabbage on the roadside as you want, this material is also one of the top natural treasures in the cultivation world.

It's a pity that the current Qin Lang really has as much as he wants, so he is so self-willed, and the weight of more than one thousand catties is enough for him to squander for a long time. When he was in the Dongfu of the Eastern District of the Wushuang Ruins, he almost packed the whole thing. The puddles of Nian Shimilk have been emptied.

At this time, Qin Lang mobilized his true energy and concentrated all his mind on refining a large portion of "Continuing Pulse Pill". Compared with the amount of materials required for "Qingjing Pill", the refining of one hundred parts of "Continuing Pulse Pill" consumed a lot of money. The mind and true energy have also increased ten times. Even if Qin Lang is a monk at the peak of Yuanying in the middle stage, he also added a second elixir to restore physical strength and energy during the alchemy process, so that he can persist.

The whole alchemy process lasted for five hours, and Qin Lang spent a lot more time refining this large amount of elixir.

And after adding ten thousand years of stone milk, there is not much to say about the final alchemy rate of the "continuing pulse pill" of this big furnace, and the quality of the pills all have forbidden patterns, reaching [-]% perfect quality.

The whole process of collecting pills was very painful and blissful. Qin Lang pinched the method of collecting pills and performed it more than a dozen times in a row before collecting the pills that flew all over the training room. If the training room was not sealed and banned, there would probably be a lot of pills. All the elixirs had already escaped and flew away, which also reminded Qin Lang that if the refining of excess elixirs is carried out in the future, it must not be carried out in an open place.

In the end, Qin Lang received a total of more than 3000 "Continuing Maidan" materials for one hundred copies of "Continuing Maidan", and all of them were of perfect quality, which made him happy. Compared with Good Fortune Pills, each one is very valuable, and it is not a problem to sell each one for 50 million. If Qin Lang is short of money in the future, he can sell ten or eight pills at any time to make up some temporarily.

In other words, these more than 3000 "continuing pulse pills" are worth at least more than one billion yuan, which is definitely an explosive wealth.

This is also because the amount of "Biqing Baolian" obtained by Qin Lang this time is too large to be able to gain so much. Ordinary alchemists are very surprised to encounter a piece of material, but now Qin Lang has fully refined it. The amount of one hundred parts.

Finally, what needs to be refined is "Biqing Dan". In fact, it is even many times higher than "Xumai Pill", but for non-Yuanying late Dzogchen monks, the value of this pill is not as good as "Xumai Pill".

Therefore, the key to whether a medicine is good or not depends on its practicality. This is also a matter of the benevolent and the wise.

For Qin Lang, the role of "Bi Qing Dan" is indeed crucial, and he will definitely use it in the future to hit the stage of transformation.

The lotus root of "Biqing Baolian" is a hundred catties, but this time Qin Lang is not going to refine so much, he plans to refine about ten catties, and save the rest of the materials for the time being.After all, in his memory, this lotus root can not only refine "Biqing Dan", but also the main ingredients of several high-grade pills can be replaced by this ingredient.

Ten catties of lotus root can be refined into a full 72 parts, and there are as many as [-] kinds of auxiliary materials. The value of auxiliary materials spent on this "Bi Qing Dan" also accounted for nearly half of Qin Lang's contribution exchange. In the end, Qin Lang refined Sixty "Biqing Pills" were prepared, and an average of one material yielded two pills.

Due to the addition of ten-thousand-year stone milk, these sixty elixirs are all at the perfect level. "Biqing Dan" is an egg-sized elixir with a green body, and the name is very apt.

Due to the prohibition of the pill pattern, the spirituality of the whole elixir is completely locked inside, even if it is exposed to the air, it will not escape the slightest bit.

After completing the alchemy of sixty "Biqing Pills", Qin Lang heaved a sigh of relief. At this time, he took out the pill to restore energy and true energy, and began to restore the consumption of the alchemy process just now.

And after alchemy this time, Qin Lang has another more important thing to do, which is to try to refine a higher quality "Magic Crystal Pill". If the refining is successful, Qin Lang's next breakthrough in cultivation will not be successful The problem is that he has been stuck at the peak of the mid-Yuanying period for a long time. That layer of film seems simple, but it has been unable to do it. After the first level, I didn't have enough understanding of the direction of cultivation and realm, which is why I have been stuck for so long.

And "Magic Crystal Pill" can break through the realm barrier in the process of cultivation. This kind of elixir is too practical for Qin Lang. If he really succeeds in refining, then this high-quality magic crystal pill will definitely help him , Breaking through the current difficulties in one fell swoop.

Next, after Qin Lang recovered, he began to further calculate and practice the recipe of the magic crystal pill, and calculated the amount of medicinal materials needed to refine this high-quality "magic crystal pill". In fact, the high-quality "magic crystal pill" "Because the quality of the magic crystal is different, the ratio of various auxiliary medicinal materials required is also different from that of ordinary magic crystal pills. Qin Lang is now rebuilding another new pill formula.

Of course, it is said to be rebuilding the alchemy formula, but in fact, there is also a process of refining ordinary quality magic crystal pills, but now it has undergone some new improvements.

Half an hour later, Qin Lang already had a new virtual alchemy plan in his heart, so he started the actual alchemy of the new alchemy formula.Qin Lang has multiple copies of the refining materials for the Magic Crystal Pill, so he doesn't need to buy them. He just needs to take out these materials now.

Qin Lang experimented with silver-white magic crystals. Although this high-quality magic crystal is not as good as golden magic crystals, it is more than ten times higher in quality than ordinary magic crystals. Qin Lang tried to use the new alchemy to start the first trial. When refining the wheel, a silver-white magic crystal and a portion of materials were used, but halfway through the failed!

This is also the first time Qin Lang has failed in alchemy since he became an alchemist.

After the failure, Qin Lang was not in a hurry to continue trying, but stopped to think, and repeatedly summarized every step of the alchemy process this time, repeatedly thinking about whether he had made mistakes in the process of alchemy just now, and what else he had The place is not well done.

After a while of thinking and calculation, half an hour later, Qin Lang tried again. This time, although the alchemy process lasted a little longer, but when the pill liquid was about to still failed.

Qin Lang suffered setbacks in the refining of high-quality magic crystal cubes for the second time in a row. This has never happened in his entire alchemy career, but he was not discouraged after the second setback, but thought again, The brain is connected to a super system that calculates at a speed of one billion times per second, and he tries to find the flaws that he has not discovered in the process of alchemy.

However, thinking back to his second alchemy, Qin Lang didn't find any problems in his operation.At this time, I have to focus on the problem of the pill. Is there any problem with my pill that I haven't found, so my refining has been unsuccessful?

After changing his thinking, Qin Lang improved his elixir formula again, and then tried to refine it again, but Qin Lang failed again in the third refining, but this time Qin Lang's eyes showed the light of hope. It turned out that he found this There is indeed a problem with the prescription of the magic crystal pill, and now I can only start from this aspect to completely solve the problem.

And the magic crystal pill is not an ordinary medicine in the first place. As for why you say that... You can see how unsatisfactory it is when the goatee Jiuding master at the alchemy master level can't even handle the ordinary quality magic crystal pill. Simple.

You must know that Master Jiuding's talent for alchemy is not much worse than Qin Lang. He is the one who created the original recipe of the Magic Crystal Pill. Deny the talent and talent of the goatee surnamed Ding.

The reason why Qin Lang is stronger than Jiuding is that he relies more on the super system connected in his brain. This plug-in super system allows him to have the capital to look down on all the cultivators in the cultivation world. Basically, there is no monk below the transformation stage. He can compare to him in brain calculation and calculation talent, and he can't even do one-tenth of his ability.

(End of this chapter)

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