Chapter 1651

Next, Qin Lang continued to calculate and practice this improved version of the high-quality magic crystal elixir formula. After repeated calculations, Qin Lang finally found the real reason. It turned out that this high-quality magic crystal elixir formula There is nothing wrong, but there is a lack of a elixir that acts as a catalyst. This elixir is called Tianleihua.

The elixir of Tianleihua can be said to be precious and precious, and it can be said to be common. among.

But in the environment of Western Desert, it is impossible for Lei Ze to exist at all, so this kind of elixir is relatively rare in Western Desert.

Qin Lang didn't know if there were any Tianlei flowers at the resource point, so he ended this retreat and hurried to the resource point to inquire about the situation.

Unfortunately, there are no Sky Thunder Flowers for sale at the resource points, and they are not available in Wushuang City. If Qin Lang really needs them, it will take half a year for them to arrive.

Waiting for half a year... This time is a little too long.

However, Qin Lang unexpectedly heard the news that someone in a different space discovered Lei Ze in the mountains.


Qin Lang was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Lei Ze to exist in this different space. If Lei Ze existed in this different space, it was very possible to find the Sky Thunder Flower he needed in Lei Ze, so he had already made up his mind. Go to Lei Ze in the mountains of the different space and look for it to see if you can find the elixir you need as a catalyst for the new alchemy formula.

Lei Ze in the mountains of different spaces is actually in the direction that Qin Lang explored before, but this Lei Ze position is a little bit deeper, Qin Lang did not leave immediately, but first bought some refining materials in Fangshi, Then I rented a refining workshop at the resource point, preparing to refine a set of flying magic weapons.

The reason why he chose to refine the flying magic weapon before leaving was because Qin Lang had heard that there were a large number of flying ax monsters in the mountains. They were still densely packed together, even if the monks in the late Yuanying period wanted to force their way directly from the ground, it would be impossible to break through the territory of the flying ax monster.

However, if the monk has a magic weapon of flying, he can consider flying over from the sky, flying over the territory occupied by the flying ax monster.

Qin Lang originally had a flying magic weapon, Feitian Luo Yunsuo, but it was a pity that the magic weapon was completely destroyed in the battle between the earth and Song Zixing, a zombie in the transformation stage, and the flying magic weapon can occasionally be seen in the Southern Domain Auction House, but it is relatively rare in this western desert. , even if there are, they are the most inferior goods. After all, the Western Desert is poor in materials and there are no famous craftsmen. Most of the magical weapons and treasures are imported from other regions.

After Qin Lang failed to find a suitable flying magic weapon at the resource point of Dandingfang, he planned to refine one by himself. He really didn't like those flying magic weapons. He is now a qualified refiner Well, you should be able to refine a lot of them casually, although his is a flying treasure with better quality.

After all, the low-grade flying magic weapon has limited attributes, and it flies too low and too slow. Maybe it will be attacked by those flying axes monsters on the ground when flying at low altitude, which would be very funny.

In order to refine a better flying magic weapon, Qin Lang is not going to use the heaven and earth flow refining method this time, so he rents the refining workshop at the resource point. He mainly uses the refining furnace in the refining workshop, and there is no refining furnace There is no way to refine the weapon by yourself.

Qin Lang bought some fine gold and secret silver, which are necessary items for refining magic weapons. In addition, there are some top-grade spirit stones with wind attributes in his storage bag, which can also be added to the refining of magic weapons.

Before refining, an apprentice called Wangcai from the refining workshop helped Qin Lang. He picked up the bellows and turned on the high-temperature fire under the refining furnace. The refining furnace in front of him was like a blast furnace, with a huge volume. It was built directly on the ground of the refining workshop and fixed to death, accounting for more than half of the entire training workshop.

The fuel in the refining furnace is a very special kind of ore, a bit like raw coal. When fully burned, the temperature is several times higher than that of raw coal. I don't know what kind of ore it is. Qin Lang saw that the temperature of the entire refining furnace has risen to one At about a thousand degrees Celsius, all materials such as fine gold, dense silver, etc. were poured into the training furnace.

With this blast furnace-like workshop tool, Qin Lang's Kanli Fire is completely useless now, so he didn't use his own Kanli Fire for the time being.

After all the materials were melted, Qin Lang began to crush the wind-attribute spirit stones and added them to the red molten metal in the blast furnace. A wave of spiritual energy from the spirit stones erupted in the blast furnace, and the molten metal on the blast furnace liquid level Shake up.

At this time, Qin Lang began to play the crafting skill, and started the crafting process. Different from the Tiandiliu crafting technique, the traditional crafting technique in the cultivation world pays more attention to the use of crafting tools. Seeing that the materials have been fused, Qin Lang called out : "Wangcai, lower the furnace temperature!"

"Okay, guest."

Wangcai, an apprentice of the smelting workshop who was a bit stupid, carried out the order, but he was not serious. He used a shovel to directly reduce the fuel at the bottom of the furnace, and soon the smelting furnace began to cool down.

After Qin Lang descended in the furnace at this time, he saw that the molten metal in the furnace had gradually condensed. When the molten metal was about to turn into a metal condensate, Qin Lang directly poured the molten metal into the mold prepared in advance. Before fully condensing, use the blacksmith tool in the refining workshop to correct the material in the mold.

Moreover, while rectifying, he continued to draw forbidden patterns on the semi-finished materials, perfecting every step of the entire refining process. This is a very delicate job, and Qin Lang did every step carefully.

Three hours later...

The flying magic weapon has already begun to take shape. This is a metal disc similar to a plum blossom. The red color of the whole body has faded. Qin Lang entered the last step of the pure fire at this time, and threw the materials into the pure fire pool beside him.With a bang, the smoke began to rise, filling the entire crafting workshop, and suddenly the whole crafting workshop became a steamer-like environment.

This steam has a high temperature of more than 200 degrees. If Qin Lang and Wangcai were not both cultivators and not ordinary people, they would have been directly steamed right now.

After the last step of refining the fire, Qin Lang has already taken out the plum blossom-shaped metal disc. Now the surface of the completed magic weapon is shining with a non-gold and non-silver luster, and it has been initially refined. "It's not bad! It's a middle-grade flying magic weapon!" Qin Lang held the magic weapon in his hand and looked at it. With his ability as a craftsman, it was normal for him to be able to refine a middle-grade flying magic weapon. He has comprehensive development in weaponry, talisman making, etc., but he is also good at it and not good at it. His own weapon refining ability is not as good as alchemy ability.

After the flying magic weapon was successfully refined, Qin Lang thought for a while and said, "This flying magic weapon should be called Feimei Pan!" He really didn't have any talent for naming, so he randomly chose a name that was closer to the shape.

After refining this middle-grade flying magic weapon, Qin Lang started to set off. There was an inexplicable pressure in the sky of the different space, so Qin Lang found that even if he used the flying magic weapon, he could not fly high, about 100 meters above the ground. .

"As a monk in the mid-stage Nascent Soul, I can only fly 100 meters high with a mid-level flying magic weapon, and it feels very strenuous. The consumption of real energy is at least ten times more than running on the ground. If I use a low-level flying magic weapon, I'm afraid It’s not bad to be able to fly 30 meters high... No wonder there are so many adventure teams exploring different spaces, but I haven’t seen a few of them using flying magic weapons to fly in the air... This is completely thankless."

After Qin Lang felt that flying was more difficult, he directly lowered to the ground, intending to wait until he was close to the gathering area of ​​flying axes and monsters before using the flying magic weapon. In this case, it would save some effort.

After that, after running for five hours, Qin Lang finally got close to the territory of the flying ax monster. At this time, Qin Lang looked over from a distance, and found that the territory of the flying ax monster was densely packed with a body of more than two feet tall, with a body Monsters covered with metal armor, and these monsters have a bull-headed body, holding two metal throwing axes with a handle in the middle of the wide blade.

"These monsters have rudimentary intelligence? It feels like these armor plates and metal throwing axes are almost like magic weapons... Are they refined by themselves?"

Qin Lang was also very surprised when he saw the situation in front of him. This flying ax monster is completely different from other types of monsters. Compared with the flying ax monster, it is completely poor.

As for a tall, rich and handsome guy like the Throwing Ax Monster, it should be no problem to fight three or five poor guys of the same level.

In this case, it is no wonder that most monks who entered the different space treated the area of ​​the flying ax monster as a restricted area.

After Qin Lang swept his consciousness, he found that the spiritual intelligence of these monsters with flying axes was not very outstanding, that is to say, the armor pieces and axes on their bodies should not be refined by himself, but it was strange that the level of magic weapons of these monsters How did the equipment come about? No wonder there was a powerful monk who knew how to refine weapons in this different space. The flying ax monsters in front of him were raised as pets by this powerful monk?However, the flying ax monster area is densely packed with tens of thousands of flying ax monsters. Even if there is a refiner who wants to train his subordinates, he may not be able to refine so many flying axes and armor pieces in a lifetime without eating or drinking!

At this time, Qin Lang changed his mind, and then he no longer entangled in this problem. Although he was suspicious of the source of the equipment of these flying axes and monsters, the most important thing for him now was to go to Lei Ze in front of him to find the catalytic elixir he wanted Thundergrass.

Because only by obtaining the Thunder Grass, can I refine a higher-level magic crystal pill, so that I can break through the barriers of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul and truly enter the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

(End of this chapter)

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