The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1656 The Poison of the Cold Chick

Chapter 1656 The Poison of the Cold Chick
However, after all, they are all late Nascent Soul cultivators who have gone through a lot of wind and waves. Even if they were trapped behind the Gu formation, the two casual cultivators did not panic, but each used their strongest means to attack the entire Gu formation.

Boom Boom!
The two casual cultivators even blew up a few magic weapons, trying to open the gap in the gu formation by relying on the power of the magic weapons to explode.

And Qin Lang, who manipulated the entire Gu array, was the first to feel the impact of the self-explosion of these magic weapons. Fortunately, after the upgrade of the Gu array, the resistance to the impact of the magic weapon's self-explosion is also much stronger. It was unstable for a while, but there was no gap.

Afterwards, Qin Lang directly used the sword art, with a pick, a stab, and a sword aura shot directly at Lei Zhenzi, the culprit of this operation. Qin Lang was also very angry with this monk who didn't have long eyes and kept making troubles for him. If he was strong enough, he might have already succeeded.

Therefore, Qin Lang shot mercilessly, and the sword energy from the precision-level swordsmanship directly aimed at Lei Zhenzi's vitals. Fa also couldn't react, and the other half of the wing was chopped off by a sword qi. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough to get out of the way, he might have been seriously injured by this blow.

kill kill kill!

Qin Lang concentrated his energy on attacking Lei Zhenzi. To deal with this kind of late Nascent Soul cultivator, even if there is a Gu formation to trap the opponent, he can't let go. If he wants to kill Lei Zhenzi, he also showed his real skills. Fast and ruthless, the directly finished glyphs enveloped Lei Zhenzi's forward and backward movement space, and Lei Zhenzi's movement skills were greatly reduced now that Lei Zhenzi was damaged, so facing these three sword qis, there was no way to hide.

"Ah no..." Lei Zhenzi's eyes were full of panic, and his spiritual sense clearly sensed the direction of the sword energy, but it was too late for his body to react now, and the three swords disappeared in a flash, and he fell into it directly. Lei Zhenzi's body was touched, and then Lei Zhenzi's body stopped for a while, and suddenly his whole body was divided into five pieces and split apart!
This is the effect of being split by the sword qi, and after Lei Zhenzi's body was split, the Yuanying was not directly wiped out by the sword qi like the few companions who died before. In the mid-term, it was more condensed, and the corrosion of Qin Lang's sword energy could only cause slight damage to Lei Zhenzi's Nascent Soul, but it could not kill it with one blow.

After Lei Zhenzi's Nascent Soul was separated from his body, he wanted to escape directly, but now the entire Gu formation is blocked by Qin Lang's manipulation. It is even more impossible for Lei Zhenzi without a physical body to escape Qin Lang's pursuit with just the Nascent Soul villain. In the end, he could only blew himself up in desperation, wanting to die with Qin Lang.

"Bastard... I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!" Lei Zhenzi couldn't stand his eyes.

This Nascent Soul's self-explosion was powerful, and it was Lei Zhenzi's last blow before his death. He even opened a hole in the Gu formation, and Chang Mingzi, who was next to him, saw the opportunity and rushed out of the Gu formation. At the time, the gap was covered by the sword qi net directly brushed out by Qin Lang, unable to break through the gap formed by the sword qi net.

Gritting her teeth, Mingzi showed a pained expression, took out a jade talisman from her bosom and threw it into the air, it exploded!The jade talisman exploded!
This jade talisman is obviously a high-level talisman, the power of the explosion is so powerful, Qin Lang's sword qi net blocking the gap in the Gu formation was instantly broken away, and Chang Mingzi finally rushed out of the broken Gu formation at this time.

And when rushing away from the Gu formation, Chang Mingzi threw another shot into the gap in the Gu formation below, a black projectile fell into the Gu formation, exploded directly, and turned into billowing purple smoke. Knowing what it was, it permeated the entire Gu array in an instant. When Qin Lang accidentally inhaled, he felt his mind go numb and drowsy.

"Not good! This is poisoned..."

Qin Lang was horrified, his body was already invulnerable to all poisons after the transformation, if it wasn't for the very powerful toxins, he wouldn't be able to hurt himself at all, this time he didn't know what kind of poison this strange poisonous smoke bomb was, it was so poisonous, I feel that it is not worse than the Shixiang Ruanxiang San I once had.

No, even the toxicity of this poisonous smoke bomb is even more toxic than the strange poison Shixiangruanjinsan that he once had in the cultivation world. Qin Lang felt that the toxin in the blood of his body had gone up along the meridians in just a few seconds. Gradually freeze the meridians through which all toxins flow, this is a strange poison of ice attribute.

Outside the Gu formation, Jue Mingzi fled quickly after throwing the black poisonous blade. He had no time to see the effect of the ice dragon bullet. After all, the enemy was too powerful. After throwing it into the Gu formation, I don't know if this ice chi bomb will have any effect.

If he knew that Qin Lang accidentally inhaled a trace of poisonous smoke, and his body had been gradually ossified and frozen, he might turn his head around and kill Qin Lang after returning to the Gu formation. After all, after Qin Lang was poisoned, his own strength was very strong. Cheng has already removed [-]%, and there is absolutely not much defensive power.

Jue Mingzi was also running for his life in a hurry at this time, without thinking too much, he fled to the fleeing side as soon as he got out of the Gu formation, and he fled for about half an hour, but he didn't find Qin Lang catching up behind him.

At this moment, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He slapped his head in frustration, and he understood in his heart that the cold chi bomb he threw earlier must have had an effect. The other party has not caught up until now, so it must have been hit The poison of the cold chi bomb, should I go back and kill that kid now?

Jue Mingzi hesitated for a moment, not very cautious in his heart, and murmured: "The poison of Han Chi is also one of the ten most poisonous in the cultivation world. If there is no corresponding antidote to control the poison after being poisoned, I am afraid that the meridians will stop within three hours. With the circulation of Yuanli, the whole person will be frozen...I'd better stop for three hours and go over to see what happened!"

As a casual cultivator, it is not easy for Jue Mingzi to survive until now. He has always been a cautious person, so now that he recalled the whole thing was wrong, he decided to start a business in ambush around here, and wait for the cold chi toxin to attack for three days. After hours, I will go back to see if the kid is dead. If he dies by then, everything will be fine. If nothing happens, he is probably not far away from death. Then he will just make up for it.

Moreover, seeing that the kid has a lot of treasures on him, it would be even better if he could still take over the things from the kid after killing the kid.Of course, even if he couldn't get the treasure from that kid, the treasures from his dead comrades could all be recycled, and he could definitely make a small fortune this time.

Chang Mingzi had a small calculation, and now he was even more unwilling to leave easily, and planned that he would look back at his results in three hours anyway.

After Qin Lang was poisoned, although the toxin spread in his body's meridians, his own poison resistance ability still played a certain role. The speed of toxin circulation in his body's meridians slowed down a lot, which gave him the strength to touch himself storage ring, and took out one of the two queen mother grasses he got.

The leaves of Queen Mother Grass can detoxify all poisons in the world. Basically, there is no toxin in the cultivation world that Queen Mother Grass cannot solve. This is also common sense in the cultivation world.

Qin Lang tried his best to take out a Queen Mother Grass, which was the one obtained in the Pill King Conference, and then peeled off a leaf of the Queen Mother Grass and tasted it.This green and thick Queen Mother Grass leaf is like a green radish leaf, exuding a refreshing fragrance that exudes the heart and spleen, but as soon as the leaves are taken in, the originally cool leaves of the spirit grass suddenly gushes out a hot flow that penetrates the lungs and enters the meridians. He began to dispel the severe cold poison in his body.

Queen Mother Grass is a kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure, which is strange to say. Its properties are neutral and peaceful. Not only is it the main material for refining and making pills, but the detoxification function of this leaf is also the best in the world. After the leaves enter the throat, if the monks have heat poison, It may be transformed into a cold cold attribute. If the monk has cold poison, then it may be transformed into a warm yang attribute, which is to expel toxins from the monk's body through neutralization.

In fact, the poison of the cold dragon took hold very quickly. In just a few minutes, Qin Lang was basically unable to move. Most of his body was frozen, and even his body surface was covered with a layer of hoarfrost. His hair, eyebrows, and sweat pores were completely intact. Being frozen, if the cultivator has no solution within half an hour, in fact, even if there is an antidote, it will be powerless, and it will suffocate to death in less than three hours.

The detoxification effect of the leaves of Queen Mother Grass is also very fast. At this time, Qin Lang found that the heat flow had begun to flow into all parts of the body along his meridians, and began to dredge the already frozen meridians.During this process, as long as the medicinal power of Queen Mother Grass leaves comes into contact with the toxin, a chain chemical reaction will quickly occur, and the toxin will be quickly neutralized.

About half an hour later, Qin Lang had already solved the poison of the cold dragon on his body. At this time, he was already sweating profusely. This time, the toxin invaded his body, which was also a heavy burden on his body, and his consumption was naturally not small.

Without thinking too much, Qin Lang directly swallowed a few Shenxue pills to quickly restore the consumption of his body's energy. It took about half a stick of incense to force his body to reach a normal state.

He could feel that the process of poisoning and detoxification this time was actually more strenuous than the previous battle. Unexpectedly, Jue Mingzi, a casual cultivator in the late stage of Nascent Soul, had such a method, and he really underestimated him at that time.

After getting rid of the cold poison in the body, Qin Lang began to close his eyes, and performed the technique of spiritual sense induction on the "Sanyang Gua".

Although this "Sanyang Gua" is a technique to shield the secrets of heaven, Qin Lang has cultivated to the deepest point, and recently realized some new functions, that is, he can calculate the target with a trace of spiritual imprint left on the target.

However, the sensing distance cannot exceed one hundred miles, and the calculation of the "Sanyang Gua" will be invalid if the sensing distance exceeds one hundred miles.

(End of this chapter)

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