The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1657 Don't compare your experience with me

Chapter 1657 Don't compare your experience with me
Qin Lang used the "Sanyang Hexagram" to see if Jue Mingzi, the casual cultivator who escaped from the Gu formation just now, was still within the range of a hundred miles.

If Jue Mingzi used some secret method of escape or spells such as "Baili Dun", Qin Lang would really have nothing to do if it exceeded the sensing distance of "Sanyang Gua".

Who knew that as soon as he calculated, he immediately sensed the location of Jue Mingzi's rogue cultivator. After escaping, the rogue cultivator did not run far, but was lurking in a wilderness more than 20 miles away from him.

Qin Lang was also surprised by this new situation. In fact, he had been secretly guarding against the return of the other party, and attacked and killed himself who was poisoned. Will be poisoned.

However, if he didn't expect that he would be poisoned, this guy should have escaped from this place long ago, and now he is lurking not far from him, what is he doing?Qin Lang couldn't figure it out anyway.

Now that he found Jue Mingzi's location, Qin Lang also sneered. Since the other party didn't escape, he naturally had to chase after him and kill the last fish that slipped through the net. !

Qin Lang, who had completely recovered his strength, didn't hesitate, and directly pulled away his movement, and rushed towards the place where Jue Mingzi was lurking.

In another place, Jue Mingzi, who was lurking, didn't even realize that he had made a big mistake, that is, he escaped when he broke the Gu formation, instead of returning directly to the Gu formation to kill the carbine and deal with the poisoned Qin Lang. If he did that, Qin Lang would have died long ago.

It's understandable that Jue Mingzi didn't think of this when he was anxious at the beginning, but after escaping from the Gu formation, he didn't use the technique of escape to stay away from this place, which was even more wrong. He never thought that Qin Lang was not afraid of being poisoned at all. There happened to be Queen Mother Grass leaves on his body that could cure the poison of the cold dragonfly. In this case, the news was not equal, and Qin Lang, who had recovered, came to trouble him now. Judging by the situation, Mingzi will definitely fall this time!

Jue Mingzi is currently lurking in the wilderness. This place is about 20 miles away from the swamp. Although there are some monsters around, they are just ordinary monsters. After he uses the breath-holding talisman, these monsters can't detect him lurking at all. position, so it is relatively safe for him to stay here now.

However, after staying in this lurking place for a long time, Jue Mingzi gradually felt uneasy in his heart, and this feeling became stronger and stronger. He had a premonition that something big might happen next.

Cultivators have always attached great importance to their own intuition. After all, this kind of sensory ability similar to the sixth sense can often predict some unpredictable dangers. Many high-level monks have a deep understanding, and Jue Mingzi is feeling this anxiety. After the induction, he gritted his teeth, his face changed for a while, and finally made up his mind to give up the mission and leave this place.

He really didn't dare to make fun of his own life. Although this time he was invited by Lei Zhenzi to deal with Qin Lang, but now that his employer is dead, he really doesn't need to stay here anymore. Unlike the late Nascent Soul monk who was just promoted, it would be fine if the poison of the cold dragon had an effect on that kid. If the poison failed, wouldn't it be dangerous for him to wait for such a long time?
When the feeling of uneasiness came, Jue Mingzi finally thought of this. He was not very stupid. He obviously noticed a new change in the situation, so he decided to leave here.

But it was a bit late now, just when he had made up his mind, Qin Lang had locked onto him, less than three miles away from Jue Mingzi, and was still approaching quickly.

Qin Lang's consciousness lock also made Jue Mingzi's heart beat faster, the sense of crisis became more and more severe, Jue Mingzi's face had turned pale at this time, the closer the distance between the two sides, the feeling has become an interaction, He fully understood that that kid Qin Lang probably got rid of the toxin's troubles, and now he started to chase and kill himself.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jue Mingzi also started to use the evasion technique to escape. He was a little depressed. In fact, he had only been in Wushuang City for two days, and he had not had time to replenish a lot of supplies, so now he had no teleportation talisman or escape spells at all. , now he can only rely on his own escape method to resist the pursuit of the enemy behind him.

Originally, with the strength of Jue Mingzi, a lightning-type sword cultivator in the late Yuanying period, after entering this different space, as long as he is careful and does not provoke some powerful monsters, not even people who should not be provoked like Qin Lang, basically he will not encounter them. It is a pity that his companion Lei Zhenzi tricked him now, and he himself also took the initiative to join the attack on Qin Lang this time, so now he has become the one on Qin Lang's blacklist. figure.

And Qin Lang treats the people on the blacklist as mortal enemies, and will definitely go all out to kill Jue Mingzi, a potential threat, so as not to leave any trouble for himself.

Qin Lang, who took the Wind Escape Talisman, sped up his speed. He had already sensed that Jue Mingzi, a casual cultivator, was running away. This guy must have sensed that he was chasing and killing him. It is very clear.

And as the distance got closer, the spiritual contact between the two seemed to be materialized. Compared with Jue Mingzi's spiritual consciousness, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness was almost doubled. The invisible pressure emitted by the spiritual consciousness, It also made Jue Mingzi feel a serious sense of oppression, and he had to take another breath to speed up his escape.


At this time, Lang used the flying magic weapon to fly the plum pan. Compared with running on the ground, it is naturally faster to fly in the air. Qin Lang also thought of this just now. Now he is also a person who has a flying magic weapon. , or use the flying magic weapon to chase the enemy, it is easier to catch up with Jue Mingzi who is now exhausted.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Lang had narrowed the distance between the two, and Qin Lang fell ahead, directly blocking Jue Mingzi's escape direction.

And Jue Mingzi was blocked by Qin Lang, at this time he also felt the fear in his heart, and said in a trembling voice: "Friend Daoist, I accidentally offended you this time... yes, I shouldn't, I shouldn't have listened to that guy Lei Zhenzi Your instigation, I, I am willing to make up for you! Please let me go..."

"Oh, what are you going to buy your life with?" Qin Lang glanced at him and said lightly.

"I, everything on my body can be given to you!"

As he said that, Jue Mingzi began to dig out things, one by one, magic tools and treasures, and when Qin Lang was paying attention to these things, Jue Mingzi suddenly changed his face, gritted his teeth and said fiercely: " go to hell!"

All the instruments and treasures that were taken out were thrown at Qin Lang, and these treasures were directly detonated.

Boom boom boom!
The sound of the explosion was earth-shattering, and the smoke lingered for a long time after the explosion, and then a large pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters appeared on the spot.

"Haha, hahahaha..."

Panting heavily, Jue Mingzi snarled towards the big pit where Qin Lang was standing: "I think Mingzi doesn't believe in the sky or the earth. There is nothing in this world that I can trust, so it's only natural to lie to you. Hmph, Want me to feel, Jue Mingzi's things... dreaming!"

"Is that so..." A calm voice came from behind Jue Mingzi.

The voice was like a ghost, Jue Mingzi quickly turned around, and then, as if he had been immobilized, his open mouth could not be closed: "You... you... why are you not dead?"

"I'm not dead, are you disappointed?"

Qin Lang really avoided the explosion. In fact, he never believed that Jue Mingzi would surrender. He saw the flash of light in this guy's eyes when he lowered his head. In fact, Qin Lang didn't intend to let him go. So I have been secretly paying attention to this guy's actions.

If you really want to compare, his combat experience will only be more than that of Jue Mingzi. After all, he grew up on the earth from the acquired warriors through fighting step by step. He has a lot of experience, and he is good at summing up gains and losses, so the accumulation of combat experience has far surpassed many people.

On the other hand, Jue Mingzi, or other monks on the Qinghe Continent, started from practicing Qi, basically relying on hard work, absorption of spiritual energy, and the power of pills. The number of fights is not as many as him, and experience is naturally irrelevant. surpassed him, so Jue Mingzi tried to use tricks to deal with him, but it was futile.

"no no……"

Jue Mingzi's soul was trembling. Under such a careful design, he couldn't kill Qin Lang. He didn't have many cards now, and he didn't know what to do next. He looked bad.

"Hehe, since I'm fine, you can go die..." Qin Lang swung a few sword qi directly.

And Jue Mingzi saw Qin Lang's sword energy coming, and he also waved his sword energy to deal with it. Unfortunately, the carefully arranged design just now completely failed and made him mess up. Now this hasty response is a bit out of standard. The sword he swung Qi seemed to be very rigid in the routine, and Qin Lang directly grasped several of the omissions, and then used precision-level swordsmanship to attack weak points.


A fatal hole appeared in Jue Mingzi's chest. He looked at the wound on his chest. His heart had already been pierced. Then he looked at Qin Lang who was looking at him calmly. He was full of unwillingness. Even if Yuanshen wanted to escape, he couldn't escape, so he used Yuanying to explode himself!
"Bastard... Since you won't let me go, I will die with you!"

Jue Mingzi didn't want to die, but he also sensed the imprint left by Qin Lang in the depths of his soul, so he knew that he couldn't escape him, so he used the most powerful technique of self-destruction.

Boom boom boom!The space exploded, and Qin Lang couldn't escape this time. The monk Yuanying in the late Yuanying period exploded, which can definitely be compared to the strongest blow of a monk in the transformation stage.

During the self-explosion process, a ray of his soul broke through the space and conveyed the scene he saw before he died to somewhere in the western desert.

And somewhere in the West Desert, in the Xuedao Gate, a concentric jade worn by a man with a cold face suddenly exploded, and a scene immediately appeared in front of the man with a cold face. of this scene.

"Jue Mingzi... how is this possible, why did he fall..."

The cold-faced man muttered in disbelief, looking closely at this guy's eyebrows and eyes that are very similar to that of Jue Mingzi.

"Did that kid kill you... Jue Mingzi, as a brother... don't worry, I know that you are unwilling to die, and I will definitely avenge you."

The man with a cold face said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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