The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1658 Knife Repair in the Late Nascent Soul

Chapter 1658 Knife Repair in the Late Nascent Soul

This cold-faced man is indeed Jue Mingzi's brother. Jue Mingzi's death also made him seem to take this matter very seriously. This guy seems to have a high status in the Blood Knife Sect, and he has already begun to order his subordinates: "Zhang Aman , this young master needs to leave the Blood Knife Sect to do business, and you will guard the sect instead of this young man."

"Yes, Young Hall Master." A green-clothed disciple replied.

"Li Qiangdong, go and gather a dozen or so law enforcement disciples from our sect, and leave with me to Wushuang City."

"Yes, Young Hall Master." The other person obeyed and left.

And this cold-faced Young Master of the Blood Knife Gate Law Enforcement Hall stood at the door of the Law Enforcement Hall, looking into the distance, and murmured: "Brother, although I, Hu Ming, a knife madman, and you are only a compatriot of the same mother, we are not very close on weekdays, but After all, you have fallen, and as the only blood connection in this world, I have no choice but to avenge you... So, you can rest in peace!"

It turned out that the young master of the Xuedaomen Law Enforcement Hall was called Hu Ming, and he was also the elder brother of Sanxiu Juemingzi who was killed by Qin Lang. Among them, the status is extremely high, and he has the title of Patriarch of Crazy Saber.

In fact, the Ximo Xuedao Sect is also one of the three largest sects in the entire Western Desert except for those big family forces, and the fighting power of the Xuedao Sect is also the strongest among all the sects. The total number of the Xuedao Sect is about 7000 people. Regardless of the number of sects, but only in terms of personal cultivation, Xuehai, the ancestor of the Xuedao sect's transformation into a god stage, is the No. 1 evil sect in the entire western region.

After counting the number of people, Hu Ming, the young master of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Xuedaomen, headed for Wushuang City with more than a dozen disciples directly under the Law Enforcement Hall. Hu Ming, the sword maniac, and Li Qiangdong, the deacon disciple of the Law Enforcing Hall, are the strongest. One is close to the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, and the other is in the late Yuanying period.

Hu Ming and Li Qiangdong are both real old-fashioned monks in the late Yuanying period, and both sword and knife cultivators in the cultivation world have strong combat effectiveness, which is stronger than ordinary monks of the same rank, so Hu Ming and Li Qiangdong's combat effectiveness is definitely far superior Same-level monks.

The Blood Knife Gate is about [-] miles away from Wushuang City. If you don’t use a large teleportation array, it will take about a month to get there, and the Blood Knife Gate is about seven days away from the nearest city with a large teleportation array. It will take at least eight days for Kuang Huming to reach the different space in Wushuang City.

At this moment, Qin Lang didn't even know that there was still such a hidden danger after killing Sanxiu Jue Mingzi, but even if he knew that beheading Jue Mingzi would draw out the forces behind him, I'm afraid he wouldn't hesitate before, and would still treat this Guy shot.

After all, Jue Mingzi participated in the sneak attack organized by Lei Zhenzi. If he was not strong enough, he would not be able to stand here alive now, so he and Jue Mingzi have already become deadly enemies, and Qin Lang has always been the enemy. He will not be polite, let alone let the other party go easily.

After killing Jue Mingzi, because Jue Mingzi's Nascent Soul self-detonation is too powerful, even if Qin Lang turns on all the defenses on his body, it will not help. After all, this is Jue Mingzi's last blow before his death. It is stronger than the power of a high-grade magic weapon to self-destruct.

In the face of Jue Mingzi's final blow before his death, Qin Lang also tried his best to resist, but the situation was not optimistic.

The defensive shields formed by the combination of several defensive magic weapons were all blown through, and Qin Lang's body was also seriously injured in the explosion. Several large openings were broken in the chest and abdomen, and he passed through the bloody hole. Many bones and broken organs can be seen.

Fortunately, the defensive magic weapon still offset the power of the explosion by a few points, otherwise, I am afraid that Qin Lang really fell in this big explosion, and even the Nascent Soul was blown into mustard powder.

And now Qin Lang is still alive, but the situation is very pessimistic. He can say that he has only his last breath left, and he almost died.After gritting his teeth and persevering, he released the S-level mutant avatar with his divine sense, manipulated the S-level mutant avatar to give himself the Creation Pill, and then passed out with a black eye.


I don't know how long it took. When Qin Lang woke up again, he found that his injuries had changed from serious injuries to minor injuries. The external injuries had disappeared under the medicinal power of the Creation Pill, and only some internal injuries remained. .

Looking around, he found that the S-level mutant was faithfully protecting himself. During his healing, some ordinary monsters gathered around him were all killed by it. The corpses of monsters were scattered everywhere on the ground, about one or two Hundreds of looks.

Fortunately, this place is not a place where monsters are densely populated. If it is an area where monsters are densely populated, I am afraid that even if there are S-level mutant guardians, it will not be easy for Qin Lang to lie on the ground and survive the dangerous period after taking the Creation Pill.

Stretching his body, feeling that there is no serious problem, Qin Lang began to search for his previous loot. After Jue Mingzi Yuanying blew himself up, his body also exploded into mustard powder, storage bags and other storage tools disappeared, only that one The top-grade thunder-type flying sword may have been kept because of its special material, and it was collected by Qin Lang after it was discovered.

This thunder-type flying sword matches Qin Lang's attributes, and it is much better than the high-grade wind-type flying sword he holds. After getting this thunder-type flying sword, he can retire his wind-type flying sword after returning to the resource point.

However, there are still Jue Mingzi's spiritual imprints left on the Thunder Flying Sword, Qin Lang can only refine this high-grade flying sword after clearing these spiritual imprints.This is actually a very troublesome matter. Although Jue Mingzi is dead, but Qin Lang wants to completely remove the imprint of spiritual consciousness in Feijian, and it may not take several days.

After tidying up the scene here, Qin Lang turned around at this time and began to search for the corpses of several other monks. At that time, he killed some casual cultivators of Lei Shenzi but let Jue Mingzi escape, and Jue Mingzi was rushing out of the Gu formation. After releasing the Bing Chi Pill, Qin Lang himself was poisoned and had been detoxifying all the time, so he had no time to worry about picking up the spoils.

Later, after he detoxified, he also gave up cleaning the battlefield in order to chase Jue Mingzi. Now that the matter is settled, he must of course collect his own spoils.

However, after returning to the original place, the corpses of Lei Zhenzi's five monks all disappeared, and there were only a large number of ordinary monsters wandering in the original place, which also made Qin Lang very annoyed. It was devoured, but I don't know if the treasures on Sanxiu's body also entered the stomachs of these monsters.

However, no matter how Qin Lang tries to find a way now, it is impossible to retrieve the treasures of these casual cultivators. After all, the stomachs of these monsters have a strong digestion ability. As long as the spiritual flesh and treasures enter their stomachs, Basically, there is no exit, and it becomes the nourishment for their evolution.

Not to mention, Qin Lang really found a few evolving monsters among these ordinary monsters. Their size was a round larger than ordinary monsters, and nothing else changed. After Qin Lang wiped out these monsters with a dozen sword qi, Let the S-level mutant clone clean the monster's magic core, and get a large number of ordinary magic crystals, as well as five or six silver-black magic crystals.

This kind of silver-black magic crystal should be a sign that ordinary monsters are about to evolve into elite-level small bosses. It is possible that these few monsters have not yet fully advanced, so this silver-black magic crystal is completely for Qin Lang. Defective products are of no use at all, whether it is refining ordinary magic crystal pills or refining mid-grade magic crystal pills, they are useless.

However, although it is not of much use, Qin Lang still took all these magic crystals into his pocket, which can be regarded as a commemoration and a comfort to compensate for the loss of his treasures.

Afterwards, Qin Lang took the painstaking efforts of these small boss monsters that were about to evolve into elite-level monsters. He didn't know whether these brains and brains met the requirements of the master of the three talents. Thinking about the rare materials, he should collect them first. The master didn't like it, so he would keep it for himself in the future. After all, these monsters' hard work can also be used as rune blood for making low-level spells.

Afterwards, Qin Lang used his true energy to heal his wounds again, and his body was fully recuperated. Then he left here and continued to go to the edge of the swamp. Killing Lei Zhenzi and his group of sneak attackers was actually just a small episode. The main task once was to search for the talisman-making materials needed by Sancaizi, a Keqing talisman master at the resource point Dandingfang. After all, he was more attracted to several kinds of talismans on the material contribution exchange table formulated by Sancaizi.

Qin Lang returned to the edge of the different space quagmire to search for the talisman-making material he wanted, the three-color fruit.After all, this kind of natural material and earth treasure is not only a elixir but also a high-level talisman-making material. Its growth environment is generally in the area where monsters and monster corpses rot, but the environment in the swamp area of ​​different dimensions is actually quite similar.

The contribution exchange rate of the three-color fruit is three hundred pieces, which is far more than the value of more than a dozen other materials in the list of jade slips provided by the three talents before Qin Lang, and the higher value than the three-color fruit is the heart and soul of high-level monsters. , a share of [-] contribution points, but this requires the painstaking efforts of monsters above the seventh level. Qin Lang has little hope of killing monsters of this commanding level.

You must know that the strength of the seventh-level commander-level monster is stronger than that of the human Nascent Soul Late Dzogchen monk. If it is purely physical strength and defense ability, it can almost compare to the transformation of the gods.

And the reason why Qin Lang was able to kill a seventh-order peak monster in a different space for the first time was pure luck. It's not easy the second time.

Even if Qin Lang's strength has been improved to the late Yuanying stage, it is impossible to kill a seventh-order monster with his strength.

Therefore, the three-color fruit is the best choice for Qin Lang, and the main target he is looking for now is the three-color fruit.

However, the most likely place for the three-color fruit to grow in the swamp area of ​​different space should be the central area, but this area is too dangerous. The monsters in the swamp area are very insidious and cannot come out, as if they are under the unified control of some powerful existence. Qin Lang didn't plan to go deep into the central area, so he could only walk along the edge, trying to see if he could get a few three-color fruits by chance.

(End of this chapter)

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