The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1659 Discovered 3 Colored Fruits

Chapter 1659 Discovery of Tricolor Fruit

The contribution exchange rate of the three-color fruit is three hundred pieces, which is far more than the value of more than a dozen other materials in the list of jade slips provided by the three talents before Qin Lang.

And what is more valuable than the three-color fruit is the blood of high-level monsters, with a contribution of [-], but this requires the blood of monsters above the seventh level. Qin Lang has little hope of killing monsters of this commanding level. .

Since six or seven thousand monks fell into the quagmire area of ​​the different space, this large area has become a forbidden zone in the minds of the monks. Usually, no monks go to the quagmire area to take risks. After all, although there are so many places developed in different spaces , is also missing here.

So Qin Lang walked all the way, he seemed very quiet, he never met other monks, of course, he didn't meet those monsters lurking in the swamp, this may be because Qin Lang didn't go deep into the swamp area, Naturally, the monsters at the bottom of the swamp would not expose themselves for a small goal.

After walking for more than half an hour, Qin Lang's luck was not very good. Although the road was quiet, he didn't find any of the high-level talisman material three-color fruit that he wanted to find. Although the three-color fruit does not only exist in the swamp area , but logically speaking, this is their natural growth environment, even the edge of the swamp area should exist, even if the number is relatively rare, there should always be one or two plants!
Five hours later, Qin Lang stopped searching and sighed helplessly. Not to mention the three-color fruit at the edge of the swamp, he has not even found other elixir materials. Perhaps the swamp is too barren , is the second reason why a large number of monks are unwilling to come!
No wonder you want to go to the center of the swamp to look for it?Qin Lang also looked into the distance, thinking that he has a magic weapon of flying that he can try, but if the monsters in this swamp area are really as strong as the rumors, I am afraid that even if he is a monk in the late Yuanying period, he will not be able to resist the monsters in the mud After a wave of fire, I was about to give up after thinking about it.

After all, my own life is the most important thing, and some things can only be done according to my ability. If I have a magic house, I don’t have to be afraid of all of this. It’s a pity that my black bone flywheel in the magic house has been lacking the corresponding bones after the battle in Green Willow City. The material was not fully repaired, so it was unusable.

"It's a pity. I killed six monks above the Nascent Soul stage before. The bones of these monks are good materials for repairing the black bone flywheel... It's a pity, it's a pity, I didn't even get a single bone after the war. It's really depressing!"

Qin Lang sighed, thinking that before he could kill six monks above the Nascent Soul stage in a row, two of them were even in the late Nascent Soul stage. With so many high-quality bones, he can definitely restore his magic house completely. .

It's a's a pity.

At this moment, Qin Lang hated those monsters very much in his heart, it was these guys with only long brains who destroyed his magic treasure house's restoration plan!
Thinking of the bones, Qin Lang suddenly thought of the commander-level monster he had killed, and thought: The strength of that commander-level monster is comparable to that of Nascent Soul Dzogchen monk, or even stronger. After it fell, most of the materials on its body were searched by him , but the skeleton has been left on that mountain. This level of bone may be helpful for the restoration of the Magic Treasure House. Should I go back and see if I can replace the black bone of the Magic Treasure House with the skeleton of a commanding level monster? Materials needed for flywheel repair.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang's eyes lit up, and he didn't care about looking for the three-color fruit anymore, so he directly manipulated the flying plum pan to fly towards the place where the monster at the seventh-order peak of Transcending Tribulation fell, and he planned to take a quick look at the monster's body The skeleton is still on the top of the mountain, if it is still there, you can try to restore the magic house.

The restoration of the magic house is also Qin Lang's top priority at present. If the restoration is successful this time, Qin Lang's combat effectiveness will also be greatly improved. Even when he is looking for the talisman-making materials needed by the three talents, he will have the courage to go deep into the swamp area of ​​different space In the center, try to see if you can find the tricolor fruit from the center of the swamp area.

The swamp area is about five or six hours away from the place where Qin Lang killed the seventh-level monsters. However, if the flying magic weapon is used, the time will be shortened by about two-thirds, so Qin Lang only spent less than two hours. Time has fallen on this hill.

And since the leader-level monsters fell on this mountain, the remaining breath is still there, and no other monsters have entered the sphere of influence of the leader-level monsters, so the remaining skeletons of the leader-level monsters have always stood on the top of the mountain.

Seeing this huge monster skeleton, Qin Lang was also overjoyed. Finally, he did not come in vain this time. Next, he can finally use this monster skeleton as an experiment and try to repair the black bone flywheel in the magic house.

After that, Qin Lang tried to divide the skeleton of this monster, and then began to sacrifice the bones, melting and purifying the bones into qualified materials.

There is still a big difference between the bones of monsters and the bones of monks, and the bones of the black bone flywheel in the Magic Treasure House are actually based on the bones of monks, so Qin Lang must sacrifice the bones of monsters to obtain The properties of the bones are similar to those of the monks, so they can be fused with each other to restore the original magic house.

Afterwards, Qin Lang began to refine the bones of monsters, first to further remove impurities, and then to process a bone. Qin Lang spent a lot of thought on starting from the fine structure of monster bones step by step, slowly Refining the bone material into what you need, and turning it into a qualified material for repairing the black bone flywheel of the Magic Treasure House.

Although this process was very cumbersome and slow, Qin Liang did succeed in the sacrifice, and consumed about two-thirds of the entire seventh-order monster skeleton. Qin Lang has gathered enough materials to repair the entire magic house.

Afterwards, Qin Lang sacrificed and repaired the parts that were separated from the black bone flywheel one by one. If there were some missing parts, he used new bones to re-sacrifice, and then used all the nearly forty Once the parts were fully restored, he began the entire assembly process.

The black bone flywheel is composed of five large parts, namely the bone wheel, bone tendon, bone shaft, bone ring and bone core. The bone core is the core of the black bone flywheel. It was completely shattered after the battle of Green Willow City. One-fifth of the bones were melted by re-refining. In addition, the original six tendons and 32 bone balls were also damaged or missing to varying degrees, all of which were repaired and re-refined once.

The assembly and sacrificial refining of the forty parts took Qin Lang not only his hard work, but also a lot of real energy and mental energy consumption. This process is not easier than a big battle.

After completing the entire repair work, Qin Lang swallowed several pills and began to recover his body's consumption before he had time to test it. After half a stick of incense, he opened his eyes again.

He raised his head and took a look at the magic house that he had repaired. When he held it in his hand, the feeling of blood connection reappeared. This should be completely repaired, and it feels good.

After nodding his head, Qin Lang glanced at the incomplete skeleton on the ground. He took two-thirds of the skeleton material of the commander-level monster, and now there is only one-third left. Since it can replace the black bone flywheel of the Magic Treasure House If there are more repair materials, it can no longer be wasted.

Since the monster skeleton takes up too much space, even if it is only one-third of the incomplete skeleton, it will take up a lot of load in the storage bag, so Qin Lang directly sacrificed the incomplete skeleton into a suitable material to replace the magic treasure house before putting it in the storage bag. inside the bag.

After being sacrificed, the monster's skeleton shrunk by nearly a hundred times, turning into a black bone ball the size of a football. This bone-colored bone ball looks small, but it weighs four to five hundred catties, which is really heavy.

After completing the sacrifice of the black bone flywheel, Qin Lang raised his hand and let the magic house hang in the air, expanding to the size of a car, with a black flame burning at the bottom.

This black flame is the special flame of the magic treasure house, the black lotus bathed in fire. If the magic weapon encounters this kind of flame, it will be ignited immediately and turn into ashes.

Qin Lang swished into the control room of the black bone flywheel. Although the control room was not big, it was just right for him to sit down. After Qin Lang entered the control room, his mind was directly connected with the whole magic house, and then this The magic treasure house immediately disappeared into the air with a whoosh.

The next moment, Qin Lang appeared in the swamp area again, and flew directly to the depths of the swamp area. Now that he had the magic treasure house in his hand, he was no longer afraid of the hidden threats in the swamp area, and directly drove the magic treasure house in the swamp area. Wandering around the area, looking for high-level talisman-making materials that may exist in the swamp area, and the three-color fruit that is also an elixir.


About two hours later, Qin Lang finally found a three-color fruit in a place off the center of the mud swamp area in the different space. The three-color fruit usually grows in a place with strong aura in the back of the sun, with five flowers blooming, and the fruit appears red. The three different colors of yellow and blue are the origin of the name of this special elixir.

Three-color fruit plants have different fruiting rates. If they absorb enough spiritual energy and nutrients, they can reach the level of one, two or even three turns after maturity.

And every turn of the fruiting rate, it means that one more fruit can be produced. Of course, the maximum fruiting rate of each three-color fruit plant is three, which is a three-turn plant.

The three-color fruit is a carrion-eating plant, and the center of the swamp is basically formed by the accumulation of rotting corpses, so the probability of three-color fruit appearing here is at least dozens of times higher than that at the edge of the swamp.

Qin Lang was lucky. The three-color fruit he found was a second-stage mature plant with two fruits on it. This is directly [-] contribution points, which is better than killing a commander-level monster. One hundred more contribution points.

Discovering this second-stage plant, Qin Lang was overjoyed and directly manipulated the Magic Treasure House to lower the area, but at this moment, a long metal snake was thrown out of the mud and directly hit the Magic Treasure House in the air.

This tail is almost more than ten feet long, just like the tail of a python. I don't know what kind of monsters are lurking in the depths of this swamp. It looks like it's not low-level. The aura that just broke out almost made Qin Lang's heart tremble. , directly made himself believe that he had encountered a monster of the commanding level again.

(End of this chapter)

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