Chapter 1662
But... How to save it is a very troublesome problem.

After all, if I want to save the S-level mutant clone, I have to fall into the attack range of the super eight-clawed monster. This eighth-level super monster is comparable to a cultivator at the transformation stage, or even stronger, even if I have a magic house to protect myself It's also dangerous.

The Magic Treasure House stands quietly in the sky, Qin Lang has been thinking of a way at this time, the super octopus monster in the mud doesn't know what's going on, it has never entered the mud again to lurk, maybe this guy is a special Waiting for the Magic Treasure House to come down from the sky.

After a while, Qin Lang was still ready to take the risk. He knew that the eight-clawed monster below was very sensitive to spiritual power fluctuations. At this time, he thought of a method that was not a solution. No matter what the effect was, he planned to try it.

At this time, Qin Lang immediately implemented this method, and saw that it was raining suddenly in the sky, and a lot of materials with spirituality were thrown down, but it turned out that it was Qin Lang who discarded some of the worthless sundries in the storage bag Yes, to distract the attention of the super octopus.

Among these sundries, most of them are the flesh and blood corpses of monsters and monsters, as well as low-grade spirit stones, low-grade elixir, etc. There are a lot of them, and they are scattered around a wide range.

And Qin Lang also took advantage of this opportunity to manipulate the magic house to dive to the position of the S-level mutant clone in the swamp, trying to rescue the S-level mutant clone before the super octopus reacted.

Qin Lang's Magic Treasure House had shrunk to the size of a palm when he swooped down, and it was even smaller than the flesh and blood corpses of those monsters that fell from the sky. Swooped close to the position of the S-rank mutant clone.

On the ground, although the super eight-clawed monster has some intelligence, it is not very intelligent. It was really confused by the large amount of debris falling from the sky. At this time, all eight tentacles waved in the air, and began to frantically intercept these falling objects. debris, and rolled them up and stuffed them into his bloody mouth.

This time, the sundries that fell from the sky were all spiritual objects, which happened to be the food that fit the taste of the super octopus monster. This eighth-level monster never refused to come, and stuffed them all into his stomach.

And Qin Lang's plan went smoothly this time, he finally managed to get close to the upper body of the S-level mutant clone, and then the light flashed, the upper body of the S-level mutant clone had been taken in by the magic house.

And just when Qin Lang was about to continue to recover the other half of the S-rank mutant clone, one of the tentacles of the super octopus monster flew over and hit the magic house directly!

It turned out that the spiritual fluctuations of the magic house's movement couldn't escape its induction at all, and it also swept over with this stroke, intending to engulf the magic house with its tentacles and swallow it as food.

At this time, Qin Lang had no choice but to give up recovering the other half of the S-rank mutant clone, and directly raised the magic house to avoid the tentacles of the super octopus monster.

And after the tentacles of the super octopus monster were empty, the monster finally woke up, as if it had been greatly provoked, and immediately gave up intercepting other sundries falling in the air, and the eight tentacles flew all over the air, rolling towards The direction of Qin Lang's treasure house.

pull up!pull up...

The speed of the Magic Treasure House increased very quickly, barely avoiding the strangulation of the super octopus monster, but then the eight spike-like arrows could not dodge, thump, thump, thump, and the Magic Treasure House directly After suffering eight penetrations, the damage to the body, which was already slightly damaged, became more serious, and it was already in danger of disintegrating.

Fortunately, Qin Lang finally escaped the encirclement and suppression of the eight tentacles of the super eighth-level monster, and the S-level mutant clone was also rescued by himself, even just the upper body, but the chip core of the S-level mutant clone is in the brain , as long as the chip is there, Qin Lang will have a way to slowly restore it completely later.

Seeing its prey running away, the super octopus immediately became furious and let out a sharp and weird roar.

And being summoned by the super eight-claw monster, the entire swamp area boiled again, and all the lurker monsters came out, which looked extraordinarily spectacular.

However, Qin Lang, who has experienced many monster riots in the swamp area, is now very calm. Anyway, they can't attack me, they can't attack me... In fact, when Qin Lang ascended to the sky, these eight-clawed monsters did take it helpless.

"such a pity……"

Qin Lang looked down again. He couldn't get the three-turn three-color fruit plant anymore. This time, he almost lost a lot. If he lost the S-rank mutant clone, he would really want to cry without tears.

Fortunately, I was vigilant, and finally managed to rescue the S-rank mutant. Although this clone is now useless, and only half of the body is left, as long as I slowly find a way, I can still recover.

Looking down, Qin Lang smiled slightly. He was quite satisfied with the ending. The three-color fruit tree below was guarded by a super eight-clawed monster. Just to die.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Lang left here without hesitation and prepared to return to the station. This time, he harvested four to five hundred elixir plants and nine three-color fruits in the swamp area. Such a harvest can be considered a bumper harvest!

Overall, the land reclamation operation in the swamp area was a success. While Qin Lang successfully obtained a large amount of elixir resources, he also fully understood the characteristics and horrors of the eight-clawed monsters in the swamp area. For the two heads in the center of the swamp The eighth-order super eight-clawed monster, he absolutely does not want to provoke it in the future.

After all, it was a fluke to get so much harvest in the central area of ​​the swamp this time. If you come again next time, if you are not careful, you may really fall here. You must know that the two-headed eighth-level eight-clawed monster can be compared The existence of the god-level monks makes their combat power even more terrifying.

The reason why Qin Lang was able to get away from the eighth-level eight-clawed monster was also the result of crushing IQ. If the second-level and eighth-level eight-clawed monster could be smarter, Qin Lang would be beaten.

Back at the resource point, Qin Lang was not in a hurry to redeem the contribution points, but dealt with some of his own affairs first, such as repairing the broken magic house, such as dealing with the current disabled status of the S-level mutant avatar.

After exploring the swamp area of ​​different space this time, the black bone flywheel in the Magic Treasure House was seriously damaged, and it was almost on the verge of disintegration. However, Qin Lang still had one-third of the bones that were melted from the seventh-level commander-level monsters, which can be used It is used for the restoration work of the Magic Treasure House.

Afterwards, Qin Lang took out the bone ball, which was as big as a leather ball, but extremely heavy, weighing one or two hundred catties, and used it for the repair of the Magic Treasure House.

The whole repair process went smoothly. In about two hours, the broken black bone flywheel had been completely renewed and returned to its original appearance.

However, the remaining bones in Qin Lang's hand are all consumed. If the black bone flywheel is damaged again in the future, Qin Lang will need to find new bones.

After the magic house was repaired, Qin Lang also laughed. This top-grade treasure is his strongest fighting method now, and now he can quickly repair it, and he has gained a lot of confidence.

And after finishing the magic house, Qin Lang had a headache again about the situation of the S-level mutant clone. It is true that the S-level mutant clone has a very strong self-healing ability, but now that half of his body is missing, it is impossible for it to grow out of thin air. This requires it to devour some corresponding materials to make up for it.

The body of an S-class mutant is composed of a main material called "Bio-K metal" on the earth. This "Bio-K metal" is a very special metal that basically does not exist in nature, but can be synthesized through black technology. .

If it is on the earth, Qin Lang naturally does not need to worry about how to obtain the "biological K metal", but in this cultivation world, he simply needs technology and equipment, and he is completely blind to this kind of "biological K metal" .

However, when testing the S-level mutant avatar super system, Qin Lang learned that "biological K metal" is extracted from a kind of titanium ore in nature. It is necessary to intercept the atomic structure of titanium ore and perform a cracking reaction before it can Get "Bio-K Metal".

If titanium ore can be found, the S-level mutant clone can use the metal ability to crack the titanium ore to extract "biological K metal". However, if it uses its own metal ability to extract, the extraction process It will be very slow, even if Qin Lang gets enough titanium ore, it will take half a year for the S-level mutants to fully recover.

Hey... Now let's find a way to find titanium ore!

Qin Lang thinks not to think about other things now, it is better to find the titanium ore needed for the cracking reaction of the S-level mutant first. Only by finding the titanium ore can the S-level mutant have the possibility of fully recovering.

Fortunately this time, the super system chip of the S-level mutant was not damaged. If the chip of the super system was damaged, then this powerful avatar would be completely reimbursed. Combat power, but the super system can still be used normally, which is the most fortunate thing.

Next, Qin Lang began to transfer the information of titanium metal ore from the super system, and began to compare various ores in the cultivation world of Qinghe Continent, but Qin Lang did not find a matching ore in his memory, so he decided to use this titanium metal ore. Send it to the resource point, gather the resources of tens of thousands of monks, and work together to find titanium ore.

Due to the lack of money, the task rewards of Qinlang Titanium Mine are set very high. Each kilogram of raw ore can basically be exchanged for 100 million spirit stones, or 100 million equivalent elixirs as exchange items. Qin Lang provided healing elixirs , Restoration elixir, choose one of the two by the monk who owns the titanium ore.

(End of this chapter)

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