The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1663 Three Talented Masters

Chapter 1663 Three Talented Masters

Afterwards, Qin Lang stored the attribute data of the titanium ore with Yu Jiantong, sent it to the resource point, and issued the titanium ore reward task.

Qin Lang's task rewards are very generous. He believes that all monks who come to different space resource points, no matter who they are, as long as they see this ore reward task, it is estimated that no one will not be tempted, so as long as they have goods in their hands, they will definitely be willing to accept it. Place this bounty.

And after Qin Lang issued this titanium ore bounty task, he exchanged all the talisman-making materials at hand for contribution points, and got more than 3000 contribution points.Correspondingly, he chose to use these newly exchanged contribution points to exchange them for high-level charms refined by the three talented masters.

The high-level spells refined by the masters of the three talents include Explosion Talisman, Breath Concentration Talisman, Teleportation Talisman, Ice Bullet Talisman, Golden Sword Talisman, Golden Armor Talisman, etc., one of ten contribution points for the attack type, and one hundred contribution point for the defense type One piece, one piece of [-] contribution points of the auxiliary talisman, Qin Lang exchanged [-] bursting talismans, [-] ice bomb talismans, [-] golden knife talismans, [-] breath-holding talismans, [-] golden armor talismans, and a The teleportation talisman basically used up all the contribution points.

More than 3000 contribution points were spent at once, but Qin Lang felt that it was worth it. After all, these high-level spells at hand can be used as supplements to conventional combat methods. In case he encounters any critical situation, they can be used Useful.

And sometimes in a battle of equal scale, the key to victory is that you are more prepared than your opponent and have more auxiliary fighting methods.

Talismans, in fact, can also be regarded as a part of the strength of a monk's hole card. However, most of the talismans are one-time consumables. Ordinary monks can't afford to consume them at all. Even high-level monks rarely use spells as a routine combat method. This thing is not something that the rich and handsome in the cultivation world can't play with at all.

However, most monks in the comprehension world have a habit of keeping one or two auxiliary spells on their bodies as a means of saving their lives.

And Qin Lang has now reached the point where he is not short of money, and this time he was lucky enough to get [-] contribution points, so he didn't consider exchanging resource points for other items, and directly exchanged them for these high-level spells refined by the three talented masters .

I believe that with these high-level spells, Qin Lang's future battles will be easier and more satisfying. Even if he encounters an enemy that is difficult to deal with, he can use these spells to advance and retreat freely, reducing a bit of danger.

Not half an hour after Qin Lang exchanged his contribution for the talisman, the disciple of Dandingfang at the resource point came to Qin Lang, "Uncle Qin Lang, after you exchanged your contribution just now, the three talented masters sent a message to see you for a hundred, I don't know you Are you free?"

"Oh, the three talented masters want to see me, that's fine!" Qin Lang nodded.

And the reason why the disciple of Dandingfang is called Uncle Qin Lang is actually because of Yu Decheng's relationship. The Tianyimen and Dandingmen where Qin Lang used to belong belong to the ancient medical sage school, which can be said to be two schools of one system.

And after Yu Decheng conducted detailed research, he concluded that Qin Lang's seniority in Tianyi Sect, if converted into Dandingfang, it should be the same generation as his nephew.

In Dandingmen, Yu Decheng is also an old antique who has lived for more than 2000 years. Even his nephew Goatee Jiuding is more than 1000 years old, so Qin Lang's generation does not suffer.

Therefore, many third-generation disciples in the Danding Sect directly called Master Qin Lang under Yu Decheng's signal. As for those disciples of the fourth and fifth generations, they were even called Master Qin Lang and Grand Master Uncle.

The reason why Yu Decheng did this is actually to shorten the distance and relationship with Qin Lang, a genius alchemist. Qin Lang is really excellent. Since such an excellent alchemist Dan is not an internal member of the Danding Sect, then a good relationship is tied to him. Being together is naturally the best choice.

In fact, before Yu Decheng opened Dandingfang after the advent of Magic Crystal Pill, and La Qinlang became one of the three major shareholders of Dandingfang, he had considered this aspect.

It has to be said that besides being a top-level alchemy master, Yu Decheng, the king of alchemy, is also one of the best in business and in the ability to attract contacts. With the support of such great elders, it is impossible for the alchemy gate to prosper.

In contrast, the development speed of the Tianyi Sect is much slower than that of the Danding Sect. Before the sect, civil strife continued. Although the newly promoted Bai Changjiang integrated the sect, it started a little late.

In other words, after the Tianyi Sect experienced the disaster at the ruins of the thousand-year-old mansion, the elites of the sect lost another batch. Ten or twenty of the main force of the sect were all in the ancient mansion. The new head Bai Changjiang should feel very headache , after several years of development, I don't know if it has recovered.

In Ximo, Dandingmen can be regarded as the largest sect force besides the family forces in Ximo. Although the number of people is only a few hundred, the sect has a strong background, and all of them are elites. Disciples accounted for more than half of them, and there were more than a dozen people in the Nascent Soul Stage.

It can be said that the cornerstone of the Danding Sect is very solid. If there is no limit to the number of sect disciples and unlimited expansion, it can reach the level of the Dazong Sect at any time.

There are three sects with such background in West Desert, namely the Danding Sect, the Blood Knife Sect, and the Huangsha Gang.

These are the three most famous sects in West Desert apart from the family power.

Of course, the group of ghost cultivators hidden under the command of ghost cultivator Yao Dongwen in the Huashen period, and the horse thief forces in Ximo may not be weaker than these three, and may even be stronger.

However, these are all shady forces, standing on the opposite side of most monks in West Desert.

At present, the entire Western Desert is ruled by the family power, and the family power as the dominant force also greatly limits the living space of other powers.

So other forces want to develop and grow... It is undoubtedly more difficult. For example, the Sanxiu Alliance, a business alliance with a wide distribution in the four regions, seems to be somewhat unsatisfactory even in the Western Desert.

Judging from the development of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, we can see how difficult it is for other forces in the entire Western Desert to develop except for the family forces.

The reason for this situation is also due to the great environment of the Western Desert. The family power in the Western Desert has existed for tens of thousands of years. Under the scattered leaves, they spread all over the Western Desert. They are all related by kinship, and the sect forces and other various forces are all developed later. In fact, there is not much room for competition in West Desert.

Under the leadership of this three-generation disciple, Qin Lang finally met the old friend who was invited by Dan Wang Yu Decheng to sit in the resource point of different space, and the most famous talisman master three talents in Ximo.

Unexpectedly, Sancaizi, the talisman master, was actually a big fat man weighing more than [-] catties, and his figure was bigger than that of Zuo Tao, who had suffered from narcolepsy. The old guy is in good health, his body shape is completely obtained from eating.

It turns out that the greatest benefit of the three talents in life is to study food besides making talismans. When they were young, their wish was to eat all over the world, and all kinds of ingredients in the cultivation world contain rich aura. The three talents ate it so uncontrollably, The accumulation of psychic matter in the body is too late to be digested, and the three talents are not active on weekdays, and their cultivation is relatively lazy, and there is no good way to consume energy, and they will become fat after accumulating over time.

However, the three talents have always maintained an indifferent attitude towards their body weight gain. In his opinion, instead of trying to maintain a good figure, it is better to do more research on spells and enjoy a few more delicious meals.

"Hahaha, little friend, you are finally here..."

The three talents are typical people with a wide heart and a fat body. When they saw Qin Lang coming, they immediately stood up and patted Qin Lang on the shoulder. They didn't have the airs of a senior at all.

"Senior." Qin Lang cupped his hands, showing great respect.

Nothing else, these three talents are actually monks of the Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul, and they are five-line balanced spiritual roots that are rare in the cultivation world. Such five-line balanced spiritual roots are naturally stronger than other types of monks when they enter the talisman making industry. With advantages, it is no wonder that the three talents have been masters of talisman making for so many years, and their status in West Desert has never been shaken by other talisman makers.

However, Qin Lang, who met for the first time, was more curious about the exercises practiced by the three talents. He knew how difficult it was to cultivate the spiritual root of the five-element balance. It is a hundred times and a thousand times more difficult for a monk. If it is not for a very special exercise, it is impossible for the three talents to cultivate to the level of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period.

Moreover, he has heard that the three talents are relatively lazy in their cultivation. Apart from making talismans, their biggest benefit is to eat, eat, eat, and eat delicious food from all over the world.

However, after meeting for the first time, it was impossible for Qin Lang to directly ask what kind of exercises he practiced, and under what circumstances, it was possible to make this five-element balanced spiritual root practice so fast. It is the most taboo thing in the world of comprehension to ask someone for their details when they meet for the first time. Sometimes, if there is a disagreement, the other party may even turn against him directly.

After a few words of politeness, the two parties sat down, and a disciple brought up the brewed beast blood tea. The three talents and Qin Lang started a formal conversation while drinking tea.

Knowing that Qin Lang is also one of the most famous alchemy masters in the resource point, the three talents have always been very polite to Qin Lang. This time, he called Qin Lang over because of Qin Lang's [-] contribution points worth of talisman-making materials. You know These days, monks have been handing in missions one after another, but the sum of the talisman-making materials that have been sent up is not as much as Qin Lang's.

Therefore, the three talents attached great importance to Qin Lang, and he said at this time: "Little friend, thank you for handing in so many high-level talisman-making materials. With these materials, I can conduct research on talismans again... Well, but this time Calling you over, I actually want to ask you one more thing."

"What's the matter? Please tell me."

Qin Lang nodded, put down the tea gu and looked at the three talents smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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