Chapter 1664
"It's like this... The old man sees that the little friend is very capable. This time, so many high-level talisman-making materials have been sent up at once, but the old man has another kind of talisman-making material that is very scarce. If the little friend can... the old man thinks Please help me find this last talisman-making material, if you really get this last talisman-making material, in addition to being able to exchange contribution points, this old man can give you an extra reward."

The three talents glanced at Qin Lang.

"I don't know what kind of talisman-making materials the master hasn't got yet? I need my own service."

Qin Lang asked curiously.

"Well, it's the blood of high-level monsters, preferably the blood of monsters above the seventh level."

The three talents said seriously. "If you can get this, my friend, how about I give you an extra piece of rare spell Meteor Rock Rain... Well, no matter if it succeeds or not, this spell is an extra gift from this old man." As he said, the three talented men had already given you the rare spell Meteor Rock Rain. The spell was handed over.

"Rare spell, Meteor Rock Rain?"

Qin Lang was also shocked when he took it over. Unexpectedly, the three talented masters could also refine rare spells, which are more advanced than high-level spells.

In the talisman industry, the levels of spells are divided into primary spells, intermediate spells, advanced spells, and then rare spells. Among them, talisman apprentices can refine primary spells, but the failure rate of refining intermediate spells is very high, and only official Only qualified talisman masters can refine talismans above intermediate level.

Only at the level of a talisman master can you be qualified to refine high-level talismans, such as high-level burst talismans, sword breath talismans, teleportation talismans, ice bomb talismans, golden knife talismans, golden armor talismans, etc., but if you want to refine rare talismans, Ordinary talisman masters are not qualified enough, and the talisman master needs to have a deeper understanding of spells. That is to say, if the proficiency of talismans does not reach a threshold, it is impossible to refine rare talismans.

From this point of view, on the threshold of a talisman maker, the three talented masters have probably reached the peak of the talisman making master, and their proficiency is almost at full value.

In the realm of comprehension, talisman making has always been a process that is easy to learn but difficult to master. There are many apprentice talisman makers and junior talisman makers, but there are very few high-level talisman makers, and there are even fewer people who have reached the level of talisman masters. , about the same number as alchemy masters.

Therefore, the three talents are basically the same characters as Taishan Beidou, the talisman maker in the cultivation world of the entire Qinghe mainland, and there is only one talisman maker who can exceed his estimates.

And now, a rare charm refined by a top-level talisman master in Western Desert... can even be regarded as the top-level talisman master in the entire Qinghe Continent. For Qin Lang, this attraction is not insignificant.

Although he knew that monsters at the seventh-level leader level were difficult to deal with, Qin Lang didn't want to return the rare spell in his hand. Anyway, the three talented masters also said that no matter whether it succeeds or not, this rare spell is considered a gift for himself.

After hesitating for a while, he still nodded: "Let me try it!"

If this counts, he can be regarded as taking over the task of the three talents in disguise.

Seeing that Qin Lang agreed to his request, the fat three-talented man also turned into a chrysanthemum. In fact, among the monks who explored this different space resource point, there are not many who are capable of taking on this task. The manpower of the task, the three talents will not come to the door directly for help.

Although the master of the three talents is the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, he is not the type who is good at fighting. He prefers to stay at the resource point and do research on spells instead of fighting and exploring.

After taking over the task of the three talented masters on the brains and blood of high-level monsters, Qin Lang suddenly remembered something, and took out the brains and blood of monsters that had reached the elite level: "Master, I don't know if you need these bloods of six-level monsters." No need, please accept it if you need it."

"The heart and soul of a sixth-level monster? If it is used as the talisman-making talisman blood, it is so-so... But at most, it can only be used to make some auxiliary high-level talismans that are not expensive. If it is an explosive talisman, it will not work. Well, I I've accepted them all, and I'll exchange these sixth-level monsters for three special charms for you!"

The three talents spread their hands and gave Qin Lang three more charms.

These three spells are all fixed body spells, which are also a kind of high-level spells, with attributes of combat auxiliary type. If used in battle, they can bind any enemy below the transformation stage.

Of course, the time of this restraint varies. Basically, the higher the level of the enemy, the less effective the immobilization spell will be.

If a fixation spell is used on a cultivator above the late Nascent Soul stage, it may only be able to fix the opponent for less than half a second, and then the fixation spell will be broken by the enemy's brute force.

Half a second of immobilization time seems very short, but if Qin Lang can seize the opportunity in this short half second, he can also establish a miracle and kill the enemy at a small cost.

And if you use it on the enemy in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, you can trap the opponent for about three to five seconds, which is enough time for Qin Lang to kill the enemy many times in battle.

And below the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the high-level fixing spell can hold the enemy for a longer time...

The value of these three talismans is about the same as the defense-type golden armor talisman, and each of them is equivalent to a hundred contribution points. Of course, Qin Lang actually knows that these six-level monsters are not worth so much at all. The three talents are also asking Qin Lang now, and the nature of half-selling and half-giving gave him these three charms.

After collecting these spells, Qin Lang left here, and looked back to check the titanium mine bounty task to see if anyone has accepted it now.

Titanium ore exists in places where the earth's resources are so poor, and it must also be found in this world of self-cultivation, which is rich in specialties. However, this kind of ore is not a conventional mineral in the world of self-cultivation, so it is quite difficult for Qin Lang to collect it for a while. It took about an hour or two for Qin Lang to meet the three talents. Looking back at the resource point, there were many monks who browsed about the titanium ore bounty task, but none of the monks took over the task.

After a short rest at the resource point, Qin Lang left again with a trace of regret. This time he had to deal with commander-level monsters. If he was replaced by other monks, he might directly recruit a casual repair team at the resource point to fight together as a team.

But after Qin Lang thought about it, he still gave up the recruitment team and planned to do it alone.

As for why you want to do it alone?He also considered that now that he has a house of magic treasures and a lot of tricks in his hands, his combat power is actually not much worse than that of ordinary seventh-order monsters. After all, he has also inquired about this. , like those monsters whose strength has reached the level of crossing the catastrophe, they are definitely above the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying stage, and are closer to the stage of transforming gods, so he may not be able to eat it for the time being.

But if it is a little less powerful, he still has the confidence to fight against it. If he uses more means in combat power, it is possible to win a leader-level monster.

As for contribution rewards, a high-level monster can be exchanged for [-] contribution points. This [-] contribution points does not seem to be as rewarding as searching for three-color fruits before, but it must be considered that Qin Lang opened up wasteland in the swamp area... To be able to gain so much.

Qin Lang also took great risks at the beginning. He avoided the two-headed eight-level super eight-clawed monster in the center of the swamp, and managed to obtain some high-level talisman-making materials and elixir.

Moreover, the trip to the Qinlang swamp area was not without loss, at least his S-level mutant avatar was planted there. If there is no S-level mutant avatar to explore the way, even if he has the magic house in his hand, he may not be able to handle the center of the swamp. Those elixir resources in the area.

Qin Lang didn't ask for trouble this time and went to the swamp area again. Although in the swamp area, apart from the two eighth-level super octopus monsters in the center, there are also some sixth-level and seventh-level monsters that are descendants of these two super octopus monsters. , but Qin Lang knows that they are very difficult to deal with. After all, these monsters gather together to act in groups. Qin Lang even finds it difficult to deal with those sixth-level eight-clawed monsters, let alone the stronger seventh-level eight-clawed monsters?
Therefore, Qin Lang went directly to the direction of the mountain. This space is divided into three parts: plains, swamps and mountains. Of course, there seem to be rivers and lakes in the distance, but they don't occupy much land.

In fact, the plain area occupies the largest area. There are many man-eating trees in the plain that are similar in strength to seventh-level monsters. This kind of man-eating tree is not a monster. It cannot produce high-level monsters, and it is difficult to kill. , so Qin Lang didn't intend to go to the plains to search at all.

The swampy area is also excluded by Qin Lang, so the next step is to search from the mountains to see if you can find a new leader-level monster.

The most dangerous place in the mountains is the group of well-equipped flying ax monsters in the area near Lei Ze. That place is also a restricted area designated by Qin Lang, and he will definitely avoid it when searching.

Except for the group site of the flying ax monster, other areas are within Qin Lang's search range. He is now searching inch by inch, hoping to find a leader-level monster again.

During this process, Qin Lang met a lot of ordinary monsters on the road, and encountered more than a dozen elite monsters, all of which were killed by Qin Lang one by one, and took the magic crystal, and Qin Lang also took the heart and soul of the elite monsters .

The blood of these elite-level monsters is worth about [-] or [-] contribution points. The three-talented master actually doesn’t need it. He needs the blood of at least a seventh-level monster to be able to use it as a talisman for researching high-level and rare spells. Blood.

But if Qin Lang used it to exchange it, he would also exchange it for Qin Lang's face, but what he exchanged was definitely not as exaggerated as the three amulets given directly before.

(End of this chapter)

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