Chapter 1665

Five hours later, Qin Lang found a leader-level monster in the mountains. The boss sitting on one side was weaker than the monster in the Transcendence period that Qin Lang had encountered, but it was also a seventh-level monster, a proper late Nascent Soul monster. Perfect combat power.

Now that he found the target, Qin Lang started to attract monsters. He manipulated the black bone flywheel of the Magic Treasure House to rush into the territory of the commander-level monster, and provoked this monster. The Magic Treasure House collided with this guy twice, but the leader-level monster The monsters with rough skin and thick flesh were not harmed at all.

Although he was not harmed, the anger of this leader-level monster was successfully provoked by Qin Lang, and then he started to fly a kite to lure the monster away from the territory, and gradually led it to the territory of the flying ax monster group. past.

Since the territory of the commander-level monsters is not far from the territory of the flying-axe monsters, Qin Lang intends to take advantage of it. In his plan, if the commander-level monsters mistakenly enter the territory of the flying-axe monsters, there will definitely be a chaotic battle between the two sides. You can fish in troubled waters.

This is also the best way to deal with powerful commander-level monsters. If he doesn't rely on his strength, if he wants to kill such a thick-skinned guy with his own strength, he may not be able to complete the task even if he is exhausted.

After all, the physical strength of the commander-level monsters is far superior to that of other cultivators. If it is head-to-head, the Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying stage may not be able to beat the seventh-level monsters.

And now that Qin Lang has the Magic Treasure House in his hands, his strength is actually about the same as that of a late Nascent Soul Dzogchen monk. Although his combat power has improved, it will take a lot of effort to kill the seventh-level monsters.

This seventh-order monster looks like a cow, but it weighs more than 30 tons. It is as big as a big house. It has two thick horns on its head, which are black and shiny, and look very solid.

Under Qin Lang's provocation, the seventh-order cow-consuming monster sprayed black smoke from its nostrils, and its eyes were all red. The big guy is close.

Such a large body... If it is hit by a collision, it may be the same as being hit by a section of train skin, and the impact force is several hundred tons.

Qin Lang's skill is agile, and the speed of the seventh-level bull-consuming monster's charge is also very fast. However, it is only suitable for rampage, and it can't turn around when launching a charge. Therefore, it is easy for Qin Lang to avoid it, as long as he leans his body. avoid.

Of course, if he runs in a straight line, Qin Lang has no confidence that he can outrun this seventh-order cow-consuming monster that has launched a charge. It's hard to find.

Along the way, Qin Lang detoured to lure monsters, and finally led the seventh-level cow-consuming monster to the edge of the flying ax monster's territory. At this time, Qin Lang took a high-level breath-holding talisman on his body, and began to go into the flying ax monster's territory Chong, and the seventh-level cow-consuming monster whose hatred has locked Qin Lang in the back ignores the effect of the breath-holding talisman, and has been chasing after him.

It has to be said that the high-level breath-holding talisman refined by the three talented masters is very effective. Qin Lang used it together with the invisibility talisman, and all the flying ax monsters in the flying ax monster site did not find him.

And the cow-consuming monster of the commanding level seventh rank behind him was not so lucky.

This seventh-order bull-consuming monster of the commanding level rumbled into the territory of the flying ax monster, which immediately caused restlessness in the flying ax monster group. Various monster groups in different spaces generally have their own spheres of influence, and few monsters break into it. Entering the territory of other monsters, the blatant invasion of the seventh-level cow-consuming monster immediately caused all the monsters on the territory of the flying ax monster to erupt.


All the flying ax monsters that were close in front of them launched attacks on the foreign invaders. The flying axes, which resembled magic weapons, began to throw directly at the seventh-level cow-consuming monsters, and then spun back after hitting the target.

In just a short moment, the seventh-level bull-consuming monster hit at least 100 throwing axes, and around it, more flying ax monsters began to gather here to support the battle here.


The seventh-level commander-level bull-consuming monster raised its head and screamed with red eyes. It was surrounded by a large number of flying ax monsters like a hornet's nest. These flying ax monsters were all elite small bosses. It's not afraid at all, but now all the monsters in the entire flying ax monster territory are rioting, and it can't bear it.

In just a short moment just now, it was hit by more than 100 throwing axes, and now its body is already bleeding like a river. Fortunately, these injuries look terrible but are not very serious. They can only be regarded as moderate injuries. As long as it escapes from the throwing ax Surrounded by monsters, it is estimated that it will not take long to fully recover.

The commander-level monster caught in the swarm of flying ax monsters also felt that the situation was not good. At this time, he quickly launched a charge, trying to rush out of the territory of the flying ax monsters and avoid the densely packed flying axes.

charge!It launched a charge again, knocking away all the obstacles along the way, and finally rushed out from the swarm of flying axes and monsters again, with more serious injuries to its body.

Now there are hundreds of large and small wounds on the body of this seventh-order commander-level monster, and many of the wounds are overlapped, which also makes the injury worse. In moderate to severe cases, even actions are affected to a certain extent.

Speaking of which, this seventh-level monster is relatively unlucky now, but the more unlucky ones are yet to come.

Because now Qin Lang's attacks came one after another, more than a dozen sword qi pierced its body at the same time, amplifying the original injury.

"Aww..." The seventh-order cow-consuming monster jumped like a thunder, and lost the only trace of sanity left after rushing out of the group of flying ax monsters just now, and launched an extremely angry charge to chase Qin Lang again.

But Qin Lang also followed into the house of magic treasures, and once again started to play with kites, slowly consuming the stamina and energy of the seventh-level monster.

Three hours later, Qin Lang finally killed the seventh-level monster. He himself was exhausted during the process. His strength is that the high-level monster can withstand the toss. times.

Fortunately, the spiritual intelligence of this seventh-order monster is not very strong, and it will chase after Qin Lang at the slightest provocation, which also makes Qin Lang relieved most of his heart.Before, he was worried that the monster would run away if it was seriously injured. If so, the battle would be more protracted.

After finally killing a commander-level monster, Qin Lang was not in a hurry to decompose the materials, but took the elixir to recover for a while, and then began to deal with the corpse of the commander-level monster.

Among the most cherished materials on the corpse of this commander-level monster are two kinds, one is the blood of the monster, and the other is the golden magic crystal. In addition, the two horns of the bull-consuming monster are very thick and hard, which can be used for refining weapons, and The bone material refined from the whole body skeleton of the cow-consuming monster is a good material for repairing the black bone flywheel.

Next, Qin Lang began to decompose the corpse. First, he took the heart and blood of the monster and put it in a large jar weighing ten catties. But it was enough to fill it up, and there was still a small part left over, so Qin Lang directly used the jade bottle to fill up the excess.

This big pot of painstaking efforts is actually provided by the main resource point, and the ten-jin heavy jar is considered a painstaking effort, and those that are more will be counted separately.

And after collecting his heart and soul, Qin Lang also dug out the golden magic crystal of the monster. This golden magic crystal is a higher-grade existence than the silver magic crystal. When he trains higher-quality magic crystal pills in the future, he may be able to Use this special magic crystal.

The horns of the two thick monsters are each more than three meters long, and they look like two curved spears. If the horns of the seventh-level monsters are used to refine weapons, they should be able to directly refine treasures above the level of high-grade magic weapons.

The last thing is to deal with the huge skeleton. Qin Lang directly refined the flesh and blood of the monster with the fire of Kanli, purified the skeleton, melted it repeatedly, and finally got a bone ball with a diameter of one meter. Although the diameter of the bone ball is only one meter, it is at least It weighs a thousand kilograms, and this bone ball is the most suitable bone for repairing the black bone flywheel in the future.

This time to kill this commander-level monster, Qin Lang only consumed a lot of physical strength and energy because he adopted the kite-flying style of play. The black bone flywheel in the magic house was not damaged, and now the bone ball can be saved for future use .

Speaking of it, although the black bone flywheel is only the most powerful one in the magic house, it has an advantage that other magic houses cannot match, that is, it is relatively easy to find repair materials. In this case, as long as there are enough repair materials, Qin Lang can The integrity of this treasure house has been maintained.

If it is replaced by other magic house, once it is damaged in the battle, just wait and cry. Looking for repair materials after the battle will definitely make a high-ranking monk feel so depressed that he vomits blood.

After tidying up, Qin Lang was ready to return and hand in the task. He knew that if he didn't rely on tricks to lure this leader-level monster to the territory of the flying ax monster, he would definitely kill a complete seventh-level monster. Very difficult.

Therefore, sometimes it is good to use your brain more in battle. Although monsters and monsters are physically strong and stronger than monks of the same level, most of them are not very good at brains. This is why they are usually compared by strength. The key reason for the massacre of monks who are much lower than themselves.

After Qin Lang returned to the resource point, he went directly to the three talents of the Talisman Master and began to hand over the task.

Seeing that Qin Lang returned so quickly and brought the high-level monsters he needed, the chubby three talents were also very surprised: "Complete the task so quickly...Little friend is really strong."

At this time, Qin Lang handed over the ten-jin large jar and several small jade bottles to the three talents, which contained all the heart and soul of high-level monsters.

After these items, the three geniuses inspected them and nodded with satisfaction. With the efforts of these high-level monsters, next, their research on some high-level spells and rare spells at the resource point will be settled. After the blood has been processed, it is the best talisman blood.

(End of this chapter)

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