The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1666 The Sword God Appears

Chapter 1666 The Sword God Appears

"Yes, yes, these are all I need..."

After the three talented masters reviewed the materials, they seemed very satisfied, and directly gave out the rest of the rewards. The rare spell "Meteor Rock Rain" is now really owned by Qin Lang, let alone, Qin Lang also got [-] contribution points .

The reason why there is an extra [-] contribution points is also because Qin Lang got more high-level monsters, which were converted by the three talents in exchange for contribution points.

And these [-] contribution points were used by Qin Lang to exchange for the Golden Armor Talisman, and a total of six were exchanged. I heard that the power of this high-level defensive spell is comparable to that of a high-grade magic weapon, and the effect of the spell can be superimposed. After adding up two or three , I am afraid that even the defensive ability of the top magic weapon is nothing more than that.

However, the only disadvantage of the Golden Armor Charm is that it has usage restrictions, it can only resist the enemy's uninterrupted attacks for 5 minutes, once this usage time is over, the effect of the spell will disappear completely.

These six golden armor talismans plus the original four, Qin Lang has a total of ten golden armor talismans on hand. You can't buy them all. The reason why Qin Lang can get these now is because of the honor of the old alchemy king Yu Decheng. The three talented masters have the opportunity to be invited to the different space resource point to sit in charge.

"Little friend, if you find high-level talisman-making materials later, welcome to exchange them again..."

After the exchange was completed, the three talents said with a smile that now that the materials for the study of spells are available, he is also in a good mood.


Qin Lang nodded. He also wanted to have more spells from the three talented masters. However, the commander-level monsters in different spaces are not so easy to kill, and he doesn't know if he will have a chance to kill another one later.


Peerless City, a large teleportation array.

With a flash of light, more than a dozen disciples wearing Xuedaomen uniforms appeared in the city. The leader of them looked cold, but it was Hu Ming, the brother of Sanxiu Juemingzi who Qin Lang had killed, and the head of the Xuedaomen Law Enforcement Hall.

Due to the special cultivation method, his current cultivation level far surpasses the other elders of the sect.

When he was young, he had a nickname called Dao Demon, which spread throughout the western desert hundreds of years ago. At that time, he used his cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanying to kill the Eighteen Bandits of Xisha in the early stage of Yuanying and the power behind him, Yuanying. In the later period, the ancestor of Xisha became famous.

Hundreds of years later, he has now reached the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period. Although he has been practicing in closed doors in the sect for hundreds of years, he rarely appears in front of the public outside the sect. It gradually faded away, but the disciples in the sect who were familiar with him secretly called Hu Ming the "sword god".

That's right, it's the sword god, the blood knife god, Hu Ming's current blood knife can be said to be the second strongest person besides the sect master Huaxue Venerable.

Hu Ming has a very high status in Xuedaomen. The law enforcement hall he controls can be said to be the second authority of the entire sect except the sect master. In fact, the few elders in the sect are not as prestigious as the principal and deputy head of the law enforcement hall.

In addition to being the head of the law enforcement hall, Hu Ming is actually the elder in charge of the sect. The law enforcement hall is the sect's affairs organization, and the elder in charge of punishment is the identification mark. The two are related, but there are also differences.

In the Law Enforcement Hall of the Blood Knife Gate, there can be a chief and deputy head, but there can only be one Elder in charge of punishment in the Blood Knife Gate. Behind the whole Law Enforcement Hall is the Elder in charge of punishment.

As for Hu Ming, who is both the elder in charge of punishment and the head of the law enforcement hall, the Blood Knife God has always been high in the Blood Knife Sect. Except for the Sect Master, other people don't pay much attention to them.

This time Hu Ming came to Wushuang City to seek revenge with more than a dozen members of the Blood Knife Sect. The main Li Qiangdong is also in the late Yuanying period, and the others are in the early and middle stages of Yuanying.

This group of monks from the sect is extremely powerful. Even in Wushuang City, only the three major families in the city can form such a powerful team.In fact, the sect background of Xuedaomen definitely exceeds that of the three major families of Wushuang City. In recent years, the sect master has broken through the stage of transforming into gods and has become the top powerhouse in the entire western desert.

As for the three major families in Wushuang City, the ancestors of the three families have all been stuck in the late Yuanying period or in the late Yuanying period for many years. It can be said that there is not a single monk in the Wushuang City in the entire Wushuang City.

Of course, the fact that there are no monks at the stage of transformation in Wushuang City does not mean that there are no monks at the stage of transformation in the West Desert. At least it is rumored that the Hua family in Yanyang City, the largest oasis in Western Desert, has an ancestor of the stage of transformation in seclusion. And retreated for many years.

After Hu Ming got out of the teleportation formation, he looked around coldly, and then said: "Li Qiangdong, take a few people to inquire about the boy's face...see if anyone in Wushuang City knows him, find Come back quickly afterwards."

"Yes, Young Hall Master." Li Qiangdong, the deputy, complied.

Although he is clearly the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall, he always appears to be more respectful in front of Hu Ming than his subordinates.

At this time, Hu Ming threw out a scroll, and the face of Qin Lang was depicted on the scroll, which was lifelike.

This picture scroll was actually drawn by Hu Ming based on the scene of his younger brother Jue Mingzi's soul transmission before his death. Unfortunately, Jue Mingzi's death was too hasty at that time, so the picture was only interrupted halfway through the transmission, and it was too late to reveal too much information.

And Hu Ming, the blood knife god, found Wushuang City, which was actually calculated through blood connections. He knew that his younger brother died in the area of ​​Wushuang City, but he wanted to find the murderer among the more than 100 million people in Wushuang City. It will take some time.

However, this time Hu Ming made a special trip to avenge his younger brother, and he did not give up until he reached his goal. He had already made long-term preparations. He vowed to find out the murderer who killed his younger brother and torture him every last inch. and die.

After his deputy Li Qiangdong left as ordered, Hu Ming took the rest of the people and found an inn in Wushuang City.

When you come to Wushuang City, you must have a place to stay, right?
While inquiring about the news, he also learned about some major events that happened in Wushuang City recently.

In the end, many earth-shattering events happened in Wushuang City, and even Hu Ming, who came from afar, became interested.

First of all, the Peerless Ruins in Peerless City, which is once in a thousand years, has been opened once. This is the first major event.

After the second major event, the Wushuang Ruins incident, there was a phenomenon of underground monsters gushing out of the surface. Now these underground monsters have been forced back to the ground by a large number of people organized by the Dandingmen. I opened a mysterious different space underground, and recently started to build a resource supply point in it, that is, a resident, and organized a large number of monks from Wushuang City to enter the underground different space to explore.

And the third big event is about the Magic Crystal Pill.According to reliable sources, the Danding Sect has already researched the epoch-making elixir such as the Magic Crystal Pill. Many casual cultivators in Wushuang City have tried this elixir, and their own cultivation has skyrocketed. The Dzogchen monks have rushed to the babyless stage in one fell swoop, crossed the barriers of the realm barrier and the catastrophe, and it took only a short month or two.

There is even more breaking news that some monks have even directly promoted to the middle stage of Nascent Soul with the help of this miraculous elixir.

In one or two months, the cultivation base can increase dramatically, and break through the big realm. The magic pill, such as magic crystal pill, also aroused Hu Ming's curiosity. If possible, he would also buy a batch of this elixir for his disciples in Law Enforcement Hall to take.

After all, this epoch-making elixir, there is basically no monk who is not tempted. If it weren't for this special elixir, it could only be given to monks in the core formation stage and the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and it would be ineffective for high-level monks above the mid-stage Nascent Soul, Hu Ming I am afraid that the interest will be stronger.

And the last big event is also related to Dandingmen. In order to promote the epoch-making elixir of Magic Crystal Pill, Dandingmen has organized disciples to establish Dandingfang, a commercial organization in the nature of a specialty store. The host of Dandingfang seems to be Dan The Great Elder of Dingmen, Master of Alchemy King Yu Decheng.

Dan Ding Fang has now established a new sales network of elixir in Wushuang City, and began to spread to other cities in the Western Desert centered on Wushuang City.

And now the different space of origin as the material of the magic crystal pill is also firmly controlled by the Danding Sect. This is one of the three major sects in Western Desert alongside the Blood Knife Sect. Recently, it can be said that it has really been in the limelight in Wushuang City.

"Magic crystal...Magic crystal, now the most popular discussion in Wushuang City is about magic crystal and magic crystal pill. The material of magic crystal is taken from the body of underground monsters. I heard that each one is worth [-] low-grade spirit stones, that is, A piece of high-grade spirit stone has now triggered a frenzy for monks in Wushuang City to go underground to kill monsters..."

Hu Ming murmured: "The magic crystals in Wushuang City are so hot now, I heard that they have begun to circulate widely among monks, and gradually replace spirit stones as a new currency. A magic crystal is worth [-] spirit stones." , it’s much lighter to put it in a storage bag, unlike low-grade spirit stones that need a lot.”

The Magic Crystal Pill has brought a lot of money to Dandingfang, and even Hu Ming is jealous of the predictable benefits. If it weren't for the fact that Dandingfang is backed by the not weak Dandingmen, Hu Ming would have thought about it. Directly brought people to the door to beg for alms.

After inquiring about some news, Hu Ming felt that it was the right time to come to Wushuang City this time, not only to avenge his brother Ming Zi, but the development of the sect also required him to work hard. The second person, the disciples are in awe of the "Blood Sword God".

In the inn, Hu Ming directly asked his subordinates to book more than a dozen first-class rooms, and then entered one of the rooms to rest, quietly waiting for his deputy to pass the news back.

(End of this chapter)

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