Chapter 1667 spying news
Deputy Li Qiangdong came back soon after inquiring about the news. The deputy head of the Xuedaomen Law Enforcement Hall was nicknamed "Tie Suo Hengjiang".

But after Hu Ming joined the sect and suddenly emerged, "Tiesuo Hengjiang" began to be unconvinced in various ways, but after a fight with Hu Ming, he suffered a big loss, and then he completely gave up, and was subdued by Hu Ming post.

Afterwards, Li Qiangdong's attitude towards Hu Ming underwent a 360-degree change.

These years, Li Qiangdong has been walking around Hu Ming, and he is more caring than anyone else in the sect, but no one knows what happened in that bout back then, which could cause such a big shock to such a rebellious guy. change.

Li Qiangdong, as a veteran monk in the late Yuanying period, "Tiesuo Hengjiang" is not in vain. This guy is good at calculating. In the Law Enforcement Hall, except for his immediate boss Hu Ming, he is honest with everyone. He treats Hu Ming and Dealing with other people is completely two faces.

"Young hall master, I have inquired about the news, the target I am looking for is..."

Afterwards, Li Qiangdong told Hu Ming everything he had heard. Many people in Wushuang City knew that Qin Lang had joined the different space organized by Dandingfang, and Qin Lang's other identity was one of the three major shareholders of Dandingfang. Not many outsiders know about it, so Li Qiangdong couldn't find out.

Knowing that the target he was looking for was in the place where the tide of monsters and monsters once occurred near Wushuang City, that is, in the underground space, Hu Ming nodded at this time and said: "Then let's go and enter the space to have a look."

To be honest, this time he entered the different space not only to avenge his younger brother, but Dan Dingmen occupied the entire different space and established a huge resource point. Whether it is the magic crystal pill refined by Dandingfang based on the magic crystal, it has now become a sought-after item in the entire Wushuang City.

"Blood Knife God" Hu Ming is very interested in the special elixir of Magic Crystal Pill. He will have to experience it when he enters a different space this time.

However, Hu Ming had no idea that among the developers of the Magic Crystal Pill, there was actually Qin Lang.

Speaking of which, if Qin Lang hadn't helped Yu Decheng and Goatee Jiuding to improve the original formula together, the new version of Magic Crystal Pill would not have been released to the market so quickly.

If he knew that this elixir was researched by the enemy he was going to deal with, Hu Ming might not know whether to laugh or cry when he got the news.

However, at present, people in Wushuang City only know that the magic crystal pill comes from the alchemy gate and the alchemy master Jiuding, but they don't know that it is an outsider who really improved the alchemy formula. This is actually due to Qin Lang's conscious low-key, after all High-profile claiming that he is the reformer of Magic Crystal Pill does not have much practical benefits for Qin Lang, but he has gained more reputation.

Qin Lang doesn't value this reputation very much, but the development of Dandingfang needs this reputation very much, so when Qin Lang signed the agreement, he naturally followed Yu Decheng's requirements. He is now only a major shareholder of Dandingfang. The specific business operations of Dingfang are all handled by Dan Dingmen, and he can just sit back and enjoy his achievements.

Basically, Dandingfang will carry out share dividends every six months. According to the current popularity of Magic Crystal Pill, it is estimated that even if the first share dividends in half a year can only be distributed to [-]% of the total profit, what Qin Lang can get The profit is also not little.

Afterwards, Hu Ming took the subordinates of the Xuedaomen Law Enforcement Hall to sign up directly at the Dandingfang registration point in the city, and participated in the different space exploration team organized by Dandingfang. Danding Fang never refuses anyone who comes, and now the development of the different space has just begun, and a large number of monks are needed to fill in some gaps in exploration!
After registering, each member of this group of Blood Sword Sect got a Jade Jian Tong and an identity jade card. The Jade Jian Tong contained information on the different space environment and the distribution of monsters explored by monks in different spaces. In addition to identifying the identity, the jade card can also be used as a contribution storage card. Basically, after all monks in different spaces complete the tasks issued by the resource point, they can use the identity jade card to accumulate the contribution, or exchange it for what they want. items, very convenient to use.

Of course, the contribution degree in the identity jade card can also be used to exchange spirit stones, but this exchange is irreversible. Once the contribution degree is exchanged, if you want to use the spirit stone to return to the contribution degree, it may take two Double to triple the price.

Therefore, contribution points at different space resource points are more precious than spirit stones. Only fools will exchange the contribution points obtained by completing tasks with hard work into spirit stones. Most monks use contribution points to exchange some specialties of resource points. After all, Dandingfang's unique pills, or some precious instruments, magic weapons, and cheats are hard to buy in external auctions, but they can be exchanged for them at resource points with enough contribution. .

And in the last period of time, Dandingfang invited the most famous talisman masters in the West Desert, three talents, to sit in the different space resource point. The monks in the different space are more interested in looking for various materials to do tasks. After all, the resource point is now Among the miscellaneous things that can be exchanged, there are some high-level spells. High-level spells are good things that cannot be bought in external auctions. Now resource points can be exchanged only if they have enough material contribution. For monks in different spaces, this is a great benefit.

However, there are additional requirements for the exchange of high-level spells at resource points, that is, the master of the three talents only accepts the contribution points exchanged for the talisman-making materials. If the contribution points obtained by monks do other tasks, there is no way to exchange these high-level spells.

Therefore, these high-level charms produced by the three talented masters are limited editions for a large number of monks. Due to lack of strength or bad luck, many monks probably cannot get together the materials to exchange for a spell.

After all, in the entire different space, more than half of the cultivators are currently at the mid-to-late stage of alchemy, and they are compatible with ordinary monsters in the different space, but if you want to go to some dangerous places to find high-level talisman materials, then thousands of It's hard.

Those places are dangerous places for relatively weak monks like them. If you don’t pay attention, there is a risk of falling. After all, it is impossible for everyone to have the strength of Qin Lang. Just pay attention to the whole different space. Don't provoke some powerful monsters, you can come and go as you like.

A group of people took the identity jade card, picked up the jade Jiantong, and used their spiritual sense to scan the information in Ban Jiantong. The group of Xuedaomen basically had a preliminary understanding of the different space, and they were no longer two people like before. His eyes darkened.

Basically, the different space is a paradise for monks in the middle and late stages of alchemy and the early stage of Yuanying. Here, monks can earn contribution points by continuously completing tasks assigned by resource points, and then exchange for magic crystal pills to improve themselves, and quickly break through the realm to reach Nascent Soul Stage or even Nascent Soul Stage.

Of course, cultivators in the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul can also collect a lot of treasures by exploring space, and these treasures are hard to find outside.

Hu Ming and the dozen or so members of the Blood Knife Sect followed a large wave of adventurers going to a different space into the underground passage, and headed towards the different space. The talents of the Blood Knife Gate entered the Dandingfang resource point resident through the different space cracks in the ground.

The situation in front of me is amazing. Now, after more than a month of development, the resource point resident of Dandingfang is not much smaller than the resident of a sect. The number of monks who have entered the different space to develop has now grown to more than 4 people. This number of people may not be conspicuous in Wushuang City, but if you know that all monks are at least at the alchemy stage, you can know how good the aptitude of these 4 monks is.

The sum of the number of these monks can be almost equivalent to the sum of the elite numbers of all the families of more than [-] families in Wushuang City.

Moreover, the number of monks entering different spaces for development is still increasing. After the opening of the Wushuang Ruins, the population of Wushuang City has a tendency to drop from more than 200 million to 100 million. After the news spread, the population of Wushuang City, which fell back, began to rise again, and now it has gradually pulled back to more than 200 million.

The advent of the Magic Crystal Pill has also further increased the exposure of Wushuang City in the entire Western Desert. If this large oasis continues to develop like this, the population cohesion will increase, and it will catch up with the top three oases with a population of more than [-] million in the Western Desert. Sooner or later.

At that time, when the population of Wushuang City is saturated, the size of the city will begin to expand to the surrounding area, and it is not known how many times it will expand than it is now.

Of course, these are all things to say later. Now Hu Ming took more than a dozen monks from the Blood Knife Sect and followed the monks who went to the resource point of different space for two days and one night, and finally entered the resource point of Dandingfang in the deep underground. After strolling around the entire resident, the bustling scene in front of them also amazed more than a dozen blood knife monks.

Good guy!With such a cornucopia of different-space resource points, the Dandingmen will definitely have a lot of wealth in the future, and it may become the richest sect in the entire Western Desert, and catch up with those who rank high in the Western Desert and have developed for tens of thousands of years. A large family with a deep heritage.

For such a cornucopia-like existence, these blood knife sect monks are also very jealous, but it is obvious that the resources of this different space can only be played by alchemy sects like the Danding gate. After all, the wealth in the different space is those The magic crystal on the monster's body, the magic crystal needs to be refined into a magic crystal pill to have real value, and only the Danding Square under the Danding Sect has such special alchemy technology in the entire western desert.

(End of this chapter)

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