The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1668: Whereabouts Leaked

Chapter 1668: Whereabouts Leaked
After wandering around the contribution exchange office at the resource point, these dozen or so monks from the Blood Knife Sect are also very tempted, not to mention the special magic crystal pill that can quickly improve the cultivation base of monks in the middle and late stages of forming alchemy and the early stage of Nascent Soul , there are many other precious treasures in the entire resource point that can be exchanged with contribution points.

For example, all kinds of rare medicinal pills produced by Dandingmen, such as high-grade magic weapons and high-level charms, these are things that are rarely seen in the entire market.

Moreover, magic crystals are also divided into grades. There are three different types of ordinary magic crystals, silver-white magic crystals, and golden magic crystals. The value gap between each type is also a hundred times.

Basically, one silver-white magic crystal can be exchanged for one hundred ordinary magic crystals, and one golden magic crystal can be exchanged for one hundred silver-white magic crystals.

Although Dandingfang only provides magic crystal pills refined by ordinary magic crystals, but now silver-white magic crystals and golden magic crystals are also purchased together. Many monks are guessing that it is very likely that Dandingfang is using these high-quality magic crystals In the refining effect of the more powerful magic crystal pill, maybe monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul can also use it.

Of course, their guess is basically close to the truth. However, the task of acquiring high-quality magic crystals is actually not issued by Dandingfang, but the commissioning task assigned by Qin Lang to Dandingfang. After all, it is currently capable of refining middle-grade magic crystals. Qin Lang is the only alchemist of Jingdan.

In fact, Dan Ding Fang also guessed that Qin Lang might have improved the formula of Magic Crystal Pill and refined a higher-quality mid-grade Magic Crystal Pill. Yu Decheng approached Qin Lang more than once for this matter, but Qin Lang shirked them all Yes, he said that he is actually in the process of research.

The reason why Qin Lang didn't disclose this news to Dandingfang is also for his own consideration. After all, he needs to use a large number of middle-grade magic crystal pills to improve his cultivation. Now it is equivalent to monopolizing the high-quality magic crystals in the entire different space.

If Dan Ding Fang gets the Dan Fang at this time, then Qin Lang's own entrusted task will have no advantage, and it is very likely that he will never get a high-quality magic crystal again, and all silver-white high-quality magic crystals will be taken away by Dan Ding The workshop directly refines the middle-grade magic crystal pill, and the Danding workshop will not be handed over to himself.

Then, I have to work hard to get the limited contribution points to exchange for the middle-grade magic crystal pill. After all, although I am one of the three major shareholders of Dandingfang, Dandingfang is doing business. The above treats themselves equally, and it is impossible to favor one person over another.

After getting some useful information about the resource point, Hu Ming led people to take over the trial task issued by the resource point for many monks who had just entered the different space, which was to obtain the magic crystals in the bodies of monsters outside the resource point. Crystals can be used to exchange for the contribution of resource points, and then exchange for some things that monks want to exchange.

After accepting the trial task, Hu Ming, a newcomer, broke up the team and formed seven groups in twos. He planned to split up in the different space and explore the whole different space while fighting monsters. At the same time, he also paid attention to if the team Some of them discovered the mission target they were looking for when they came to the different space this time, so they sent a message to inform everyone at any time, and when the time came, they would surround and kill the mission target, that is, Qin Lang.

After Hu Ming broke up the team, except for him and Li Qiangdong in the late Yuanying period, the other monks in the team seemed very active, and they all wanted to quickly obtain the contribution of the Dandingmen resource points.

After all, the magic crystal pill is a good thing. It can quickly improve the cultivation of these monks in the early and middle stages of the Nascent Soul, especially the monks in the early stage of the Nascent Soul. Entering the middle stage of Nascent Soul saves the accumulation of a long time and the perception of the realm at the time of breakthrough.

Since the resident of the different space resource point has been established for more than a month, there are basically no monsters around the resource point, so the monks who came later need to go deeper into the different space to encounter monsters and fight to get the loot magic crystal.

A dozen or so monks from the Blood Knife Sect were scattered, and among the monks in this different space, they were like a few waves in the sea, not inconspicuous at all.

And Zhang Zilong and Zhao Heihu are just one of these waves. One of the two members of this group is the middle stage of Yuanying cultivation, and the other is the early stage of Yuanying cultivation.

It is worth mentioning that the entire Blood Knife Sect has a population of more than 700, and the Law Enforcement Hall has more than 50 people who are all elites of the sect.

Zhang Zilong and Zhao Heihu can at least rank in the top [-] among the three generations of disciples of the sect, and both of them have learned the foundation of the sect of the Xuedao sect... the top-grade kung fu "blood transformation skill" and the middle-grade saber final , released outside the sect is definitely a great master for the town.

The two walked out along the route of the predecessors in the different space. After walking for more than three hours, they found the trace of the monster.The two people who saw the monster for the first time seemed very curious. This kind of green-skinned monster that looks like a goblin is not strong individually.

The two tried to get closer to the monsters, and those monsters saw the strange monks approaching, as if they had been spat out, screaming and stumbling towards this side without thinking about their bodies, they didn't seem to have any brains, after all, the two people in front of them All of them are monks above the Nascent Soul stage, and their strength is obviously much higher than them.

Blood Transformation Power!let go...

When the Blood Transformation Kung Fu started to work, Zhang Zilong and Zhao Heihu radiated a circle of red light from their bodies. Following the operation of this Kung Fu, their qi and blood burst out suddenly, and their bodies also inflated like the Hulk.

And after the kung fu was running, the Sashou Daojue was also used. The knives in the hands of both of them were above the level of magic weapons. Naturally, it was as easy as chopping vegetables and melons to deal with these ordinary monsters in front of them.

Zhang Zilong chuckled, and saw a red light flashing on the tip of the knife, a monster had already been pierced by the tip of the big knife in his hand, and then there were bursts of sizzling noises, the big knife in his hand seemed to be sucking something.

Immediately, the whole monster became limp, and when it fell to the ground, it had already lost all the vitality in its body.

However, after Zhang Zilong swung the knife, he hit the target, and his body seemed to be supplemented and blessed by the energy and blood of the monster, and the red glow around his body obviously increased a little.

Speaking of which, this is also the singularity of the Blood Knife Sect's blood-transforming kung fu method, which allows monks to absorb the target's essence through the sword in their hands to benefit themselves in a short period of time and increase their combat effectiveness, so the monks of the Blood Knife Sect basically fight against the enemy It's all about getting braver as you fight, but the enemy is getting weaker and weaker. Many monks in the same realm or monks who are a line higher than the monks have a headache when fighting with the monks of the blood knife sect. At the end of the battle, the monks of the blood knife gate are directly killed by the weak and the strong. happens very often.

In the realm of comprehension, sword cultivators have the most powerful attack power just like sword cultivators, so the cultivators of the Blood Saber Sect can be said to be difficult to provoke, and it is no problem for one to pick two cultivators of the same realm. Sex, the enemy fought a war of attrition with them, they were looking for death.

In the blink of an eye, the four or five monsters in front of them had been wiped out by the two teams of the Blood Knife Gate, and the blood-transforming skills of the two were running more smoothly, and their combat effectiveness was slightly improved.

At this moment, the two of them stopped and took out the magic crystals from the body of the five-headed monsters. It was the first time for the two of them to see the magic crystals. The showy thing is cold when you hold it in your hand, and it contains extremely strong spiritual power.

After collecting these few magic crystals, the two of them have more desire to explore different spaces, and now they have earned four or five magic crystals, which is equivalent to four or five top-grade spirit stones. Not so much, and this different space only took such a short battle to complete the task. It has to be said that this different space is really a treasure to discover wealth.

Therefore, Zhang Zilong and Zhao Heilong went deeper into the different space. In the process, they encountered some monsters one after another, and they were all directly killed by the two powerful fighters. Zhang Zilong's comprehensive combat power has almost risen to the late Yuan Ying stage, and Zhao Heilong's comprehensive combat power in the early Yuan Ying stage has almost risen to the mid-Yuan Ying stage.

And at this time, the two met the first elite boss-level sixth-level monster. They glanced at each other, and both of them rushed up and slashed. It is so unjust to die under the butcher knife of two monks, and he can't even let out a fart.

"Silver-white magic crystal! This is a good thing worth a hundred high-grade spirit stones..."

When Zhao Heilong dug out the magic crystal, his hands trembled a little. He felt like he was dreaming of earning a treasure worth one hundred high-grade spirit stones at once. Even if it was half of one person, he could allocate fifty Contribution, the resources of this different space are too easy to earn.

This is actually due to the good luck of the two. Although there are many monsters in different spaces, it depends on luck for ordinary monks to encounter elite monsters in the wild. Often there are only one or two monsters in a large area, which is similar to winning the lottery. .

Of course, if you go too deep into some undeveloped areas in the different space, you will still encounter a large number of monsters above the elite level. However, these unexplored areas often represent danger, and ordinary monks may die directly if they are not careful.

Both Zhang Zilong and Zhao Heilong are currently in different spaces where monks have explored. It is indeed good luck to meet elite-level monsters here. Just as the two of them cleaned up the silver-white magic crystal, suddenly Peep found a shadow that they couldn't think of, that shadow was so familiar.

"'s the mission target that the boss reminded us to look for, that monk named Qin Lang." Zhao Heihu became excited.

"Send it, send it! The boss told us that if we find that the target has been taken down, we can directly reward the Zongmen with a special high-grade sword."

Zhang Zilong was also very excited. The knives they use for the blood knife repair are very particular, they are all specially processed by the Zongmen's weapon refiner. The knife patterns and veins are in line with the heart of the sect, which can greatly increase the effectiveness of the blood transformation kung fu. Power, so it is not comparable to those mainland goods from outside auction houses.

(End of this chapter)

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