Chapter 1670
After beheading the two sect monks, Qin Lang searched their storage bags at this time.

Through some sundries and exercises in their storage bags, they also learned the identities of the two sect monks. Both of these two sect monks came from the Xuedao sect in Ximo.

"Blood Sword Sect? Is it one of the three strongest sects in West Desert..."

Qin Lang has heard of this sect. Although there are only more than 700 people, the monks in it are all very powerful.

"The first three nuns of the blood-transforming technique... let go..."

Qin Lang looked at the two books in his hand. These two books are indeed strange, but they are incomplete, only the first half of the books, so Qin Lang just flipped through them and lost much interest.

Qin Lang obtained property worth about 300 million from the two monks of the Zongmen, and also got some magic crystals. It can be seen that the enthusiasm of the two monks to team up and kill monsters in this different space was very high. These magic crystals accumulated There are at least seventy or eighty of them, and there is also a silver-white magic crystal.

As for the two sect-style treasured swords that died repairing the swords, Qin Lang directly destroyed them. The two standard treasured swords were medium-grade and low-grade. Although they were magic weapons, they were not high-grade. You can't sell many spirit stones even if you go out to sell them.

After all, the two knives carry the consciousness of two monks, and they won't be able to wear them off for a while. It's very inconvenient to carry them on your body, and your part-time job is sword repair, not sword repair.

After collecting these things, Qin Lang then summoned a flame to melt the bones of the two monks into the bones of the magic house. When he was about to leave, his expression suddenly changed, and his spiritual sense sensed a spiritual energy in the distance The fluctuating breath should be a group of monks rushing over here.

In the spiritual perception, there are about a dozen or so monks in this group, all of whom are above the Nascent Soul stage, and one of them is even more unfathomable, and his strength is definitely beyond the current self. The companions of the Zongmen monks that he killed, if he was surrounded by these people, the situation would definitely be bad.

Therefore, Qin Lang quickly used the breath-holding talisman and the invisibility talisman, and quietly retired.

If he stays here any longer, even if he has the Magic Treasure House, he probably won't be able to resist.

Da Da Da, a dozen or so cultivators from the Blood Knife Sect in a different space have rushed to the place where Qin Lang just started the battle. Looking at the two groups of black gray flames on the ground in front of them, the faces of these cultivators waiting for the sect looked very ugly. Obviously they came a step late.

And the person in charge is the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, Hu Ming, the blood knife god. After receiving the subpoena, the Dzogchen monk in the late Yuanying period summoned all his subordinates to gather here. Unexpectedly, he still failed to catch up with this battle. , cut off that kid.

In fact, when he was three or two miles away from here just now, he could still sense some of Qin Lang's aura, but then Qin Lang's aura suddenly disappeared for some reason. What kind of secret method was used to escape his own spiritual sense induction.

Looking at the ashes left by the bones of his two subordinates in the original place, Hu Ming, the blood knife god, snorted heavily. He lost two people when he first came to the different space, which made him very unhappy, and his murderous intent towards Qin Lang also changed. A little deeper.

"Young hall master, that kid has escaped, what should we do..."

At this time, Li Qiangdong, the deputy beside him, asked in a low voice.

"Next, let's divide into two teams. The two of you are the most powerful, so lead a team to search for the target person with all your strength."

Xuedao Dao Shen thought for a while and said.

This time two of his subordinates were killed by the target person, which also made him feel vigilant. It seems that the target person is not so easy to deal with, and it is no wonder that his younger brother will die at the hands of this person. His younger brother is a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

Through guessing, Xuedao Dao Shen guessed that the target person should be a late Nascent Soul or a late Nascent Soul Dzogchen monk, but although the target is strong, Hu Ming is still very confident in killing him, after all, he is also a late Nascent Soul Dzogchen monk , and because of the special skills of the knife cultivators of the Xuedaomen, they are basically invincible in the same realm.

In other words, if the Blood Knife Sword God is fully used, it can almost burst out the attack power of a cultivator in the transformation stage.

Afterwards, Hu Ming and Li Qiangdong separated into two teams. Hu Ming was the strongest, so this team only brought four people, while Li Qiangdong was weaker, so his team brought one more.

There are two teams, one team of five and one team of six. Now there are 11 monks living in the different space of the Blood Knife Sect.

Of these 11 people, five are in the early stage of Nascent Soul, four are in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, one is in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and one is in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

If this kind of combat power breaks out, it is estimated that even the monks in the stage of transforming gods will have to attach great importance to it, and now Qin Lang doesn't know if he can escape.


After Qin Lang calmly left the battlefield with the breath-holding talisman and the invisibility talisman, he directly started his own resource collection task in a different space. The task of making talisman materials needed by the three masters has always been there, and the demand for talisman-making materials is endless. So Qin Lang can always do this task now.

Now Qin Lang is not very interested in collecting ordinary resources, but he wants to collect more of the high-level spells refined by Sancaizi, and even rare spells, so after completing the collection task of high-level monsters, he these few The sky continues to be busy. It would be great if we could meet another seventh-level monster.

After having the experience of dealing with seventh-order monsters for the second time, Qin Lang is now more confident of victory. Although even if he encounters another seventh-order monster, he may not be able to kill the opponent, but even if he can't beat the whole body, he will retreat. Absolutely no problem.

This is equivalent to an opportunity. Anyway, I have nothing to lose. If I can kill another one, I will make a lot of money!

Of course, high-level talisman-making materials are not only the heart and soul of high-level monsters, if they can encounter actual talisman-making materials during the search process, Qin Lang will certainly not let it go.

However, Qin Lang's luck in this mission was not very good. Apart from encountering three or two elite-level monsters on the road, and getting three silver-white magic crystals and ordinary hard work after killing them, he only took a few mid- and low-grade elixir. After wandering around for a day, Qin Lang decided to go back to the resource point first, and now he wants to inquire about some news.

If he didn't want to inquire about the news, Qin Lang still planned to explore outside the different space resource point for a few more days.

On the way back to the resource point, Qin Lang's heart moved, and he suddenly used the Dao of Transformation technique to completely change his appearance into another appearance. This is the appearance of a burly man, which is quite different from his original appearance with delicate features.

The appearance of this big man is actually the same as the one he transformed with the thousand-machine mask. At that time, when he was escaping from the sword sect in the southern region, he had another identity as "Sanxiu Sirius".

Although the Qianji Mask was destroyed, Qin Lang has already practiced the Dao of Transformation technique to the fifth level, so he can change any living thing at will, so it is naturally not a problem to change his appearance.

After the fifth level of the Dao of Change, the Tiangang 36 transformation is completed, and the Digang 72 transformation needs Qin Lang to continue to practice. At that time, Qin Lang can not only change living things, but also change all objects in nature in any way, whether it is It doesn't matter whether there are living things like flowers, birds, insects and leopards, wild beasts, or dead things like dead trees and mountains, ghosts and ghosts.

However, if the Dao of Change needs to continue to practice, the requirements for the strength of the meat are very high. The current Qin Lang has only achieved more than 30 times the strengthening degree of the flesh body, which is far from the strengthening degree of [-] times. This requires a lot of forging. Only the elixir can be used for the next step of cultivation.

And Qin Lang's current body-forging elixir is an improved version of the ancient Qifang Shilong Changsui Decoction, the Ten Python Cloud Tendon Recipe.

After all, it is impossible to find the ingredients for the marrow-changing soup of ten dragons in ancient times. It requires the blood of ten real dragons.

And the legendary ancient five-element real dragons, hell dragons, and metal giant dragons are powerful existences that can shake the world. Basically, monks below the stage of transforming gods come and destroy as many as possible.So, not to mention whether you can find it, even if you can find Qin Lang, you can't beat it.

On the contrary, there is real dragon blood among the dragon blood in East China Sea. Unfortunately, East China Sea is far away from West Desert, and the dragon people are extremely noble and all of them are powerful masters, so it is not easy to deal with them.

Therefore, the modified version of the ten python marrow replacement formula is undoubtedly Qin Lang's best choice for body training at present.

Boa tendon elixir, although this elixir is not as good as the ancient prescription Shilongchangsui Decoction, the effect of the elixir is only one-tenth of the original formula, but it can still accumulate the same cultivation effect as the original formula by taking a large amount of elixir .

However, even the ingredients for the Boa Tendon Pill are also hard to find. Qin Lang can get a batch from the market in Wushuang City basically every month, but it is not enough for cultivation. About three hundred times, that is, two or three hundred python tendon pills.

The number of boa tendon pills needed for body forging cultivation is really too large, each of two or three hundred boa tendon pills can only increase the strength of the body by [-]%, Qin Lang estimates that he will not be able to complete one hundred in three to five years Double body strengthening.


After changing his face, Qin Lang's current body has become a casual cultivator "Sirius". This identity is also to prevent the group of monks from the Blood Knife Sect in a different space from directly discovering and recognizing him.

The group of cultivators from the Blood Knife Sect are very strong. Qin Lang didn't know why the other party wanted to trouble him. He felt a little unreasonable, after all, he had never offended the people of the Blood Knife Sect before.

But now that the two sides have become enemies, Qin Lang has to be careful. He is going to go back to the resource point to inquire about this group of monks who entered the different space.

After returning to the resource point, Qin Lang dealt with some sundries on his body, and then directly began to inquire about the news. The monks who entered the different space of the Blood Knife Gate belonged to the more ostentatious kind, so Qin Lang quickly got what he wanted. some information of .

This time, there were 13 Blood Knife Sect cultivators who entered the resource point of different space. Apart from the two who had been beheaded by themselves before, there were now eleven more.

(End of this chapter)

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