Chapter 1671

"Of the eleven monks, five are at the early stage of Nascent Soul, four are at the middle stage of Nascent Soul, one is at the late stage of Nascent Soul, and one is at the late stage of Nascent Soul... I heard that they are all elite monks from the Blood Knife Gate Law Enforcement Hall, led by the hall master himself. It seems that it is really difficult to deal with the team!"

After getting this news, Qin Lang also felt a big headache.

Blood knife door!
The Blood Knife Sect is also well-known in the entire Western Desert, and the sword cultivators of the Blood Knife Sect are all extremely powerful. Although the number of the entire sect is not even comparable to that of a medium-sized family in the Western Desert, it is more troublesome than some large families.

It is said that this is a sect with cultivators at the stage of transformation of gods. It is said that the sect's Venerable Blood Transformation has successfully advanced to the stage of transformation of gods more than [-] years ago.

A cultivator in the transformation stage, even the Qinghe Continent is estimated to be the most peak existence, such a master is not something that Qin Lang can provoke at present.

Putting aside the ancestor of the transformation stage, Hu Ming, the head of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Xuedao Sect, is also the number two figure in the entire sect. He has never been defeated in hundreds of battles, big and small. It can be said that he is a model of invincibility in the same realm, and he is even more terrifying than the ghost hand Liao Hua that Qin Lang once encountered.

After all, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, is only in the late Yuanying stage, and Hu Ming, the number two figure in the Xuedaomen, is now a solid monk in the late Yuanying stage, and... I heard that this person can challenge the existence of the monks in the transformation stage.

Directly challenge the existence of Huashenqi!I'm afraid there is no monk in Wushuang City who has the confidence to say this, even the ancestors of those big families... none of them.

This shows how powerful the monks of the Blood Knife Sect are, and how terrifying the Blood Knife God Hu Ming is!
Faced with such a super master coming to him with a team of strong players, Qin Lang is also very distressed. Fortunately, he is not incapable of fighting with the magic weapon house and other hole cards, and the ancient transformation method is relatively powerful. Now It is entirely because the enemy is in the open and he is in the dark. If he deals more with this group of enemies, it is not that he has no chance of turning around.

However, Qin Lang still hasn't investigated the real reason why the Blood Knife God brought people to him. Before that, he didn't know Hu Ming at all, and he didn't know what kind of hatred this No. [-] figure of the Blood Knife Sect had with him. .

Next, Qin Lang, who changed his appearance, stayed at the resource point and did not continue to go out. He had to figure out some things.

He was waiting for the return of the group of monks from the Blood Knife Sect, so that he could inquire about some news, at least he wanted to understand why this group of monks from the Blood Knife Sect traveled thousands of miles to Wushuang City to besiege him.

Qin Lang didn't wait long at the resource point, and the group of monks from the Blood Knife Sect had already returned.

This time, the monks of the Blood Knife Sect didn't look very good-looking. Although the different space is a treasure land for collecting resources, their main task is to help the young hall master find the target this time, but the task target is too cunning. Not only was the person not found, but two of our own people were lost here.

This is definitely a blow to the proud elite monks of the Xuedaomen Law Enforcement Hall in front of them. Even Hu Ming, the sword god who personally led the team this time, is now forced to be extremely gloomy. He is definitely angry. into this.

When a subordinate is killed, it is equivalent to slapping him in the face. In his whole life, he has never suffered such a loss!

After returning to the resource point, the group didn't bother to hand in the contribution task of the resource point, and went directly to a newly built restaurant in the resident.

This restaurant is also the property of Dandingfang, it is called Octagonal Building, the chefs hired are all top chefs from Wushuang City, and the ingredients are also transported from the outside world. The food in this different space restaurant is at least [-]% more expensive than the outside world. But none of the monks in the entire resource point had any objections. After all, the different space is a relatively poor place. Every time you return from exploring, you can relax in the food shop and satisfy your appetite. one of the joys.

Moreover, in addition to poverty, the different space is also full of crises. The monks are all living with their heads up, and sometimes they don’t know if they can see the sun tomorrow. The monks who come to this different space to take risks basically have Awareness of death, so spending money is also much more generous.

This restaurant in the different space is very large, built in the shape of an octagonal building, with a total of [-] floors, and each floor can accommodate [-] tables for the same meal.

Even so, this restaurant is full of people coming and going, and it is [-]% full every day, and sometimes you have to wait when there are no seats.

The 11 members of the Xuedaomen group were very lucky. When they entered the restaurant, there was a seat on the eighth floor. A dozen people sat around a large table, and then ordered food and wine.

"Okay!" The waiter waiter went as ordered and prepared quickly.

And then Qin Lang, who came sneaking in disguise, also found an inconspicuous table nearby, and ordered some food, so that he could keep an eye on the guys from Xuedaomen, and take the opportunity to recover his stomach that hadn't eaten for a few days.

It has to be said that the business of the Octagonal Building is really good enough. Although it has only been open for less than a month, the attendance rate is not even comparable to the top restaurant in Wushuang City.

In fact, after the cultivation base reaches the Nascent Soul stage, monks can use bigu to solve the problem of eating and drinking, but there are many monks who are interested in food, and Qin Lang is one of them.

Moreover, the restaurants in the Octagonal Building are full of spiritual food. If you eat a meal, the spiritual energy replenished after digesting the spiritual food is actually more than a few days of cultivation. Of course, the disadvantage is that it is relatively wasteful. The guaranteed consumption of the Octagonal Building is [-] Lingshi once, this place is not a place where poor monks can come often.

You must know that although [-] spirit stones are only equivalent to eight ordinary magic crystals, the daily income of ordinary monks in this different space is actually only seven or eight magic crystals. If you want to earn more, you must have corresponding strength. Okay, if you don't have the strength, you won't be able to kill monsters, but you will die yourself.

Of course, these ordinary monks refer to monks below the Nascent Soul stage. Basically, the daily income of monks above the Nascent Soul stage in this different space is quite considerable. It is not a problem to get ten or twenty magic crystals at a time. If you are lucky enough, you will meet a powerful beast, and after killing it, it will become prosperous. The silver-white magic crystal is worth 50 contribution points, which is equivalent to [-] spirit stones.

Sure enough, after the monks of the Blood Knife Sect took their seats, they discussed some things while eating while waiting for the food and wine to be served. Qin Lang, who wanted to eavesdrop, also knew the real target of this group of monks chasing him. The key reason was that he had killed Sanxiu Jue Mingzi body.

Although Jue Mingzi, a casual cultivator in the late Yuanying period, is not very strong, he has a half brother, and this brother is more powerful. He is the number two figure in the Xuedaomen, Hu Ming, the head of the Law Enforcement Hall.

He had killed Hu Ming's brother, the god of blood swords, so the big brother would naturally avenge his brother, so it was reasonable and reasonable to come to him.

After understanding the inside story of this layer, Qin Lang also smiled wryly. Unexpectedly, he thought that after Lei Zhenzi's group of casual cultivators who were looking for faults were wiped out, this matter would have no beginning and end, but he did not expect that such a thing would be involved. Pile insider out.

Since both sides are indeed enemies, Mao Dun is also irreconcilable. Now that Hu Ming of the Blood Saber Sect has brought someone to the door, Qin Lang can't sit still, and he has to find a way to fight back.

Just when Qin Lang was in a state of mind, at this time, Hu Ming, the god of blood swords at the table at Xuedaomen, suddenly turned his head and gave Qin Lang a glance not far away, and snorted: "My friend, it's enough to eavesdrop for so long!"

It turned out that this guy's spiritual sense was extremely powerful, and Qin Lang's previous anomaly also made him suspicious, so at this time, while humming, he sent out a divine sense to attack.

With a muffled snort, Qin Lang trembled as if he had been greatly frightened, and then said repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was just curious, and didn't mean anything else..."

After finishing speaking, he quickly bowed his head to the side, but he was surprised in his heart: this Hu Ming really has a false reputation, even if he was in the late Yuanying period, he was still weaker than the other party in terms of spiritual consciousness. You must know that your spiritual consciousness is condensed The degree is slightly higher than that of the average Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period. This Hu Ming is really tricky.

Fortunately, Qin Lang's Changing Dao Kungfu is really extraordinary, after changing the appearance of the aura, even if the two sides are approaching, Hu Ming is not acquainted with each other, and he doesn't know that Qin Lang's real identity is the one he is looking for.

And when he saw that the bearded man just now really became honest under his stare, Hu Ming didn't pay much attention. He didn't have the heart to trouble the eavesdroppers at all now, otherwise, according to his previous temper, he would definitely If you teach the eavesdropper a good lesson, breaking the bones is easy.

Next, a group of monks from the Blood Knife Sect were still talking about things while eating, but the voice of the conversation was gradually becoming unclear. It should be that after the eavesdropper was discovered, the monks at the table now used the spell of sound transmission isolation.

After Qin Lang had a hasty meal, he checked out the octagonal building first. In fact, he had already inquired clearly just now, so there was no need to stay here to waste time.

From the information he heard, he already knew that when this group of monks was exploring different spaces outside the resource point, they were divided into two teams to explore, hunting monsters to find resources while searching for their own traces.

But now that Qin Lang has changed his appearance and aura, it is impossible for these monks who are completely unfamiliar with him to recognize him. After all, the two sides have not even met each other formally before, and the other party only knows his original appearance through image magic.

Although Qin Lang has left the octagonal building now, it is a pity that he is still lurking near the octagonal building. He was actually performing purely in the restaurant before. Scared him like that.

(End of this chapter)

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