The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1672 Stealth Attack

Chapter 1672 Stealth Attack
The group of monks from Xuemendao ate two hours late in the octagonal building before leaving the gate of the octagonal building. Qin Lang, who had been lurking patiently at this time, saw that he had found his target, and followed him quietly.

Now the entire different space resource point has developed during this period of time, and it has a scale of 5 to [-] people. The entire resource point is full of people, so it does not seem awkward for Qin Lang to follow far behind.

When it was time to leave the resource point, this group of monks directly divided into two teams and left in two different directions.

One of the teams is led by Hu Ming, the blood knife god, with only five people, while the other team is led by his deputy Li Qiangdong, with six people.

From the second team to choose one, Qin Lang didn't need to think too much at this time, and directly chose the six-member team led by Li Qiangdong, the deputy head of the Blood Gate Sword Law Enforcement Hall, to follow.

After all, although the team of Blood Knife God Hu Ming has one person less, but with Hu Ming, a strong opponent in the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen, Qin Lang is not confident that he can beat him.

Hu Ming's deputy, Li Qiangdong, is also very strong, but his cultivation is only in the late Yuanying stage. Although the team has brought one more, Qin Lang feels that this team is relatively easy to deal with. After all, persimmons have to be picky. Now to attack the enemy, it is natural to start with the weak point of the enemy.

The Blood Knife Sect team that Qin Lang is eyeing has six members, three in the early stage of Nascent Soul, two in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and one is Li Qiangdong, the "Iron Chain Hengjiang" in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

But for the sake of caution, this team was very close together along the way, and Qin Lang didn't think there was a good opportunity to make a move, so he didn't make a move.

After leaving the resource point and walking for more than two hours, the surrounding area became empty. Qin Lang directly took an invisibility talisman and a breath-holding talisman for himself, and prepared to approach and assassinate him. The target he originally chose was Li Qiang in the late stage of Nascent Soul Winter, but this guy is worthy of being an old Jianghu who has lived for more than 2000 years. Walking, walking, sitting, and lying are all defensive postures. He is too vigilant to the outside world. Qin Lang estimates that it will not be easy to hit him with one blow.

At present, Qin Lang is pursuing to kill the enemy in the largest area, so he directly chose the three weakest Nascent Soul early-stage monks in this team, and planned to kill these three first.

The high-level talisman breath-holding talisman refined by the master of the three talents is indeed very good. It is very good to use it with the low-level invisibility talisman. However, the price of [-] contribution points for each piece of this breath-holding talisman is really not low. Of course, Qin Lang exchanged [-] pieces. Now Already used for the second time.

Concentrating Breath Talisman: A high-level spell that completely restrains one's own breath within half an hour after using it.

Brush brush!
After a while, Qin Lang found an opportunity, and when the three monks of the early stage of Yuanying got together, he suddenly used his trump card. In an instant, nearly a hundred sword qi suddenly burst out violently and smashed at this group of monks. Of course, the focus is on the target They are the three monks of the Blood Sword Sect in the early stage of the Nascent Soul.

Everyone in this group of monks was in danger, and the three monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul were the weakest, and they were directly beheaded by Qin Lang.

This Blood Knife Sect team immediately reduced its staff by three, leaving only "Iron Chain Hengjiang" Li Qiangdong and two Nascent Soul mid-stage Blood Knife Sect monks.

"Someone attacked!"

One of the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivators yelled, and a sword qi hit his chest, but the wound was not very deep.

At this time, the other two avoided the sword energy, and at this time, they used their true energy to inject the Zongmen's standard sword, ready to meet the sudden attacker.

And Qin Lang's explosive hand speed just now was actually just an ordinary sword art. He only wanted a quick word, so he was able to achieve a strong explosion in a short time. You must know that it is not easy to burst out with such a hand speed in just a second , even if it is an ordinary sword art, its superimposed power should not be underestimated.

After directly killing the three targets, Qin Lang is also very satisfied with this attack, and it's up to him to exert his prehistoric power after the attack!

Swiping, swiping, at this time there were a few more sword attacks, and Qin Lang began to target the remaining three monks.


The three monks who reacted began to resist at this time, and "Iron Cable Hengjiang" Li Qiangdong's hand was shining coldly with the Zongmen's high-grade treasured sword, and at the same time he slashed a blood-red sword in the direction of Qin Lang.

Although this blood-red blade glow is just one, its power should not be underestimated. Qin Lang didn't dare to be careless in the face of this blade glow, and directly dodged to avoid the blade glow.

And in this case, my fierce attack just now was interrupted, and after the two middle-stage cultivators of the Blood Saber Sect Yuanying escaped catastrophe, they immediately used the blood-melting kung fu to the extreme, and the swords in their hands became sharper.

"Kill!" The three monks attacked Qin Lang's hiding place from three directions in the shape of a character. Although they could not see Qin Lang in a state of restraint, if Qin Lang affected the surrounding aura to fluctuate during the battle, they would still be able to sense it. come out.

Therefore, this time the attack of the three monks entered and sealed Qin Lang, and he didn't know how Qin Lang should face it next.

However, facing such a terrifying pincer attack, Qin Lang, who was in the midst of the situation, didn't even frown. At this time, he twisted his body at an incredible angle, not only avoiding the flanking attack of the three monks, but also escaped from the battle situation himself.

This kind of kung fu similar to ancient yoga was actually practiced by Qin Lang's Changing Dao Kung Fu. Now Qin Lang's Changing Dao Kung Fu has reached the fifth level, and his physical quality is not generally strong, so he made something similar to Yoga movements are completely fine.

After more than a dozen fights, Qin Lang found that he couldn't do anything to the three monks in front of him, but the three monks in front of him were getting stronger and stronger through continuous fighting and absorbing their true energy through the blood-transforming technique.

Especially Li Qiangdong in the late Yuanying period. This guy is also a strong player in the late Yuanying period. Qin Lang feels difficult to fight him alone. Now he has two helpers in the middle stage of Yuanying, so the situation is very unfavorable for Qin Lang.

However, Qin Lang is not a pedantic person who never retreats. He sees that he can't take down the three people in front of him. If he continues to fight, he might suffer a disadvantage, so he just laughed and quit the fighting circle.

As soon as Qin Lang withdrew, the three blood-knife sect cultivators in front of them breathed a sigh of relief. The storm-like attack just now left a huge shadow in their hearts. Now that the shadow has been lifted, they will of course feel that their pressure has been relieved .

However, after thinking about it again, the three blood-knife sect monks were furious: they were attacked again, and this time they lost three companions!
"Iron Lock Hengjiang" Li Qiangdong's face was blue and purple. At this moment, he crushed the messenger talisman to inform the other team members. After getting the news, Hu Ming is now rushing with his people.

And Li Qiangdong continued to pursue Qin Lang with two subordinates, preparing to bite this nasty boy to death this time, but at this time the effect of the invisibility talisman came, and Qin Lang was suddenly exposed in front of the three monks.

"It's you!" The three blood-knife sect cultivators in front of them were greatly surprised. They thought the attacker would be the target, Qin Lang, but what happened to this burly man now?

This guy in front of him... is like an eavesdropper who appeared in the Octagon!
Startled for a moment, Li Qiangdong suddenly realized: "This guy has changed his face! He... should be that kid Qin Lang!"

"Haha, yes, I am Qin Lang!"

Qin Lang used the Sansheng Jianjue, which has been improved in precision-level swordsmanship, and was not flustered in the face of the siege of the three blood knife monks in front of him. He tried to avoid direct contact with the weapons of the three monks in his pursuit. The enemy uses the blood-transforming power to absorb the true energy to benefit itself.

It has to be said that the blood-transforming technique really makes Qin Lang jealous, which is also the real reason why Qin Lang feels a little restrained when fighting, otherwise, the three people in front of him are actually not his opponents at all.

In a hurry, Qin Lang directly beat a blood knife sect cultivator in the mid-Yuanying period from light to serious injuries, and basically lost his fighting power. In the process, he had to fight against the other two cultivators a few times, and his true energy was sucked away Some, it also increased the combat effectiveness of these two monks' blood transformation skills a lot.

Under the ebb and flow, Qin Lang feels that it is more difficult to fight two at this time than to fight three before. This is also the performance of the two opponents after their combat power has increased.

But at this moment, Li Qiangdong, the "Iron Lock Hengjiang" in combat power, suddenly gained momentum, and a cyan sword light slashed towards Qin Lang with lightning speed. "Huh, boy, you are too arrogant, try my five-color sword light's green light!" This green sword light surged against the wind, and it instantly turned into the size of a door panel. It seemed that it was about to be cut into two pieces like Qin Lang. .

It turned out that the guy really deserved to be the "Iron Lock Hengjiang". He hadn't used his full strength in the battle just now, and had been gaining momentum all the time. Now, without Qin Lang's attention, he finally resorted to his ultimate move, vowing to kill Qin Lang directly.

And did Qin Lang really not notice Li Qiangdong's momentum?At the same time as Li Qiangdong's ultimate move was launched, his body burst into colorful light, not only the energy of the defensive magic weapon was unleashed, but even a Golden Armor Talisman worth [-] contribution points was consumed.

In fact, he had already paid attention to this opponent in the late stage of the Nascent Soul. When he was besieged just now, the opponent hadn't sacrificed his ultimate move for a long time. He must have a backhand, so Qin Lang also paid special attention when fighting.

Sure enough, now that the opponent has shown his backhand, Qin Lang has no estimate of the power of the five-color saber glow's green glow, so he retreated with all his strength when his body's defenses were all out, and even another monk in the mid-stage Nascent Soul around him attacked him. He didn't care about the attack, he broke out in defense just now not to resist Qing Mang's killing, but to defend against this blood gate knife monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

After all, the sword has the fiercest attack like the sword cultivator, and Qin Lang didn't dare to push it too hard. If he pushed it too hard, he might capsize in the gutter.


In the mid-Yuanying period, the attack of the monk of the Blood Gate Knife successfully slashed on Qin Lang, but it could not break Qin Lang's defense. With the defensive magic weapon and the golden armor talisman all released, Qin Lang's defense is now harder than a tortoise.

Qin Lang successfully escaped from the siege again. Although the monk of the Blood Knife Sect in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul did not break through his own defense, it also absorbed a third of his defense. There was a faint red glow.

(End of this chapter)

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