Chapter 1674
"Draw your sword!"

Hu Ming snorted heavily at this time, his sword drawing is absolutely invincible, no matter how strong the monster's physical defense is, it can't resist, so this monster has already been attacked by him under this stroke, and was injured to the point of death. In the more important context, the phenomenon of standing unsteadily appeared only when charging just now.

"Drawing the Saber Jue" is the secret technique practiced by Hu Ming, which is several times stronger than the five-color swordmanship practiced by his deputy Li Qiangdong. It is said that this technique was obtained from the footsteps of an ancient battlefield by the Venerable Xuedaomen. It was given by Hu Ming when he first joined the Blood Knife Sect. After hundreds of years of practice, this secret technique has been cultivated by him to the point of perfection.

The practice of secret skills is divided into four stages of proficiency, the first step is entry, the second step is proficiency, the third step is proficiency, and the fourth step is perfection.In these four stages of proficiency, proficiency represents small successes, while perfection represents great successes, and countless different changes can even be produced through this secret skill.

It can be said that Hu Ming's training in sword skills is much more profound than Qin Lang's sword skills. After all, Qin Lang's Sansheng Sword Art has not yet reached the level of mastery in many moves, and they are all only minor successes.

Of course, this is also the reason why Hu Ming is a pure knife repairer. This monk of the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen has honed his knife skills long enough and has enough actual combat experience to be able to reach the current state. .

And Qin Lang has only joined the cultivation world for a few years, even if he has enough aptitude and talent, and has some practice experience of Xuan Qingzi as a guide, he still can't make up the gap in this aspect for the time being.

Moreover, the sword cultivator already has the strongest attack among monks of the same level, so Hu Ming, the blood knife god, is already invincible below the stage of transforming gods with this hand "drawing the sword". It is estimated that no monk can block this kind of killing move Compared with the attack of the secret technique, Liao Hua's "Ghost Dao Big Handprint" and "Drawing the Sword", it can only be regarded as a child's play.

So Qin Lang can only lurk and continue to wait for the opportunity. These are enemies in front of him. If he can find an opportunity, he will definitely continue to shoot without hesitation, even if he takes a little risk, he will not hesitate.

Hu Ming was seriously injured by a command-level mammoth monster after he drew his sword. Now after the monster charged, it fell headlong into the distance and rolled dozens of times, and then couldn’t get up again. It seemed that it had completely lost its fighting power. The opportunity came, and at this time, all the monks rushed over with weapons, ready to beat the dog in the water.

In fact, the seriously injured monster was indeed screaming miserably. It felt that its energy was being absorbed by the weird skills of these tiny human monks around it. After being attacked more than a dozen times in a row, the injury was even worse. up.

So this monster was in despair, startled and angry, and jumped several feet high, and the whole body was suddenly enveloped in black smoke.

"No, this monster actually chose to self-destruct!"

Hu Ming, who was not far away, was also moved at this time, and retreated quickly. The self-destruct power of the seventh-level monster should not be underestimated, even he could not ignore it.

And when this monster was in the air, its whole body flickered for a while, and it really chose to self-destruct, and the whole body was blown to pieces with a bang, and the impact directly spread to the surrounding monks of the blood knife sect.

"The monster blew itself..." Qin Lang was also surprised. He had never encountered such a situation before beheading a two-headed commander-level monster. Then he knew that the group of blood knife monks in front of him were so unlucky, and he was about to kill the monster. If you kill it, then you know that the monster who is still breathing is so strong.

In fact, this is also determined by the specific environment and specific factors. It is really that this monster was oppressed too hard by the monks in front of him, so it had to choose to do this.

Especially Hu Ming, a Dzogchen monk in the late Yuanying period, actually cut its heart veins with a single blow. The situation of the monster was completely controlled by sorrow and rage. Even if there is a little bit of life, and it is possible to survive, it will not choose to do so.

Boom... The energy source of the monster's self-explosion is of course the magic crystal. The magic crystal of the seventh-level monster is golden. After being burned and detonated, it directly forms a huge whirlwind of spiritual power, centered on the area where the monster self-destructed and spread wildly around the mountain. The whirlwind It was as sharp as a sickle, and even a few cultivators of the Blood Knife Sect who were blessed with the blood transformation technique couldn't resist, and they all suffered varying degrees of damage while being thrown away.

good chance!
At this time, Qin Lang also knew that his chance had come. He also used his trump card, directly blocked the surrounding area with the Gu formation, and took advantage of the aftermath of the explosion to attack the group of monks from the Blood Knife Sect. , The monks of the Blood Knife Sect were caught off guard, and a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator and two early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators were beheaded.

This sneak attack was fruitful, and it was also the result of Qin Lang seizing the opportunity. Basically, the group of monks from the Blood Knife Sect did not know that Qin Lang was ambush on the top of the mountain. Already fled here.

When Hu Ming entered this mountain, he deliberately scanned the entire mountain with his spiritual sense repeatedly, but he didn't find out Qin Lang's location at all. In addition to the talisman, he also knows how to block the enemy's calculation and tracking, and hide one's own aura.

The "Sanyang Hexagram" is really strange, and there are almost no such special exercises in the cultivation world, so Hu Ming was careless this time.

After being beheaded by Qin Lang directly to kill three people, the Blood Knife Sect cultivator team was reduced again, and now there is only one Nascent Soul Late Dzogchen, one Nascent Soul Late Stage, and three Nascent Soul Mid Stages.

And among the three Nascent Soul mid-stages, one was seriously injured with little fighting power at all.

And when Qin Lang suddenly appeared and killed the three monks around him again, the Xuedaomen's law enforcement hall, deputy hall masters Hu Ming, and Li Qiangdong all looked very ugly. What's going on... This kid in front of him is too Cunning is too insidious!

After looking at each other, Hu Ming and Li Qiangdong rushed towards Qin Lang full of anger, but Qin Lang laughed and sneaked away again. If he resisted head-on, the fool would follow the two blood-knife sect monks Fighting, let alone fighting two, even if he wants to deal with Li Qiangdong, who is weaker, he probably won't be able to handle it in dozens of rounds.

Moreover, the Xuedaomen's blood-transforming technique is so peculiar, he can't guarantee whether Li Qiangdong will become more courageous after the two sides fight for a long time, and he will become weaker and weaker as he fights, if that is the case, he will not be able to deal with Li Qiangdong at all.

On the side of Xuedaomen, the most perverted one is Hu Ming, the powerful late Nascent Soul Dzogchen sword cultivator. This guy is estimated to be able to directly fight against the seventh-order monster with his own strength, and defeat it. Qin Lang must not directly fought with this person.

Because he knew that if the two sides fought, he would lose, and he would not even have the possibility of escaping, so this guy would block all his escape routes, and it would be really a disaster at that time.

However, if he used the Magic Treasure House directly, he might not be incapable of fighting. Using the black bone flywheel to fight Hu Ming, Qin Lang estimated that his chances of winning were [-]-[-].

This sword cultivator is too powerful. His attack may even break through the defense of the top-grade magic weapon. Qin Lang has seen the power of the "sword drawing technique" with his own eyes. He cut through the commanding level mammoth monster with one blow. The defense even broke into the monster's heart, directly seriously injuring the monster.

Moreover, the power of the "sword drawing technique" not only acts on the body, but also acts on the spirit. The "sword drawing technique" performed by Hu Ming was so fierce that it directly made a seventh-order mammoth monster lose hope of survival. Instead, he directly chose to blew himself up and wanted to die with the monks in front of him.

After killing the three blood-knife sect monks, Qin Lang hurried away and didn't meet Hu Ming directly.

But at a distance of more than ten feet away, Hu Ming snorted coldly, and the shining light of the knife suddenly appeared, and saw the light of the knife chasing behind Qin Lang.

However, at this time, Qin Lang had already penetrated into the Gu formation, and the sword glow burst open like a Gu formation, but did not hit Qin Lang himself.

And the next moment, the Gu formation disappeared, and Qin Lang himself completely disappeared on this mountain. When he was in the Gu formation, he had already crushed the Baili Talisman for teleportation and entered the random teleportation.

"Bastard!" Hu Ming looked at the messy battlefield, squeezed one hand tightly, until the knuckles turned white, and burst out like firecrackers, he was obviously out of anger.

There are two reasons why he is so angry. One is that the killing of the seventh-order commander-level monster seemed to go smoothly this time, but the monster chose to self-destruct, and the materials on his body were basically destroyed in the self-destruction. He also didn't get the two high-level materials, crystal and heart blood.

And another reason is that under Qin Lang's sneak attack this time, the team lost three more people. Now eight of his subordinates have been tossing in Qin Lang's hands one after another. How can this not make him feel angry!


I don't know whether Hu Ming and the remaining four subordinates will continue to track him in this different space, or just leave the different space. Anyway, Qin Lang doesn't care, and these few rounds of the contest between him and Hu Ming can be regarded as exhausted. Advantages, although the opponent is powerful, but the enemy is clear and I am in the dark, Qin Lang has a lot more room to operate.

You must know that this different space is very large and wide. At least no monk has been able to search the entire space, so Qin Lang wants this different space to play a game of cat and mouse with monks like Xuedaomen. Can catch blind.

Of course, it is relatively easy for Qin Lang to kill the early and mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators under Hu Ming of the Blood Knife Sect. After all, he is a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator who has a lot of tricks at hand, but next, it will be troublesome to deal with Hu Ming and Li Qiangdong a lot.

Hu Ming didn't say that this Nascent Soul Late Dzogchen Daoxiu is too strong, and Qin Lang can't defeat it head-on. Even with the Magic Treasure House in hand, he probably can only deal with the opponent and want to win the opponent Basically impossible.

As for Li Qiangdong, this Nascent Soul's late-stage sword repair is also very strong. Even Qin Lang has to avoid the edge temporarily when the five-color sword light is displayed. In addition, if Qin Lang wants to kill this guy, he probably will not be able to kill him. You have to pay a certain price.

(End of this chapter)

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