Chapter 1675

After Qin Lang used Baili Dun, he successfully escaped from the pursuit of Hu Ming and his group of blood knife monks. After a little rest, he changed into a rickety old man.

Then, he continued his task of collecting elixir, contribution and talisman making materials.

Along the way, he encountered several elite-level monsters, killed them one by one, and got a few silver-white magic crystals. In the process, he also collected some different types of elixir.

Two days later, at this time, he came to a valley that looked desolate. With a flash of his figure, he entered the valley directly.

At this time, he found an inconspicuous cave, and then sealed it with restrictions, preparing to retreat in this cave for a while.

This retreat was also to deal with the pursuit of the monks of the Blood Knife Sect, which he felt was necessary.

First of all, Qin Lang started refining the middle-grade magic crystal pill. He has recently collected a lot of silver-white magic crystals, and he also has other elixir ingredients, so he is going to directly refine the middle-grade magic crystal pill in this cave. Some came out, after all, the middle-grade magic crystal pills on his body had long been consumed.

After taking out the Yin-Yang Chaos Furnace, Qin Lang started the process of refining the elixir. He was very proficient in the refining process of the middle-grade magic crystal pill. After about three hours, he had already obtained one or two hundred middle-grade pills. Magic crystal pills, these magic crystal pills are estimated to consolidate his realm in the late Nascent Soul and it should be no problem to improve it again.

If he could raise his cultivation level to the peak of Yuan Ying's late stage, then Qin Lang would be more confident in dealing with the few blood knife monks who were chasing and killing him.

For the next week, Qin Lang practiced in seclusion every day, taking a large amount of middle-grade magic crystal pills, and the spirit stones he used for cultivation were top-grade spirit stones.

Moreover, he also took out the top-grade cold jade bed in the storage ring to speed up the cultivation and consolidate the fluctuating state of mind during the cultivation process.

With the help of the middle-grade magic crystal pill, Qin Lang's cultivation has skyrocketed. Originally, Qin Lang needed at least half a year to accumulate from the first step into the late Nascent Soul to the late Nascent Soul, but now with the help of the middle-grade magic crystal pill , Qin Lang only practiced for a week and almost completed the process.

The magic crystal pill is really powerful, you must know that Qin Lang has only entered the late Yuanying stage for more than ten days.

Now Qin Lang can barely be regarded as a monk at the peak of the late Nascent Soul, as long as he goes one step further, he will be able to break through and enter the Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul.

However, at this time, Qin Lang found that the effect of the middle-grade magic crystal pill had been negligible, and it was not much different from ordinary cultivation pills.

Qin Lang knew that this barrier had come to an end, and if he needed to continue to break through, he might have to use higher-quality magic crystal pills refined from golden magic crystals, but the formula of higher-quality magic crystal pills still needs to be prepared by himself. It can only be obtained through further research and improvement, and the materials of higher-quality magic crystal pills must be somewhat different from those of middle-grade magic crystal pills. Qin Lang will need to collect them again at that time.

It will take time for the improvement of the magic crystal pill recipe and the collection of higher-quality magic crystal pill materials. Now it is obviously inappropriate for Qin Lang to continue.

Qin Lang has cultivated to the peak of the late Nascent Soul, and feels that he can fight against the general Dzogchen monks in the late Nascent Soul without using any magic weapon. Now he has enough confidence to deal with Hu Ming, the blood knife god.

Qin Lang still maintained the appearance of this rickety old man, returned to the resource point, and found that the remaining five monks of the Blood Knife Sect were still searching for him in different spaces all over the world.

Fortunately, after Qin Lang used the "Sanyang Gua" to shield the heavenly secrets, the cultivators of the Xuedaomen couldn't sense their own aura, so they were always helpless.

Now Danding Fang is getting stronger and stronger, and the population of the entire resource point is more than 4, close to [-]. It is really difficult to find a disguised monk in this vast crowd, even if Hu Ming There is no way that guy has spiritual eyes and tracking secrets.

On the contrary, it seemed very easy for Qin Lang to find the five of them. At this time, when he saw the five blood knife monks from a distance, Qin Lang sneered: "Since you still don't give up! Then, let's continue playing." ..."

Life should be self-improvement, he has never been afraid of challenges!
After more than a week, Qin Lang's strength has improved a lot now, and his desire to fight has become much stronger. He happened to find these guys in front of him to try his skills.

In addition to searching for Qin Lang's relics, the five blood knife monks in front of them spent more than a week collecting resources in different spaces and completing the contribution task of resource points. Most of the time every day was spent on the task of searching for the target person. The task of collecting contribution points was placed second.

This time, the five Blood Knife Sect monks went out of the resource point again after a rest, and Qin Lang followed him from a distance. When the team passed by, they suddenly used their trump card, and a large number of high-level explosive symbols burst out, and then Qin Lang assassinated with sword energy.

A large pile of high-level burst symbols!Each of these is worth ten contribution points.

This time, Qin Lang directly used ten high-level explosion symbols, and after they erupted together, they almost formed a rain of fire, which dyed the entire canyon...

And the subsequent sword qi assassination was even more strange and inexplicable. It bypassed the bodies of several monks, refracted and penetrated from behind, and directly seriously injured the other three monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul except Hu Ming and Li Qiangdong.

"Hahaha, eat me again..."

Afterwards, Qin Lang laughed and chopped off the heads of the three middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivators, and at the same time he retreated quickly, he spilled an explosion talisman in his hand, directly blasting the three mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators to death Even Nascent Soul couldn't get out of the body in time.

"Bastard..." Hu Ming and Li Qiangdong struggled to resist. The sudden burst of waves of high-level spells caught even the two high-level monks by surprise.

And after the three Nascent Soul mid-stage subordinates around him were beheaded, Hu Ming was already out of anger. He finally pulled out the blood knife and created a whirlwind of knife wind, directly surrounding the aftermath of the explosion. Push and send in the direction of Qin Lang. "Blood tornado..."

The bloody tornado rushed towards Qin Lang with the aftermath of the spell explosion, enveloping the whole person. The moment Qin Lang was wrapped by the bloody tornado, Qin Lang was impacted by the messy sharpness of the tornado and the aftermath of the spell explosion. The defensive energy shield exploded in an instant, and with a muffled snort, Qin Lang retreated quickly and counterattacked with several sword auras at the same time.

After killing three Nascent Soul mid-stage monks, Qin Lang was also slightly injured in Hu Ming's attack.

On the opposite side, Hu Ming, the blood knife god, did not dodge the sword qi that Qin Lang counterattacked at all. When the few sword qi rushed to the front, they were directly blocked by the peripheral defense energy, and there was a sound , disappears directly.

"Five-color sword glow... orange glow!"

At this time, Li Qiangdong, the deputy, also launched his secret killing move, and the five-color sword light turned into an orange and swept towards Qin Lang. When the sword light swept over, this guy was also moving towards Qin Lang quickly .

But at this time, Qin Lang's physical defenses were all broken. Facing the "Iron Lock Hengjiang" Li Qiangdong's just-right attack, he happened to be at the middle point where his previous strength was exhausted and his new life was not born. It was too late to open the defense shield again. .

At this critical juncture, Qin Lang directly activated the Gu formation, and a whole cloud of black mist wrapped himself up. The upgraded high-level Gu formation's phantom impact not only has strong phantom impact, but also has the ability to defend against enemies that is not much worse than the top-grade magic weapon.Therefore, before Li Qiangdong's five-color sword light reached his body, the Gu formation could finally block all the opponent's attacks.

But Li Qiangdong wanted to attack in close quarters, but suddenly his eyes went dark, and he found himself trapped by the Gu formation. It turns out that the most powerful ability of the Gu formation is to block and trap enemies.

However, Qin Lang, who was in charge of the Gu formation, did not look relaxed at all. Although he trapped Li Qiangdong, there was another more powerful enemy outside the Gu formation. Hu Ming's attack came outside.

Hu Ming, the blood knife god, is now using the knife drawing technique, directly attacking Qin Lang's high-level Gu formation for more than a dozen times in an instant. After being hit by the same point for more than a dozen consecutive strikes in an instant, it finally collapsed...

Li Qiangdong also took the opportunity to break away from the shackles of the Gu formation, and the two attacked Qin Lang again, and Qin Lang directly let go of another bursting talisman, and at the same time patted a golden armor talisman on his body. After that, he was beaten back dozens of feet, but all the attacks were offset by the golden armor talisman and his own defensive cover. After landing at the same time, the effect of the golden armor talisman disappeared and his own defensive cover was also broken.

After landing, Qin Lang's figure flashed and disappeared...

Hu Ming and Li Qiangdong approached and saw a pool of blood falling on the spot. They looked at each other, and Li Qiangdong said: "Young hall master, your subordinates are incompetent. This kid killed so many of us and escaped again." Already!"

Hu Ming shook his head and said: "This time he can't run away, with this pool of blood, I will use a more advanced blood source positioning and tracking technique, even if he has the ability to shield his own energy, he can't escape our pursuit!"

Afterwards, not much to say, after Hu Ming collected the underground blood, he directly used a more complex tracking technique. Through this tracking technique, the divine consciousness tracked the location from the blood source, and instantly locked on the target that had already escaped. Character, Qin Lang.

"I found him, chase him!" Hu Ming shouted coldly, took out a flying magic weapon and started chasing him in one direction.And then, Li Qiangdong also took out his own flying magic weapon, and the two blood knife monks locked Qin Lang through the source blood at this time, intending not to give Qin Lang a chance to recuperate.

(End of this chapter)

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