The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1676 A healing place full of crises

Chapter 1676 A healing place full of crises
Hu Ming, the "Knife God" of the Blood Knife Sect, is now using the sword-drawing technique, directly attacking Qin Lang's high-level Gu formation with more than a dozen hits in an instant. This sword-drawing technique is extremely fierce. After being hit by the same point for more than a dozen times in an instant, the Gu array finally collapsed...

Li Qiangdong also took the opportunity to break away from the shackles of the Gu formation, and the two attacked Qin Lang again, and Qin Lang directly let go of another bursting talisman, and at the same time patted a golden armor talisman on his body. After that, he was beaten back dozens of feet, but all the attacks were offset by the golden armor talisman and his own defensive cover. After landing at the same time, the effect of the golden armor talisman disappeared and his own defensive cover was also broken.

After landing, Qin Lang's figure flashed and disappeared...

Hu Ming and Li Qiangdong approached and saw a pool of blood falling on the spot. They looked at each other, and Li Qiangdong said: "Young hall master, your subordinates are incompetent. This kid killed so many of us and escaped again." Already!"

Hu Ming shook his head and said: "This time he can't run away, with this pool of blood, I will use a more advanced blood source positioning and tracking technique, even if he has the ability to shield his own energy, he can't escape our pursuit!"

Afterwards, not much to say, after Hu Ming collected the underground blood, he directly used a more complex tracking technique. Through this tracking technique, the divine consciousness tracked the location from the blood source, and instantly locked on the target that had already escaped. Character, Qin Lang.

"Found him, chase him!"

Hu Ming snorted coldly, took out a flying magic weapon and began to chase in one direction.And then, Li Qiangdong also took out his own flying magic weapon, and the two blood knife monks locked Qin Lang through the source blood at this time, intending not to give Qin Lang a chance to recuperate, and this time he wanted to kill this extremely cunning casual cultivator no matter what.

At the same time when the two powerful monks of the Blood Knife Sect chased after him again, Qin Lang also felt the locked energy of his consciousness, but this time, even if he used the "Sanyang Gua", it had no effect, and he couldn't block that attack at all. Follow up the aura in a mysterious and mysterious way.

Qin Lang was also horrified. Although the results of the previous battle were brilliant, he had already killed this group of blood knife monks in a different space, leaving only the last two, but his own armor was broken, and he suffered serious injuries. What he thinks now is How to escape the pursuit and find a place to recuperate, but this time it is obvious that the other party will not give him this chance.

I don't know what method the other party used. This time, the tracking technique has been significantly strengthened several times. Qin Lang is now using the Sanyang hexagram to shield his own energy, or using the Dao of Change skill to change his appearance, it has no effect , For directly locking on the source of one's own soul, allowing oneself to be ever-changing, there is still a feeling that the grandson monkey can't jump out of the palm of the Tathagata Buddha's heart.

In the process of escaping, Qin Lang could directly feel the crisis and pressure. The pursuit speed behind him was very fast, and he should have used the magic weapon of flying.

At this time, Qin Lang also had to sacrifice the flying plum pan, and also used the flying method to escape for his life. When he was fleeing, he stuffed a fortune pill and some pills that quickly restore true energy into his mouth. Only while fighting and fleeing.

Under the oppression of a late Nascent Soul Dzogchen and a late Nascent Soul blood knife monk, the injured Qin Lang can only escape to the depths of a different space, taking the opportunity to widen the distance between the two sides.

The difference between the flying magic weapons of the two sides is not big, and Qin Lang is injured, so after running away for an hour or two, Qin Lang felt that the distance between the two sides not only did not expand, but once again narrowed the distance.

And because the injury on his body has never had the opportunity to stop and heal, the injury on his body recovered very slowly. After one or two hours, he only recovered less than one-twentieth, which is why Qin Lang had no chance to run his true energy Because of the accelerated recovery of force.

However, Qin Lang doesn't care too much about the current situation of fleeing for his life. The effect of Good Fortune Pill is not bad. If he is taking other medicines, he probably has already become more injured when he is injured. serious.

escape!escape!Escape... There is no way now, Qin Lang can only escape deeper into the different space, and now the true energy is also consumed in the previous battle and this time of fleeing, fortunately, Qin Lang has a recovery pill ginseng that is more effective than the beast blood pill Blood pills, plus the top-quality spirit stones on hand, so replenishment is also very fast.

At this critical juncture of serious injuries, Qin Lang now had to use the best spirit stones and the best pills to recover quickly. If it is over, it will be gone, but after all, there is only one life if you want it, and if it is gone, it will be gone. If it dies in the hands of the enemy, these will completely become the enemy's trophies.

Therefore, when Qin Lang needs to waste, it is completely wasteful to spend these elixir and pills. Without hesitation, a lot of top-quality pills and large pieces of top-quality spirit stones are directly used one after another in the process of escaping.

However, even though Qin Lang did not lack supplementary consumables, not only did he not get rid of the enemy after being injured, but the distance between him and the enemy became closer and closer.

This is also something that can't be helped, after all, he is in an injured state, and his various attributes are far from the normal state, and the two enemies behind him are not weaker than him, and even one of them is so strong that it is abnormal.

Now under such circumstances, is it no wonder that Qin Lang has no chance to come back?

In fact, although Qin Lang has been running for his life, although he is also very anxious, he is not flustered.

In fact, it is not that he has no chance of turning the tables. He actually still has some trump cards in his hand. The high-level spells have not been used up.

In addition, he also has a Divine Thunder Son and a rare spell Meteor Rock Rain in his hand. These two things are extremely precious, and they are treasures that he has been reluctant to use before.

Both are one-time consumables, and their power is many times greater than that of high-level spells. If Qin Lang casts it at the right time and at the right place, I am afraid that even the two enemies behind him who are chasing him will be hit.

Five hours later, Qin Lang's escape distance was shortened again, and the distance between the two monks behind him had been shortened from five or six miles to less than two miles. At this time, Qin Lang stopped on a hill and began to arrange a A relatively hasty formation.

The distance of less than two miles, that is, in the blink of an eye, when Qin Lang set up the hasty magic circle, the two monks behind him had already rushed to the top of the mountain at this time.After scanning around with his spiritual sense, Hu Ming had already locked on to this hill. Although he couldn't determine the exact location of Qin Lang, he knew that Qin Lang was hiding on this hill.

Frowning, Hu Ming clearly sensed a strong aura on the mountain, it should be an eighth-level monster, which is more difficult than the command-level monster he dealt with before, and for this eighth-level monster, even Hu Ming can't help it. Don't pay attention to it, this is a monster that directly has the same combat power as a cultivator in the stage of transformation. He came here now to search for that nasty boy in the eighth-level monster's territory.

I don't know what method that kid has mastered, the concealment ability is indeed powerful, if this time it is not through the source blood tracking technique, I am afraid that this guy will escape again.

But when the two powerful monks of the Blood Knife Sect on the top of the mountain were distressed, Qin Lang stood beside an eighth-level monster, constructed a magic circle to conceal his breath, hid himself, and then swallowed the elixir to activate the magic circle. Yuan Li raced against time to recuperate.

It is actually not safe to heal injuries in the territory of this eighth-level monster. He is also risking his life. If he is accidentally detected by the eighth-level monster, he may not have to wait until the two monks of the blood knife sect at the foot of the mountain. Not far away That eighth-level monster might just slap him flat with a slap.

This is a huge monster similar to Neng, with a weight of at least 100 tons, and it looks drowsy in the middle of the mountain. If it stands up normally, it will be more than ten feet high, just like a giant spirit god. .

One-tenth of this hilltop is occupied by this monster. The whole hilltop is actually like a small bed. If this monster wakes up and gets angry, it is estimated that the whole hilltop will vibrate violently by stomping its feet casually. One point, collapse is possible.

And Qin Lang risked his life to make some small moves on this huge sleeping monster, began to recover himself, and intermittently resisted the enemies that followed, which distressed the two powerful monks of the Blood Knife Sect. If the two monks of the Blood Knife Sect If the action is carried out with great fanfare, the sleeping bear monster will definitely be awakened, and it will definitely be a world-shattering battle.

You must know that this bear monster is definitely above the level of fighting spirit, and its physical strength is estimated to be stronger than that of ordinary monks at the level of turning gods. It is impossible to directly defeat the powerful monsters.

After all, no matter how powerful the blood knife god is, it is only the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, and has not really entered the stage of transformation.However, there is a huge gap between the God Transformation stage and the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen. Even if Hu Ming is a powerful swordsman who claims to be able to directly challenge the Transformation God cultivators, he can only match the Transformation God stage monks in terms of attack power. After all, his overall quality is still poor. a lot.

Therefore, even if Hu Ming is a Dzogchen knife cultivator in the late Yuanying period, he can directly challenge the eighth-level monster, but he has little chance of killing the powerful monster in front of him. Defense ability, and recovery ability, coupled with innate supernatural powers, it is basically invincible.

After all, this is a monster that has survived the catastrophe. The eighth-level monster is completely different from the seventh-level monster. It is not a problem for an eighth-level monster to hit five or six seventh-level monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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