Chapter 1677
When Qin Lang used the terrain to heal his injuries, Hu Ming and Li Qiangdong at the bottom of the mountain also made a decision. Blocked on this mountain, this time no matter what he said, he could not let Qin Lang escape again.

So they were afraid of the eighth-level monster, and neither of them went up the mountain to search, but they believed that as long as they guarded the foot of the mountain, it would be very difficult for Qin Lang to escape. In the end, he would either be discovered by the eighth-level monster on the top of the mountain, or fall again. into the clutches of the two.

On the top of the mountain, the eighth-order bear monster still maintains a sleeping posture, and Qin Lang, who is hidden in the formation nearby, is also hurrying up and recovering intensively. It went well, now under the continuous operation of the true energy, the injury on his body has changed from a serious injury to a minor injury.

work harder!work harder...

Qin Lang once again took some Shenxue Dan, mixed with the medicinal power of the Good Fortune Pill, while recovering from the injury, he was also constantly replenishing his own true energy.

About three hours later, Qin Lang's injuries were completely healed, and all his true energy was recovered.

Qin Lang looked towards the foot of the mountain through the restraint of the formation, and found that the two high-level monks of the Xuedaomen were still waiting near the foot of the mountain. Because they were afraid of disturbing the eighth-level bear monster on the top of the mountain, the two monks did not dare to get too close.

After Qin Lang recovered, he sneered, knowing that he should fight back now. Although his cultivation base is not as good as the two monks of the other side combined, he still has cards in hand, and now is the time.

First of all, Qin Lang took Wangyou Dan, a elixir that can temporarily improve his cultivation and combat effectiveness. Wangyou Pill is refined from Wangyoucao. Qin Lang only has five of this kind of elixir, and now one After the Worry Pill was taken, Qin Lang's meridians were filled with a large amount of pill power, and his aura was constantly improving.

When the medicinal power of the elixir fully exerted its effect, Qin Lang's cultivation was directly raised from the late Yuanying stage to the great perfection in the late Yuanying stage, and he could even rush into the stage of transforming gods by just one line. Qin Lang has now entered the stage of transforming gods.

It can be said that after taking the elixir now, Qin Lang's accumulation of cultivation base on the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period is already incomparable to other monks. Of course, this kind of combat power that is purely improved by the power of the elixir still has some flaws. But now after taking the elixir, Qin Lang has the strength to fight head-on with the other two monks.

Now after taking the elixir, for Li Qiangdong, the knife repairer in the late Yuanying period...Qin Lang is confident that he can completely suppress the opponent with his cultivation, and Hu Ming, who is in the late Yuanying period, he has to be wary of the opponent's "drawing the sword" "Decision", this extremely powerful killing move is too fierce, even a cultivator at the transformation stage must be careful.

After using the power of the pill to erupt, Qin Lang patted another invisibility talisman and one breath-holding talisman on his body, and then directly patted the remaining three golden armor talismans on his body, before sneaking towards the foot of the mountain.

Although Xue Dao Dao Shen has mastered the powerful tracking secret technique and can lock Qin Lang's breath, but Qin Lang's intention to hide the other party can only lock a general position, and it is impossible to determine Qin Lang's specific location, so Qin Lang sneaked past this time very smooth.

It wasn't until he was about twenty feet away from the two Blood Knife Sect cultivators that Qin Lang suddenly violently launched his ultimate move, and directly expanded the Gu formation again, covering the two Blood Knife Sect cultivators inside, and then sprinkled more than a dozen Explosive Talismans desperately Go down, while he himself unleashes his sword skills and onslaughts.

Qin Lang's attacks were mainly focused on one point, on Li Qiangdong, who was weaker than the first-line. After all, Hu Ming's deputy only had the cultivation of the late Yuanying, so it was relatively easy to deal with.

Qin Lang planned to kill one of them first, and then turned his head to fight Hu Ming. At that time, the pressure was also reduced a lot, and it was much more convenient whether he left or stayed.

Qin Lang's calculation was very good, and the Gu formation did trap the two blood-knife sect Daoxiu inside. Although the attack of the Daoxiu was extremely fierce, Qin Lang's Gu formation could not trap them for a long time, but this short time was enough Qin Lang has done many things.

Hu Ming and Li Qiangdong had no choice but to defend passively under the bursting talisman and Qin Lang's violent attack, while Qin Lang concentrated his attack on Li Qiangdong at this time. The turning point was launched frequently, and Li Qiangdong was caught off guard, and his defense was very passive.

Finally, unexpectedly, Li Qiangdong was injured, and he was struck with a sword at an important point on his body, causing a cloud of blood to burst out.

And then Qin Lang's sword energy became even more raging. Anyway, Wangyou Pill has temporarily raised his cultivation level to the late stage of Nascent Soul Dzogchen. any loss.

Under this kind of close attack, I am afraid that even Hu Ming, who is the late Yuanying Dzogchen, felt a headache, but Li Qiangdong, whose cultivation base is only the late Yuanying stage, couldn't resist it, he just choked, and his body was pressed close again. After four or five hits of sword energy, the injury worsened again.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Qiangdong also panicked, "Young hall master, save me..."

He yelled, and at the same time swallowed a elixir of unknown color into his mouth, and his aura also increased, which should be of the same nature as Qin Lang's Wangyou Pill.

However, it is too late for him to swallow the elixir to improve himself. Qin Lang's attack is urgent and dense, and it is very oppressive. Even Hu Ming, the blood knife god who is not far away, can't rescue him in time. He only has time to send a blow to Qin Lang. Knives.

But at this moment, Qin Lang cut Li Qiangdong, who was in a hurry to improve himself, with his sword in half, and then fought hard with a sword draw, and wiped out Li Qiangdong's Nascent Soul with sword energy.

"Presumptuous!" Hu Ming who was not far away was furious. The blood knife sect monks he brought were all directly subordinates. Now even the most powerful subordinate Li Qiangdong was directly killed by Qin Lang, so how could he not be angry.

At this time, after finishing the move of drawing the sword, he tried his best to expend another two strokes in a row, forming a cross sword aura, which disappeared in a flash.

And Qin Lang's defense plus the three golden armor talismans were already broken in half when he drew his sword to attack, and at this time, two cross sword qi came over, and the three golden armor talismans together with the original defense were directly broken , and Qin Lang snorted again, hurting badly.

However, he is proud enough to behead Li Qiangdong this time. This sword repairer in the late Yuanying period is a real powerful man. The cultivation base can't destroy the opponent at all.

One must know that even if a dozen or so high-level Explosion Talismans explode together, they will only cause a certain amount of distress to the opponent, but cannot completely kill this Nascent Soul Late Stage Sword Cultivator, so we know that this Sword Cultivator is not weak.

It's a pity that he died under Qin Lang's hands in the end, and even had some tricks with his hole cards too late to display, so it can be said that he died relatively uselessly.

This time Qin Lang was also successful in his tactics. At the cost of his own injury, he exchanged the life of a high-ranking monk on the other side. Now the real enemy is Hu Ming, the blood knife god. Although the other side is the strongest, but now Qin Lang, who was seriously injured, was full of fighting spirit.

The effect of Wangyou Pill lasts for half an hour, and it can be continuously replenished. It can be regarded as a battle god pill.

Since the true energy is not consumed at all, it is endless, so Qin Lang has no scruples about using the true energy, and directly uses the powerful killing moves in the sword show one after another, and confronts the opponent.

However, due to the injury, Qin Lang vomited another mouthful of blood after more than a dozen duels, and his body stagnated slightly.

But Hu Ming's eyes froze slightly, and suddenly he opened his mouth and spit out a Bai Lian, and shot directly at Qin Lang's head. It's even a pity for the magic weapon.

Qin Lang didn't dare to let Bai Lian hit the vital point, the head was the leader of Liuyang, if he was hit by this small flying knife, he would probably be dead or useless, and the end would be extremely tragic.

Afterwards, Qin Lang had to make a slight swipe, and when the flying knife brushed against his neck, there was a burst of blood, cutting Qin Lang's neck with a long bloody hole, and the blood flowed profusely.

After the flying knife flashed past, it flew back again and attacked Qin Lang again.

At this time, Qin Lang had no choice but to pay more attention to it. Holding back the pain, he sacrificed the Thunder God Ruler, collided with the flying knife, and sent the flying knife flying.

And after Hu Ming practiced for nothing, he finally tried his best to break the Gu formation again. However, when he wanted to kill Qin Lang, Qin Lang was extremely vigilant, and the target was still where the eighth-level monster was. hill.

"Want to escape...can you escape this time?"

Hu Ming was also extremely angry, and without even thinking about it, he exploded with all his strength and chased Qin Lang.

And at this time, the eighth-level bear monster at the top of the mountain was finally awakened by the continuous aura fluctuations at the foot of the mountain.


The bear monster began to stand up slowly, patted its thick chest, and its pupils shot out light like searchlights, shining on the two ants who were looking for death and rushing towards their own territory.


The eighth-level bear monster stomped heavily, and the entire mountain vibrated violently. Then it stretched out its huge thick arms and grabbed two tiny humans. Although these two humans were small in size, they seemed to have teeth Not enough, but the body is full of aura, it should be very delicious.

And monsters are born to feed on spiritual things. Naturally, the denser the spiritual energy, the better this kind of spiritual food, and the two tiny humans in front of them are quite good appetizers, which just make up for the energy needs of waking up.

(End of this chapter)

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