The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1682 Reinforcements Arrive

Chapter 1682 Reinforcements Arrive
Qin Lang was also very excited about the spell in hand of the three talented masters.

However, he knew that although the mid-grade magic crystal pill he had refined was better than ordinary magic crystal pills, it was not to the extent of defying the sky. The monks in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul could only persist until the peak of the late Nascent Soul. It is not much different from ordinary cultivation pills.

And Sancai himself is a monk of the late Yuanying Dzogchen. Qin Lang knows that the level of the middle-grade magic crystal pill is still a little low, and the pill may not be effective for it. Use it!

So after thinking about it, Qin Lang told the three talents about the real situation. He has always been an honest person. Although he needs the spell of the three talents, he can't cheat others in this respect.

After knowing the situation, the three geniuses nodded and said, "It's okay, I'll exchange a batch. My little grandson will come to Wushuang City in a few days. He's an early Yuanying cultivation base... I'm going to exchange some middle-grade demons." The crystal pill is for him to use. However, the middle-grade magic crystal pill is only limited to exchange for the high-level spells I have in hand. If you want to exchange for rare spells, you need the hard work of high-level monsters."

It turned out that the little grandson of the three talents is now on his way to Wushuang City, and he is going to come over to help the master of the three talents in making talismans.

"Oh, that's fine!" Qin Lang was overjoyed when he heard that, and quickly took out all the surplus middle-grade magic crystal pills he had refined, and barely exchanged for ten more golden armor symbols.

After the exchange, the three talents said again: "Little friend, if you refine the middle-grade magic crystal pill later, you can continue to exchange spells with me at the same price! In addition, if you research a higher-quality magic crystal pill , so that the old man can also use it, and the charms here can give you a [-]% discount, and you can consider exchanging a few rare spells for you..."

"Hehe..." For Qin Lang, he just smiled. The elixir that allowed the Dzogchen monks to break through in the late Yuanying period is definitely a elixir that can only be refined with golden magic crystal-level materials. Now the elixir has not been innovated yet. .Moreover, I am short of this kind of golden magic crystal, and I only have four or five pieces on hand. It is estimated that even if the pill formula is innovated by then, the pills refined will not be enough for myself, so how can I exchange it with others.

However, the spells of the three talented masters are indeed attractive enough, especially the rare spells... If Qin Lang uses these spells reasonably, he can leapfrog the battle, so if the pill formula is innovative, Qin Lang might really be able to exchange it for pills A couple of rare spell ideas.

However, this is all later. After Qin Lang entered the spell exchange with the three talents, he went to the resource point to find the old guy Yu Decheng, the top person in charge of Dandingfang. Danfang was handed over to Dan Wang Yu Decheng.

In the secret room, after Pill King Yu Decheng got the elixir of the middle-level magic crystal pill, he also squinted his eyes. He knew that Qin Lang had innovated a higher-quality magic crystal elixir, but Qin Lang never took it out, so He can't help it either.

And he knew that the reason why Qin Lang kept hiding his true thoughts was to monopolize the alchemy materials of the middle-grade magic crystal pill for his own practice.

This is understandable. If it was me, I would probably have done the same at the time. After all, the materials of middle-grade magic crystal pills are much rarer than those of ordinary magic crystal pills. Since I can use them, then... first, I must guarantee myself Only what is needed for practice.

Now that Qin Lang is able to hand over the formula of the middle-grade magic crystal pill, it must be that the quantity of the middle-grade magic crystal pill on hand has met the needs of cultivation, and he will no longer need this kind of pill.

Although Qin Lang is no longer needed, this upgraded version of the Magic Crystal Pill Formula is definitely a hot item in the different space. Not only most monks in the different space need it, but also in the Dandingfang itself. After all, many monks in the Dandingfang have It's the beginning and middle stages of the Nascent Soul, just in need of an advanced version of the Magic Crystal Pill to continue to improve yourself quickly.

No matter who the monks in the different space are now, as long as they have used the primary version of the ordinary magic crystal pill, the flying speed of the cultivation level is simply fascinating. I am afraid that there will be no monk in the future who is willing to continue the old tradition. It can be said that the appearance of the magic crystal pill has made these monks have a kind of dependence, which can actually be regarded as a kind of demon.

And if it is known that Dandingfang can now refine a higher version of the middle-grade magic crystal pill, so that monks above the middle stage of Yuanying can continue to rapidly improve their cultivation realm, I am afraid that the different space will cause a sensation again, so The monks will work hard to earn contribution points to exchange for this upgraded version of the elixir.

However, it is a pity that Yu Decheng does not intend to bring the middle-grade magic crystal pills into the market at present. He plans to consume the middle-grade magic crystal pills in the Danding station for a while, and wait for the internal members of the Dandingmen to improve their cultivation bases one by one. When the price is about the same, it is ready to be put into the market at that time.

And the Danding Sect has hundreds of members, so in the next year and a half, I am afraid that there will be no pills like middle-grade magic crystal pills on the market. After all, as the master of refining middle-grade magic crystal pills The material silver-white magic crystals are mainly produced by elite small bosses. Although there are many different spaces for elite small bosses, they are still much rarer than ordinary monsters. Often, explorers may only have one or two after searching an area.

The scarcity of materials also meant that the output of mid-grade magic crystal pills was not very high, so for the time being, Dandingfang could only meet internal needs first, and could not completely satisfy the entire market.

You must know that during this period of time, the cultivation base of monks in different spaces has generally improved rapidly. After taking the magic crystal pill, monks above the Nascent Soul stage showed a blowout state. Basically, there are at least three of the ten monks in the entire different space. It is a monk above the Nascent Soul Stage, this ratio is a bit scary.

And since the tide of monsters in different spaces appeared to the appearance of the magic crystal pill, the ratio of Nascent Soul cultivators in Wushuang City is also the highest in the entire Western Desert and even the entire Qinghe Continent, reaching a level of ten to one.

It has to be said that the advent of the epoch-making elixir such as the Magic Crystal Pill has changed the original pattern of the cultivation world. There is no doubt about the growth of the Dandingfang of the Dandingmen. It's really hard to say that Ximo's family dominates now.

However, these have nothing to do with Qin Lang. Although he did not increase his own shares after exchanging Danfang, he was compensated by Yu Decheng's promise of materials worth one billion yuan.

In addition to some alchemy resources, these one billion materials also have some practical pills that are special products of Dandingmen. For example, Wangyou Pill, Qin Lang got ten directly, as well as Fushen Pill, Yijing Pill and so on.

The material quantity of one billion yuan is huge, and it quickly filled a storage bag of nearly [-] square meters on Qin Lang's body. Fortunately, there are dozens of storage bags on Qin Lang's body now, so he is not afraid that there will be no place to store it.If there is a gang of beggars in this comprehension world like the earth, then Qin Lang's appearance is definitely twenty or thirty bags of elders, and it would scare people to death if he said it.

With full resources, Qin Lang then stayed at the resource point for a long time, and then left after refining some standing pills.Next, continue to look for materials and search for traces of Hu Ming.

After the previous battle with the blood knife god, Qin Lang has mastered Hu Ming's body, and now he can lock Hu Ming's primordial spirit through some secret methods, so as long as Hu Ming still stays in the different space, he can't escape Qin Lang's lock.In fact, the two are equivalent to locking each other, but they can't do anything about each other for the time being.

Of course, the current Qin Lang is much stronger than the Hu Ming whose strength has been greatly weakened, so Hu Ming needs to run around when he sees Qin Lang from a distance, otherwise, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat head-on.

Eight days after Hu Ming seized the house, the second batch of reinforcements from the Blood Knife Sect finally traveled thousands of miles and entered a different space to join Qin Lang.

And seeing Hu Ming in such a miserable state, all the reinforcement monks of the Blood Knife Sect were shocked. I heard that the target person was only a late Nascent Soul cultivator, how could it be so powerful?Now even Hu Ming, the number two figure in the sect, has become like this, and has to be reborn?
As a result, a group of blood knife cultivators became dignified, and they were not busy chasing that casual cultivator, but made a detailed encirclement and suppression plan with Hu Ming.

In this careful plan, Hu Ming planned to use himself as a bait to attract Qin Lang to attack, and then set up a net around him, preparing all the Blood Gate Knife monks to work together to kill Qin Lang.

Hu Ming knew that Qin Lang could not be dealt with by himself alone now. After all, it was impossible for him to regain the cultivation base of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period. In addition, Qin Lang was counted against himself in the Dzogchen period in the late Yuanying period. Now, it is even more impossible to be the opponent's opponent.

So now we can only work together and rely on this group of reinforcements. Before making a plan, Hu Ming said: "There is one thing that everyone needs to pay attention to, that is, in addition to owning a magic house, the other party has also completed a large number of spell contributions at resource points." Speed ​​task, so there are many high-level spells on hand, so these high-level spells are also the most uncertain factor... I suffered a loss before, and it was because of this."

Even Hu Ming, who was originally a proud and arrogant character, now has to admit that although Qin Lang's self-cultivation is not particularly strong, his hole cards are particularly outstanding, and his combat power is actually not much weaker than his former self.

It's a pity, in the past, I was careless and underestimated the other party, which led to such a bitter fruit.

Now that I have to take over and be reborn, and my cultivation base has fallen to the late Yuanying stage, it is already too late to regret it.

I hope this time the plan can be successfully implemented, and killing that kid in the end can be regarded as repaying the pain in my heart before!
(End of this chapter)

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