Chapter 1683 Hu Ming died
When the monks of the Xuedaomen thought that the clothes were seamless, Qin Lang also locked on Hu Ming at this time, and quickly came to Hu Ming's direction.

When Qin Lang locked himself, Hu Ming also sensed Qin Lang's movement, and then reminded the monks of Xuedaomen: "The boy is here...Act according to the plan! I will be the bait to attract the attention of the target, you should lie in ambush first, this time Never let him go!"

So, in a certain area in the wilderness, a group of monks from the Blood Knife Sect set up a net, just waiting for Qin Lang to throw himself into the net.

And Qin Lang also sensed Hu Ming while moving at high speed, this time Hu Ming didn't run away again, don't think that the other side's reinforcements should have arrived, this is Hu Ming's greatest strength.

Although he knew that Hu Ming had strong reinforcements coming, and maybe even set up a net in front of him waiting for him to come to the door, Qin Lang was not afraid now, and even prepared to use his tricks to kill the biggest trouble Hu Ming in one fell swoop.

After all, Hu Ming, the blood knife god, was the mastermind of the previous series of pursuits against him. Originally, Hu Ming came here to avenge his younger brother who died in his hands. Now even he himself was almost planted in his hands. Now the hatred between the two sides It has gone deep into the bone marrow, and there is no room for reconciliation at all.

Therefore, if Mao Dun between the two sides can be resolved as soon as possible, it should be done as soon as possible, otherwise the troubles will only increase.

And Qin Lang felt that he was tired of the entanglement with Hu Ming during this time, so this time he knew that the other party was ready to wait for him to throw himself into the net, so he wanted to go to Longtan and Tiger's Den, even if he paid some price this time. Hu Ming, the culprit, was killed.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, from the original distance of a few hundred miles to forty or fifty miles, then twenty or thirty miles.

Then, it was less than three or four miles away, and at this time Qin Lang, who was manipulating the flying magic weapon to pursue, burst out with light, all the defenses on his body had been activated, and he also took four or five golden armor symbols.

Now even if he doesn't use the Magic Treasure House for the time being, the defense on his body is stronger than using the Magic Treasure House. After all, the defensive ability of the three Golden Armor Talismans can be superimposed to be comparable to a top-quality defensive magic weapon. Now Qin Lang directly used five, plus the original The superposition of several defense magic weapons can be said to be impenetrable now. It is not easy for the enemy to break through his defense in a short time.

The price for Qin Lang to use these spell flowers is also very high. Five golden armor charms are worth [-] spell contribution points, which is almost equivalent to the spell exchange point of a high-level monster material.

And 500 contribution points are definitely more valuable than [-] million spirit stones, Qin Langhua's price is not insignificant.

However, in Qin Lang's view, as long as he successfully kills his target this time, it will be worth the cost no matter how high the price is. This time he made up his mind to capture the thief first and the king first.

The distance between the two sides is now getting closer and closer, and each other can see each other's figure. Although Qin Lang can't know exactly how many people have ambushed in the Blood Knife Gate this time, but after sweeping his consciousness, he still feels the breath of many lurkers on the opposite side. This number is quite large, at least forty or fifty!

Although Qin Lang may not be able to sense the aura of those high-ranking monks with his spiritual sense, Qin Lang can basically sense those who are lower than himself with a sweep of his divine sense.

"Come on! Let's fight... You boy, we will not die today!"

Not far away, Hu Ming was hysterically pointing at Qin Lang to be provocative. In the past ten days, Hu Ming really almost collapsed. He has never been so embarrassed in his proud life. All this is thanks to the bastard Qin Lang.

And Qin Lang also smiled coldly when he saw the nervous blood knife god on the opposite side, his slightly stiff face after he seized the house, and his long unkempt hair like a chicken coop.

With one move in his hand, the top-grade thunder-type flying sword has appeared in Qin Lang's hands. After refining, this newly obtained loot has a greater arc than the original wind-type flying sword, and it can also make Qin Lang develop a greater momentum. fighting power.

Not much nonsense, Qin Lang grabbed the flying sword and greeted Hu Ming directly at this time. The current blood knife god is no longer the original blood knife god, and Qin Lang is not afraid at all if he confronts him head-on.

"Good come!"

On the opposite side, Hu Ming's pupils shrank, seeing Qin Lang rushing over, he shouted loudly: "Do it!"

Afterwards, under his command, those ambush people around came out one after another at this time, and surrounded Qin Lang in the center. These ambush people actually arranged a large trap, intending to trap Qin Lang to death.

Just when the ambushing people started to shoot at Qin Lang according to the formation, Qin Lang had already taken the first step, and when he let go, a large sword light rushed towards Hu Ming, and the blood knife god on the opposite side shrank his pupils and dealt with it seriously.

If it was the practice of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, at such a short distance, Hu Ming would kill Qin Lang like killing a chicken. He could kill Qin Lang as he wanted.However, his current cultivation base has fallen to the late stage of Nascent Soul, and the fit with the body that has been seized is not perfect, so there is always a sense of sluggishness in his actions, which also makes his superb swordsmanship realm overwhelmed. Some discounts, fighting with Qin Lang, will not have an advantage at all.

However, although he can't gain the advantage, Hu Ming doesn't think he will lose. He feels that he is about the same as Qin Lang in terms of sword skills. question.

And within forty or fifty rounds, Hu Ming has so many masters from the Xuedaomen around him to help surround and kill the opponent. It is estimated that even if this kid has three heads and six arms, he can't resist, and it will be a matter of time before he is killed by his own people.

Therefore, Hu Ming seemed to have taken a reassurance when fighting, and his style of play was very steady. He only wanted to entangle Qin Lang so that his companions around him could play well.

But Qin Lang will not go to Qin according to his request. In fact, he knew the real intention of the other party when the ambush monks of the Blood Knife Sect came out together, and he was prepared to let go of a large number of bursting talismans immediately, and went crazy around. Bombing randomly, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Lang directly shortened the distance to Hu Ming, while the effect of the golden armor talisman on his body was still there, Qin Lang didn't care about his own defense, but only focused on the maximum firepower output.

"Sanshengjianjue... breaking the ax and sinking the boat!" "Sanshengjianjue...sword splitting!"

During the battle, Qin Lang's hand speed also soared to the fastest, forming an afterimage. In just one second, Qin Lang probably made sixty or seventy shots.

And Hu Ming really deserves to be the god of the blood sword and the No. 1 under the transformation of the gods. Even if he has not fully adapted to the rebirth of the physical body now, his consciousness and reaction are still top-notch, and he even output Qin Lang at this moment. Block them all.

He only heard the high-grade treasured knife in his hand ding for a long time, which lasted for a long time. In fact, this long and long sound was a combination of dozens and hundreds of collisions, just like the lens of the picture, which seemed very coherent, but In fact, they are all continuous slow motion combinations of different actions.

Fast, too fast!
With such quick movements, only the four elders of the Blood Knife Sect, plus the other assistant hall of the Law Enforcing Hall, Advocate Ah Man, and the four Nascent Souls can keep up in the later stage.

When Qin Lang was fighting Hu Ming, at the same time, the saber energy of these five people also hit Qin Lang together.

The next moment, the golden armor talisman on Qin Lang's body suddenly dimmed, and the five extremely fierce killing moves were definitely comparable to a blow from the God Transformation Stage, and even more fierce, and the sword was continuous, no more than the one between Qin Lang and Hu Ming. The fighting intensity was low, and the five monks all used their best killing moves.

However, the golden armor talisman still withstood this large-scale concentrated fire, but it seemed that it would be destroyed after another wave.

"Death..." Facing Hu Ming, Qin Lang showed a strange smile. At this moment, he flashed his body and took another special spell on his body.

Shapeshifting... Qin Lang took the latest rare spell, and then there was a flash between Qin Lang and Hu Ming, and there was a sudden confrontation, Qin Lang moved to Hu Ming's position, and Hu Ming moved to Qin Lang's position .

Wave... Another wave of fire came down, and Qin Lang happened to be stuck in the middle of the second outing of the five Yuanying Late Blood Knife Sect cultivators around him, and this time not only the five elder-level figures shot, The disciples of the Xuedao Sect at the early, middle and core formation stages also used their trump cards all at once.

A wave of concentrated fire was originally aimed at Qin Lang, but now it directly hit Hu Ming because of the change of form and shadow. When Hu Ming just reacted, the defense on his body had been directly broken. This time, he was caught off guard. He was seriously injured by a wave of concentrated fire. If he hadn't been strong enough to fight, it is estimated that this wave would have taken his life directly.

Hu Ming frantically protected his vitals. Fortunately, the top-grade defensive magic weapon on his body offset most of the attacks, so this time he was only seriously injured and did not die.

And the monks around saw such a big change in an instant, their eyes widened and they were stunned, what's going on!Why did the target that was hit suddenly become the young hall master Hu Ming? What kind of magic did that kid use to escape this wave of attacks?

Just as the monks in the Blood Knife Sect were gasping for air, Qin Lang smiled coldly. If the effect of changing shape and changing shadows is amazing, this time not only avoided the attacks of the surrounding monks, but also let the other party's own people beat up their own people. The culprit to be killed is now seriously injured, so... why hesitate!

kill kill kill!

Qin Lang directly threw the Explosive Talisman to the surroundings again, and then beheaded the target person. Under Hu Ming's horrified face, Qin Lang didn't care about the blood gate that was hacked towards him, and directly launched the final attack. Strong hit.


Kill Nascent Soul!

Qin Lang cut off Hu Ming's head with the strongest attack, and then pierced the flying sword into the sea of ​​consciousness between the eyebrows, smashing the Nascent Soul inside, and the sharp sword energy directly shook the Nascent Soul into unconscious fragments of consciousness and collapsed open.

The sky is full of golden light, and the golden stars are dotted. These are the fragments of Hu Ming's scattered spiritual consciousness...

The next moment, the head of the Blood Knife Sect Law Enforcement Hall... Hu Ming, the second number in the sect, died directly.

"Young hall master!"

The blood knife sect cultivators around reacted one after another at this time, and they were all terrified. Under their noses, Hu Ming was killed by the enemy just like that!What to do, what to do?
(End of this chapter)

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