The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1684 Killing in progress

Chapter 1684 Killing in progress
Who is Hu Ming?For them, it's not just as simple as being the number two person in the sect.

It is true that Hu Ming is the best genius of the generation of Xuedao Sect, but this is not important. What is important is that he is the direct disciple of Venerable Huaxue, the only direct disciple for hundreds of years.

Now that Hu Ming died in this different space, under the eyes of all the blood-knife monks, I am afraid that if Venerable Huaxue pursues him afterwards, none of the blood-knife monks present will have any good fruit to eat.

"Kill...kill that kid, and avenge the Young Hall Master!"

I don't know who yelled, but at this time all the monks realized, yes, now that Hu Ming is dead, if he wants to reduce his punishment in the future, he has to work hard to get rid of this casual cultivator in front of him.

As long as you kill this kid, you will make up for your mistakes, and everyone will have an excuse to shirk their responsibilities after returning to the sect.

Under this kind of thinking, more than 100 monks present suddenly went crazy, and unreservedly entered the firepower output to Qin Lang. The protective shield on Qin Lang's body, including the golden armor talisman, was instantly broken. In a blink of an eye, he was once again facing off against a chosen monk.


Qin Lang once again used Apparatus, this is the second time he has used Apparatus, Apparatus is a rare spell, and it lasts for half an hour after using it, so within half an hour Qin Lang can do whatever he wants Performing shape-shifting and shadow-changing to counterpoint the monks who besieged him, and transfer himself.

And after the transformation, the next second, the monk of the blood knife sect who was confronted by Qin Lang fell directly under the fire of his surrounding companions. He was just a nascent soul, but he didn't have the cultivation base and strength of Hu Ming before. Even Hu Ming, who was in the late Yuanying period, was tricked, and it was impossible for him to avoid the concentrated fire of this wave of companions.

As a result, the second cultivator of the Blood Knife Sect fell directly, and in an instant, the two of them fell one after another.

But this is just the beginning. With the blessing of the Shadow Changing Talisman, although there are many monks in the Blood Knife Sect, it is impossible to hit him within half an hour, and now Qin Lang has officially launched a massacre of these monks around.Apparate... Apparate... Apparate!Qin Lang didn't even need to take the initiative to attack, just with the ability to change shape and change shadows, he could make the blood knife sect monk team of more than 100 people in front of him kill each other.

"That kid has weird abilities, everyone! Use long-range spells!" On the chaotic battlefield, the only deputy of the Law Enforcement Hall, Advocate Ah Man, seemed to be enlightened suddenly. At this time, he shouted loudly to remind everyone that the battlefield is so chaotic now, Qin Lang The ability to fish in troubled waters is too strong. It is estimated that only by keeping a distance can we have a chance to avoid such chaotic scenes.

At this time, Qin Lang had already used his ability to change shape and change shadows to solve more than 30 enemies, including an elder of the Xuedaomen in the late Yuanying period.

Such a record is really terrifying. You must know that Qin Lang has achieved such a huge result in just 5 minutes since he shot and killed Hu Ming. This is something that has never been encountered before. "The rare talisman Apparatus is really powerful, and this kind of support is really effective in combat... It seems that this matter is over, I have to find a way to get a few more for backup."

The previous battle Qin Lang was completely equivalent to borrowing strength to fight, so although there were many opponents, his own consumption was not very high. At this time, Qin Lang saw the monks around him start to distance themselves, but he laughed and changed his mind. The effective distance is more than 30 feet. As long as you have the heart, these monks in front of you can't escape the effective range of the spell.

Apparate... Apparate... Apparate...

However, Zhang Aman's method still has a certain effect. At least it is much more difficult for Qin Lang to kill the monks of the blood knife sect now.

After all, the distance has been widened, and now the density of monks of the Blood Knife Gate has also increased, which also increases the difficulty of casting some spells in disguise. After all, Qin Lang needs to lock the target within the effective distance before he can cast spells, otherwise, he will not be able to transfer at all. Change shadow.

After the monks distanced themselves, Qin Lang unfolded the Gu array at this time and officially started a big counterattack.

Basically, as long as the monks who fall into the Gu formation are no different from the fish caught in the net, it is difficult to struggle to escape.

After killing 50 monks again, now more than half of the monks in the blood knife gate have been killed, and there are less than [-] people.However, of the remaining nearly fifty, apart from the four late Nascent Soul, there are also a large number of early and middle Nascent Soul monks.Those who were weak in strength all fell in the melee just now, and those who remained basically had one or two brushes.

Now the nearly fifty Blood Knife Sect monks are all separated by a distance of more than ten feet, forming a spider web structure, surrounded by Qin Lang in the center, and began to continuously launch long-range attacks.However, the saber energy of those in the early and middle stages of Yuanying on the periphery can only be as far as twenty feet away at most, so only the first and second-tier monks in the inner circle can really hit Qin Lang, and there are only a dozen of them.

Twenty or ten minutes have passed since the duration of Apparatus, and there are still about ten minutes before the effect of the spell will disappear completely.

At this time, Qin Lang stared at an elder in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and performed the transformation again, but this time the transformation suddenly failed. He didn't know why this guy suddenly cast a spell that accelerated teleportation, and it happened to be stuck in the spell Above the effect node, that is to say, Qin Lang was stuck in the rhythm.

However, the failure of Apparatus and Shadow Changing caused a three-second spell interruption before the spell could be cast again.

And at this time, all the attacks from around came, but Qin Lang blocked all these attacks with a flash of light on his body. The defensive ability of the few top-grade defensive magic weapons on his body is still good, not to mention the golden armor talisman that was slapped on his body before. The effect hasn't completely worn off.


Qin Lang once again aimed at the elder of the late Nascent Soul, and this time he finally succeeded. After all, it was a coincidence that the elder of the Xuedaomen got stuck in the casting rhythm just now.

After the two sides exchanged, while the surrounding monks hadn't reacted, Qin Lang mastered the battle rhythm in just one or two seconds, and quickly killed the enemy who had no time to react after the exchange!After all, if you don't take precautions after changing positions, the spell will produce a slight dizziness effect for two seconds. Qin Lang restrained it with his spiritual sense, but the other party didn't know the slightest side effect of shapeshifting, so he was hit.

After killing this late Nascent Soul elder, there are only two elders of the Blood Knife Gate left on the battlefield, as well as a deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall and three late Nascent Soul monks. The number of the other 40 or so monks remains unchanged.

Qin Lang wanted to kill all the high-ranking monks in this group of blood-knife sect monks before the duration of the Shadow-Shaping Charm was over, and then deal with those monks at the beginning and middle stages of Yuanying.

Afterwards, under Qin Lang's deliberate intentions, he directly killed two of the remaining three Blood Knife Sect cultivators in the late Yuanying period, but the last cultivator cast a strange spell at a critical moment, and directly connected his vitality with Qin Lang, and then Qin Lang When attacking the opponent, he also suffered a strong backlash.

Qin Lang almost scolded when he got the trick. He didn't expect that the last elder in the late stage of Yuanying would have such a trump card. Fortunately, this elder was more life-saving. If he was desperate to die with Qin Lang, I'm afraid Qin Lang would die directly.

After being hit, Qin Lang hurriedly shifted his shape and shadow again, teleported out of the encirclement, swallowed a good fortune pill, and at the same time cast the "Sanyang Gua" to eliminate the negative spell effects on his body. During this process, he was also very worried that if that If an elder of the late Nascent Soul dies, he probably will be greatly implicated as well.

However, the late Yuan Liaoying elder still didn't have the courage to die together, otherwise this battle would be a huge turning point.After finally using the "Sanyang Hexagram" to clear away the negative state on his body, Qin Lang summoned the magic treasure house, ready to enter the magic treasure house to continue fighting.

Although he was seriously injured, his true energy was still relatively abundant, so he didn't intend to let go of these enemies in front of him. He tried to kill as many enemies as he could, and it was best not to let go of any of them.

And after Qin Lang entered the house of magic weapons, the offensive and defensive capabilities of the black bone flywheel were completely released, and the surface of the black bone flywheel burned with burning black lotuses. If the quality of the magic weapon and magic weapon is not high, it will definitely be directly corroded by the black lotus.

However, the Magic Treasure House consumes a lot of true energy. When Qin Lang manipulated the Magic Treasure House to fight, he stuffed a few Shenxue Pills in his mouth, and replenished his rapidly consumed True Energy while fighting.

Whoosh whoosh!The battles are basically one-sided. Although the monks of the Blood Knife Sect have the strongest attack, they are not very outstanding in other aspects except for attack power.

Moreover, one of the biggest shortcomings of this group of monks in front of them is that their fighting methods are single. Apart from using the sword in their hands to perform sword strikes, they basically have no other offensive and defensive methods, and most of their defenses are pitifully weak. There are only a few ordinary defensive magic weapons, and there are almost no top-grade defensive magic weapons.

In this case, these Zongmen monks are good at fighting against the wind, but they will give up completely when they encounter difficult bones. Apart from having extremely fierce attacks, they are not much better than monks of the same level in other aspects.Qin Lang manipulated the Magic Treasure House to rampage on the battlefield. This time, he directly killed dozens of monks and injured more than half of them. Now these blood knife monks on the battlefield finally showed signs of collapse.


Somebody yelled, and the rest of the dozen or so Blood Knife Sect cultivators all collapsed. Now even if they go back to the sect, they don't care about being punished. It's better than dying in this battlefield.terrible!The opponent is simply a demon, they have never encountered such a terrifying opponent before!

Then Qin Lang finally just cleaned up some of the wounded on the battlefield, and the dozen or so blood knife monks were too late to catch up.

(End of this chapter)

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