Chapter 1685

Afterwards, Qin Lang cleaned up the battlefield. This time, he killed nearly a hundred monks from the Blood Knife Sect, which was almost the most elite group of forces in the entire sect. Naturally, he gained a lot.There are more than 200 pieces of magic tools and magic weapons, the biggest ones are various grades of knives, and these knives are all standard swords of the Blood Knife Sect.

The combined value of spirit stones and resources is about 2000 million, not too much, but definitely not too much.

In other words, there are all kinds of miscellaneous objects and more than 100 exercises.Among them, the most valuable one should be the blood-transforming technique. The integrity of the blood-transforming technique in each person's hands is different, and among them, the technique that Qin Lang obtained from several Nascent Soul Late Sword Cultivators should be the most complete. , There are a total of seven levels of the blood-transforming kungfu. The kungfu in the hands of these high-level knife cultivators put together, and Qin Lang finally put together the kungfu so-so.

Qin Lang is also very interested in the blood-transforming technique. He has long experienced the power of this technique during the battle with the monks of the Blood Knife Sect. In all honesty, after the operation of the blood-transforming technique, it will boost the monk's combat effectiveness It's very scary. When facing these sword cultivators, even Qin Lang had to be extremely afraid.

After all, after the blood-transforming kung fu technique was put into operation, each of these knife cultivators became stronger as they fought. Even with the star-absorbing Dafa, they continued to attract the enemy's true energy to benefit themselves, so that their combat effectiveness continued to increase.

This technique is also one of the biggest features of the Blood Knife Sect. If Qin Lang can learn this technique, his combat effectiveness can also be greatly improved.

After cleaning up these miscellaneous things, Qin Lang directly burned the bones of these monks on the scene, and melted them into the bones he wanted. These are the materials needed for the follow-up repair of the black bone flywheel.Speaking of which, the quality of the Magic Treasure House of Black Bone Flywheel is too low. Almost every battle will have different damages. If the materials for repairing the Magic Treasure House are not relatively easy to obtain, I am afraid that the value of this Magic Treasure House is higher than that of a high-grade Magic Treasure. Not much.

"Well, this one has the most bones from melting, and it can probably support the entire magic house to be overhauled once..."

Qin Lang weighed the bone ball in the palm of his hand. This bone ball weighs more than 600 kilograms, its density is higher than that of ordinary metal, and its color is whiter and clearer than ivory.

After finishing everything, looking at the messy battlefield, Qin Lang convened a flying magic weapon to soar into the sky...

Two days later, Qin Lang, who had healed his injuries, appeared again in the depths of the mountainous area of ​​the different space, and continued to collect resources and materials. Qin Lang, who took advantage of the two days to practice the blood-melting technique to the fifth floor, now does not rely on With the Magic Treasure House and other means, it has been able to fight head-on with the leader monster and steadily suppress the opponent.

The characteristic of Huaxue Kungfu is that it can continuously absorb the enemy's strength during the battle and transform it into its own attack power. In this way, as the battle lasts longer, the self will become stronger and the enemy will become weaker, so the weaker It is normal for Shengqiang to come back in the end.

Relying on the uniqueness of the Blood Transformation Technique, Qin Lang directly defeated the first commander-level monster after fighting for three hours. This monster was one of the three commander-level monsters that he could not deal with last time. This time Qin Lang directly took a shortcut I plan to kill them one by one, and also speed up the progress of my resource collection.

After the first commander-level monster was killed, Qin Lang went directly to the second commander-level monster. During this process, he only swallowed a little pill to recover, and he seemed confident.

It took three hours again, and the second commander-level monster was also directly killed by Qin Lang.

The two high-level monsters gave Qin Lang two golden magic crystals, and two high-level monsters' blood, and the whole body can be used to repair the bones of the magic house.

Now that Qin Lang has five golden magic crystals in hand, he plans to calculate the formula of the high-level magic crystal pill after returning to the resource point this time, and refine these golden magic crystals into pills.

After flying with the flying magic weapon for a while, Qin Lang came to the territory of the third commander-level monster. This commander-level monster is also the strongest among the three-headed monsters.The last time Qin Lang had a fight with this monster, he almost ran away, and there was nothing he could do about this powerful monster.

And Qin Lang has a more powerful fighting method this time, so he is not afraid to compete head-on with the commander-level monsters. After directly killing the two commander-level monsters with the blood-melting technique, Qin Lang laughed loudly. This time, he hardly borrowed any It feels really cool to kill such a powerful monster with a flying sword in your hand.

Indeed, the current Qin Lang's combat power has been improved again, so when he fought against the third, more powerful monster in the Tribulation Period, Qin Lang did not deliberately avoid its edge, and the blood transformation skill was running round and round, constantly absorbing the opponent's strength , to increase Qin Lang's combat power a little bit.

An hour later, Qin Lang's combat power was twice as strong as before.

Two hours later, Qin Lang's combat power doubled again.

After four hours, the current Qin Lang can beat the original eight himself.

In the face of such a tide of increasingly powerful attacks, the originally extremely powerful seventh-level monsters in the Transcending Tribulation Stage have changed from tigers to kittens, and they are no longer as strong as before.


With a laugh, Qin Lang slashed out a ten-foot-long sword energy. The accumulation of more than four hours has increased his own aura to a terrifying level. Now he is estimated to have the power to fight even against the monks of the Shanghuashen stage , so the monster in front of him that looked so powerful at first... is nothing at all now.


The sharp sword energy directly pierced the monster's defense. Originally, the physical strength of the monster's physical body far surpassed that of monsters of the same level during the catastrophe period, but in the face of Qin Lang's fighting power that has been increased by more than eight times, this defense has become as ridiculous as paper. up.

Swipe, swipe, swipe, Qin Lang swipe out more than a dozen sword qi one after another, the monster's body continued to be destroyed, and the injury became more and more serious.

If such an injury is counted as a human monk of the same level, the human monk may have died, but the physique of the monster is different from that of a human. Even with such an injury, not only did it not die, but it was still able to move.

"Wow..." The commanding level of the seventh-level tribulation period began the final counterattack. This is a huge toad-like monster with many poisonous bags on its body that can spray venom. The poisonous bags on it have automatically burst and sprayed many times in the previous battle. , but were blocked by Qin Lang.

But now at the critical moment of life, the toad monster sprays a long poisonous arrow liquid directly from its mouth. This poisonous arrow is fast and fast. The green poisonous arrow is the strongest toxin secreted by the glands in its body. The venom sprayed by the poison bag outside is even more powerful. If ordinary people get a little bit of it, it may turn into liquid in an instant, and even cultivators can't resist it.

In addition to being physically strong, this monster's greatest talent and supernatural power is its highly poisonous toxins. Usually, no one dares to provoke it in this area. It is a pity that it met Qin Langlang, and now it is completely dead. Was suspended.

The poisonous arrow spray failed to hurt Qin Lang, and the golden armor talisman and magic shield completely blocked the poisonous arrow and protected Qin Lang's body.

Then, Qin Lang laughed, and the sword style split dozens of sword qi in different directions, blocking the movement space of the toad monster. "Die to me! Break the ax and sink the boat..."

A powerful sword aura, white and bright, now the surroundings of the area turned black, as if all the light was covered by this sword aura.

The original Three Lives Sword is by no means capable of breaking the ax and sinking the boat. It is impossible for it to be so powerful. That is to say, after the blood transformation technique is combined with the Three Lives Sword Art, the power has such a big breakthrough.

It can be said that after the combination of blood transformation technique + Sansheng swordsmanship + the general outline of precision-level swordsmanship, Qin Lang's swordsmanship power has surpassed the level of the Yuanying stage, and I am afraid that the full-strength blow of the cultivator of the transformation stage is no more than that .

Of course, this is also the result of the continuous accumulation of blood-transforming exercises for the past four hours, otherwise, the blood-transforming exercises during the initial operation period could not be so strong.

And after Qin Lang made the strongest blow, the whole area turned from darkness to light again, and the light was restored again.And at this time, I looked again, and the powerful monster in the tribulation period had no sound, and the whole head was divided into two halves by the sword energy, and even the yellow and white brains were mixed out, and a puddle of stinky liquid was scattered on the ground. .

Finally killed the most powerful seventh-order monster, Qin Lang also let out a long breath at this time, and endured it for nearly four hours. Blessing one's own combat power, but not directly benefiting one's own combat consumption.

After killing this powerful monster, Qin Lang was not busy collecting materials, but directly swallowed some elixirs and began to restore himself. The four-hour battle had almost exhausted his body, and he couldn't do without replenishing.

But his heart is now full of joy. This time, he did not rely on the magic treasure house, nor did he use pills or spells. He completely relied on his own cultivation to suppress a powerful seventh-level monster, and finally killed this one. The toad monster in the catastrophe period, if it was replaced by the previous one, it would be unthinkable.

Qin Lang knew that if he didn't have blood-transforming skills to assist in the battle, he might not be able to kill this monster even if he took a chance. After all, this is a complete monster of the seventh-order transcending tribulation period, and its physical strength is comparable to that of the transformation stage Cultivators are not so easy to kill. Generally speaking, if a monk in the late Yuanying period wants to deal with such a monster alone, it is no different from courting death.

And Qin Lang has indeed done it now. After recovering part of his essence, energy, and spirit, Qin Lang directly began to collect materials from the monsters, first heart blood, then magic crystals and bones.Monsters are no better than monsters, and the valuable materials on their bodies are just like this, and the flesh and blood of monsters have no value as ingredients, so it is not worth collecting.

(End of this chapter)

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