The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1687 Trading of High-Order Magic Crystal Pill

Chapter 1687 Trading of High-Order Magic Crystal Pill
After being promoted to the Great Perfection in the late Yuanying period, Qin Lang can now be regarded as one of the top monks in the entire Wushuang City. With so many forces in the entire Wushuang City combined, there is not even a monk in the Transformation Stage. Qin Lang can completely stand sideways in this city. Walk.

This is also the reason why there are so few monks in the transformation stage. The existence of these levels rarely shows up in the world. They either hide in a deep mountain and retreat, or hide in the deepest part of a large force for cultivation. Sometimes dozens of It is too difficult for ordinary monks to see the existence of this level without moving their nests for years or even hundreds of years.

The cultivation base was improved again, and Qin Lang also felt refreshed. At this time, he went out of the closed door directly. This time, he stayed in the closed door for at least a week. Compared with the previous mental outlook, the whole person who came out of the secret room has changed. A big change, Qin Lang now is a bit less handsome than before, but two points more masculine.

After walking out of the secret room, he went directly to the three talented masters of the talisman maker, and wanted to exchange the remaining five or six high-level magic crystal pills into rare charms. He was not going to continue taking the pills to improve his cultivation and realm , I am going to stabilize my own cultivation for a period of time before talking about it.

After all, the cultivation realm raised by the power of the elixir is not very solid after all, so if Qin Lang wants to stabilize his foundation, he should honestly polish his current cultivation realm several times in the near future.

In this case, the few high-level magic crystal pills on hand will not be used for the time being, and he plans to exchange them into charms first. Recently, he has always felt uneasy, even when he was cultivating and breaking through before, he also had a feeling somewhere. Fortunately, I restrained this bad emotion during my practice, and I didn't have any inner demons.

Counting his fingers, Qin Lang knew that he actually had three waves of powerful enemies in the West Desert. The first wave was the horse thief "Gust of Wind" force backed by monks of the Transformation Stage. When Qin Lang first came to the West Desert, in order to save the Qiao family caravan, But a group of horse thieves were killed.

The second wave is the ghost cultivator forces under Yao Dongwen, the ghost cultivator in the transformation stage. I have been ruining the good things of this group of ghost cultivators before, and even killed all three disciples of Yao Dongwen. It is not easy to have enmity with this group of ghost cultivators Yao Dongwen, a ghost cultivator in the transformation stage, can hunt and kill him at any time.

And the third wave is the entire sect of the Blood Knife Sect. Qin Lang has now killed more than half of the elite of this sect, even the only personal disciple of Venerable Huaxue, the Blood Saber God, has been directly killed. I am afraid that Venerable Huaxue Those who know will not let themselves go.

Qin Lang could sense that his sense of crisis should come from these three waves of forces. Maybe the next time he encountered a stronger enemy, if he faced the monks of the Shanghuashen stage, even if he was promoted to the late Yuanying stage The level of Dzogchen, I am afraid the result is not very good.

After all, there seems to be only a little difference between the Dzogchen stage in the late Yuanying period and the stage of transforming gods, but there is a big realm between them, one in the sky and the other in the underground.

The lifespan of the monks in the transformation stage is four to five thousand years longer than that of the monks in the Nascent Soul stage. The combat effectiveness of the monks in the Transformation Stage is also explosively powerful. Both the cultivation level and the physical fitness far exceed the monks in the Nascent Soul stage. Four or five The Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period probably won't be able to survive a stage of transformation.

In the world of comprehension, if a monk in the Nascent Soul stage can support ten moves or eight moves under the hands of a monk in the Transformation Stage, it can be regarded as a huge glory to be publicized, just like Hu Ming, the former sword madman, in the transformation of blood. The Venerable's subordinates have supported thirty or forty moves undefeated, and it has already caused a huge sensation in the entire sect, transforming from "sword maniac" to "sword god".

Of course, in the battle between Hu Ming and Venerable Huaxue, Venerable Huaxue was only trying to compare his disciples, and he probably didn't show all his skills. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for a monk who is a late Nascent Soul Dzogchen monk Under the hands of the monks in the transformation stage, he persisted in thirty or forty moves for so long.

After all, if the Dzogchen monks in the late Nascent Soul stage fight with the monks in the Transformation God stage, they will be suppressed in all aspects, whether it is cultivation base, aura or physical fitness. The monks in the Transformation God stage probably only need to use half of their strength to already need the Nascent Soul. In the later period, the Dzogchen monks went desperately.

Of course, if the Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period had magic treasure houses or other auxiliary means of fighting, they might be able to last longer under the hands of the monks in the transformation stage, but there is only one result in the end of the battle, and that is the end of defeat.

After all, the gap between the two sides in all aspects is too great!Basically, as long as a monk reaches the stage of transformation of gods, he can truly form a circulation in the body, and the true energy will continue to grow, instead of exhausting all his energy like a monk below the stage of transformation of gods, he needs to use another effort to bring it up again. Only by replenishing physical strength and energy can we continue to fight.

However, the cultivators in the transformation stage have been able to initially drive the power of heaven and earth. It seems impossible to overturn the river and the sea with a single gesture. Ordinary monks in the transformation stage may not be able to do it, but they can raise their hands to overturn a small mountain and a small mountain. Mountain forests are completely fine.

And these, the monks in the Nascent Soul stage can only use the power of magic weapons, and they must be high-quality magic weapons.

It can be said that the casual blows of the cultivators in the transformation stage have the combat effectiveness of the top magic weapon.

And now, even if Qin Lang is promoted to the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying stage, if he meets a monk in the transformation stage, he will definitely not have the slightest chance of victory. He can only escape, and he has to worry about whether he can escape.

After all, monks who can cultivate to the threshold of transforming gods are already old monsters in this world, and various combat methods are emerging in an endless stream. Maybe there are top-level magic weapons such as magic treasure house, and top-level battlefield killing moves such as advanced magic circle. , if it is displayed, the power will be more rapid, and monks with lower cultivation bases will definitely kneel down when encountering it.


Qin Lang came to the foothold of the master of the three talents, and there was already a young monk with a clean face in the room of the three talents. This monk should be the grandson of the master of the three talents.

When Qin Lang entered the room, the three talents swept away their spiritual senses, and suddenly noticed the abnormality of Qin Lang's cultivation base, and couldn't help but let out a light sigh: "The late stage of Yuanying is perfect? ​​How is it possible... Xiaoyou, didn't you just break through Yuanying Is it not long in the later period? Could it be..."

At this time, the three talents showed their eyes, and they swept Qin Lang back and forth again and again.

But Qin Lang nodded with a smile, and said: "That's right! I refined the high-level magic crystal pill, and I just broke through again with the help of the high-level magic crystal pill in the past few days. Now I am indeed a Nascent Soul Later Dzogchen monks."

"A high-level magic crystal pill? My friend, you have refined it..."

The three talents were shocked, and immediately got up from their seats, feeling very excited.

His cultivation has been stuck at the peak of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period for nearly 20 years, and he has not been able to make an inch of progress. This time, he was invited by Yu Decheng, an old friend of the Danding Sect, to go to the different space of Wushuang City. It may be that he did not have the idea of ​​​​seeking opportunities for breakthroughs in cultivation. After all, his lifespan is already thousands of years old, one cycle older than Dan Wang Yu Decheng, and it is estimated that he can live for another five years at most.

And if they can break through and become a cultivator at the transformation stage, the three talents can gain a lifespan of nearly four to five thousand in one fell swoop, which is not insignificantly attractive to an old-fashioned cultivator with a short lifespan.

Therefore, although the three-talented master is not usually a person who likes to practice, he is more particular about eating and drinking, and is more lazy, but for the continuation of his life... In fact, he is still very eager to become a cultivator at the transformation stage.

Although he knew that if he cultivated by himself alone, the chances were slim, and time waited for no one, but this world was full of opportunities, and he didn't want to give up either.

Now the opportunity seems to have arrived, Qin Lang, this little friend actually refined the high-level magic crystal pill, and he seems to have a breakthrough... For a moment, the three talents felt that his hands were trembling, although he had lived for thousands of years, he could Haven't finished enjoying such a wonderful life yet!

In this world, no one wants to live longer.

The pursuit of longevity is also the best wish of monks in the whole world, but there are really few who can achieve it. Even those monks in the transformation stage can only have a lifespan of nearly ten thousand years at most. The five declines of heaven and man will eventually turn into loess.

It is really not easy to chase longevity, to chase the steps of immortals. In the legends of this world, it seems that only a long, long time ago, in the ancient cultivation era, there were examples of monks ascending in the sun.

But nowadays, there are not many monks in the cultivation world, even those who are in the stage of transforming gods. If they come out occasionally to make a fuss, it is estimated that there will be a lot of shocks in the whole cultivation world, resulting in a series of chain reactions.

"High-level magic crystal pill... can... can you show me?"

The three talents showed eager eyes, like a child asking for a gift at this time, and even the grandson beside him couldn't help but laugh.

"Uh... well, let me show you."

Qin Lang nodded. He had five or six high-level magic crystal pills in his hand that were originally intended to be traded with the three talents.

The three talents carefully took the golden pill the size of a longan, and after feeling the extremely surging pill inside the golden pill, they also said yes again and again, that's right... this should be the high-level magic crystal pill, he I can feel... this kind of elixir has an effect on my cultivation and breakthrough of realm.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Excited, the three talented masters said yes repeatedly, and he stroked the elixir in his hand repeatedly, treating it like a treasure.After a while, he raised his head reluctantly, calmed down a little, and said, "Little friend, how much of this elixir have you refined... As I said, I can exchange it with you for rare charms."

"I have six here." Qin Lang also took out the remaining pills.

"Six... How about I exchange six rare charms for you, and I will give you an additional twenty golden armor charms, twenty breath-holding charms, and one hundred bursting charms?" The three talented masters became excited again. He really doesn't have much hope of breaking through with two pills of this kind. If it's six high-level magic crystal pills... the probability of him breaking through this time is definitely over [-]%.

After all, he has been stuck at the peak of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period for 20 years. What he lacks is not an improvement in cultivation, but a slight understanding of the realm, and these six high-level magic crystal pills should be able to help he.

(End of this chapter)

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