The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1688 The Weird Old Beggar

Chapter 1688 The Weird Old Beggar

Then Qin Lang made this transaction with the master of the three talents. Six high-level magic crystal pills were exchanged for six rare charms plus [-] golden armor charms, [-] breath-holding charms, and [-] explosion charms. It's a loss, but considering that the high-level magic crystal pill can help him break through the realm, if the three talents can break through the barrier and succeed in transforming gods this time, it will definitely be worth it.

Except for those high-level spells, among the six rare spells that Qin Lang got, except for two Meteor Fire Rain, the other four are all shape-changing charms.

After receiving six high-level magic crystal pills, the fat three-talented master laughed, and immediately rushed to retreat, he couldn't wait to make a breakthrough.

After Qin Lang nodded with the grandson of the three talents, this white and clean Yuanying early monk named Zhiyuan, he left here.

After that, Qin Lang was about to leave the different space and go back to the original place of Wushuang City to take a look, but when he was about to leave, the old alchemy king Yu Decheng came to him again. "Little friend Qin Lang, little friend Qin Lang!"

"What's the matter?" Qin Lang turned his head and felt a little strange seeing Yu Decheng in a hurry.

"It's like this... I just heard that my little friend has created a new formula for the high-level magic crystal pill, and has developed the medicine..." Yu Decheng rubbed his hands and asked.

"En!" Qin Lang nodded, knowing that the old alchemy king must have gone to the three talented masters just now to inquire about the news.

However, Yu Decheng chased him after he hadn't been away from the Three Talents for a long time, obviously because of Xin Danfang.

"Little friend, let's see if this new elixir formula can, can it..."

Yu Decheng is obviously very eager for this new alchemy formula. After all, the high-level magic crystal pill is something that even he is excited about. Resources, he will not worry about cultivation for a long time.

"Lord Pill King, I'm sorry about this, I don't plan to trade the new Dan Fang for the time being."

Qin Lang shook his head.Although there are many ordinary monsters and elite monsters in the entire different space, there are not many monsters above the leadership level. The monks in the golden magic crystal are too advanced. At present, only Qin Lang has mastered the alchemy method of the golden magic crystal, which is equal to a temporary monopoly market.

And now Qin Lang still wants to continue to buy golden magic crystals. He has placed a reward task at the resource point. If the pill formula is leaked out, he may not be able to receive a single golden magic crystal at the resource point.Even the silver-white magic crystal, after exchanging Danfang, he can no longer get it through trading.

"That's a pity..."

Yu Decheng sighed, knowing that it was impossible for Qin Lang to trade the formula of the high-level magic crystal pill to him for the time being, so he had to stop this idea.

After that, Qin Lang nodded to him, left the resource point and returned to Wushuang City through the teleportation crack in the different space.

Two days later, Qin Lang returned to his original residence outside Wushuang City, and his servant Shi Dakai greeted him: "Master!"

I haven't seen him for a while, but Shi Dakai's physical strength in the early stage of the Nascent Soul has increased by more than ten times. Now his cultivation has reached the peak of the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and he may break through at any time.

For a casual cultivator, it is unimaginable that he can make such a big improvement in a few months.

And Shi Dakai knew that he had followed the right person in all of this. If it wasn't for Qin Lang's previous guidance and continuous drug essence, he, a casual cultivator with few feet, could enjoy what many core monks of the family could not enjoy. In terms of treatment, he never rose to the peak of Yuanying early stage so quickly.

After Qin Lang returned, he listened to Shi Dakai report some things that happened in the city recently, then nodded, and threw a medicine bottle to Shi Dakai.

"Magic Crystal Pill?" Shi Da opened his eyes and his hands trembled slightly. Although the Magic Crystal Pill has spread in the entire Wushuang City now, if he hadn't accepted the mission of Dandingfang to enter a different space to take risks, it would have been impossible at all. Maybe in exchange for this kind of elixir, although Shi Dakai wanted to use this kind of elixir very much, but he hadn't been able to get it before.

The young master really has a heart!When he returned from a different space, he didn't forget to bring some of this kind of medicine back for himself.

I heard that the young master was also involved in the development of this elixir. I don’t know if it’s true... holding the red jade bottle stone in hand, Dakai thought so. It's very high, and Qin Lang didn't tell him about the process of developing the magic crystal pill in detail before, so Shi Dakai had no way of knowing the specific situation.

Opening the jade bottle, he saw thumb-sized cyan pills in the bottle. This is the magic crystal pill. I heard that monks above the middle stage of Yuanying can take this kind of pill to quickly improve their cultivation level. There are about a hundred pills in this bottle. It is estimated that after taking one bottle, one's cultivation level can be raised to another small level.

Nascent Soul middle stage... I will soon be able to become a Nascent Soul middle stage body cultivator, darling, the speed of cultivation during this period is almost as fast as riding a rocket.

Seeing that Shi Dakai happily accepted the magic crystal pill, Qin Lang nodded and didn't say much. After Shi Dakai became his servant, he has been loyal and dedicated for a while, and he worked very hard, which also saved him from worrying about many trivial matters. Take the trouble, so it deserves such an award.

At this moment, Qin Lang is going to go to the elixir garden to have a look. There are a lot of elixir that he needs, many of which are difficult to buy in the market. To what extent did Wanxin produce these elixir?

When she came to the elixir garden, Wanxin was also "scared" when she saw Qin Lang, and said happily, "Brother Qin Lang, you are finally back!"

"Yeah!" Qin Lang looked around. After Zuo Tao's private elixir garden was rented by him, almost half of the land is now planted with the elixir he needs.Wanxin is very attentive in taking care of the elixir. Currently, these elixirs are growing very well. They haven't arrived for a month or two. Several elixirs that need to grow for tens of thousands of years have been ripened directly and can be harvested immediately.

"Wanxin, dig this batch of mature blood ginseng for me! There are also a few that have reached maturity, and I have also dug them. I can just use them for alchemy later..." Qin Lang nodded and said.

"Okay!" The little girl of the wooden department nodded her head. Qin Lang is her boss. After the boss has spoken, she must work harder. After all, she is getting a high salary of [-] spirit stones a day!
"Wanxin, your cultivation is about to break through and enter the late stage of alchemy, Dzogchen! Come on, this is for you..."

Qin Lang threw her a ruby ​​bottle.

"This is?"

Wanxin has been busy working in the elixir garden during this time, so she doesn't know what happened in Wushuang City, let alone the value of the pills in the ruby ​​bottle at hand.

"Hehe, this is the Magic Crystal Pill, which can help you quickly break through your current cultivation level. Use it when you are practicing, there will be surprises!"

Qin Lang said with a chuckle, this small bottle of magic crystal pill is probably enough to support the little girl's cultivation to the Yuanying stage. After all, her current cultivation level is too low, so the medicinal power of the magic crystal pill is also stronger.

Turning around in the elixir garden and about to return to the mansion, Qin Lang frowned at this moment, he sensed a strange aura in this area, so he walked towards the corner of the elixir garden, Then I saw a beggar reeking of alcohol lying motionless on the ground.

"A drunken old beggar?"

Qin Lang murmured, this beggar looks ordinary, but when he scanned it with his spiritual sense, he immediately sensed the abnormalities before.

The old beggar's breathing almost stopped, and the drunken blush on his face unexpectedly turned pale. This kind of paleness was not caused by drunkenness at all, but was caused by the chronic disease in the old beggar's body.

And this old beggar seems to be a tenth of cultivation, but Qin Lang can't sense the specific cultivation level of this beggar now, he only feels that the chronic illness of this old beggar is a little troublesome, it should be a very difficult disease.

As an alchemist who has the inheritance of Tianyimen, Qin Lang, who is also an excellent doctor, encountered the situation before him. Of course, he also became curious about the illness of the beggar's body, so he didn't care about the dirty smell of the beggar's body. He directly reached out to him.

After taking the pulse, Qin Lang discovered that the breath in the old beggar's body was almost exhausted because of the broken heart. In this situation, an ordinary person might have died long ago, and even a monk might not last long.

However, the symptoms of the old beggar's broken heart seem to have lasted for a long time, and it didn't just become like this in the past few days. Know how this guy managed to last this long.

"Brother Qin Lang, what's wrong..."

At this time, Wanxin also followed from the elixir garden. She noticed that Qin Lang had a different expression on his face just now, so she was also very curious.And at this time, when he saw the seriously ill old beggar next to the elixir garden, he was also shocked: "This...why is there a dead person here..."

Wan Xin's spiritual sense was not as strong as Qin Lang's. She couldn't feel the old beggar's breathing and heartbeat, so she thought the guy was dead.

"No, the man is still alive."

Qin Lang said at this time that the old beggar's breathing was intermittent, and it was estimated that he only had one breath every four to five minutes, and his heartbeat was only once every two to three minutes. To such a point, Qin Lang really doesn't know which monk can survive in such a situation.

However, Qin Lang knew that the beggar in front of him definitely did not become like this after practicing the turtle breath technique. The old beggar had a special physique. It is estimated that he should have been a strong monk before suffering from this disease, but a disease has completely destroyed himself.

If Qin Lang doesn't start the treatment, it is estimated that even if the old beggar in front of him can drag on for a few more days, he will definitely not survive half a month.

(End of this chapter)

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