The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1689 Strange power breath

Chapter 1689 Strange power breath
This old beggar... save him?Or not?
Qin Lang is not a kind-hearted person. After all, he has nothing to do with the old beggar, and the illness on the old beggar seems very complicated. He will definitely spend a lot of energy to treat him.

You must know that the sickness of the old beggar cannot be completely cured by a fortune pill. Although the fortune pill can extend the heart and hang the monk's life, why did the old beggar have such sick symptoms?Qin Lang had to figure out the pathology before he could start a cure, otherwise, even if he took the Creation Pill, it might not be effective.

After all, illness and injury are two completely different situations, and the old beggar's broken heart is not just an injury.

"This old beggar is so pitiful! Brother Qin Lang, you know medical skills, can you help him?"

Seeing the miserable situation of the old beggar, Wanxin, a kind little girl, couldn't help begging Qin Lang out of kindness.

"Okay!" Qin Lang felt sorry for the old beggar on the one hand, and Wan Xin, a kind little girl, was soft-spoken on the other, and finally nodded.He thought that when he first came to Ximo, he was also helpless, and he also met many kind-hearted people along the way, like the former Qiao family, people like Zuo Tao, and Wan Xin. He walked in this cultivation world It is when I meet these people that I feel very warm in my heart.

Therefore, when Qin Lang compares his heart to his heart, his heart softens, and he has also been touched to that weak spot in his heart.

Afterwards, Qin Lang and Wan Xin carefully escorted the old beggar to the mansion left by Zuo Tao, asked the servant Shi Dakai to nurse the old beggar first, fetched water to clean up the dirt on the old beggar's body. The old beggar was too dirty, and the stench had to be removed before he could be cured.

The clothes on the old beggar's body were cleaned by Shi Dakai. The dirty clothes were actually a blue Taoist robe, but I don't know how long it had been worn without washing, and many places had already turned gray-black.

The old beggar was finally cleaned up, and Shi Dakai almost rubbed three catties of dirt on the beggar. Now the old beggar on the big bed has been put on a fresh set of clothes, and he looks much more comfortable.

This is a guy with a big skeleton, probably two meters tall when standing up, but because of the disease, he is now too thin to look like a human being, and he doesn't look much better than a humanoid skeleton.

At this time, Qin Lang gave the old beggar a Continuing Pulse Pill, which is the same level as the Good Fortune Pill, and it is more effective than the Good Fortune Pill in terms of continuous pulse.

But then Qin Lang discovered that after the old beggar was fed Xumai Dan by himself, after the power of the pill dissipated in the body, although some meridians in the body were healing, but then there were strange forces with different breaths in the meridians, which directly sent the new The healed meridian collapsed again.

"Huh?" Qin Lang couldn't help being surprised when he noticed this strange thing, it was the first time he discovered such a strange disease.

"This old beggar should have been a powerful monk in the past, but now there are so many disordered and weird power auras in his body, what is going on that even directly affects the healing of the meridians? How did it cause it? It was because of his insanity during the practice. ? Did it become like this after being seriously injured after fighting another powerful monk? Or is it due to other reasons?"

Qin Lang murmured to himself, since he got the inheritance of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, he has also solved many difficult and miscellaneous diseases in the secular world and the cultivation world, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.To be honest, the situation of the old beggar is a bit like a mad practice, but if it is a high-level monk who practiced mad, it will be uncontrollable, and the situation will only get worse. I am afraid that the old beggar will explode and die on the spot. It is impossible now There is still a breath, and it seems that it has been dragged on for a long time.

Or it is very possible to be beaten like this by a powerful opponent, but Qin Lang then repeatedly used his divine sense to detect the old beggar's body, only to find that those different types of strange power breaths did not seem to be foreign intruders, but directly Self-produced by the old beggar's body.

After researching for a long time, Qin Lang finally chose a relatively large possibility after repeated research, that is, the old beggar may have practiced some inexplicable skills and became obsessed. His current situation is caused by that kind of skills. And the reason why he didn't explode and die on the spot may be because his own skills and physique are relatively special, and because of Sangong, he survived the crisis of body explosion.


Qin Lang looked at the old beggar, his eyes fixed. Generally, high-ranking monks would lose their minds when they were insane. It is really not easy for this old beggar to be able to maintain his sanity and save himself in that situation.

However, the old beggar just kept him from dying on the spot, and I don't know how this guy came to the vicinity of the elixir garden outside Wushuang City. Since he met himself, it was considered a blessing for this guy.

Now Qin Lang thinks that his medical skills are superb. In this cultivation world, if there are diseases that he can't even cure, it is estimated that there are not many people with better medical skills. I am almost the same, but I guess I am not as good as myself in terms of medical skills.

After all, although the Tianyimen and the Dandingmen are in the same line, they both come from the lineage of ancient medical saints, but the direction of specialization between the two is still slightly different. In fact, the Tianyimen still focuses on medical skills, while the Dandingmen focuses on alchemy. host.

Therefore, in terms of medical skills, the Tianyi Sect, which has accumulated a large number of medical records for tens of thousands of years, naturally has a greater advantage, and the Danding Sect is slightly inferior in this respect.

After Qin Lang made the final decision, he was ready to treat the specific disease. He planned to remove those weird and disordered power breaths in the old beggar's body as the first step. As long as these strange and disordered power breaths were completely vented out, Qin Lang would have [-]% of his health. Make sure to restore the old beggar's body to the level of a normal person.

Of course, he is just guaranteeing that the old beggar's body will return to normal. As for the old beggar's cultivation level, there is no guarantee. It is estimated that even after the old beggar recovers, he will be just an ordinary person with a much stronger physique than normal people , If you want to become a powerful monk again, you have to start all over again.

Next, after figuring out the situation, Qin Lang began to clear the breath in the old beggar's body, expelling those strange power breaths from the body through the pores at the ends of the meridians.

This process is not easy. The old beggar's physical condition is very bad. The meridians all over his body are broken inch by inch, which is much worse than when Qin Lang's meridians were injured. In such a situation, the meridians in the old beggar's body will be broken It is too difficult to discharge those strange power breaths in the body bit by bit.

The whole process can be said to be very painful. If the old beggar is sane, he will definitely not be able to persist. Even if this guy is in a coma or a severe coma, his body is still under the condition that Qin Lang keeps injecting true energy at a constant speed to expel the strange power. Twitching.

It was an instinctive twitch of the body, just like when a normal person knocks on the knee heel key of the calf, the whole calf will immediately spring up. This is a reflex of the nerve endings.

The meridians of the old beggar's whole body were broken inch by inch, and I don't know if they were broken into hundreds or thousands of pieces. Qin Lang had to be careful in the whole process of expelling the strange power breath in his body, neither injecting too much real energy, nor too fast , Spiritual consciousness must always pay attention to the endurance of the other party's body.

After all, although the other party's body is very strong, it actually becomes very fragile after the exercise. The whole body's internal organs, meridians, and flesh and blood directly lose the protection of true energy. This situation is no different from that of a fish landing on the shore.

It took eight hours for Qin Lang to completely dispel the chaotic true energy in the old beggar's body, and he was too tired. This was the most labor-intensive case in his history of treatment.

Just dispelling the disordered and weird power in the old beggar's body, he almost collapsed from exhaustion, Qin Lang was also smiling bitterly in his heart at this time, it was too hard, such a good person can't do this often!

At this time, Qin Lang didn't care about continuing to treat the old beggar, but stopped and swallowed some pills to restore himself.

And after the strange power in the old beggar's body was dispelled, I don't know if it was an illusion, the paleness on this guy's face was fading little by little, and the rosiness on his face should no longer be that sickly red.

"Brother Qin Lang, how is the old beggar doing now..."

Wanxin has been outside the door all the time, and she is also curious about whether Qin Lang's treatment will be effective.

"It should be more than half better."

Qin Lang looked at the old beggar on the hospital bed, and after taking the pulse, he found that the strange power breath in the old beggar's body was actually cleared by himself, but the pulse and heartbeat did not return to normal, and remained the same as before.

However, from the point of view of symptoms, the old beggar should be much better than before. If Qin Lang was [-]% sure of curing this guy, now it is [-]% more.

At this time, after thinking about it, Qin Lang gave the old beggar another Good Fortune Pill. With one Good Fortune Pill and one Continuous Maimai two healing pills, it should be no problem to hang the old beggar's life.

Next, Qin Lang has to continue to work hard to help the old beggar reconnect the broken meridians in his body. This is also a very cumbersome process, and it takes no less effort than before.

However, although it was hard work, Qin Lang had promised to insist on curing the old beggar before, and he would definitely do it, so no matter how hard he worked, he would persevere.

It was already late at night, and after another eight hours of busy work, Qin Lang finally reconnected all the broken meridians in the old beggar's body before dawn.

Feeling exhausted, Qin Lang finally went back to his room to meditate and retreat for a while. He told his servant Shi Dakai to take good care of the patient on this bed.

(End of this chapter)

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