Chapter 1690 Mining Family
After returning to his room, Qin Lang meditated directly to recover himself, and during the meditation process, Qin Lang's unsteady sixth sense reappeared again. This feeling was very light, but it also surprised Qin Lang. Quickly withdrew from the meditative state.

He knows that his sixth sense will not appear for no reason. In fact, some monks with a strong sixth sense have the ability to predict the danger in the future. Qin Lang is also convinced of this. He has already verified his own this many times. This ability is very effective.

"Where does the crisis come from? It seems to be getting closer and closer to me..."

The feeling of jitters in Qin Lang's heart just now was a little bit stronger than before, and he knew that the possibility of a crisis was getting bigger and bigger.

"Is it a horse thief? Or a powerful ghost cultivator? Or is it that the Venerable Blood Blade Sect has already set his sights on me?"

Horse thieves, ghost cultivators, blood knife sect...

The only enemies that Qin Lang offended in the entire Western Desert were these three forces, and these three forces all had backgrounds in the stage of transforming gods, so Qin Lang could not be careless.

Now that the crisis is getting closer and closer to him, Qin Lang must of course try his best to save himself. As a monk... In fact, the whole life of cultivation is in the process of fighting against the sky, the earth, and people, always fighting for the front line for himself Vitality, Qin Lang is no exception.

For a monk to become strong, no matter in terms of cultivation or state of mind... this is also an inevitable test on the way forward, and it is normal to perish if there is not enough opportunity.

Next, Qin Lang directly refined some of the materials at hand into the necessary daily pills, and at the same time, carried out the necessary maintenance on the magic house and some important treasures on his body, trying to make his combat power reach the best state before the crisis came. .

He felt that he might be locked by some kind of secret technique, even if he used Sanyang Gua, he couldn't get rid of the lock, so he could only make himself better prepared to deal with the coming of this crisis.

I hope that no one will develop in the worst direction in this crisis. As long as the monks in the transformation stage do not go out directly to seek revenge, Qin Lang is confident that he can take it.

If it is a monk in the transformation stage, then he can only resign himself to his fate. Even if Qin Lang has cultivated to the level of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, he is not confident that he has the ability to escape the pursuit of the monks in the transformation stage.


When Qin Lang left the customs, it was estimated that seven or eight hours had passed. The servant Shi Dakai was wandering outside the door anxiously. When he saw Qin Lang leaving the customs, he immediately yelled: "It's not good! It's not good!"

"What's the matter?" Qin Lang's heart tightened.

"Young master, the old beggar you asked me to guard suddenly disappeared for some reason!"

Shi Dakai looked very depressed, and he couldn't figure out how such a weird thing could happen under his nose.

"Oh, so?"

Qin Lang was also surprised, just now when he saw Shi Dakai like this, he thought it was his enemy who came to the door, but it turned out that it was about the old beggar.He guessed: "The old beggar should be a high-ranking monk. There is probably some secret method that can speed up the recovery of the body, so he left our place directly after he recovered from his injury."

"However, since we saved him, he actually left without even saying hello, it seems too rude!"

Shi Dakai was obviously a little unhappy, not only because the other party was rude, but also because he didn't keep an eye on the other party.

As for how the seriously ill beggar disappeared under his nose, he still feels a mystery until now. It was as if the object had cast a trick on his eyes. He just blinked his eyes and disappeared the next moment.

In fact, Qin Lang was also very surprised by this. To be able to escape under the nose of his servant Shi Dakai, a peak cultivator in the early stage of Yuanying, that old beggar is really not simple, he must have mastered a very wonderful spell!

Afterwards, Qin Lang asked Shi Dakai not to worry about this matter anymore, and let this guy go to practice by himself. After all, now that he has the Magic Crystal Pill, he believes that this big man will progress quickly in his next practice. If he can become a Nascent Soul mid-stage monks, there must be more places that can help themselves in the future.

After Shi Dakai left, Qin Lang stayed in the room where the old beggar stayed before turning around and leaving.

And just after Qin Lang left the room, the room suddenly flashed with light, and a guy appeared, who was actually the old beggar who was rescued by Qin Lang before.Now the old beggar didn't look half injured, and his whole body was completely different from before. It could be said that he had regained his vitality.

It's strange, the old beggar has never left this room, but Qin Lang and Shi Dakai didn't notice him just now.

"Boy... Did you save me? Although I, Taoist Canyue, cultivated the way of magic, Enyou was clearly a loner all his life, and never owed anyone a single thing! Seeing the blood on your face, kid, there should be some time recently. If there is a catastrophe, let me help you."

After finishing speaking, the old beggar...that is, Taoist Wanyue flashed, and this time he finally disappeared completely in this room.

In the next period of time, Qin Lang completely harvested the mature elixir in the elixir garden, and refined several batches of elixir, which also made his inventory more sufficient.Among them, many of them received the materials of python tendon pills during this period of time, and refined hundreds of python tendon pills, through which Qin Lang further increased his physique, reaching forty times the original.

Python Tendon Pill, each one can increase the body's physique by [-]%, this time Qin Lang directly increased his physique several times.

The goal of Qin Lang's Changing Dao Kung Fu has reached the fifth level of small success, and there is still a big gap from the big one. It needs a hundred times the strengthening of physical fitness, and forty times the strengthening of physical fitness is the required strengthening within a hundred times. There is also a large amount of pills, so if you want to change the Dao fifth level...Qin Lang can't complete it in a short time.

If the fifth level of Changing Dao is great, Qin Lang's physical strength is estimated to be able to forcibly resist the full blow of a cultivator at the transformation stage. It is not known how much stronger than the same level of physical cultivation. In that case, there is no need to worry about this and that.

It's a pity that at present, it seems that this is just an extravagant hope. At present, it seems that his own accumulation is far from enough. No matter how hard Qin Lang works, he can't achieve this goal in a short time.

However, the Dao of Change is indeed a miraculous technique created by the supernatural powers of ancient times. This technique is stronger than all physical cultivation techniques today. With Qin Lang's current forty-fold strengthening physique, it is estimated that No cultivator below the stage of transforming gods can reach this level, even in physical training.

After Qin Lang got out of the mansion, he walked towards the direction of Fangshi in the city, thinking about some things while walking, and unknowingly, he stopped in front of a grocery stall in the center of Fang.

There are a lot of weird things in front of this grocery stall. The stall owner is not very high, and he looks like a middle-aged man in the late stage of alchemy.

The reason why Qin Lang stopped in front of this stall was also because there were a lot of rare ores in the grocery stall. Seeing these ores, Qin Lang suddenly thought of his S-rank mutant avatar who was paralyzed. If the S-rank mutant avatar wants to fully recover , there is an urgent need for "biological K metal" extracted from titanium ore, so I want to see if there is titanium ore here.

However, it is a pity that Qin Lang did not find anything. Maybe titanium ore is not the ore needed for the refining world, so Qin Lang has been searching for it for a long time, but has not been able to get this ore.

Seeing a customer stop in front of his stall, the middle-aged casual cultivator who was the owner of the stall immediately introduced with great energy: "Fellow Daoist, my Mengchen stall is the most complete grocery stall of all kinds of spiritual mines in Wushuang City. In addition, the grocery stores opened by those big families are not bad, and the prices are really good...Let me introduce first, three generations of my ancestors were born in mining, and I have a prospecting technology that is beyond the reach of those big families. It can be said that this world is not as dusty as me Undiscoverable mine!"

"Oh..." Qin Lang listened to the bragging of this middle-aged casual cultivator named Meng Chen, so he nodded and said: "There is a kind of ore, I don't know if you recognize it?"

"What ore? Fellow Daoist, please tell me."

"Well, the specifics are like this..."

At this time, Qin Lang took out a talisman pen and a piece of talisman paper, and directly made a picture on the talisman paper, and then explained while drawing, explaining the characteristics of titanium ore.

"Although the ore that fellow Daoist wants is not the ore used for refining weapons in the cultivation world, I seem to have heard from my parents..."

Unexpectedly, after Qin Lang's explanation, Meng Chen actually provided some clues.

"Fellow Daoist, wait, come home with me after closing the stall, and then I will ask my family Ada."

Ada, in Wushuang City, that means father. I didn’t expect that this rogue cultivator Meng Chen would really do well in Wushuang City. It’s not easy to own a set of real estate in such a continent, just like the devils on the earth. It feels similar to a set of real estate.

"Okay, when will you close the stall? Then I'll find you later."

Qin Lang nodded, the S-rank mutant clone must be repaired, and it is a good thing to have clues now.

However, recently, his heart has been restless, and Qin Lang dare not put too much thought on it. The reason why he came to wander around the center of this square now is because he came here unintentionally and unknowingly.

Now that you are here, let’s go shopping around more. Qin Lang actually hopes to try his luck and encounter some rare elixir materials or treasures. He is not short of spirit stones now, so let’s see if he can find them. some good stuff.

Most of the stalls in the square market are casual cultivators, and the sources of things are also different, and the quality is also good or bad. If you are lucky, you will find a top-quality treasure that others don’t know about. Likely things.

Of course, this probability...may be about the same as the probability of a monk cultivating to the late stage of becoming a god and successfully surviving the tribulation.

(End of this chapter)

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