The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1693 Clone Upgraded

Chapter 1693 Clone Upgraded

Qin Lang looked at Dongfang Qing and didn't speak for a while, but he sneered in his heart. The value of this pile of raw titanium ore on the ground was of little value to monks in the cultivation world, but in his own eyes, it was definitely more than [-] million low-grade spirit stones. In terms of trading, even if there are one or two hundred million spirit stones, it is definitely worth taking them out.

After all, I am not short of money!

However, no matter how much money you don't have, you can't be discouraged.

But Dongfang Qing obviously wanted to blackmail himself by saying this now, but he couldn't agree to it anyway. The previous compensation was okay, it was something he didn't take advantage of and should pay.But now... since the other party is not happy with himself, then Qin Lang can only make another move.

"Hehe, since you want to loosen your bones, you can do as you wish."

Qin Lang finished speaking with a smile on his face, and then rushed towards Dongfang Qing with a whoosh. Dongfang Qing, who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, was shocked. He didn't see Qin Lang's movement clearly at all, and then saw a big fist smashing towards him.

Then, as soon as his eyes went dark, Dongfang Qing didn't know anything.

"Boy, play with me, you are still tender now!"

Qin Lang shook his head, Dongfang Qing asked for it himself, after knocking this kid out now, no one should bother him to collect the raw ore in front of him!
After half a stick of incense, Qin Lang directly put more than a dozen tons of raw ore into the storage bag, and then left the mine with the two brothers Mengchen and Mengtu.

After leaving the mine, Meng Chen said: "Senior fellow Taoist, this, this..."

Meng Chen hesitated to speak, and didn't know what to say. He didn't expect to bring Qin Lang to the mine to make some unremarkable abandoned mines. He thought he would make a small profit, but he didn't know that he didn't make any money from the spirit stone. Instead, the two brothers All lost their jobs.

This matter in front of me is not easy to handle!Qin Lang paid a fine of 2000 million spirit stones for the two brothers before. Although he knew that Dongfang Qingshi’s request was unreasonable, but since Qin Lang paid the fine, Meng Chen is now too embarrassed to ask Qin Lang what he wants. You can only knock down teeth and swallow blood.

When Meng Chen was in trouble, Qin Lang chuckled and threw a small bag to Meng Chen: "Go on!"

Meng Chen opened it and was stunned: "Lingshi... 500 million?"

"Yeah, the 500 million spirit stones are also the reward you should get this time. The previous fines should not be counted on the two of you... I am also sorry for causing your brothers to lose their jobs this time. However, in the East I'm not worth it for you to be a miner in such a harsh family environment, since the contract with the Dongfang family has now been terminated, then I recommend a better job to you."

Qin Lang smiled, and threw a jade slip to Meng Chen: "Here! This jade slip contains some information I left, you take it to the Wushuang City different space resource point to find Yu Decheng, the person in charge of Dandingfang, he should be able to give You arrange work, after all, there must be mine veins in a place as big as the whole different space, I heard that Dan Dingfang is already operating different space mining, and it will definitely recruit a large number of miners to mine."


Meng Chen held this jade slip in his hand, and didn't know what to say. Unexpectedly, Qin Lang was really a man of his word, and it seemed that the relationship between Dandingmen was not bad. After leaving the mine, , I found a future place for my brothers. "Thank you, thank you very much!"

"You are welcome, this is what you two should do! You go to Dandingfang, I can guarantee that your monthly benefits will definitely be better than staying in the Dongfang family mine as a miner, and your income will be doubled or doubled. That's normal."

Qin Lang chuckled, he didn't say that he was the three major shareholders of Dandingfang, it's really trivial to arrange a job for the two brothers of the miners.

This time, it can be regarded as a good repayment to the two brothers. After all, it is too difficult to collect the raw titanium ore. I released the bounty mission at the different space resource point for a month or two, but I got nothing. Now I can get it from Meng Chen, who was born in the miner family. A large number of titanium ore rough stones can also be regarded as luck.

With these dozens of tons of titanium ore rough, enough "Life K Metal" can be extracted, and there will be no major problems for the S-rank mutant clone to fully recover.

Even if Qin Lang paid a price of [-] million or [-] million yuan for these ten tons of titanium ore raw stone, it was nothing.

In fact, how many spirit stones are... In his eyes, it is just a number. Now Dan Dingfang's dividends every six months are estimated to earn more than [-] million yuan, and this is a long-term dividend, which will be paid every year in the future.

As long as the S-level mutant avatar fully recovers, this top-level avatar in the late Nascent Soul stage can help you in life and battle again. This is a helper in the late Nascent Soul stage, and the mutant avatar is not afraid of wear and tear and recovers at an amazing speed. It is said that it can't be killed It's not an exaggeration to say that Xiaoqiang's role is more important than that of the servant Shi Dakai.

After the matter of the two brothers Mengchen was implemented, Qin Lang bid farewell to the two brothers Mengchen.

Qin Lang wasn't worried at all that the two brothers couldn't find a job. The two Meng Chen brothers were resource miners. He believed that with his recommendation, the two brothers would have better opportunities in Dandingfang.

Moreover, the two brothers are likely to get the moon first... Where is Dandingfang?That is the place where the magic crystal pill is produced!

The Magic Crystal Pill, which has gradually become popular in the entire cultivation world, was produced by Dandingfang. It can be said that Dandingfang has personally mastered this great change in the cultivation world. They will all become the most popular pills in the cultivation world, and the two Mengchen brothers will naturally improve their cultivation by leaps and bounds when they arrive there, and it will be a piece of cake to become a monk above the Nascent Soul stage by then.

For internal employees or subordinate members of Dandingfang, Magic Crystal Dana is basically open to supply, and the internal purchase price is said to be only about [-]% of the sales price.

Maybe in a year or so, when Qin Lang sees these two brothers again, both of them will have become mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators.

A monk in the mid-Yuanying stage... I am afraid that no one like Meng Chen has ever successfully reached such a level of cultivation. Hearing that he can become a miner under the banner of Dandingfang, the two brothers are probably happy now flower.

After bidding farewell to Brother Mengchen, Qin Lang returned to Wushuang City and continued to use more than ten tons of titanium ore to refine "biological K metal". In the end, more than ten tons of titanium ore successfully extracted more than 200 jin of "biological K metal" , Qin Lang took half of it for the recovery of the lower body of the S-rank mutant.

About two days later, the S-rank mutant avatar returned to normal, and for some reason after this sacrifice, this guy actually experienced some leap-like evolution of life levels, and his cultivation level was directly raised to the level of Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul , It seems to be related to one's own cultivation base.

Qin Lang was also very curious about this. After some research, he learned from the system: "There are still some defects in the original S-level mutant avatar. The super system has been self-running and checking since then. There were many problems, and this time, in the process of repairing the body with enough bio-K metal, the super system also slowly made up for those defects in the original S-rank mutant clone."

"It turns out that the clone of the S-rank mutant has been automatically upgraded... It's really unexpected that this kind of genetic warrior developed by the top black technology on the earth still has the ability to upgrade."

While Qin Lang sighed, he was also a little happy. The S-level mutants have become stronger, and there will be more places that can help him in the future. This is a good thing.


On the other side, Mengchen and Mengtu brought Qin Lang's jade slip information to the Dandingmen resource point in a different space. Xiaoyou arranged for the two of you to come here, and our Dandingmen mining site is just short of people, so you two should be the captains of the mining team! Each of you will lead a team of ten people, and now go to the two mines that have been detected in the different space. Do some work."

"Ha! That's great!" The two brothers were overjoyed when they heard the words. They didn't expect Qin Lang to have such a big face.

Who is the old Dan Wang Yu Decheng?That is a well-known figure in the entire Western Desert. His status can be equal to that of the patriarch of a big family in Wushuang City. Usually, it is impossible for the two miners in the late stage of alchemy to meet such a big man. Now with Qin Lang's jade slip Recommended that they actually saw it.

Moreover, the old alchemy king Yu Decheng gave them a better position than before, the mining team leader, this is a good job with certain rights, it is much easier than the low-level miners, and the low-level miners who have worked hard for half a lifetime can now do it themselves manage others.

Next, Yu Decheng talked about the treatment of the two of them: "When you first came... for the time being in front of the mining team leader, you will be paid one hundred magic crystals or magic crystal pills every month. It’s good and can be improved.”

One hundred magic crystals or magic crystal pills is equivalent to 100 million spirit stones, and this kind of treatment is more than double that of the two brothers' previous work in the Dongfang family mine.

When the two brothers worked in the Dongfang family mine before, the combined amount of the two of them was only about 80 per month, and they had to be detained by the mine manager from time to time. Less than 60, the supervisors of the Dongfang family eat, drink and have fun outside the mine every day, instead of doing it themselves, they can sit back and enjoy a lot of oil and water.

"Thank you, thank you, my lord!"

The two Mengchen brothers were very excited again. They were also worried that Qin Lang's face was not big enough. They came to this different space with the idea of ​​giving it a try. If Dandingfang didn't accept the two of them, they had no choice but to think about it on their own. There are other ways out, but I didn't expect this to happen.

At this time, the dissatisfaction that the two of them had at Qin Lang for causing them to lose their jobs completely disappeared, and they were both grateful in their hearts.Good man!Senior Daoist Qin Lang and Mr. Old Danwang seem to have a good friendship. From now on, the two brothers will work harder to repay the kindness of these two people.

(End of this chapter)

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