The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1694 High-level Substitute Talisman

Chapter 1694 High-level Substitute Talisman

In fact, in Qin Lang's opinion, he helped Mengchen and Mengtu this time, and recommended the two brothers to join the mining site of Dandingfang.

Dandingfang is currently completely controlled by the behind-the-scenes of Dandingfang. Although I own a part of the shares, I don’t know anything about the daily business operations of the entire Dandingfang. You can also learn more indirectly through the two brothers Mengchen and Mengtu, so that you will not be cheated when the shares are distributed every year.

Although he knew that the old alchemy king Yu Decheng was highly respected and could not deceive himself, Qin Lang, other than the old alchemy king, could not believe it. Who knows what will happen to the future development of the alchemy workshop? If the business is over, then the Meng brothers who have entered the work system of Dandingfang can play the role of a shadow, and Qin Lang, who is a shareholder, will not be too passive at that time.

Of course, the Meng brothers are just one of Qin Lang's dark sons who broke into the Dandingfang system, and the Meng brothers are not very close to him. It is impossible for Qin Lang to put all his hopes on the two brothers. Add more chess pieces in Dandingfang, such as recommending his servant Shi Dakai or the little girl Xiu Wanxin of the wood department to Dandingfang to take up positions.

After returning to Wushuang City, Qin Lang was officially busy. The feeling of crisis in his heart was getting closer and closer, which made him have to make more preparations in advance. After spending a day or two to deal with some chores, Qin Lang couldn't stay in Wushuang City anymore, and entered the different space again.

Before entering the different space, Qin Lang also asked his servant Shi Dakai and Wanxin whether he would like to take up a post in Dandingfang. He would draw a sum of money from his own shares as the monthly remuneration for the two of them. In fact, there was no How many things, is to occasionally supervise the business of Dandingfang on behalf of the shareholders.And Shi Dakai expressed his obedience to the master's arrangement, and Wanxin heard that there would be extra spirit stones to earn without having to work, so of course she agreed to such a good thing.

Then Qin Lang entered the different space and went directly to the old alchemy king Yu Decheng, expressing his willingness to hand over the alchemy formula of the high-level magic crystal pill to Dandingmen to exchange for the same amount of resources, and at the same time expressing that he would also draw half a year's share dividends in advance.

After the old alchemy king Yu Decheng heard it, he was stunned and said: "Little friend, it looks good that you are going to travel far away?"

"Yes, I do have such plans."

Recently, the more he stays in Wushuang City, the more unstable Qin Lang feels, so Qin Lang gradually has the idea of ​​leaving here. The potential crisis of instability has locked himself, and he must save himself. The most dangerous point is to start in the direction of Green Willow City, form a turning line, and then turn to the East China Sea after passing through Green Willow City.

And only when he arrived in the East China Sea, could he completely solve the troubles he had caused in the West Desert for the past year.

Qin Lang has no doubts about the Sanyang hexagram, which involves innate divine calculation. As for why he didn't go directly to the East China Sea but detoured to Green Willow City first, this is also an inexplicable mystery in the innate divine calculation. Even Qin Lang can't say anything So yes.

"Dan Dingfang's dividend for the past six months is estimated to be about [-] million. I will convert it into an equivalent amount of resources for you in advance. In addition, I will give you a price of [-] million for the high-level magic crystal pill formula... Together, they can be exchanged for [-] million in materials. You can give me a list of what you want to exchange next, and I will ask the resource points to make it up for you!"

Yu Decheng said at this time.

"Okay!" Qin Lang nodded. The old alchemy king gave his alchemy exchange and share dividends very kindly. He didn't have much to say about this aspect, but the whole resource point might have to spend a little bit to gather [-] million materials. Kung fu, Qin Lang may need to wait a day or two.

However, the Danding family has a great career, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the richest sect in the entire Western Desert. I am afraid that even the big families in Wushuang City cannot compare with him.

Next, Qin Lang reported the list to Yu Decheng, and he was going to continue the task of being a three-talented talisman master in a different space, and also see if he could get a few more golden magic crystals.

Qin Lang set up a reward task for high-level magic crystals at the resource point, but in the past two months, he only received one golden magic crystal, but he received hundreds of silver-white magic crystals. In addition to the golden magic crystals, the silver-white magic crystals The middle-level magic crystal pills refined by Jing could no longer help him, so Qin Lang didn't count them all, and put them all in the storage bag.

It is worth mentioning that now that Qin Lang has traded the middle and high-level magic crystal elixir recipes to Dan Ding Fang, he may never receive gold and silver color magic crystals again if he hangs up reward tasks in the future. Dingfang was given a monopoly, so Qin Lang directly canceled the reward task.

In the past two days, Qin Lang wandered around in the different space, found the two-headed commander-level monster and killed it, and took the golden magic crystal and the monster's heart and blood materials.

As for the news about these two commander-level monsters, they were actually bought from casual cultivators at several resource points. For this reason, Qin Lang paid resources worth [-] contribution points to get it done.Counting it, Qin Lang still made money. If it weren't for the news of the high-level monsters provided by these casual practitioners, Qin Lang would not have been able to find and kill two high-level monsters in two days.

You must know that the few high-level monsters that Qin Lang killed at the same time before were actually encountered during repeated searches in the process of exploring different spaces. This process took at least ten or twenty days.

The golden magic crystal can continue to refine high-level magic crystal pills in the future, and the heart blood of monsters is just the talisman-making material that the three talents need. If there is no high-level rune blood, the research of many rare and high-level spells by the three talents cannot continue .

After getting these three materials, Qin Lang made another deal with Zhiyuan, the grandson of the Three Talents, and exchanged two rare spells, one of which was a newly researched high-level amulet, and the other was Meteor Rock Rain.

The high-level stand-in talisman takes effect immediately within one second after use. It can release a stand-in to take a fatal blow instead of itself, and at the same time enter an instant teleportation.

A simple introduction, although ordinary, but Qin Lang's high-level substitute is different from ordinary substitutes. Although ordinary substitutes can take the fatal blow instead of themselves, there is a delay of three seconds, and after using the substitute, at most You can only teleport yourself one mile away.

In this case, facing the battle between high-ranking monks, the ordinary substitute talisman is obviously not enough. Sometimes the talisman has not had time to play its role after being used, and it has already been killed by the opponent.

Therefore, the shorter the delay time after use, the farther the high-level stand-in talisman that can teleport instantly is much better. With such a talisman, Qin Lang feels that he can rely on it even if he can't beat the monks of the transformation stage. This spell to save life.

However, the three high-level substitute talismans have only researched one piece during this period of time. The difficulty of drawing each of these spells is actually different. Consuming their own aura, the three talents basically took a day to draw a picture.

And at the same time, if the three talents wanted to refine rare spells such as Apparatus or Meteor Rock Rain, they could refine at least two or three spells a day.

Therefore, after refining one of the stand-in talismans, the three geniuses didn't have the heart to refine it anymore. These days, he was busy rushing through the stage of transforming gods, so he didn't even bother to make another talisman. He took care of all the transactions and exchanges of the talisman. They are all in charge of Zhiyuan, the grandson of the Three Talents. Although this white and clean young monk is also a high-level spell master, he has no ability to refine rare spells.

"Master Qin Lang, here are all the spells you want..."

Zhiyuan traded all the spells that Qin Lang needed to Qin Lang. In addition to the two rare spells, there were also twenty golden armor charms.

He knew that Qin Lang was a master of alchemy, so he respected Qin Lang very much.

Qin Lang refined some middle-grade magic crystal pills and exchanged them with Zhi Yuan for these twenty golden armor talismans. This white and clean young monk happened to be able to use this kind of pills in the early Yuan Ying stage, so he readily exchanged them with Qin Lang. deal.

And after Qin Lang got a lot of spell supplements, he also felt a lot more at ease. Recently, he has not seen any powerful protective treasures in the market, but the spells refined by the three talented masters are better than most magic weapons, so Qin Lang Now when considering how to increase his hole cards, he directly chose the spell refined by the three talented masters.

However, at present, only these can be exchanged. Apart from increasing his background in spells and elixirs, it is still impossible for Qin Lang to want some high-level and top-quality magic weapons. After all, better treasures are simply impossible. In the market circulation, even if there are one or two pieces of high-level monks, most of them are for their own use and will not be sold to others.

After all, a magic weapon is not a one-time consumable like a charm. A better magic weapon may even accompany a monk for a lifetime, which can be said to be practical for life.

Just like Qin Lang, the top-grade thunder-type magic weapon Thunder God Ruler and the top-grade magic weapon house ghost ship are all battle treasures that cannot be found on the market, and they are not for sale.Of course, in addition to these two battle treasures, the top-quality auxiliary magic weapon, the Ten Thousand Years Cold Jade Bed, is also not for sale. This is the top-quality treasure that assists cultivation and consolidates the realm to eliminate demons. After Qin Lang got this treasure, he usually used it. After using it, the usual practice speed also has a considerable increase.


Just when Qin Lang was arranging everything for himself, Venerable Huaxue, the master of the Blood Knife Sect who had been closed for a long time, finally came out thousands of miles away. Moved: "This time more than 100 sect elites were killed and injured, even Hu Ming's apprentice fell! How is this possible..."

Venerable Huaxue couldn't believe it, but Tuer Hu Ming knew that this guy was cultivated by him alone. If he made a move with 1% of his strength, Tuer Hu Ming could catch him at least ten or twenty moves, and he could It is not an exaggeration to say that it is No. [-] below the cultivator of the transformation stage.

Moreover, this time not only Hu Ming fell, but even the Zongmen's forces killed and injured more than 100 elites, and three of the four elders directly fell.

However, Venerable Huaxue was rarely angry. At his level of cultivation, the entire sect is dispensable to him, and his own strength is the last word. In the eyes of... it can be said that they are all ants.

(End of this chapter)

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