The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1695 Three Corpse Essence Spirits

Chapter 1695
However, after all, the entire sect is the inheritance established by Venerable Huaxue himself, after all, there are still some feelings. Now that the power of the sect has been damaged, and even his own disciple Hu Ming has been directly killed by others, this revenge must be avenged .

Therefore, after Venerable Huaxue closed his eyes for a while, when he opened his eyes again, a blood-red halo began to appear from his brain to his whole body.

The blood-red circle of light was very light at first, and then it became darker and darker. When the whole circle of light was shining brightly, a blood-red figure gradually emerged from the circle of light.

At first, the figure was only the size of a matchbox, but as it got closer, the figure became clearer and bigger. Gradually, the figure became no different from a real person, becoming a second person. Venerable Blood Transformation.

"Three corpses!" Venerable Huaxue snorted softly.

And all the disciples under the sect were also amazed and worshiped, and the three corpse clones of Venerable Huaxue were also well-known and thunderous.In fact, the three corpse clones are also the inheritance of the highest secret technique in the lineage of Venerable Huaxue.

According to the rumors, Venerable Blood Transformation obtained an ancient miraculous skill "Blood Transformation Magical Art" from the underground nether sea of ​​blood 5000 years ago. When it is practiced to a high level, it can cut three corpses from itself.And the Huaxue Venerable in the Transformation Stage has already practiced to the point where he can cut out a corpse, and the strength of the cut out corpse is almost exactly the same as the main body, equal to another self.

Although the avatar is limited by some external factors, the avatar seems a bit dull, its thinking and logical ability are not as good as the main body, and it cannot 100% exert its [-]% of its extraordinary combat power, but its [-]% combat power is also very impressive.

According to the legend, after practicing this "magic art of transforming blood" to the extreme level, three corpses can be chopped out directly.

This is a very miraculous ancient technique. In fact, the entire sect of the Xuedao Sect is also based on this technique, but the blood-transforming technique of the entire sect is a simplified version of the "blood-transforming magic technique". , many of the essentials that contain the Dao have been directly deleted. Although the ordinary version of the blood kung fu method can be regarded as a secret skill level kung fu, and this kung fu is almost invincible in the Nascent Soul Stage, but even if it is practiced to the extreme, it cannot be used. By beheading the three corpses, one cannot prove the Dao.

Therefore, seeing the appearance of the three corpses of Venerable Blood Transforming Venerable, the disciples of the entire Xuedao Sect were a little jealous. If you can't practice the three corpses, if you can learn this powerful magic skill that can directly prove the Dao like Venerable Huaxue, it is probably the only wish in the hearts of all the disciples present.

Before Hu Ming, the Venerable Blood Transforming Venerable, no one else in the entire sect could inherit this complete magical skill, but now that Hu Ming has fallen, many sword cultivators present have strange thoughts. It would be great if the suzerain could accept him as an inheritance disciple, so after the appearance of the three corpses of Venerable Huaxue, the disciples became more respectful one by one.

After Huaxue Venerable summoned his three corpse clones, he nodded to his three corpse clones: "Fellow Daoist Jie, please! This time, there is a matter that I need to ask you to deal with."

"My lord! This matter is on my shoulders."

Although the three corpses have independent thinking, they and Venerable Huaxue live as one body after all, so they can communicate with each other through invisible spiritual thoughts.

Even if necessary, Venerable Huaxue himself can directly control his three corpse clones from a long distance, but generally, Venerable Huaxue would not do this if it is not necessary. After all, long-distance manipulation of consciousness consumes a lot of consciousness Even a cultivator in the transformation stage can't afford it.

Just now Venerable Huaxue communicated directly with his three corpse clones. Now that the clones know exactly what their mission is, they are to go directly to Ximo Wushuang City to find the loose cultivator Qin Lang who caused great trouble to the sect, and to find this Kid, and then kill this kid directly.

After receiving the three corpse avatar "Jie" of Venerable Huaxue, he went to Wushuang City alone to complete the task of the main body. Its only target now is Qin Lang.

And before setting off, Venerable Huaxue also gave this three-corpse avatar several powerful treasures, a top-quality treasure gold knife that has been with him for many years, a powerful top-quality magic treasure house "Blood Sea Prison", There is also a psychic jade mirror.

Holding these three powerful treasures, the three corpse avatar "Jie" nodded, and left the Blood Knife Gate directly. At this time, Venerable Huaxue calculated the source of his blood, and calculated the secret for his three corpse avatars, but then It was a frown, he couldn't figure out the result of this trip, as if the secret of heaven had been hoodwinked.

"It's's really strange..."


And in a secret room just outside Wushuang City, a Taoist in Tsing Yi sat quietly in it, and a simple brass ball floating in front of him suddenly found light and exploded a few times, like setting off firecrackers.

This sound also awakened the Taoist in Tsing Yi who was meditating. He also counted his fingers, and then smiled slightly: "Little friend... your calamity has arrived, and the old man has already helped you block half of it. The other half seems to have to wait." You can solve it yourself, after all, the secrets are unpredictable, don't be too offensive, even if I escaped through life and death before..."

"In order to repay the nobleman, this old man will definitely do his best this keep your body and soul from being destroyed! However, I am afraid that this time the crisis will be turbulent. How is your luck?"

After saying this, the Taoist in Tsing Yi sat down again with his eyes closed, continuing to meditate and adjust his breath, while the small brass ball suspended in the air in front of him was still flickering, but the light had obviously dimmed a lot.

And this Taoist is the old beggar "Taoist Canyue" who was rescued by Qin Lang a while ago. This old Taoist looks like he is still a cultivator at the stage of transforming gods. Could it be that when this guy used the secret method to hide in the room before, even Qin Lang used his magic power to hide in the room? Even with a scan of his consciousness, he couldn't feel the existence of Taoist Wanyue.

Think about it, the monks in the transformation stage have all kinds of incredible abilities and secret techniques, which are much stronger than the monks in the Yuanying stage. It is normal that Qin Lang failed to find Taoist Wanyue when he scanned through with his spiritual consciousness.

The greatest ability of a cultivator in the stage of transforming gods is to be able to refine top-grade magic weapons or magic weapon houses. Of course, the premise is that they have mastered the art of high-level weapon refining. It is also a top-grade magic weapon-level treasure, named Turtle Back Mountain and River.

However, this top-grade magic weapon does not look like an attack or defense magic weapon. There are clouds and mist looming on the copper ball, and the white lines of mountains, rivers, and lakes are changing all the time, which is obviously full of mystery. The ultimate magic weapon of the auxiliary category.


Qin Lang had no idea that before his crisis came, Venerable Huaxue, who was thousands of miles away, made a round of calculations on himself, and he didn't even know that Taoist Canyue on the other side of Wushuang City helped him block this blow, confusing The secret of the heavens was revealed, and the calculations of Venerable Huaxue were useless.

The contest between Venerable Huaxue and Daoist Wanyue also allowed Qin Lang to directly avoid a lot of troubles and increased his vitality.

Of course, this is also the so-called good will be rewarded. Qin Lang did a good thing unintentionally at the time, and now it is indirectly rewarded to himself.

This is also a causal cycle between heaven and earth. It is full of definite numbers and variables. Even if the cards are linked one by one, once the cards change, there will be a chain reaction. All cards will change from the beginning to the end of the round.

It's like Qin Lang didn't save Taoist Canyue at the beginning, and now Taoist Canyue will not turn around and help Qin Lang to prevent disasters.

After all, it seems that there is only a big gap between the monks in the blood-transforming period and the Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period, but there is a difference of thousands of miles. Through cultivation, the blood-transforming gods not only have the power of true vitality, but also have mastered some principles of heaven and earth. When fighting, it can drive the vitality of the world with a very small force, and produce terrifying power.

Like a palm strike, landslides and rocks crack!With a single slash, rivers and rivers stop flowing... These are all the terrifying fighting power that can be displayed after the cultivators in the transformation stage have mastered the principles of heaven and earth.And in this world, only those cultivators who have mastered the principles of the world, are full of true energy, and will not feel tired after fighting for days and nights can lead the world in this world and be respected. Be an ancestor!


After Huaxue Venerable's three corpse avatar "Jie" answered his orders, he teleported to Wushuang City through thousands of miles between the West Desert cities. This process took about eight days.

Although the ability of "Jie" is not much different from that of the main body, the real energy in the body is also endless and can fly long distances for a long time, but if the teleportation array is not used, it is estimated that it will not be able to fly to Wushuang City for more than half a month.

You must know that although the flying ability of most of the cultivators in the transformation stage is stronger than that of the monks in the Nascent Soul stage, they are only one or two times faster at most, which is not too outrageous.

Even, some Nascent Soul stage monks who have mastered the special flying secret technique can fly faster than the transformation god stage monks in the process of manipulating the magic weapon. If the Nascent Soul stage monk has a good flying magic weapon, plus some accelerated It is normal for the secret skills to surpass the cultivators at the transformation stage in terms of speed.

Eight days later, "Jie" finally arrived outside Wushuang City, stared at the whole city steadily, feeling the fresh breath of life inside the city, this clone was also stunned for three or four seconds.

After all, "Jie", one of the three avatars of Venerable Blood Huaxue, was only cut out in the past few decades. Although he has part of the experience and memory of Venerable Blood Huaxue's body, he is indeed a newborn life, and this newborn Life is not very old.

(End of this chapter)

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