The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1696 Going to the city to find the target

Chapter 1696 Going to the city to find the target

For some reason, on the other side of the main body, Venerable Huaxue has never been able to lock the divine consciousness of the target person, so when this avatar of Venerable Huaxue came to this big city, he felt a little at a loss.

"Can't find the target, how should I start?"

After being stunned for a while, this clone "Jie" began to enter the city, and it still had some independent thinking ability.

Anyway, let's go to the city first to find out the news. Although it is looking for a needle in a haystack, it has the facial features and spiritual characteristics of the target person at hand. I believe that these evidences will help it find the other party in the future.

This is the most direct idea of ​​"Jie" brain.

After making a plan, this avatar swayed when entering the city gate, with a restrained aura all over his body, and he could no longer see the aura that a cultivator in the transformation stage should have. He looked like an ordinary mortal.

However, although it looks like an ordinary Dan in this way, if someone with a discerning eye sees it, they will know that this guy is not an ordinary mortal.

how to say!Not to mention a large bulging storage bag hanging from this guy's waist, he also has a long knife that is obviously a treasure. Sheath, but there is a sharp saber aura looming at the interface.

This treasure-level knife is estimated to be worth millions of spirit stones just for the fine gemstones inlaid on it.

When the avatar "Jie" of the transformation stage walked into the city, he passed directly by the very bustling central area of ​​the square.

Although it was walking in the busy city, its whole body was as cold as a walking corpse, and its eyes were not moved by foreign objects at all.

There is no slightest emotion fluctuating, which is incredible.

When it is moving forward, it simply ignores the pedestrians in front, but whether the pedestrians in front are monks or ordinary people, as long as they are in the front, they will be pushed aside by its invisible strength, so although the busy city is very It is crowded, but it seems to walk freely.

This road was unimpeded, but it also attracted the attention of a few restless guys in the city. These are gang members of the Big Circle Gang, one of the underground forces in the city. A guy with a sharp mouth and monkey ribs kept pushing away the crowd. Bringing their companions to approach the avatar "Jie" of the God Transformation Stage, the gang members of this group of big circles clearly saw that the God Transformation Stage clone was carrying a treasure, and were ready to "cash out money".

This sharp-mouthed monkey-rib guy is called "Six-fingered monkey", and he is a small leader of the big circle gang.

The Big Circle Gang is a small gang in Wushuang City. The members of the gang are all "craftsmen" with dirty hands and feet, and the "six-fingered monkeys" are born with six fingers and are particularly talented in this job, so they are mixed up now this status.

This guy was once taught by Qin Lang when Qin Lang first arrived in Wushuang City. At that time, the "six-fingered monkey" was the cultivation level in the later stage of Dandan.

It has been nearly half a year since Qin Lang taught him a lesson, and the six-fingered monkey's cultivation has also improved from the late stage of alchemy to the great perfection in the late stage of alchemy. This is considered to be a relatively fast improvement among the low-level gang monks in Wushuang City. It is very likely that the six-pointed monkey has taken the "Magic Crystal Pill", a specialty of Dandingfang, during this period of time.

Of course, nowadays "Magic Crystal Pill" has become the most popular medicine in Wushuang City, and even Magic Crystal and "Magic Crystal Pill" can replace Lingshi as a new currency for trading. Crystal, or a magic crystal pill is worth [-] spirit stones, and monks can directly use these special items for equivalent transactions.

Although magic crystals and magic crystal pills are becoming more and more popular, it is not easy for bottom-level monks to get a magic crystal pill. Except for monks from big families and resource points, there are not many who have flowed out of the market at present.

On the black market, the exchange price of one magic crystal pill has even been raised to [-] spirit stones, which is much higher than the official guide price of Danding Fang.

After "Six-fingered Monkey" and his companions stared at the avatar "Jie" of the stage of transformation, they approached cautiously. In their eyes, this guy who was overflowing with glory in front of him was definitely a big sheep, and he was so ostentatious in the center of this square Well, if you don't steal this kind of big yangku, you are absolutely blind.

However, this time the "six-fingered monkey" never thought that he would fall again. People naturally have the capital to show off, and sometimes it is not good to be smart.

When the "six-fingered monkey" with the sharp-billed monkey ribs approached Da Yangku, the surrounding companions also intentionally or unintentionally surrounded the target person, and most of the monks who set up stalls in the square market were familiar with these big circle gangs. All the stall owners are all casual cultivators with poor cultivation, knowing that these gangsters are not easy to mess with, so all of them are silent.

The "six-fingered monkey" made a move, and the first thing it aimed at was the bulging storage bag at the waist of the big sheep. This storage bag looks so bulging, it must contain a lot of good things.Of course, after getting this storage bag, the treasure-level knife should not be let go, these are very valuable treasures.

Then, when the "six-fingered monkey" was full of confidence, his hand was tightly clasped, and the big Yangku, who didn't seem to pay much attention to himself, stretched out his hand and pinched him backhanded At the same time as his veins were pinched, the six-pointed monkey felt as if he was being tightly bound by an iron hoop, and couldn't help screaming: "Let go! Let me go...damn, let go ! Don’t let me go and kill you..."

After struggling a few times, the "six-fingered monkey" couldn't break free from the opponent's hand. He couldn't help becoming angry, and directly took out a dagger from nowhere with his other hand and stabbed it at the face of the big sheep.

However, the dagger was blocked by the opponent's bloody barrier before it got close, and at the same time, with a click, his wrist was twisted.


When the six-pointed monkey screamed, he broke out in cold sweat, and his severed hand was still pinched tightly by the other party. He couldn't help begging for mercy: "Let me go! Brothers, save me!"

The avatar of the transformation stage has been holding the twisted wrist of the "six-fingered monkey", but at this time, several companions around the "six-fingered monkey" saw that the boss was injured like this, and rushed to help, but then the avatar of the transformation stage "hummed" , these companions were all struck in the chest by the dull lightning, and they all retreated several steps, each of them could not bear the internal injuries.

Good guy... high-ranking monk!Definitely a senior monk!
Several companions around looked at each other, their eyes full of hesitation, they are all low-level monks in the alchemy stage, and they are definitely serving food to such high-level monks, just now the other party just let out a cold snort. They have been seriously injured, so they don't have the courage to go up for a while.

If these gang members knew that they were facing the avatar of a cultivator at the transformation stage, they might not even have the guts to surround this guy, and they would definitely run away.

"Follow me..." the avatar "Jie" of the transformation stage said coldly at this time, picked up the "six-fingered monkey" like a chicken, and walked straight ahead.

And when it passed by, all the monks around couldn't help but make way for a passage, and no one dared to face the fierce "Jie" at the moment.

"It's over, the boss has been taken away, what should we do..."

At this time, several members of the Daquan gang were stunned and said tremblingly.

"That guy is just like a demon god. I feel that the aura that he inadvertently showed just now is more terrifying than our lord. You must know that our lord is already a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator... It's a pity that the lord can only behave in front of that guy. moment."

"Yeah, the water in Wushuang City is too deep, and it's not easy for our gang to survive... The boss was taken away. It seems that this matter is not something we small ants can handle. Let's inform the gang leader now!"

"All right……"

Several big circle gang members looked dejected, and now with the improvement of the overall strength of Wushuang City, the influence of the big circle gang is getting worse and worse than before, so sometimes when encountering powerful monks, the whole gang can only be regarded as She was a shrinking turtle, and she no longer had the domineering look she had half a year ago.

And when the "six-fingered monkey" was carried away by the avatar "Jie" of the transformation stage, he also felt the power of this big sheep at this time, and he was about to cry without tears. This foreign and unfamiliar face is easy to bully, but he unexpectedly hit a landmine.

"I... I'm messing with someone. Why have I been so unlucky in the past six months? It seems that my career as a gang has come to an end!"

At this time, the six-pointed monkey no longer has the domineering look before. This is a guy who is strong on the outside but good on the wind. When he sees someone he can't afford to offend, he immediately raises the white flag: "Boss, boss, really! I'm sorry! Damn me, I shouldn't have attacked you, so just treat me like a fart..."

However, no matter how much the six-fingered monkey begs for mercy and grabs his avatar "Jie" in the transformation stage, he doesn't say a word, and just walks forward with his head covered. Thinking: "Oops! This guy is going to kill me! Oh my god, is my six-pointed monkey so honorable today?"

"Ah, help! Help, I don't want to die... I have an eighty-year-old mother, and I have a baby who is waiting to be fed..."

The more he thought about it, the more frightened the six-pointed monkey yelled, trying to attract the attention of the official patrol team of Wushuang City. Usually, he played hide-and-seek with the patrol team members, but now he didn't care so much for his own life.

"I don't want to die! Shut up!" the avatar "Jie" of the transformation stage finally spoke, and the powerful momentum forced the six-pointed monkey to stop suddenly.

"Okay, okay, I won't shout, I won't shout, save you and don't kill me!"

The six-pointed monkey was trembling, trying to say this. His nose and eyes were frightened now. Of course, people's reactions in the face of life-and-death crises are the most instinctive.

(End of this chapter)

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