The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1698 Continuous Ultimate Moves

Chapter 1698 Continuous Ultimate Moves

In the desert, two streamers of light in the sky were chasing one after the other. The streamer in front was relatively weak, but its speed was very fast, and it was constantly heading towards the west.

But the streamer light in the back is much stronger, chasing after every step, and the distance between the streamer and the streamer in front is getting closer little by little, and the streamer in front is obviously not as fast as the streamer behind it. streamer.

"Wu that kid, you can't escape..."

A cold hum came from behind Qin Lang's ears, and Qin Lang's heart tightened in flight, knowing that his life was at stake, he was very annoyed... He couldn't get rid of the terrifying three-corpse avatar in the transformation stage behind him .

Since leaving Wushuang City, the two sides have been chasing in the sky for more than three hours. Qin Lang's true energy has been consumed a lot, and now there is a trace of fatigue in his physical strength and energy, even though Qin Lang is now in the late stage of Yuanying , it is too much to drive for three hours without a break.

However, there was a desperate demon chasing after him, which caused him great psychological pressure, and now he had to run desperately. If he didn't run desperately, he would definitely be miserable the next moment if he was caught up.

Now Qin Lang only hoped that his depletion of true energy could last a little longer, so he began to use quick supplement pills constantly.

If he could get to Green Willow City as soon as possible before the elixir and true energy were exhausted, there would be a glimmer of life.

He used the Sanyang hexagram to calculate that Green Willow City was the turning point of his life, and he had to pass through Green Willow City to get rid of this terrible burden behind him.

However, is this burden really so easy to get rid of?

You must know that behind him is a solid monk of the transformation stage!Venerable Huaxue, this is already the top combat power in the West Desert, far exceeding the peak combat power of most of the big families and powers in the West Desert. You can count on your fingers.

The three corpses incarnate "Jie" of Huaxue Venerable were chasing behind, Qin Lang was desperately running ahead, but now the distance between the two was getting closer to a dangerous point, and Qin Lang was constantly being attacked by the saber energy behind him in the air, so his speed was even slower down.

"Sword Qi is in formation! Come quickly... bloody kill!"

Swipe, swipe, saber qi crosses the sky.

The three corpse avatar "Jie" of Venerable Huaxue in the air burst out hundreds of saber qi in an instant. The frightening thing is that these saber qi were manipulated by secret techniques and formed a huge trap, trapping Qin Lang inside. .


This is a set of killing formations researched by the ancestor of the ancient mighty blood sea based on the ebb and flow of the underground blood sea tide. It is also a trapping formation, forming a localized space blockade network, which is a terrifying stage of transformation. Level battlefield killing move.

At this time, Qin Lang, who was blocked by hundreds of sword qi in the air, had no way to escape, and could only passively meet this terrifying battlefield killing move.At this moment, Qin Lang also immediately made a decision, and directly summoned the extra magic weapons and magic weapons on his body to explode around his body, using the self-detonation of magic weapons to block the blockade of these saber qi, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of interfering with this battlefield killer move Purpose.

Qin Lang responded quickly, otherwise the result would be worrisome.

"Bang bang bang" "bang bang bang bang..." Qin Lang blew more than 20 magic weapons in a row, many of which were medium and low-grade magic weapons that Qin Lang had used for a period of time, and the self-destruct power of more than 20 magic weapons was already Comparable to one or two rare talisman meteors and fire rain, self-detonation formed a comprehensive defensive hedge, covering his entire body, and it couldn't be more qualified to resist these sword qi and body.

Sure enough, Qin Lang skillfully deflected this battlefield killing move, and was about to escape, but the three corpse clone "Jie" behind him snorted coldly, and the golden knife in his hand swung out an afterimage again, and the second wave of a large amount of knife energy once again Surround Qin Lang.

"See how long you can resist... Boy, you should give up obediently, so that I can give you a whole body."

The three corpse avatar "Jie" appeared very arrogant, and as the strength of the transformation stage, it also inherited the arrogance of the blood-transformation venerable.

The second wave of attacks came again, and the saber qi once again formed the ultimate battlefield move "Blood Kill" to block Qin Lang.

At this time, the extra magic weapons on Qin Lang's body were almost exploded. Fortunately, he still had spells, so he threw out a lot of bursting charms, and all the bursting charms were thrown out at this moment. There were red flames.

Although this wave of bursting talisman explosions is not as good as the self-explosion of more than 20 magic weapons before, it also offsets most of the knife energy. The remaining knife energy and body power have been greatly weakened, and are absorbed by Qin Lang's own defensive shield .

Qin Lang destroyed the trapping array of killing moves issued twice in a row, and the three corpse clone "Jie" was also stunned. Killed it by myself, it seems that the mission goal is really not easy.

Glancing at Qin Lang deeply, the three corpse clone "Jie" didn't think that Qin Lang had the ability to make a comeback. The gap between the Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period and the monks in the transformation stage is too big. After mastering the ultimate principle of heaven and earth, the true energy is basically endless, and this is absolutely impossible for the Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period.

Therefore, after the second wave of battles, the three corpse avatar "Jie" who used the battlefield ultimate move continuously did not consume much at all, and the third wave of ultimate moves seemed to be brewing again.

"Jie" has enough reasons to believe that Qin Lang will not be able to hold on for long under its violent bombardment-like intensive killer move, and the final result can only go to perdition and be killed by it.

And Qin Lang really felt a bit strenuous now, the opponent's wave after wave of saber qi attacks was like a tide, and the whole saber qi ultimate move trapped him again, and he seemed more and more passive, after all, the two times before It was because he had consumed the extra magic weapons or charms on his body. If these magic weapons exploded and the charms were exhausted, I am afraid that he would have no choice but to catch them with nothing.

This is not the result Qin Lang wants. Qin Lang is a person who is determined to pursue longevity, and he can't fall in the middle of it.

"House of Magical Treasures!"

Qin Lang finally summoned the black bone flywheel and directly entered the magic weapon house to fight. Although the quality of the black bone flywheel is not very high, it is still a complete magic weapon house.

After entering the Magic Treasure House, the pressure on Qin Lang to be attacked has decreased a bit, but the consumption of true energy has intensified. After all, the operation of the Magic Treasure House consumes a lot of True Energy. If Qin Lang runs the Magic Treasure House at full speed If not, I'm afraid it can only last for three hours at most.

At the moment, in the magic treasure house, Qin Lang swallowed a large amount of Shenxue Dan, and at the same time manipulated the magic treasure house to drive towards the direction of Green Willow City again.

Behind him, the three corpse avatar "Jie" snorted coldly, and at this time also summoned a magical house "Blood Sea Prison", which turned into a blood-red fence, and it also directly entered the fence to pursue.

"Blood Sea Prison" is a treasure made by Venerable Huaxue using five-color gods and the water of the underground blood sea. The level of this magic house is definitely much higher than Qin Lang's black bone flywheel, so this time the competition Qin Lang still does not have an advantage in the flying speed of the Magic Treasure House.

Moreover, the Magic Treasure House consumes a lot of true energy, and Qin Lang can't last long when he manipulates the black bone flywheel to escape. It is estimated that he may be hit by the three corpse clone "Jie" operating the Magic Treasure House after one to two 10 minutes of escape.

But now that the arrow is on the string, he has to make a move, and Qin Lang is also making a ruthless move.

In the process of escaping, he directly used top-quality spirit stones and elixir to recover quickly, and at the same time swallowed a Wangyou Pill to temporarily increase his explosive power. Wangyou Pill can temporarily improve all aspects of the body by one hundred percent Quality, and in the state of pills, Qin Lang is also full of real energy, so the gap between Qin Lang and the cultivators of the transformation stage has narrowed again.

However, the effect of Wangyou Pill is also only half an hour. After swallowing one, he still has three pills on hand. Even if this pill can be taken continuously without any side effects, he can only persist for another two hours at most. , will lose power due to the exhaustion of the body's medicinal power, and will be overtaken by the "Blood Sea Prison" manipulated by the three corpse clones behind him.

Qin Lang in the house of magic weapons has now raised his consciousness and perception to the maximum, and he is always paying attention to the movement behind him. On his forehead, after running away for so long, a layer of fine and dense beads of sweat have begun to appear, which is the result of excessive tension and fatigue. If it weren't for the support of the power of the elixir, Qin Lang would lose his strength on the spot.

"Do you want to use that spell..."

In fact, Qin Lang still has a hole card in his hand that is useless. If he uses it, he can definitely get rid of the enemy behind him for a while.

If you use this thousand-mile teleportation talisman, Qin Lang can definitely teleport thousands of miles away in an instant. In that case, you can temporarily get rid of the battlefield.

However, he knew that he had been locked by the three corpse clone "Jie", so even if he used the thousand-mile talisman, he would still be unable to escape the opponent's pursuit, unless he completely disappeared in this area.

The plan in Qin Lang's heart is to go to Green Willow City first, and then go to the East China Sea by road. The reason why he went to Green Willow City is to use the hands of the underground demons in Green Willow City to entangle the three corpses for a while. In this case, Qin Lang can then start the second step of the plan.

This is a way of life, and it is the only possible escape method obtained by Qin Lang after repeated calculations of the Sanyang hexagram.

However, the distance between Luliu City and Wushuang City is five thousand miles, and the distance is too far. Qin Lang is really afraid that he will fall in the middle of this chase, so if he finds that the situation is getting worse, he is likely to launch this attack in advance. Zhang Qianli Teleportation Talisman.

(End of this chapter)

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