The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1699 Entering the Ghost Cultivation Base Camp

Chapter 1699 Entering the Ghost Cultivation Base Camp
But the Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman is too precious, it is a rare spell, and Qin Lang only has one at present, so Qin Lang will not use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Qin Lang fled in front, while the three corpse clone "Jie" chased after him fiercely, and the aura that locked Qin Lang suddenly disappeared after chasing and chasing, which made him lose his target all of a sudden.Frowning, and counting with his fingers, "Jie" suddenly found himself in a phantom formation.

He didn't know how this phantom formation was formed, but now that he was inside the phantom formation, all five senses were blocked, no wonder he suddenly lost his target.

After knowing that there was a phantom formation in front of them, the three corpse clones were not in a hurry. At this moment, they snorted coldly, summoned the magic treasure house "Blood Sea Prison", and waved it casually. "Break it!"

The "Blood Sea Prison" rose up into the air. The appearance of this magic house was a blood-red cloud, which swelled in the wind and gradually turned into a red miasma the size of half an acre. After the red miasma appeared, it began to rot the illusion covering the surroundings. When it comes into contact with the phantom formation, countless mosquito-sized bloody flames will be born. This "blood sea cage" comes from the dark underground blood sea, so it has a strong yin qi corrosion ability.

Compared with the Black Bone Flywheel's Bathing Fire Black Lotus, this Bloody Flame rank is one level higher, and they all belong to the innate spell category that comes with the Magic Treasure House. Weak, if it is replaced by Qin Lang's black bone flywheel, the fire-bathed black lotus will never be corroded, but it is peeling off layer by layer in front of the bloody flame.

Layer by layer, layer by layer, this large phantom array is of high order, even if the blood sea cage wants to corrode the phantom array with a big hole, it will probably take a stick of incense. During this process, it is estimated that Qin Lang has already run away up.

However, the three corpse avatar "Jie" is not in a hurry, as long as he escapes from the phantom array, it will be able to lock him no matter how far Qin Lang escapes.

Of course, if Qin Lang leaves this region and West Desert, it will be a lot of trouble, unless the three corpse clone "Jie" also chases outside the region, otherwise he will lose his target.After all, there is an enchantment barrier between domains and domains, which also blocks the transmission of spiritual consciousness between the two realms.

After one stick of incense, the blood sea cage finally corroded a large gap in the large phantom formation. At this time, the real scene outside the phantom formation had already appeared in the eyes of "Jie" through this gap. With a cold snort, it did not hesitate Jumping out of this broken phantom array, he directly drove the magic treasure house and fled in one direction.

Although Qin Lang escaped with a stick of incense, but after leaving the magic formation, "Jie" has sensed Qin Lang's breath again. He knows that Qin Lang can't escape his pursuit at all. If he chases at the current speed, this The guy must be caught again by himself.

In the desert, when the large phantom array was broken and the three corpses "Jie" got out of trouble and continued to chase Qin Lang, a figure suddenly appeared here.

It's Taoist Wanyue!
This guy didn't know what kind of means he used to arrange a phantom array on Qin Lang's escape route in advance. Qin Lang was fine at the time, but the three corpse clone "Jie" in the transformation stage passed over the phantom formation. It's done, it can be seen that this phantom formation was specially arranged by Taoist Canyue to trap the three corpse clones "Jie".

It's a pity that "Jie" not only possesses the power of transforming into a god, but also has many treasures on his body.

Venerable Noumenon Huaxue even handed over several top-quality magic weapons to it before his trip, and this time "Jie" was able to break the large phantom formation in front of him so quickly, the magic weapon house "Blood Sea Cage" should be a big credit.

"Too fast! Unexpectedly, the avatar of Venerable Huaxue is so powerful. The phantom array that I have tried to arrange can only trap it for a stick of incense. I guess I can't even beat this avatar..."

The Canyue Taoist looked into the distance, and at this moment he gave a wry smile: "This old man was supposed to attack someone who was going into a state of madness and who was about to perish immediately, but with the help of the body protection of the inheritance treasure, and sensed a trace of life in the dark, he appeared. Outside Wushuang City, he was rescued by that little friend."

"And after being rescued by that little friend, the old man can now be regarded as a broken man, barely a quasi-transformation god stage monk, and he is still very weak, probably the weakest among the transformation god stage monks. Fortunately, the direction of the old man's cultivation does not focus on combat, so with the help of some auxiliary means, he can indirectly increase part of his strength."

"Now that little friend's catastrophe is coming. This is a human catastrophe. I don't know why the little friend has provoked such a terrible human catastrophe. But with the old man here, I will ensure that the little friend can pass the level smoothly and escape the blood sent by His Holiness." The pursuit of the three corpses."

"Haha...Little friend, let Cailing help you a few more times, and pay off all the karma..." Taoist Canyue recalled the broken phantom formation with a single call at this time, and took away the intact cloth array material.

The layout materials of the high-level phantom array can be used repeatedly. Unless they are completely damaged, Taoist Wanyue will suffer a great loss. You must know that every material of the high-level phantom array is very precious, and some are even rare. Things that cannot be sought are also rare in the world of comprehension.

After collecting the phantom array, Taoist Canyue also disappeared in a flash at this time, probably chasing after the two people in front of him to make the next arrangement. Taoist Canyue is good at calculation and magic, this is also his housekeeper One of the skills.


And Qin Lang escaped for two or three hours in a row, during which the three corpses did not continue to catch up, which also made him feel very strange: "Could it be that guy gave up, it's impossible!"

You must know that the three corpses stared at me too closely before the avatar. After all, I killed so many members of the Blood Knife Sect. This is intolerable to everyone in the Blood Knife Sect, and it is even more impossible for the Venerable Huaxue who is the master of the Blood Knife Sect. let yourself go.

Qin Lang didn't know that someone was secretly working to help him stop the three corpses, slowing down the pursuit of the three corpses, and allowing Qin Lang to run ahead of time so that he would not be caught up too quickly by the three corpses.

This was considered a good thing, and then Qin Lang kept moving forward, and finally arrived at Green Willow City five days later.

It took five days to reach across five thousand miles non-stop, with an average of one thousand miles per day, which is already the limit of Qin Lang's current flight.You must know that Qin Lang barely ate or drank during this process, and was on his way all the time.

When he arrived outside Luliu City, Qin Lang saw the blood mist enchantment again, but he did not immediately enter the blood mist enchantment, but waited quietly outside the city.

That's right, he was just waiting for the arrival of the three corpse clones. Now that the second step of the escape plan has been completed, the second step requires him to lure the three corpse clones of Venerable Blood Transformation into the blood mist barrier. Continue with subsequent plans.

This seems to be playing with fire, but Qin Lang has to do this, he believes that the secrets calculated by the Sanyang hexagram should not go wrong.

Less than half an hour after Qin Lang arrived outside the Green Willow City, the three corpse clone "Jie" finally arrived late.

It was very depressed, and the chase was not going smoothly. For some reason, it always encountered phantom formations or other various obstacles, which delayed its pursuit time. It seemed that there was a very clever lurker in the dark helping that Like the kid.

However, the avatar of the three corpses "Jie" possesses a strong hole card, and has the magic treasure house "Blood Sea Cage" in his hand, breaking all spells with all his strength, so although he encountered many obstacles along the way, they were all broken by it.

Finally, after five days of chasing, the three corpse clone "Jie" finally caught up and came to Green Willow City.

And outside the Green Willow City, it saw Qin Lang who had been waiting for him from a distance. After the boy glanced at himself, he smiled and went directly into the blood fog barrier of the Green Willow City.

"Jie" was furious immediately. It thought that the kid was provoking itself, so it didn't think much about it, and rushed directly to the blood mist barrier. It summoned a golden knife and slashed a few times, and the blood mist barrier was broken immediately. up.

"Jie" has the strength of a cultivator in the transformation stage, so it is not difficult for it to break the blood fog barrier in front of it, it just needs to take a few shots.

After breaking through the barrier of blood mist, the three corpse clone "Jie" immediately flashed and chased into the Green Willow City.

At this moment, the entire Green Willow City has become the headquarters of ghost cultivators, gathering nearly [-]% of the ghost cultivators in Western Desert. It's already dead.

After Qin Lang entered the base camp of ghost cultivators, he transformed himself, and his aura was similar to that of ghost cultivators. This way, a mouse dropping into the soup would not cause a strong reaction from most of the ghost cultivators in Green Willow City.

And behind him, the clone of the three corpses who rushed into the blood mist barrier immediately didn't have so many scruples. After chasing it in, it locked Qin Lang again. No matter how Qin Lang pretended, it had no effect on it, and it began to chase Qin Lang again.

However, the unscrupulous approach of the three corpse clone "Jie" angered most of the ghost cultivators in the city. Seeing an outsider break into the city to hunt down the same kind, many ghost cultivators rushed to support.

However, after trying a few times, these ghost cultivators found that the intruder was very powerful, and with a few strikes of saber energy from the golden knife, they directly killed more than a dozen companions, and the strength of these companions was not weak. There was even one in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, so these ghost cultivators stopped cooking one by one.

"'s a cultivator at the stage of transformation. Only a cultivator at the stage of transformation has the ability to instantly kill the middle stage of the Nascent Soul..." The ghost cultivators shouted in horror, and the weaker ones left the field one after another. Life matters.

There are also several stronger ones, all of whom are above the late Yuanying stage, but these ghost cultivators dare not approach the three corpse clone "Jie" any more, but hang far behind.

This is something that can’t be helped, even if these few ghost cultivators have the strength of the late Nascent Soul, they still can’t beat the cultivators of the transformation stage. , but even if the monks in the transformation stage are under some suppression, it is easy to kill these ghost cultivators.

After all, in the eyes of monks at the stage of transformation, all existences below the stage of transformation are ants...

(End of this chapter)

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