The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1700 Two strong meet

Chapter 1700 Two Powers Meet
And seeing the three corpses chasing into the blood mist barrier, Qin Lang also smiled coldly, afraid that if you don't come in, just wait to be counted now!

At this time, Qin Lang's consciousness was released, and he sensed the aura of the most powerful existence in a certain place in the city, so he rushed in that direction.

That's right, that direction should be where the Yin Demon escaped from the ground, and the underground Yin Demon is also an existence in the transformation stage. If the three corpse clones can be lured to fight the underground Yin Demon in Green Willow City, then the three corpse clones must It will be delayed, and it is very possible for the two sides to fight for a few days and nights.

After all, the underground yin demon also has independent thinking ability. It is much smarter than those eighth-level monsters in different spaces, and its own combat power is not weak.

Next, Qin Lang almost crossed half of the Green Willow City. During this process, when the three corpses caught up with him several times, he was instantly moved out.

It turned out that Qin Lang took a shape-shifting and shadow-changing talisman on his body after entering the blood mist barrier. Now that there are so many ghost cultivators in Green Willow City, Qin Lang ran all the way, and it can be said that ghost cultivators can be seen everywhere. , whenever the three corpse clones were about to catch up with him, he activated the ability of changing form and changing shadows, pulling a nearby ghost cultivator to replace him, and he escaped calmly.

Of course, those ghost cultivators who lost their sense of direction after being moved were naturally very sad. They were all hacked away by the extremely angry three-corpse avatar "Jie". Directly injured, basically just a trace of saber energy below the Nascent Soul stage will destroy both body and spirit.

And the three corpse avatar "Jie" is also a ruthless man. Nearly a hundred dead souls have been added under the sword along the way. With the operation of the blood-transforming magic art, its combat power has already exploded. I am afraid that even if it is the main body, Can't beat it anymore.

After all, the blood-transforming magical power is the complete card of the blood-transforming power. This strange power has a strong ability similar to the star-absorbing magic. stronger.

"Hmph! Damn boy, you can't escape!" The eyes of the three corpse avatar "Jie" flickered, killing more than 100 ghost cultivators along the way, and its aura has reached its peak now. It has already exceeded 100%, and the blessing of more than [-] ghost cultivators' aura has also made him confident.

The three corpses continued to chase Qin Lang, and now with the blessing of more than 100 ghost cultivators, its movement speed has increased several points, and Qin Lang would have already been lying down if he hadn't been able to dodge in time in advance every time. Become a dead man in the ground.

It has to be said that Qin Lang's kid really has some fighting talents, which even the three corpse clone "Jie" has to admit. If it is a guy with a weaker fighting awareness, I am afraid that even if he is a little stronger than Qin Lang's kid, it will be too late. Killed by himself.

And Qin Lang's own strength is indeed a little weaker in the eyes of the three corpses, but this kid is alert enough, and his fighting awareness is not weak, so every time when a crisis comes, it is as if he had predicted it in advance, and he has already done it in time Prepare.

In this case, the attacks of the three corpses were frequently missed. This kid hesitated like a flea, he couldn't catch it no matter how hard he tried, and he couldn't die even if he slapped him.

However, the three corpses are not in a hurry. Anyway, their own strength is strong enough. No matter how much this little flea jumps up, it will definitely die in the near future. After all, the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

At this time, Qin Lang has gradually approached the location of the underground yin demon, and his goal of luring the three corpses to come is here, using the underground yin demon to entangle the three corpses, and then buy himself a long escape time , he has the opportunity to leave this domain.

Speaking of it, there is also hatred between him and the underground yin demon, otherwise the underground yin demon would not have chased him so hard last time, and he could sense the evil spirit at that time.

At that time, if it was not blocked by the blood mist barrier, if the underground demons could not escape from the blood mist barrier in Green Willow City, I am afraid that the underground demons would chase outside the blood mist barrier directly. In that case, even if Qin Lang escaped from the blood fog barrier world, the ending will be very tragic.

Fortunately, none of this will happen. The underground Yin Demon cannot escape from the blood mist barrier in Green Willow City at all. If it can escape from the blood mist barrier, I am afraid that there will really be a bloody storm in the entire Western Desert. .

You must know that the Yin Demon in the underground is the strongest existence at the level of the god transformation stage, and the general god transformation stage can't beat it at all. Otherwise, the ghost cultivator Yao Dongwen, who is also in the god transformation stage, would not have sent his subordinates all the time. Trying hard to revive the underground Yin Demon.

This is an extremely powerful combat power. With its presence, the entire Green Willow City is now as solid as gold. Even if there are monks in the transformation stage, they will not be afraid. Invincible hanging in general, basically invincible.

Because the entire Green Willow City is the home ground of the underground Yin Demon, this place... is its domain.

Qin Lang attracted the three corpses, and at this time, the underground yin demon also sensed two special existences. Although Qin Lang's aura disguised it from other ghost monks, even some ghost cultivators in the late Yuanying period could not detect it. But the underground yin demon sitting at the home court can sense it, so the underground yin demon immediately reacted, and the underground yin demon who was recuperating in the ground rushed out of the ground and approached in the direction of Qin Lang.

"Jie Jie, Qin Lang boy... for causing me to become such an existence like an earth-bound spirit body that is neither human nor ghost, I will repay you well... Jie Jie, Jie Jie..."

Seeing Qiu coming to the door, the underground yin demon seemed very excited, and continued to let out terrible laughter. While laughing, he quickly approached in Qin Lang's direction.

And Qin Lang couldn't imagine that the sea of ​​consciousness of the underground demon is completely occupied by the consciousness of the thousand-faced demon girl Kong Li who he killed. The real cause of hatred.

After all, at the beginning, Qin Lang directly brutally killed the disciple of Yao Dongwen, a ghost cultivator in the transformation stage, and almost wiped out his body and spirit. If it weren't for the Thousand-faced Demon Fairy who had mastered the secret method to escape Yuanying in time, I am afraid that he would not be able to survive now. .

After returning to Green Willow City, due to an accident, Qin Lang unintentionally removed the underground barrier that blocked the underground demon with the psychedelic fog heart, so this underground demon finally escaped from the underground, and in the process of escape The Nascent Soul body of Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, directly occupied the sea of ​​consciousness, crowding out the underdeveloped consciousness of Yin Demon.

After Kong Li occupied the sea of ​​consciousness of the underground yin demon, this body of the underground yin demon has now completely become Kong Lixin's body.

However, the underground yin demon has a big limitation, that is, it becomes an existence like an earthbound spirit, and can only exist within the blood mist barrier of Green Willow City, and cannot leave the blood mist barrier, otherwise, I'm afraid that Kong Li, the thousand-faced bewitched concubine who has a grudge against Qin Lang, will come to Qin Lang again to take revenge after she is reborn.

You must know that in the eyes of Kong Li, who has the body of the underground demon, the current Qin Lang is no different from an ant. Last time, a powerful casual cultivator with a magic house like Bald Baoer was swallowed by her. If Qin Lang didn't see the opportunity Hurry up, run away quickly, I'm afraid it's not good to be miserable.

Unexpectedly, this time, that kid ran back to die again. If this is the case... then this time, he will definitely not let this kid go.

Kong Li, the demon girl with thousands of faces, is very vengeful, especially now that she has become an earth-bound spirit, and life is not much fun. This time, Qin Lang, this kid threw himself into the trap, and it was the only time she had the motivation to pick up the passion for fighting again.

Closer, closer, closer!
Finally, Qin Lang had already seen the shadow of the underground Yin Demon coming out of the ground, and before he could see it clearly from a distance, he shouted: "Haha, I have a helper this time, I am not afraid anymore! Let you help me first Let's fight! Kill it for me!"

Qin Lang's words are ambiguous. In the eyes of the underground demons, the existence behind Qin Lang that is so powerful that it cannot be ignored is actually Qin Lang's new helper. No wonder Qin Lang has such a strong confidence this time. Come to Green Willow City to challenge yourself.

And it seems to be the same for the three corpse clone "Jie". Qin Lang lured himself to the Green Willow City, probably because he wanted to use this powerful ally in the Green Willow City to fight against him!

While laughing, Qin Lang teleported again. He used Apparatus, but he didn't know where to move himself. There was only a pitiful ghost monk in the late Nascent Soul stage left where he was standing. The monk ghost cultivator followed him all the time, but now he became a scapegoat.

However, after the three corpse clone "Jie" met the underground yin demon, he had no time to worry about this poor Nascent Soul Late Ghost Daoist monk. The underground yin demon was undoubtedly a very powerful enemy, and he needed to deal with it with all his strength.

And at this time, the two powerful existences of the underground yin demon and the three corpse clones finally met, and the two sides took out their own methods to formally hand in hand. At the beginning, they didn't know each other's details very well. So it's just a test.

And after dozens of fights, the two sides gradually started to fight, so they both stepped up their efforts. At this time, the three corpses and even the magic house were also brought out.

At this time, the underground yin demon Kong Li also sacrificed the newly acquired magic house "Nine-story Linglong Pagoda". This magic house is the one in Bald Baoer's hands. It was also transferred to Kong Li, the underground demon, and became owned by Kong Li, and was directly sacrificed by her to become a part of her body.

(End of this chapter)

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