The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1701 The Taoist waning moon strikes!

Chapter 1701 The Taoist waning moon strikes!

And just when the two powerhouses met and fought endlessly, Qin Lang also successfully diverted the attention of the underground Yin Demon and the three corpse clones at this time, and calmly escaped.Now he tried to hide his aura as much as possible, and quickly left the base camp of ghost cultivators.

Now it is time to implement the third step of the plan, escape from the Western Desert, and then head to the East China Sea.

Time is running out now, and I don’t know how long the battle between the underground demons and the three corpses will last. Qin Lang estimates that his journey to the East China Sea will be at least 6 miles, which is two months away, so now it is only I was able to continue on my way without stopping.

"I just hope that...the underground Yin Demon and Venerable Huaxue will fight in the dark. It is best to fight for seven days and seven nights. In this case, with the buffer of these seven days, Venerable Huaxue wants to catch up with me again." It will be difficult..."

Qin Lang muttered to himself as he was on his way. What he didn't know was that Venerable Huaxue just sent a clone to come here this time. If he knew this, I'm afraid he would be even more shocked by the power of Venerable Huaxue.

You know, it took only a few hundred years for Venerable Huaxue to step into the stage of transformation of gods, and he was able to cultivate to this point. Even the old-fashioned god transformation stage can't do it.

And Qin Lang offended such an enemy, he should feel lucky to be able to escape from such an enemy.

"It's a two-month journey to the East China Sea. I hope that the prediction of Sanyang Gua is accurate, and then I can pass through the enchantment barrier between the two domains smoothly... As long as you leave the enchantment barrier, you will be like a fish entering the sea. , the sea and the sky are bright, it will not be easy for the follow-up Venerable Blood Transformation to chase after him!"

Thinking of this, Qin Lang's motivation suddenly became full. At this time, he directly swallowed a large amount of supplementary pills, and immediately rushed on the road without stopping. Although this journey was only using the flying magic weapon, the consumption was much less than that of manipulating the magic weapon house. Intermittent flying actually consumes more energy.

And in the Green Willow City, the battle between the three corpse clones "Jie" and the underground Yin Demon lasted for three days and three nights, after which both sides realized inadvertently: They all fell into that kid's plan to alienate them!
The reason is that during the battle, one party scolded that kid Qin Lang for being insidious and having such a powerful helper, while the other party immediately realized that they had already felt that the battle was full of doubts during the battle, and they had long thought of giving up. The two sides confessed while fighting, and finally connected the whole thing.

After all, Qin Lang, who was the rightful lord, disappeared after the two sides met. This matter is too suspicious, and both of them were actually used.

So, the three corpse avatar "Jie" and the underground yin demon "Kong Li" were all screaming in anger, what a fart they are still fighting now... It's important to chase that kid quickly.

At this time, the three corpses didn't even care about greeting, and rushed out of the Green Willow City, chasing that boy Qin Lang again.

After these three days and three nights, I don't know how far that kid ran. Now "Jie" has realized that this kid probably wants to escape from this area. Could it be that he was so confident before.

After Kong Li, the underground demon, was also angry, he urgently summoned the high-level ghost cultivators in the city, and sent a team of the strongest ghost cultivators to pursue Qin Lang. There were ten people in total.

The strongest member of this team of ghost cultivators is a casual cultivator of the Great Perfection in the late Nascent Soul. Kong Li temporarily lent him her magic treasure house, the nine-story Linglong Pagoda, and promised that if she completes this task, When Qin Lang's head is brought back, this treasure house will belong to the casual cultivators leading the team, and other casual cultivators will also be rewarded.

Under the huge benefits, the team of casual cultivators were all trembling with excitement, and each and every one of them swore an oath to complete the task.

As a result, the next two pursuits against Qin Lang started immediately, with the three corpse avatars "Jie" in the stage of transforming gods in front, and the team of ghost cultivators sent by Green Willow City behind.

While Qin Lang, the three corpse clones, and the ghost cultivators from Green Willow City were all desperately chasing after him, a blue-clothed Taoist was busy on Qin Lang's escape path in the West Desert, and while he was busy, he complained: "This old man is really Life is bitter! In order to repay the kindness, this time I have to put together all the bones of this body, and I don't know if it will fall apart in the future..."

This blue-clothed Taoist is naturally the Wanyue Taoist.

For Qin Lang's escape, the Canyue Taoist used various means to delay the three corpses' avatars many times, which allowed Qin Lang to come to Green Willow City to carry out the second step of the plan. The avatar "Jie" caught up, after all, the pursuit speed of the three corpse avatars was much faster than that of Qin Lang.

And now when Qin Lang is implementing the third step of the escape plan, although the three corpses have been delayed for three days in the battle with the underground Yin Demon in Green Willow City, compared to the distance of more than 6 miles, this one day is actually It was far from enough, so Taoist Wanyue could only continue to work hard.

This old man's ability to calculate heaven's secrets is more powerful than Qin Lang's. He even used "Turtle Back Mountains and Rivers" to change Qin Lang's previous calculation of the Sanyang hexagram. In fact, Qin Lang's escape route was designed for him by the old man.

Fortunately, Taoist Canyue aims to repay his kindness, so he didn't have any bad intentions in designing Qin Lang. The old Taoist is helping Qin Lang and not harming him. And be precise.

On the [-]-mile escape route of Qin Lang's third step, Taoist Canyue continued to arrange obstacles to block the enemy, making the chasing enemy appear uncomfortable during the pursuit. In this case, it also delayed a lot of time in disguise.

However, the background of the three corpse clones is too powerful. Whether this guy uses the means of knife repair or the magic house, he can clear these obstacles in just a few breaths. Corpse avatar.

With the secret help of Taoist Canyue, Qin Lang has passed more than 50 days, and now he can touch the barrier between the two realms in only two or three days. The long-term two-month travel and fatigue made Qin Lang look dusty, and now the whole person looks She became thinner and darker, but the will of the whole person has not been vented, and she still looks energetic.

"Huh..." Qin Lang swallowed a large amount of elixirs again. Due to taking a large amount of elixirs for a long time, he has accumulated a lot of erysipelas in his body, but now even if he has detoxification elixirs, he has no time to clean up the elixirs in his body. erysipelas.

Escape... as long as you escape to the East China Sea, you can take a break, and then everything can start all over again.

The brilliance in Qin Lang's eyes reappeared, and he felt that his body was strong again, so he was ready to drive forward again with all his strength.

In the rear, although the three corpses were constantly affected by obstacles along the way, it still narrowed the distance with Qin Lang a little bit. Under the lock of its spiritual consciousness, it already felt that it was only a hundred miles away from Qin Lang before. When trying to manipulate the house of magic treasures to continue the pursuit, he found himself falling into the phantom array again.

"Fuck!" The three corpses couldn't help cursing. At this time, they wanted to break ten thousand spells again, using the power of the house of magic treasures to break through this large phantom formation, but found that the phantom formation this time was different from the previous one. It became a lot more spiritual, and the three corpse clones cracked layer by layer, but the phantom array began to make up layer by layer.

"This phantom seems that someone is hosting...who is it? Come out for me!"

The three corpse avatar "Jie" came to his senses. In fact, he had doubts about this for a long time when he was constantly being obstructed along the way. At this time, he was finally sure that there was indeed a hidden person in the dark who was helping that boy Qin Lang, so that he let himself like this A chase after Qin Lang's boy was frustrated again and again.

It was born from the Magic Treasure House, and while manipulating the Magic Treasure House, it used Dao Jue to constantly chop out the saber energy. Under the intense consumption, the phantom formation finally seemed to be unable to hold on, and it was about to cling to it. At this time, it suddenly appeared in the sky above the phantom formation A giant turtle pattern, an object falling from the sky.

The three corpse avatar "Jie" saw the turtle-back magic weapon that suddenly appeared, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he continuously sent out saber energy to strike at it. It is extremely tyrannical, and all attacks cannot hurt this magic weapon.

"Extreme defense magic weapon?"

The three corpse avatar "Jie" focused his eyes, and then manipulated the magic house to blast the turtle-back magic weapon a few times, trying to use the power of the "Blood Sea Cage" to smash the magic weapon in the air, but nothing worked.

The turtle-back magic weapon in the air seems to be a very good defensive magic weapon, and the cultivator who secretly manipulates this defensive magic weapon is quite powerful, and it is likely to be a cultivator at the transformation stage.

"That kid... actually has a helper in the transformation stage? Okay, okay, okay, no matter who this guy is, I admit that you have completely aroused my anger. Now accept my complete anger!"

Under the anger of the three corpse clones "Jie", they also began to erupt.


Consecutive collisions began to appear, and now Taoist Canyue, who secretly manipulated the phantom array and used his inherited magic weapon "Turtle Back Mountain and River" to fight against the three corpses, was also complaining. In fact, it was just incidental, but it was much stronger than ordinary top-grade magic weapons, even if he was given a magic weapon house, he probably wouldn't change it.

In his heart, although "Turtle Back Mountains and Rivers" is only a top-quality magic weapon and not a magic weapon, it is a treasure that is more suitable for him than the magic treasure house. This treasure is also his natal magic weapon. If it is damaged even a little bit, he will feel distressed .

Well, the defensive power of Guibei Mountain and River is really good. After being attacked by the three corpse clone "Jie" for so long, although the impact was golden, it was actually not damaged at all.

However, the Canyue Taoist himself felt a bit overwhelmed. He was originally a cultivator who failed to cross the catastrophe. Although after Qin Lang's treatment, he barely survived the catastrophe and became a quasi-transformation god, but after all, his background is too shallow So, if they confronted head-on, they probably wouldn't be the opponents of the three corpse clones with the same treasures.

However, Taoist Canyue's forte is not fighting head-on, his forte is concealment and formation ability, so now he can only use these means to deal with the three corpses.

It's just that the massive consumption of true energy during the battle made him feel overwhelmed. Although he had begun to slowly comprehend the truth of heaven and earth, and the true energy began to prosper, but now the recovery speed of the true energy was simply not as fast as the consumption speed. After a long time, he will also suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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