The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1702 East Sea Region

Chapter 1702 East Sea Region

And when Taoist Canyue and the three corpse clones "Jie" were in a deadlock, on the other side, the ten-person ghost cultivator team from Green Willow City overtook these two beings in the stage of transformation, and had already rushed to the front.

These ten ghost cultivators chased Qin Lang's direction and kept moving forward. They knew that Qin Lang's goal was the East China Sea, so the direction of this group's pursuit was also very clear, that is, to catch up with Qin Lang as soon as possible and stop this kid.

Time passes little by little.

And about two months later, Qin Lang finally came to the edge of the barrier between the two worlds, looking at the connection between the West Desert and the East China Sea, Qin Lang laughed. "It's been two months... Now I can finally get rid of that terrible pursuit!"

The terrible pursuit that Qin Lang mentioned naturally refers to the three corpse clone "Jie" in the transformation stage. Although he is now a Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, he is still powerful against the existence of this kind of transformation stage. He failed to catch, and the opponent had many treasures, and his hole cards were stronger than his own, so if he met him, he couldn't fight at all and had to run away.

Perhaps, after Qin Lang's strength has been raised to the stage of transforming gods, he will really have the confidence to confront such a powerful existence head-on.

The next moment, Qin Lang's figure flashed, and he got into the passage formed by the barrier between the two worlds.

And at the moment Qin Lang entered the passage formed by the barrier between the two worlds, the ten ghost cultivators sent by Green Willow City rushed here at this time. They happened to see Qin Lang's figure when he entered the passage without the barrier between the two worlds, so one by one With a big boost of energy, he also started to rush over here.

This time, since we found Qin Lang's figure, we can't let him run away no matter what. For this group of ghost cultivators, Qin Lang is a huge treasure. This kid's head is worth money. My lord has placed a heavy reward.

Therefore, in order to reward this group of ghost cultivators, they are now desperately trying to take Qin Lang down. Seeing that Qin Lang entered the passage formed by the barrier between the two worlds, they also rushed over at this time, and rushed into the West Desert one by one. The barrier passage between the East China Sea.


"Jie Jie, I finally got rid of that annoying guy..."

The three corpse clones also got rid of the phantom array at this time, and gave a fatal blow to the secret host of the phantom formation. "Jie" also escaped from the phantom formation smoothly and rushed to the passage between the two domains.

However, the avatar of the three corpses wanted to break into the channel of the two domains, but suddenly it was a disaster. It found that it could not enter the channel of the two domains at all. Without Blood Venerable by his side, it would be impossible for him to leave West Desert and go to other domains.

After all, although the three corpse avatars are independent individuals, they are subject to the body, so the three corpse avatars "Jie" can only look at the enchantment passage between the West Desert and the East China Sea, and can only sigh.

In the end, the three corpses lingered in front of the two-domain passage for a while, then turned around unwillingly and left the place.


On the other side of the barrier passage, Qin Lang seemed to have finally broken through the passage after a long century.

After breaking out, Qin Lang's eyes suddenly brightened up, and the inside of the enchantment passage had always been gray and psychedelic.And now after breaking out, smelling the fresh air and the green trees swaying around, everything feels pleasing to the eye.

This is the East China Sea. The continental shelf where Qin Lang is located is the edge of the East China Sea. Here is a forest and valley, and the coastline is on the other side.

The East China Sea is the largest of the four major domains of the Qinghe Continent. The continental shelf alone is said to be as large as the entire Western Desert, and the sea at the other end of the continental shelf is five times the size of the continental shelf.

The concentration of aura in the East China Sea is also the highest among the four domains. The concentration of aura here is at least twice that of the West Desert. Therefore, the quality of practitioners in the East China Sea is generally higher than that of the other three domains, and the number of practitioners is also higher than that of any of the other three domains. more domains.

In addition to humans, the cultivators in the East China Sea have another race that cannot be ignored, the Sea Race. The Human Race and the Sea Race are opposed and hate each other. There are not many other exchanges between the two sides for thousands of years. Occasionally Only when there is a trading day between Haifangfang and Fangfang can there be opportunities for communication, and the minority of neutral factions of the two ethnic groups may exchange resources.

Qin Lang is currently appearing in the border area between the human races. There are few people here, and monsters are rampant all around. When Qin Lang appeared, at least dozens of monsters of the fourth and fifth ranks discovered Qin Lang's breath.

However, as a monk of the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, Qin Lang is now considered to be standing at the top of the human monks, and he is also one of the strong ones. After he radiated his own force field breath, many monsters were killed by this A powerful aura was suppressed, and they retreated one after another.

After all, the Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period are not easy to provoke. I am afraid that even seventh-order monsters will not easily provoke such an existence. These monsters in front of them all have certain intelligence, and they are not brainless people. Naturally, Qin Lang gave up this difficult bone.

However, there are still a few sixth-order magic-eared wolves who don't have eyes and don't want to give up the goal in front of them. This should be a small group of seven-headed magic-eared wolves, and they are all adult magic-eared wolves without old or weak.

The magic-eared wolf is a group of monsters with courage. Maybe the number of groups makes them have the courage to challenge Qin Lang, a high-level human monk. After all, the combat power of seven sixth-level monsters is quite impressive. In their view, they It is very possible to win the target.

However, when these sixth-order devil-eared wolves launched an attack, Qin Lang snorted coldly and shouted: "Get out!"

At the same time, more than a dozen sharp sword qi swung out, and a gust of wind suddenly blew up, blowing the ears of the six sixth-level demon wolves into the air.

And when the sword energy swept across, the seven six-level devil-eared wolves had three dead and four injured, and the four wounded were all struggling, whimpering and trying to avoid Qin Lang, a terrible human monk.

They didn't know until this moment how overreaching they were before, and Qin Lang, a monk of the Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul, was not something they, the magic ear wolves, could provoke.

And after Qin Lang easily dealt with the seventh-order and sixth-order devil-eared wolves, he also deterred some monsters that were peeping secretly, and some powerful monsters that were still wandering in the dark also retreated one after another at this time. The combat power was too strong. After he fought against the sixth-order magic-eared wolf, these monsters lurking in the dark knew that they would never have a chance to attack again.

And Qin Lang didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief at this time, and suddenly felt some movement from the other side of the enchantment. He was slightly startled, and saw the ghost cultivators coming out of the enchantment one by one.

And at the same time Qin Lang saw this group of ghost cultivators, the ghost cultivators chasing from Green Willow City also found Qin Lang, all of them became excited, the target was not lost, and now they must take this kid down.

So, led by the ghost cultivator of the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period, a dozen or so ghost cultivators began to surround Qin Lang.

And Qin Lang sneered for a while, seeing this formation, he also understood, it turned out that these ghost cultivators came to chase and kill him, presumably they were the ghost cultivator team sent by the underground Yin Demon in Luliu City.

This ten-member ghost cultivator team is all above the late Yuanying stage, and the leading ghost cultivator is also a Dzogchen in the late Yuanying stage like himself. It can be said that all of them are strong, but Qin Lang is not very good. Fear.

After all, Qin Lang is confident that he can handle it as long as he is not a cultivator at the transformation stage. However, the team of ghost cultivators in front of him is indeed a bit larger. After thinking about it, Qin Lang decided to distance himself from them before fighting, so as not to be caught These ghost cultivators were injured by a wave of focused fire.

Seeing Qin Lang move, this group of ghost cultivators also took action one by one at this time, each summoned their own weapons and began to attack Qin Lang.

And Qin Lang reacted the moment the ghost cultivator team appeared outside the East China Sea barrier, so this time the ghost cultivator team's dumpling-making operation failed. The teams are fighting.

Qin Lang's combat power is at the level of the late Yuanying Dzogchen. At present, only the captain of the ghost cultivator team who is also the same as the late Yuanying Dzogchen can fight Qin Lang head-on without losing the wind. The other ghost cultivators can't beat Qin Lang at all.

And after Qin Lang used the precision-level swordsmanship, he was not at a disadvantage at first when fighting with this ten-man ghost cultivator team, and he gradually felt the pressure after thirty or forty moves.

At this time, Qin Lang patted the Shapeshifting Shadow Talisman on his body, and began to use the special power of the Shapeshifting Shadow Talisman to strengthen his frontal confrontation with the ten-person ghost cultivator team.

After Qin Lang used the rare charm of the shape-shifting and shadow-changing talisman, the ten high-level ghost cultivator team was a little bit unable to support it. Although there were ten of them, they couldn't stand the magic of the shape-shifting and shadow-changing talisman. Therefore, in the process of fighting, there are always situations where attack mistakes mistakenly injure one's own teammates.

In this case, the high-level ghost cultivators of the tenth team became all tied up, but Qin Lang was like a fish in water, and seriously injured four ghost cultivators in just half a stick of incense.

However, this group of ghost cultivators is indeed very strong. It is not easy for Qin Lang to kill any one of the ten people. The ghost cultivators of Daoist Nascent Soul Late Dzogchen are very powerful and sensitive, and they have mastered The nine-story Linglong Pagoda of the magic house, Qin Lang can't gain much of the upper hand if he confronts it head-on, so the attacks against other ghost cultivators are all blocked by this ghost cultivator of the late Yuanying Dzogchen.

Even Qin Lang frowned at this situation. If he didn't resolve the stalemate in front of him as soon as possible, he would definitely be the one who suffered in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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