Chapter 1703
The ghost cultivator of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period in front of me used the nine-story Linglong Pagoda. This magic house was once scattered into many parts in the Wushuang ruins. Qin Lang also got a part. Later, the famous loose repair formation in Ximo The magic master Baoer collected all the parts and finally assembled the magic house.

However, before the Magic Treasure House was warmed up, the nine-story Linglong Pagoda in Bao Er's hand was taken away by the ghost hand Liao Hua. The nine-story Linglong Pagoda was taken back.

It's a pity that Baoer the Weasel cheated himself by selling his teammates in the end. Not only was he buried in the belly of the underground Yin Demon, even the nine-story Linglong Tower became the spoils of the underground Yin Demon in the end.

And the reason why this ghost cultivator of late Nascent Soul Dzogchen was able to obtain this treasure is also the gift of the underground Yin Demon. The Nine-story Linglong Pagoda is a very good-looking magic treasure house, which is much more advanced than the Bone Flywheel, so If Qin Lang used the Magic Treasure House to fight against the opponent, he would not have an advantage at all.

Fortunately, Qin Lang has a shape-shifting and shadow-changing talisman, so in the battle, he fought against the ghost cultivator of the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen, and fought against the other nine ghosts of the late Nascent Soul. This ghost cultivator must always pay attention to the safety of his companions.

"Gu array!"

At this time, Qin Lang shot a Gu formation, covering the surrounding space, trying to create a Gu formation to trap the ghost cultivators in front of him, and then destroy them one by one.

However, the ghost cultivator of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period immediately threw the nine-story Linglong Pagoda into the air, and the magic house suddenly became golden, turning into a huge pagoda and smashing down, directly smashing the entire Gu formation.

Afterwards, Qin Lang snorted, although the Gu array was not damaged, but the strength of the counter-shock hurt Qin Lang.

Unexpectedly, in front of this nine-story Linglong Pagoda, Qin Lang's Gu formation would not have any effect at all, so Qin Lang would no longer use the Gu formation, but directly swallowed a healing medicine, and then started Youdou.

At the same time as you were fighting, Qin Lang's Explosive Talisman was frequently used, and it exploded among the besieging ghost cultivators, directly injuring two of them.

"The sword energy of the Three Lives Sword Art is folded..."

Qin Lang used the folded sword energy. This is the seventh form of the Sansheng Sword Art. With the cooperation, the ghost cultivator of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period could no longer take care of all the companions in front of him, and was directly attacked by Qin Lang at once. One of them was killed by Qin Lang and his soul on the spot, and Yuanying disappeared directly.

Finally killed a ghost cultivator in the late Yuanying period, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, it was really not easy!
To be honest, Qin Lang was exhausted after running from the West Desert for more than two months, and now he was chased to the East China Sea by a group of ghost cultivators from Green Willow City. It is impossible not to be angry .

Now that Qin Lang killed a ghost cultivator, he let out a mouthful of depression that had been accumulated in his heart for a long time. This feeling is much better: Look at you bastards who dare to continue chasing and killing me. Since you have come after me, you have to bear a terrible price After all, I'm not easy to mess with, young master.

As a Dzogchen monk in the late Yuanying period, Qin Lang is almost in the ranks of the top powerhouses in the comprehension world. Although he can't do those old monsters in the transformation stage, he is still very experienced in dealing with these monks below the transformation stage.

And the spell has become Qin Lang's best auxiliary fighting method, coupled with Qin Lang's fighting talent, it is really difficult for this group of ghost repair teams to win Qin Lang.

After losing a companion, the fighting strength of this group of ghost cultivators was also slightly reduced. Although it was not obvious, Qin Lang could clearly feel that under his continued sneak attack, two more people were directly seriously injured .

Just when Qin Lang wanted to make persistent efforts to expand the results of the battle, the ghost cultivator of Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period also desperately used the magic house to knock Qin Lang away and snatched the two seriously injured companions.

As for Qin Lang, he had no choice but to do so. Since he couldn't directly kill the two seriously injured ghost cultivators, he had to wait for the opportunity.

However, what I didn't expect was that after Qin Lang killed one ghost cultivator and seriously injured two, the leading ghost cultivator immediately issued an order to retreat.

This is actually a helpless move. The leading ghost cultivator has no ability to crack the shape-shifting and shadow-changing talisman at all, so during the duration of Qin Lang's talisman, this guy feels that he and these people are asking for trouble. In the case of a disadvantage, you have to let your companions avoid the edge.

However, this group of ghost cultivators did not retreat very far, they were still monitoring Qin Lang from a distance, and while recovering themselves, they were also helping the two companions to heal their injuries.Seeing this scene at this time, Qin Lang snorted coldly, got up straight from the ground and took the flying magic weapon to leave here.

Unexpectedly, this group of ghost cultivators did not catch up directly, so Qin Lang gradually left their sight, but in fact, Qin Lang did not fly very far, and had to stop flying after only twenty or thirty miles , landed down.

There is no way, he has already exhausted his strength, and it is already very good to be able to persist until this point.

In fact, after more than two months of running around, no matter whether it is the ghost repair team of ten or Qin Lang, they have not rested, and their mental state is extremely poor. This is probably the real reason why the ghost repair team did not catch up directly just now reason.

When Qin Lang landed, he directly found a hidden place and arranged it briefly, then began to retreat and seize the time to recover himself.Continuously running around for more than two months, Qin Lang swallowed a large amount of various elixirs to restore himself, which were three-point poisonous. Since there was no time to deal with them at that time, the erysipelas in his body had already accumulated to a terrifying factor. A normal person has long been poisoned to death by these erysipelas.

After Qin Lang retreated, he directly took a detoxification pill, namely Yijing pill, to expel the erysipelas impurities in the body.

Of course, this detoxification process was uncomfortable, and after expelling a lot of toxins and dirt from the body, Qin Lang also felt a lot more profound and relaxed.Due to the accumulation of erysipelas, his body has been heavy for the past few days, and he has felt various discomforts for a long time. It is not until now that he has resolved his physical problems that he feels much more comfortable.

After opening his eyes, Qin Lang found that his whole body was smelly, and the surface of his body was covered with black impurities. With a new set of clothes in the bag, I feel refreshed.

Afterwards, it is the process of formally taking the elixir to restore one's essence, qi, and spirit. The elixir needs to be slowly refined to truly transform into medicinal properties. In this way, the impurities produced are much less than when taken hastily, and erysipelas is not easy to produce.

After refining these elixirs, Qin Lang's essence, qi, and essence also recovered bit by bit. At this time, the whole person's mental outlook also took on a new look.

Gudu, Gudu, at this moment, a strange sound came from his stomach, and Qin Lang realized that he was hungry.

As a high-level cultivator, Qin Lang has not felt hungry for a long time. This is also the result of a lot of physical and energy consumption for more than two months. Now his body urgently needs some supplements.

If there is Bigu Dan, Qin Lang can take a Bigu Dan now, but Qin Lang never spares such a pill as Bigu Dan. He is a gourmet, and he is very particular about eating and drinking. How could he store this kind of medicine on himself? What about the elixir?

So, at this time, I decided to search for some ingredients on the spot, and I will make do with it first.

After getting out of the restriction, Qin Lang shot a few small animals similar to roe deer in the vicinity. These small animals are actually only equivalent to the second and third rank monsters in the cultivation world, so Qin Lang can be said to be able to capture them with only one hand, and it didn't cost much at all. With all his strength, he managed to get these prey.

Then, naturally, it is the process of peeling and removing the meat, smoking and grilling.

These second- and third-tier monsters that look like roe deer look very tender. After a simple treatment by Qin Lang, he strung them up with thick wet branches, and then put them in the homemade bonfire to roast. Salt it.

As a person who likes food, Qin Lang always has salt and some necessary seasonings. In fact, many casual cultivators in the cultivation world are like this. After all, they often spend a lot of time in the wild, so they need to make do with a meal in the wild. If you eat more than ten meals or dozens of meals, if you don’t bring some seasonings with you, you are cheating yourself.

After Qin Lang ignited the bonfire with Kanli's fire, he directly roasted the meat on the fire, turning it carefully and wiping the salt while roasting.

After about half an hour, the meat on the barbecue grill started to sizzle and emit a tempting aroma, so Qin Lang began to smear some other seasonings on the surface of the meat to make the food more delicious and attractive .

Zizizi, when the surface of the meat turns golden and the oil is dripping, these few skewers of barbecue have already been made, and at this time Qin Lang is already hungry, so he directly ignores the hot mouth and picks up a skewer of barbecue and eats it stand up.

It has to be said that the meat of this deer-like monster is really tender and smooth. After processing, Qin Lang has already swallowed a bunch of seven or eight catties of meat in two or three bites, leaving only a thick leg bone at hand.

Under normal circumstances, cultivators do not feel hunger, but once the hunger is felt, they need a lot of energy supplement, so seven or eight catties of meat can't fill the hunger in the stomach, Qin Lang then continued to eat When I got up, I kept devouring the five or six skewers of meat that were grilled this time, and only then did I feel that my hunger was reduced by seven or eight points, and my stomach was no longer empty.

This felt much better, Qin Lang stretched comfortably, it was really comfortable to eat and drink enough!

After this meal, the depression and unhappiness of fleeing for two months seemed to be digested along with the delicious food at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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