Chapter 1704
After regaining his physical strength, Qin Lang began to look into the distance, and after judging the direction, he ran all the way to the place where he came out of the mountain, planning to go to the nearest monk gathering point to have a look.With a whoosh, Qin Lang disappeared directly in place.

After eating and drinking, he is now full of motivation. He only feels that his whole body is full of strength. When he is running, he raises his head and roars, and the mountains echo non-stop, wave after wave.

And just half an hour after Qin Lang left the resting place, the ghost repair team from West Desert also came here. Seeing the bonfire left in place, there were only nine ghost repair teams left. One of them also had an extremely gloomy expression. Unexpectedly, that kid was so courageous that he was resting not far from the battle place. If you counted them suspicious ghost cultivators by nature, they would definitely not dare to do this.

Is this a person with a high level of skill and boldness, or a fool who is stupid and bold?They know that the situation should be more inclined to the latter.

The reason why this nine-person ghost cultivator team was able to come so quickly was also attracted by Qin Lang's whistling sound just now, but when they rushed over, Qin Lang had already taken a step ahead.

At this time, the nine ghost cultivator team glanced at each other, and one of the ghost cultivators said, "Boss, I guess that kid must have gone to the nearest cultivation gathering point. Let's go there first."

"Okay, three eyes...then let's go!" The ghost cultivator of Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul waved his hand and led the people to continue to follow.

The leading ghost cultivator is named Patriarch Shahe, a very famous casual cultivator in West Desert, and he has only recently joined the Green Willow City.The ghost cultivator who spoke just now was called Sanyan, a ghost cultivator who was born with spiritual eyes, and was good at tracking and concealment.

These two teams are equivalent to the team leader and deputy of the entire Ghost Cultivation Team. After Patriarch Shahe and Sanyan made a decision, the other members of the Ghost Cultivator Team had no objections and immediately took action.

On the continental shelf of the East China Sea, Canglong Town, the Xuanhuang City of the Zhanlan Country, a third-level comprehension country, is a small town with a population of [-].

On the continental shelf in the East China Sea, there are three suzerain countries independently formed by the Alliance of Cultivators, namely Zhanlan, Huahua, and Lady.Among them, Zhanlan Country is the strongest, it is a third-level comprehension country, that is, a third-level comprehension force, and the other two are two-level comprehension forces, that is, a second-level comprehension force.

The major sects in the four major domains of the Qinghe Continent can be regarded as first-level sects, that is, first-level cultivation forces, while the three largest cultivation forces in the East China Sea region have developed to a certain level, and they have produced higher levels and evolved into The suzerain country established independently by the cultivators is the second-level cultivation country and the third-level cultivation country.

In the Eastern Sea Region, there were originally some countries formed by mortals, but after the emergence of the three cultivation countries, they became affiliated with these three cultivation countries and became the cities of the major cultivation countries.

For thousands of years, the three cultivation countries have developed to a certain extent, and they have all become giant-like existences. Gradually, they are very different from ordinary sect forces. The sea is tolerant to all rivers, and the tolerance of these three countries has become extremely strong. .

I heard that the three cultivation countries have high-ranking monks above the stage of transformation, but these monks at the stage of transformation usually live in seclusion and are generally not born in the world. Secular affairs are usually managed by special institutions.

Of course, in addition to the three cultivation countries, there are dozens of sects in the Eastern Sea Region, and these sects are no different from the sects in the Qinghe Continent.

Among the dozen or so sects, three are the most famous, namely Tiandaomen, Tianmozong, and Lanhai School.Among them, Chang Fei, the Di Dao that Qin Lang met outside Luliu City in the West Desert, is the first disciple of Tian Dao Sect, one of the three major sects in the East China Sea. just as powerful.

Among the major regions in the Qinghe Continent, the East Sea Region can be said to be the most prosperous region in terms of resources. It is backed by the sea area and faces mountains in the south. resources are more abundant than the other three domains combined.

Qin Lang entered Canglong Town at this time. Although Canglong Town is only a small town with more than 3 people, it is a small town with all internal organs. There are all kinds of shops and supply points here.

80.00% of the town are mortals, 20.00% are monks, mortals and monks get along very well, serve monks, and monks treat mortals equally, not as slaves, this is also a major feature of the entire East Sea one.There have been rumors that the biggest backer of Zhanlan Kingdom is a late-stage cultivator who was born as a slave. Unexpectedly, after embarking on the road of self-cultivation, his journey has been smooth. After tens of thousands of years, he has now become the most powerful in the entire East China Sea and even the entire Qinghe Continent. There is not one of the monks.

And this late stage cultivator is the Black Slave Emperor respected by everyone in Zhanlan Country.

The Black Slave Emperor was called a Black Slave when he was a slave, but with the continuous improvement of his status and status, he did not forget his original intention and kept his real name of the Black Slave. So tens of thousands of years have passed, and he has become the Black Slave Emperor. This is a human superpower full of legends, and it is also the biggest foundation stone in the eyes of human monks in the Eastern Sea Region, which can be compared with the emperor of the Sea Clan.

Canglong Town belongs to Xuanhuang City, and Xuanhuang City is Xuanhuang Kingdom, a mortal country tens of thousands of years ago, which has a longer history than the three major cultivation countries in Qinghe Continent.Later, after the establishment of Zhanlan, the third-level comprehension country, it was built directly and became a subsidiary city of Zhanlan.

In the East China Sea, the reason why these mortal countries seek refuge with the three major cultivation countries is also for their own safety. After all, although the East China Sea is rich in resources, most of them, whether they are monks or mortals, rely on the sea for their livelihood.

But the sea is not calm. Apart from the monsters and dangerous places in the sea, there are also sea clans whose strength is not weaker than that of humans. Except for a few branches of the sea clan who have a little contact with humans, most of the rest of the sea clan are against humans. The human race hates each other very much, and they often have friction with each other.

Even more than 2 years ago, the Sea Clan spontaneously organized a war against human monks. If it weren't for the efforts of the three major cultivation nations and the major sects in the East Sea, most of the people in the East Sea would have been wiped out.

The turmoil of this great war finally subsided, and I don’t know how the two sides reached an agreement, but there has always been a special barrier between the two races of the human race monks and the sea race. Even after a long time, it cannot be resolved.

After Qin Lang entered Canglong Town, he found a food shop and prepared to eat something while inquiring about some information about the Eastern Sea Region. After all, it was the first time he came to the Eastern Sea Region, and he was unfamiliar with the place, although his brain had the memory of Xuan Qingzi , but Xuan Qingzi has actually never been to the East China Sea.

"Customer, what do you want?" The waiter at the food shop saw a customer coming at this time, and hurriedly led Qin Lang to an empty table.

"Well, what special food do you have?" Qin Lang asked after taking his seat.

"The customers shouldn't be locals, right? The shop has a lot of specialty foods, but the most famous ones are green bamboo rice and mountain spring wine. These two are must-orders for every regular customer who enters the shop." At this time, Xiao Er leaned closer and smiled. Hehe introduced.

"Okay, serve me eight random dishes, and then a bucket of green bamboo rice and ten catties of mountain spring wine." Qin Lang nodded and said.

"Okay!" Xiao Er went away as ordered, and after a while, the food and wine were on the table. The eight dishes are all special dishes with strong regional characteristics in the East China Sea. There are mountain delicacies, seafood, meat, and vegetarian dishes. It is said that there are things that fly in the sky, things that swim in the water, and things that grow on the ground.

Although it is just an inconspicuous small town food shop, each plate of these dishes on the table is full of color, aroma, and taste. It looks attractive and smells even more attractive. Although he has never eaten it, Qin Lang subconsciously feels that it must be delicious.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Qin Lang tasted it casually, and his eyes lit up immediately, it was delicious, delicious!Rare delicacies, it is really enjoyable to be able to eat these delicacies that have never been eaten before.

Take the plate of sea thorn fish in front of you as an example. This is a special product in the ocean of the Qinghe mainland. After the fishermen in the coastal waters brought back the fish and transported them to Canglong Town after eight hundred miles, each one was fresh. Usually, the sea thorns are fed in the salt water tank in the kitchen, and they are taken out to kill freshness when cooking is needed, so as to ensure the freshness and original taste of each fish.

Although Canglong Town is an inland city town, it can be said that it is a blessing for Qin Lang to be able to eat fresh seafood from the East China Sea here.

The other delicacy is a kind of stir-fried dish similar to mushrooms. I heard that this mushroom grows from the dung of a monster called black armada in the mountains. It is also full of aura, so this ingredient called "double-eared mushroom" is also a kind of spiritual material, which is expensive.

Although these foods are very expensive, Qin Lang is also a master who is not short of money. Of course, he must have a good meal of the special delicacies here when he first came to Donghai, as long as he enjoys himself.

Along with the delicious food, the two most distinctive delicacies of Canglong Town Snack Shop also came up, one is green bamboo rice, and the other is mountain spring wine.

Although the names of green bamboo rice and mountain spring wine are very common, the green bamboo rice in Canglong Town uses spirit rice steamed from the unique local Polygonatum odoratum. The grains are plump and sweet, with an attractive aroma. It is impossible to eat in other places. arrived.

The mountain spring wine is also rice wine brewed from a cold spring outside Canglong Town that has existed for tens of thousands of years. It is also sealed in a jade bamboo barrel. After drinking, there will be an aftertaste of fine wine in your mouth for several days.

Qin Lang is also a wine lover. After the food and wine are on the table, he drinks by himself and slowly tastes the food. At the same time, he pays attention to the conversations of the diners around. Fortunately, these diners are discussing the vicinity of Canglong Town gossip.

"Have you heard? The demon bear king in Qingshan Gorge somehow left the territory. Recently, many monks are planning to take advantage of the time when the demon bear king is not in the territory to take risks in Qingshan Gorge."

"The eighth-level demon bear king in Qingshan Gorge has left the territory? Why did the big guy leave the territory? This is a monster that is stronger than ordinary monks at the transformation stage! I heard that the eighth-level demon bear king is guarding the Qingshan Gorge There are a lot of good things, now we have to hurry..."

"We have to hurry up, but even though the Qingshan Gorge is not guarded by the demon bear king, there are several bear descendants of the demon bear king at the sixth and seventh ranks. , so if the monks with insufficient strength should not join in the fun, I am preparing to pull up a team of monks with cultivation bases above the middle stage of Nascent Soul to take the risk!"

(End of this chapter)

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