The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1706 Castle Peak Canyon Portal

Chapter 1706 Castle Peak Canyon Portal
Qin Lang didn't pay attention to the female nun who was working in the woodshed, but it didn't mean that other guys didn't pay attention. In fact, from the moment the female nun in disguise entered the woodshed, at least four of the original six men in the woodshed were staring at him. She is watching.

Although these four guys are all ordinary people, they can also see that this disguised Xibei is a woman. In fact, this Xibei is too handsome to be a man, and with her delicate and fair skin, I am afraid that she is a son-in-law. Nothing compares.

Moreover, ever since the female cultivator entered the firewood room, there was a faint fragrance in the air, as if she was wearing some kind of sachet.

And these four guys have also seen a lot of worlds, so they knew the real identity of Xibeiguo all at once, and in the same room as such a handsome beauty, just imagine how many men can hold back Take a look.

And the female cultivator couldn't help frowning when she saw that the guys in the room were looking at her lustfully from time to time. At this moment, she stomped her feet and shouted: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a man?"

This is a language problem, even Qin Lang felt a little funny, and when the clear voice reached the ears of those guys, the bones of the lustful guys suddenly half-crushed, oh my god, they are going to die, what a fool Beauty!
However, no matter how obsessed these guys are, they just use their eyes to gain some advantage. They all know that this kind of woman who dares to come and go out alone is definitely not easy, and [-]% out of [-] can be sure to be a monk.

Therefore, they couldn't afford to provoke them, and they didn't do anything out of the ordinary except for a little cheapness in their eyes. This also made the disguised Xibei feel a little more at ease. It seemed that his disguise did not show any flaws!

This night is not the night of the full moon, the night of the full moon is the night of the next day, so Qin Lang did not go out of the town to Qingshan Gorge, but directly rested in this woodshed for the night.

And similarly, the female cultivator who disguised herself didn't sleep all night. After all, she slept in the same room with a bunch of big men. What can I do if I come to lighten myself at night.

The next day, since Qin Lang stayed in the firewood room and didn't go out, he just asked his companions to bring the food when the meal arrived. Since Qin Lang was rich and powerful, he also gave tips readily, so these guys were also willing to serve Qin Lang.

And similarly, that female cultivator in disguise didn't go out all day, and the staff brought everything she ate and ate from outside.

Seeing the female cultivator secretly test the food brought by these guys with a silver needle before eating, Qin Lang couldn't help but smile. This guy is very cautious, and he doesn't know who passed on her experience in the world, don't you know There are many poisons in the cultivation world that cannot be tested with silver needles alone.

Qin Lang himself has no taboos. His body has strong resistance to poison after taking Queen Mother Grass leaves. It is difficult for any toxin in this world to directly poison him, and even if he is poisoned, he can still use pills. Herbs and the leaves of King Poison Grass are used to detoxify.

Seeing that Qin Lang hadn't gone out for a day, the female cultivator also paid attention at this time, and came over curiously: "Brother, are you also here for the treasure hunt in the Qingshan Canyon?"

"Yeah." Qin Lang didn't say much, and nodded when he was eating.

"It seems that our goal is the same. If we don't have time to enter the canyon, let's form a group, so there will be one more support." The female cultivator used her spiritual sense to sense Qin Lang's cultivation, but Qin Lang's cultivation was not enough. Knowing what was shielding her, she actually had a feeling that she couldn't see through.

"This, let's talk about it when we get inside!" Qin Lang didn't nod, nor shook his head. He still has big troubles to solve after he leaves Canglong Town, and he doesn't want to implicate this female cultivator anymore. Although Gui Guixiu is not afraid of himself, he is not an easy character to provoke. If this female cultivator is tricked by him, he will feel very sorry.

However, this female cultivator didn't think so, and thought that Qin Lang agreed.She said happily: "That's it! Get to know me, my name is Chang Qian...or no, Chang Qing! You can call me Chang Qing, I don't know what my name is..."

"I...Qin Lang." Qin Lang was speechless, he really wanted to slap this self-confident girl unconscious, when did he agree to form a team with her.


Another day passed, and this night, Qin Lang went out of the inn door and started to go out of the town alone. Under the night, the bright moon was rising little by little, but it hadn't reached the sky yet.

It is said that only when the bright moon is in the middle of the sky, the canyon restriction of Qingshan Gorge will be completely opened. At that time, monks who go to Qingshan Gorge to hunt for treasure will have the opportunity to enter the canyon.

When Qin Lang left the town, he found that there were quite a lot of monks going to Qingshan Gorge along the way, forming a long dragon one after another, with at least 4 to [-] monks.

Of course, not all of these 4 or [-] people will be able to enter the canyon. I heard that there are many restrictions in the Qingshan Gorge. Break through the small restrictions on the inner circle and go deep into the canyon.

Because of the rising moon, the road is full of moonlight, and the mountain road is also extremely bright.

And when Qin Lang left the city, he also found that the group of ghost cultivators who were watching him were chasing after him one by one. He also sneered in his heart at this time, just afraid that you don't come, don't blame me for playing you to death later!

In all fairness, it is really not easy for Qin Lang to deal with this whole team of high-level ghost cultivators alone. They are all ghost cultivators above the late Yuanying stage. It should not be a big problem for him to kill one or two alone, but he wants to kill these It is very difficult to catch all the ghost cultivators in one go. After all, these ghost cultivators have hands and feet and know how to hide and escape, and among them there is an existence with the same level of cultivation as myself in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

Now Qin Lang's idea is to attract this group of ghost cultivators into a closed space, so that they can't escape even if they want to escape, and then use the terrain to disappear them one by one.

And within the canyon of Qingshan Gorge, it should be a good choice. Qin Lang saw that this group of ghost cultivators looked fearless, and he probably had the same idea as himself, so it happened to be a fight to the death in the canyon.

"Hey! Hey! Dude, wait for me..." At this time, a voice came from behind, and it was the Xibei guy named Chang Qian, or not, Chang Qing, chasing after him.

The female cultivator in disguise finally caught up and complained: "Didn't we agree to form a canyon together? Dude, why did you leave without saying a word? Here, here's this for you..." As she spoke, she handed it to the canyon. Qin Lang is a small jade bottle.

"Huh?" Qin Lang opened the small bottle and found that it was not a pill, but a fishy unknown liquid.Suddenly, his heart moved: "This is..."

"I don't know! Let me tell you, this is the urine of the eighth-level winged tiger! Brother, you are lucky to meet me, otherwise, if you are entangled by the demon bear while hunting for treasure in the canyon, I am afraid that you will not be able to get rid of it." At that time, don't talk about treasure hunting, whether you can save your life or not... After all, although the eighth-level demon bear king in Qingshan Gorge is gone, there are still more than 20 descendants of the sixth and seventh levels!"

Looking at the female cultivator Changqing's triumphant smile, Qin Lang looked thoughtful at this moment, the urine of the eighth-level winged tiger is probably not something that the female cultivator in front of me can get by herself, it seems that this female cultivator The power behind is not easy!

At a glance, Qin Lang, who originally wanted to get rid of the female cultivator and act alone, suddenly changed his mind, and really had a thought of teaming up with the female cultivator.Hehe, I hope that this female cultivator named Changqing will not complain that she is dragging her down when she encounters troubles.

A long procession drove towards Qingshan Gorge. In fact, Qingshan Gorge was only about 50 miles away from Canglong Town, which is not too far away. Therefore, after more than an hour, many monks had already arrived outside the canyon.

At this time, the bright moon was in the sky, it was the half of a month, and there was a crackling sound on the surface of the entire Qingshan Canyon, and the whole huge mountain split into two halves, forming a huge gap, which was the entrance and exit of Qingshan Gorge A symbol of the natural opening of the forbidden portal.

"Go! Go in..." Many monks became excited at this time. There are not only treasures in this Qingshan Gorge, but also the inheritance of the fallen Dzogchen monk Xie Jiandi in the late stage of transformation of gods. Although I don't know if it is true or not, but The Demon Bear King was indeed the former demon pet of the Evil Sword Emperor, this point was confirmed by Master Hei Nu, the national teacher of Zhanlan Kingdom.

It was also Master Hei Nu, the national teacher of the Zhanlan Kingdom, who confirmed it, so the monks of the Zhanlan Kingdom's transformation into gods have never troubled this eighth-rank demon bear king.

Otherwise, since this powerful monster is so close to the territory of Canglong Town, it is a huge threat to the entire Canglong Town. I am afraid that many years ago, the cultivators of the Zhanlan Kingdom should have considered how to kill or expel this powerful monster... …

After all, the Demon Bear King who used to be the demon pet of a powerful human monk is very different from ordinary eighth-order monsters. The Qingshan Canyon has stayed there for 3 to [-] thousand years, but it has not come out, and it can be seen from scratching the nearby human towns.

At this time, the monks who went to the Qingshan Canyon to enter the treasure hunt began to file in, and entered the forbidden portal that was cracked on the mountain wall. At this time, Qin Lang and the female cultivator Changqing also followed the large army into it, and found that although the portal was a cave environment, but there are lights shining everywhere, and there is a huge resistance coming from the inside of the canyon. This resistance is constantly pushing the monks out like the wind. In fact, it is difficult for monks with weaker strength and cultivation to go against This resistance moves forward.

At this time, among the [-] to [-] monks who went to the Qingshan Canyon, many monks whose cultivation level was not enough to reach the Nascent Soul stage were stuck in this level, unable to make any progress at all, and kept wandering in the cave. They couldn't move, and many monks' faces were flushed, and there was nothing they could do.

(End of this chapter)

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